Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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All this arrest does is allege that an illegal taco raped a 10 year old. It does nothing to factually bolster the allegations behind the abortion scheme.
If this is, in fact,m true, the perpetrator should be executed.

Pro-life zealots should admit that this is one of those cases where their insistence on "no exemptions" is a disgusting stance to take.

They won't, though. They're too chickenshit...
Actually I'm ok with it. I think we should have 2 abortions in this case. The baby and the father.0
EvilCat Breath

That reminds me of a bible verse...

New Living Translation
If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead.
Proverbs 26:27

we;re seeing a lot of this aren't we.
Yes. Just not enough to turn the evil tide. There is a reason why sex crimes against children carry, or should carry, draconian penalties. The child has no way out that does not carry heavy penalties. Far worse than any adult would have to pay.
They overturned a case that gave individuals rights. They made the law. NORMALLY they don't take away personal rights ... in fact, they've never done it before ... unless you had a right to segregated school

Yeah, they did. Look at the democrat party Supreme Court and Dredd Scott

And the court didn’t take any Right away from anyone….you twit…they stated the states have authority in making the laws on this
Wrong as always.

The deleted a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right.

But you are so ignorant, you don't even know what that means.

Nope….the court, in their role as interpreters of the Constitution said it wasn’t… and simply said if you want to kill babies you have to do it through the states
Nope….the court, in their role as interpreters of the Constitution said it wasn’t… and simply said if you want to kill babies you have to do it through the states
Wrong as always. It was a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right. But you are too ignorant to understand those words.
I don't believe putting a 10 \year old through an abortion is better than taking care of her putting her in a loving kind gentle environment and allowing the baby to be born.

you know how that baby would be born? that 10 year old would be cut open & the baby taken outa her ... more than likely premature, because a 10 year old's uterus & pelvic cavity is not fully grown to accommodate a full term baby.

Matter of my mind i think it would be worse.

you're an idiot.
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