Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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If this is, in fact,m true, the perpetrator should be executed.

Pro-life zealots should admit that this is one of those cases where their insistence on "no exemptions" is a disgusting stance to take.

They won't, though. They're too chickenshit...
And this is the kind of story which kind of justifies my opposition to any anti-abortion law that fails to take into consideration the facts such as rape, invest or the age of the mother, etc.
Sorry, but then you didn't read the story and are falling for the false narrative presented to you.
How many times in this thread does someone have to say that the Ohio AG said the exception would have applied due to her age?? So their law DOES consider age etc.
By now people should know not to listen to the main stream media and expect that they are telling the truth.
How many lies do they have to tell before people learn this???
Sorry, but then you didn't read the story and are falling for the false narrative presented to you.
How many times in this thread does someone have to say that the Ohio AG said the exception would have applied due to her age?? So their law DOES consider age etc.
By now people should know not to listen to the main stream media and expect that they are telling the truth.
How many lies do they have to tell before people learn this???

It would be quite interesting if this issue, turned out to be manufactured for political purposes. Never let the rape of a child go unexploited. I could see libs going that route.
Guess it wasnt made up
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
I like how your MSM story fails to mention he is an illegal immigrant.

That means the rape is on you open border types.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source told Fox News Digital on Wednesday that Gerson was in the United States illegally from Guatemala.
Sorry, but then you didn't read the story and are falling for the false narrative presented to you.
How many times in this thread does someone have to say that the Ohio AG said the exception would have applied due to her age?? So their law DOES consider age etc.
By now people should know not to listen to the main stream media and expect that they are telling the truth.
How many lies do they have to tell before people learn this???
Yep. Leftist friend of mine stated similar things for this garbage in the state I live in. I told him not to believe me or the MSM, and emailed him the actual document from the state, so he could read it and see it first hand.
It's obvious you have no idea when that guy came into the US. Am I right?
Who cares when he came in; it is leftist and RINO policies that allowed him to come in. It is not conservative, it is not Trump, policies that brought the guy in. Remember when you and the left called Trump a racist for saying they were bringing rapists into the country? He was accused, falsely, of saying all brown people were rapists.
It would be quite interesting if this issue, turned out to be manufactured for political purposes. Never let the rape of a child go unexploited. I could see libs going that route.
They DID go that route.
It is sick that the liberal media all used this little girls horrific rape to push a false narrative about abortion.
Not one of them gave two shits about her ordeal. Not one.
They made the story out that driving a couple hours to get an abortion was the worst thing that happened to her.
Which, we know, she did not have to do. Ohio exceptions would have allowed her to get the abortion in Ohio

Yeah right
Who cares when he came in; it is leftist and RINO policies that allowed him to come in. It is not conservative, it is not Trump, policies that brought the guy in. Remember when you and the left called Trump a racist for saying they were bringing rapists into the country? He was accused, falsely, of saying all brown people were rapists.

Go back and watch Trump's speech on the escalator.
Fuck off you POS.
I get that a lot on here. Because when you're defeated with the facts and my amazing talent in delivering them, there's just nothing left in your toolkit except, "Fuck off you POS".

I would take it as a compliment but you're so easily defeated compared to some others on here that I just can't take much gratification in your defeat.
You embarrass yourself with your deplorable behavior.
You’re welcome.
I know you won't believe this but I am pro-choice with limited restrictions (no 3rd trimester abortions).

But how the Left used this young girl sickens me. You can make your point without lying or violating the privacy rights of a 10 year old.

I agree with you.
If this is, in fact,m true, the perpetrator should be executed.

Pro-life zealots should admit that this is one of those cases where their insistence on "no exemptions" is a disgusting stance to take.

They won't, though. They're too chickenshit...
Who, ever, has said no exceptions? Please provide links or your admission that it's a lie.
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