Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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So why did it take weeks to arrest the rapist when he was known? Any explanation?
Short answer? Because it took that long for Fox News to question why there were no police reports and arrests - there was no intention on reporting or arresting a 27 year old criminal alien child rapist in the the sanctuary city of Columbus, Ohio. The police report only came from the questions from Fox News.

Here's the basic flow and timeline, in my opinion, as I see it:

May 12, while the child was still 9, was the last time, out of at least two times Fuentes admitted to having sex with her, that the mother sold her daughter to Fuentes.

June 22, forty-one days after the last rape,the mother realizes her little money maker is pregnant. She doesn't report the crime of rape to the police; she goes to the child care services and applies for medical care for her pregnant daughter - not for an abortion but for medical care. She is able to name the rapist in her benefits application. There appears to be no record of a police report at this point, in spite of the MSM claims to the contrary. No arrest is made. Child welfare did not obey the law that requires them to investigate the rape explicitly in partnership with law enforcement within 24 hours.

Benefits in hand, mother goes to the doctor and the doctor realizes that me has to end this pregnancy because he doesn't want to have to report a child rape. Apparently it was after June 24 when the girl gets to the doctor because the doctor is in a panic about referring the child for an abortion so he calls a well known abortionist in Indiana, one who has a track record of failing to report child pregnancies so he thought he would be safe.

Little did the Ohio doctor know, but Dr. Caitlin Bernard, the Indiana abortion enthusiast, loves the camera far more than she loves little girls and Guatemalan rapists. On July 1, Bernard violates her medical ethics and HIPAA by taking the story to the press.

Between July 1 and July 11, generally everyone believed the story but some had questions about the single source. Still no police investigation and no arrest of the known rapist. The girl's story was repeated over and over again by politicians advocating for the 99%+ of abortions that don't involve child rape but not one Democrat or MSM person was asking where and who was the rapist. No one actually cared about the girl; they cared only about leftist women's right to have recreational sex without consequences.

Finally, on July 11, Jesse Waters, followed by Tucker Carlson and then Sean Hannity, and perhaps the next two Fox talking heads but I don't listen to them, all asked the obvious question: with Ohio and Indiana's laws requiring doctors and caregivers to report any child abuse, including sexual abuse and rape, to child welfare services or local law enforcement and the law that requires child welfare services to being an investigation, specifically partnering with law enforcement, within 24 hours of learning of the rape, where is the investigation?

Fox researched it, called the Ohio AG, several law enforcement agencies, and abortion clinics in Ohio and not a single one of them knew of an active case of a raped 10-year-old. But now the news was out and the coverup exposed.

On July 12, suddenly, the known rapist is arrested. I will bet money that the sworn records, especially when questioned in a court room, will show that no state or local law enforcement was engaged before July 12. Once engaged, since the rapist was known to the mother, he was easily arrested as a coverup to the failure to report over the last 2 months.
You don't have any legal right to that information unless it is disclosed by the individual.
Not true. We get specific detailed stories of the things that happen to illegal immigrants on the border all the time, including children. We just don't get pictures of the children or their families and we don't get the child or family's names.

I know you're excited about the possibility that we won't get the details because it's necessary to protect your agenda of protecting criminal aliens as well as your agenda to support ripping unborn babies apart limb by limb while in the mother's womb before sucking them out with the Eureka, but you're still wrong.
That she was raped by an illegal immigrant pisses off the Right.
How sad for every 10-year-old girl in the western hemisphere, even the world, that you have confessed openly the statement above doesn't piss off the left. You're one sick mother fucker.
The part about a ten year old having to leave her state to get an abortion pisses off the Left.

That she was raped by an illegal immigrant pisses off the Right.

Like I said. Something to piss off everyone.

Except she didn't have to leave her State for an abortion. That was a lie cooked up by the media and the Left.
This thread highlights how much this site needs a reaction worse than "dislike" - something that shows just how completely a post disgusts us.
How sad for every 10-year-old girl in the western hemisphere, even the world, that you have confessed openly the statement above doesn't piss off the left. You're one sick mother fucker.
Stop twisting my words, fucktard.

10 year olds are raped every day. By their fathers, uncles, brothers, baby sitters, cousins. It just doesn't make the news that often.

But you can be sure the right wing propagandists will hype the shit out of this particular rape, purely because it was an illegal.
Stop twisting my words, fucktard.

10 year olds are raped every day. By their fathers, uncles, brothers, baby sitters, cousins. It just doesn't make the news that often.

But you can be sure the right wing propagandists will hype the shit out of this particular rape, purely because it was an illegal.

Fact Check douchbag: The Right did not hype this. The Progressive Left violated a 10 year old girls HIPPA privacy rights to try and score political points. They hyped it, lied, and lost along with the girl who's rights they violated.
This is a slap in the face for the authoritarian right.That 10 year old slut has made fools of them.
She still isnt entitled to shit in backward Ohio.
wow. You're just about as disgusting a human being as I can imagine.

The story makes fools of the abortion doctors, in Ohio and Indiana. It makes fools of the child welfare service in Ohio. It makes fools of those who create or support sanctuary cities. It makes fools of the main stream media, of the President, and of you.
Fair enough. I was not concerned with the timing of his entry (and, in turn, who to "blame"), I was concerned with the fact that the POS is an illegal alien and should not be here at all.
So you're OK with questioning the date if it let's the left blame Trump? How is that fair enough?

Trump was doing all he could to stop sucking Central American women and little girls into the rape march through Mexico. He got Mexico to actually enforce their own southern border. He tried to build a wall here to stop illegal immigration.

The left and RINO republicans fought him at every turn, in the Congress and the Courts.

It doesn't matter when the rapist came in but it would be interesting in that it might help highlight the damage to children of Biden's policies but, no matter when he came in, it highlights the evil in the leftist and RINO policies to knowingly suck women and children into rape traps.
Not true.
It's true. PII (personally identifiable information) like the former commenter demands from the individual in the article isn't legal unless said individual chooses to disclose this information.
I know you're excited about the possibility that we won't get the details because it's necessary to protect your agenda of protecting criminal aliens as well as your agenda to support ripping unborn babies apart limb by limb while in the mother's womb before sucking them out with the Eureka, but you're still wrong.
Sure. Whatever turns your crank, magaturd. :cuckoo:
It was a couple days before

The DCS made a report and the AG didnt check it. The child abuse doctor apparently didnt report it.

I hope they investigate this further!
I fixed the "long after" to "2 days before". You grabbed the quote faster than I could fix it. But you're right.

But, DCS didn't make the required report to law enforcement; that's probably not a lie on your part; it's simply ignorance. Neither DCS nor the doctor reported to the police.
I am VERY anti-illegal. VERY.
You have no idea how long he has been here.
You keep talking about how long he's been here. I never said a word about how long he's been here. I don't care if he's been here 27 years. What difference does it make? I know you're hoping to blame Trump but that doesn't work. Trump didn't invite him here.
Now we know. A little due diligence never hurts. So, blaming Biden is moot.
Biden was VP during Obama's presidency. Not in charge but still influential.

Blaming Democrat policies is not moot and, last I checked, Obiden is still a Democrat.
Someone should sue to see the emails and texts of the doctor. The possibility that this was a manufactured news story, is very high imo.
The only doctor was the doctor in Indiana who performed the abortion. There is some question about why the children's services worker didn't get a doctor in Ohio.
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