Arrest the judge

A reminder that Judge Cannon never should have taken this case. It was in the hands of the magistrate judge, she was picked by Trump’s lawyers solely because she was a Trumpist, in a jurisdiction nowhere near Mar-a-Lago.

The magistrate REPORTS TO HER... She is also responsible if that magistrate is violating the law. Guess what, SHE IS DOING HER JOB>>>!!!! you mad about that bro?

The magistrate was reported for ETHICAL VIOLATIONS OF CONDUCT. I would jump on this hard too...

How can Trump, who is a private citizen, have the executive privilege to withhold documents from the sitting executive branch?
How can a sitting president revoke a former president's Executive privilege that he invoked?

That certainly sets a bad precedent for going forward.

It's never happened before, AFAIK.
How can Trump, who is a private citizen, have the executive privilege to withhold documents from the sitting executive branch?
Its not a specious claim, its has a basis in Law.

"A former president certainly can try to make a claim of executive privilege, but it's still the case that the sitting president has the constitutional authorities and also the constitutional responsibilities to judge whether that claim is appropriate or not," Schmitt said.

Yes a Trump appointed judge can make a ruling.
That judge was approved by the senate.
If she makes a bad decision appeal it. See who wins.
it certainly was extraordinary, but then again we haven’t had stalinist tactics by. white house for a political raid
I'd like to see that be the first and last time something like that happens in America.

You know the FBI already took pictures of everything, including Trumps lawyer-client privileged documents.
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How can a sitting president revoke a former president's Executive privilege that he invoked?

That certainly sets a bad precedent for going forward.

It's never happened before, AFAIK.
Now even Biden, when he leaves office, will no longer have executive privilege. I wonder if his home will be raided one week after leaving office? The precedent is set..
"A former president certainly can try to make a claim of executive privilege, but it's still the case that the sitting president has the constitutional authorities and also the constitutional responsibilities to judge whether that claim is appropriate or not," Schmitt said.
And that ain't happening
I suspect the warrant is about to be quashed as illegal. The impropriates of this judge's recusal and then sudden inclusion in a Trump case has caused him to be sent for ethics violation investigation. I have a feeling that this case is very soon destined for the dustbin of history.
What are you blathering about? The warrent has already been executed and the evidence found supports its validity
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What did you do? Give tax cuts to the rich? Fuck you!

Total failure on your part. Really ducks and runs again. Man, you sure crumpled easy. Considering the rich pay nearly all of the taxes, pretty hard not to give them a tax break while giving the poorest among us tax breaks as well as Trump gave to ALL despite the fact that the poor pay little in taxes.

So to the question of just what is so "patriotic" about Biden's agenda, YOU GOT NOTHING. :71:
I got the answer right here............

View attachment 692478

I got one for ALL DemonicRats
I didn't see that part about "ALL DemonicRats", I don't agree with that.

Some people just don't know any better. And really, all the media propaganda and Big Tech censoring doesn't lend itself to them learning any better. Many have been denied pertinent information for them to make decisions for themselves.
Total failure on your part. Really ducks and runs again. Man, you sure crumpled easy. Considering the rich pay nearly all of the taxes, pretty hard not to give them a tax break while giving the poorest among us tax breaks as well as Trump gave to ALL despite the fact that the poor pay little in taxes.

So to the question of just what is so "patriotic" about Biden's agenda, YOU GOT NOTHING. :71:
That's a no-brainer. There is NOTHING. It's like this Trump Witch Hunt: You can't come up with what isn't there.
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Claiming that Trump has executive privilege that protects him from scrutiny by the EXECUTIVE BRANCH is just mind boggling
Life sucks and then you die.
You can't change the rules just because you don't like them.
All presidents have had that your Dementia patient has communists running his White House and he lets them pull him on a chain with a nose-ring.
They're breaking the law and the courts are having to deal with them. Course it takes time to do so thru the courts.

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