Arrest the judge

Do please give us a short list of the major things the Left have done these past 20 months which are patriotic!
The first thing that came to mind is establishing the 1/6 committee. But there are others. Passing HR-1 which includes election protections. Naturally blocked by Senate Repubs. Voting out Trump. Passing climate change legislation, obviously. This...........
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A Trump appointed judge is kissing his fat ass

Yeah, faggot, as if people hadn't seen enough Cookies disclaimers in their lives, you had to copy one and post it here.
What is Executive Privilege?

The doctrine of executive privilege defines the authority of the President to withhold documents or information in his possession or in the possession of the executive branch from compulsory process of the legislative or judicial branch of the government. The Constitution does not expressly confer upon the Executive Branch any such privilege, but it has been claimed that the privilege derives from the constitutional provision of separation of powers and from a necessary and proper concept respecting the carrying out of the duties of the presidency imposed by the Constitution.
Life sucks and then you die.
You can't change the rules just because you don't like them.

Donald Trump’s camp has yet to say whether he’ll try to use executive privilege to disrupt the Justice Department’s grand jury investigation into attempts to overturn the 2020 election. But if he does, it could be a very short fight.

A series of court rulings prompted by Trump’s effort to stymie the House Jan. 6 select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol sharply rejected Trump’s bid to wield the power as a former president. In fact, the Supreme Court agreed that Trump’s effort to assert privilege would have failed even if he were the sitting president, effectively granting the committee access to Trump’s White House papers.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and former President Donald Trump are locked in a long running dispute over records taken from the White House in January 2021. According to a NARA May 2022 letter and more recent reporting, the agency went back and forth with Trump’s lawyers about “missing Presidential records” throughout 2021 and well into 2022. In January 2022, Trump transferred 15 boxes of records from Mar-a-Lago to NARA.

It’s an exchange that may now also be relevant to Trump’s asking a federal district court in Florida to appoint a Special Master to filter out documents subject to “executive privilege.”

The May letter establishes a timeline showing how Trump and NARA have tussled over the documents and reveals the former president raised the possibility that executive privilege would block their review by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. But NARA rejected the executive privilege argument and shared the documents with the FBI. Below I discuss the statutory and constitutional framework for assessing Trump’s dispute with NARA regarding FBI access to the 15 boxes and explain why from a legal and constitutional standpoint NARA was not only justified in denying Trump’s assertion of executive privilege. It really had no choice in the matter.

You knew this was coming... This judge stopped the drip, drip, drip, leaking in favor of the dim wits to hurt Trump politically. It also stopped the use of information they were gleaning about Trumps personal affairs that they had no propagable cause to take or use against him. This Judge put the brakes on their corrupt game. Now they are pissed about it. That is why they are screaming like the little bitches that they are.

They had no problem using a judge who just six weeks prior recused himself from anything Trump related because in his own words "I cannot be impartial where Trump is concerned". That was ok because it fit their plan and dogma, never mind it violates Judicial Cannon and Ethical conduct... Not to mention he green lighted a warrant that violates the Fourth Amendment. Criminal acts are OK if they give democrats the edge.. The ends Justify the means.. That is why bloodshed is the only way to stop these radicals.

Democrats see laws as impediments to their power and that is why they ignore them. We must play by their rules and that will end in blood shed. Its way past time to take the gloves off and fight fire with fire.
Maybe someone should just "grab her by the pussy" huh?

Apparently you MAGAts are ok with that right?
A reminder that Judge Cannon never should have taken this case. It was in the hands of the magistrate judge, she was picked by Trump’s lawyers solely because she was a Trumpist, in a jurisdiction nowhere near Mar-a-Lago.

Hey dumbfuck: What does that magistrate do on a daily basis?
And yet you have no problem using a judge that recused himself just six weeks prior for his inability to remain impartial... Signing a warrant that was a general warrant, which violates the Fourth Amendment.... GO fuck yourself you are a two-faced political hack.
Quit yer WHININ Karen!
Yeah, faggot, as if people hadn't seen enough Cookies disclaimers in their lives, you had to copy one and post it here.
Looks like I rattled your cage with that one. Now wipe the spit off of your chin and explain just what you are bloviating about. The fact that you have to call me a faggot shows that you have the emotional intellegence of a 10 year old special ed student
And yet you have no problem using a judge that recused himself just six weeks prior for his inability to remain impartial... Signing a warrant that was a general warrant, which violates the Fourth Amendment.... GO fuck yourself you are a two-faced political hack.
When and how did you get to see the full, unredacted affidavid of probable cause? And the warrent was anything but "general"
Executive Privilege...and the protections of the 4th Amendment from illegal searches from political opponents.
Remember when Trump tried to claim EP before and Biden denied it? He can do that because the head of the executive branch gets to decide what is covered under EP.

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