Arrest the judge

What can't be settled? Democrats are correct in pointing out this decision was extraordinary for a Federal judge to intervene. And many Republicans agree.

A federal judge’s extraordinary decision Monday to interject in the criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s hoarding of sensitive government documents at his Florida residence showed unusual solicitude to him, legal specialists said.

Oh cry me a river snowflake. This is to make thethe fbi cannot try to set Trump up the way they did with the fake Russian collusion hoax.
It will go the the Atlanta court of appeals if they do appeal, and 6 of the 11 judges there were appointed by Trump. We are seeing a servitude to Trump along legal, as well as political lines, by his cult.
I firmly believe there are Prog judges who will send Repub voters to concentration camps to be killed.
All is needed is the direction by the politicians.
It will go the the Atlanta court of appeals if they do appeal, and 6 of the 11 judges there were appointed by Trump. We are seeing a servitude to Trump along legal, as well as political lines, by his cult.
So when the dems violate the Law and Trump judges say NO, that's bad?
But when Comey says Hillary shouldn't be prosecuted for her illegal bathroom server, that's good?
Your "servitude" statement needs to be replaced with "follows the Law".
I have more faith then that. Given the circumstances I could see a SM in a limited capacity. But anything that drags their ability to review docs and pursue other errant docs will be appealed quickly.
Good luck with that...The whole warrant would be brought into question at that point, given SCOTUS caselaw the whole search would get tossed out.
The panty raid gathered hundreds of documents without classified markings. Would this be tax records, medical records and newspaper clippings?
WTF? She is entitled to rule the way she rules. If it stands then everyone will be entitled to an appointed special master to review material seized in lawfully executed search warrants.

Be that as it may, this will resolve through the courts and we will accept the results.
review material seized in lawfully executed search warrants.
NO..... This was not a lawfully executed search warrant. IT was a general warrant which is forbidden by the Fourth Amendment. A special master is used whenever there is question in a prosecutor's ability to be impartial. There is massive evidence of the FBI and DOJ manipulation, criminal acts and inability to be impartial.
WTF? She is entitled to rule the way she rules. If it stands then everyone will be entitled to an appointed special master to review material seized in lawfully executed search warrants.

Be that as it may, this will resolve through the courts and we will accept the results.
Agreed. Even though she has shown "unusual solicitude", that is her prerogative.
Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.
Who needs Islamic Terrorists when you have leftist Democrats running around your country?

These lying fucks think it's okay to look the other way when their leaders are abusing their authority and committing criminals acts just to keep the people they hate from winning elections.
These people have lost their sense of right and wrong.
Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.
A Trump appointed judge is kissing his fat ass

Former Attorney General William Barr, a former Trump ally, was asked for his opinion about the argument for a special master. “I think it’s a crock of s---,” he said, adding, “I don’t think a special master is called for.”
The idea that executive privilege is even at play in this case is genuinely weird. At issue are documents that belong to the federal government, not to Trump. What’s more, the former president is a private citizen with no executive authority, so he can’t exert power he doesn’t have to hold materials that aren’t his.

Cannon’s often dubious legal conclusions add up to a political win for Trump and dangerous precedent for our criminal justice system.

Legal experts have told NPR that requesting a special master is another attempt from Trump to undermine the work of the Justice Department and question their integrity. But others have argued that it will just be another procedural loophole the department has to go through during their investigation into the documents.
I firmly believe there are Prog judges who will send Repub voters to concentration camps to be killed.
All is needed is the direction by the politicians.
Hell. There are activist lawyers that post on Twitter that state as much.
Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.
You see, this is the difference between the patriotic left and the psycho-babble right, whereas you, to this day, refuse the results of the election, we liberal left do not like the decision, but we accept it and move on.
Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master.
Tough, Fuck 'em all.

Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.
Toooo Bad. Let them eat stale cake.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.
No one is giving them any choice.
Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.

A reminder that Judge Cannon never should have taken this case. It was in the hands of the magistrate judge, she was picked by Trump’s lawyers solely because she was a Trumpist, in a jurisdiction nowhere near Mar-a-Lago.

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