Arrest the judge

No, just the only one that keeps hundreds of classified documents and thousands of presidential document both which are the property of federal government.
Your proof and link both seem to be missing. No surprise.
Qualifies as almost totally false. Obama did not take any presidential documents from the White House. The documents and artifacts went to Chicago NARA storage facility. The Obama foundation asked for all Obama presidential documents to digitized them for the presidential library. However NARA did not want to do that so the NARA took responsibility for digitizing and indexing and the foundation paid for it. As of last year the foundation has not received the records.
You are such a liar it’s pathetic. There is no NARA supervision of the 30 million documents Obozo STOLE. His “foundation“ has sole control and denies any and all access. He’s spent over $20 million fighting FOIA requests for those documents.
Get the fuck over this Hunter Biden bullshit! You people keep falling back on tht shit inorder to divert attention away from Trumps indefensible behavior
Fuck you asshole. We will continue to bring up your Lord and Master Pedo Peter’s incestuous pedo actions, as well as his crackhead kid’s illegal activities that directly benefited the “Big Guy”. We see what you support and it marks you......
uh-huh. i'm not a (D) , so you fail outa the gate, alphabet.

besides every legal constitutional expert saying a collective 'wtf ' re: her decisions.... starting with her 'inclination' to get a special master for donny - she declared her propensity before even hearing what the FBI's reply would be ... per protocol.

so there is that... BUT since she decided to go ahead & show how she's bought off - her 'reason' is due to executive priviledge (that donny lost the day HE lost) ...

BUT if it IS due to an 'executive branch' reason ... then THAT DECISION needs be made in DC, from a DC circuit federal judge.

alan dooshewitz ?

lol ...
Poor lying drunk. Dershowitz laid out the reasons this decision was correct and it will stand. Hey dumbfuck, she was put on the bench after Pedo Peter took office with a dozen Dems approving. So your lie is exposed. You don’t want the truth revealed. Too bad retard.
Typing letters in the upper case proves nothing.
But Boasberg also said he agreed with a prior finding by the Justice Department Inspector General that Clinesmith and other FBI officials’ actions were not motivated by political bias, and he believed Clinesmith’s contention that he thought, genuinely but wrongly, the information he was inserting into the email was accurate.
There is no indication Clinesmith's error had a bearing on the approval of the warrant one way or the other. The matter was pursued so Durham would have something to show for 3 years of futility.

Amazing how you folks get your shorts in a bunch over this but see nothing wrong with Trump stealing classified docs and hiding them from the DoJ.
1. Clinesmith pleads GUILTY to falsifying evidence used to obtain a FISA WARRANT. No excuses.
We know the Obama FBI from Comey, to McCabe, to Page, to Strzok, to Priestap, etc. HATED Trump, and Strzok said "Trump won't be president, we'll stop him". That proves political bias, no matter how the IG lied.

2. I'm no Trump fan, especially for his being "careless" with classified documents. However, I'm sure he had no "intent" to break any laws. I'm also sure no prosecutor would bring charges...
If the stuff is so classified you cannot convince me that more than a dozen people have had eyes on the documents.
Nope....these leaks are sanctioned by the Attorney General.
It's been few years since I have handled classified documents but as I remember the document is stored in an enveloped that has classified printed on the front and the classified level, Top Secret, Secret, etc is on front of the envelope. And I believe there is a warning not to open if you do not have the clearance. Also, there is control number for documents.

There is also a code that provides additional information on the document. That information code varies with agencies but all of the codes identify the source of the document. I don't remember all codes but there is one that indicates that the document is not for viewing by foreign nationals. Anther code indicates information collected from human sources, etc.

So without violating security, anyone can look at envelope and tell where it came from and usually a code that provides more information about the kind of information inside.
Or she was stating that the 4th Amendment still means something even though the FBI and the DOJ has become a fascist arm of the Democrat Party.
The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

This search warrant is creation not unreasonable. The DOJ creations hundreds of search warrants a year, an none of them
Yep...way too broad and not specific at all. All of that snappy word salad but no substance.

Any judge with any integrity at all would have rejected the application and told them to narrow the search to classified material that wasn't properly stored or was evidence of a crime.
And they also wouldn't have allowed them to go rummaging thru their bedrooms and their sock drawers looking for passports, tax returns, or medical records.

And also...the judge would have required proof that the president hadn't offered to turn the stuff over willingly because this search would create a slippery-slope issue and established a horrible precedent. They had to have established that a crime had been committed which these Bozo's can't. They only can attested to their malice and their hatred for a political opponent.

The problem with all of this is no non-biased judge would have granted such a search.
Not only did they grab everything they claimed was government property but they stole personal items and trashed the place in the process. I'm sure right now they're going thru all of that material looking for any evidence Trump had that implicates Biden, Hillary, Obama, Comey, and everyone else involved in Crossfire Hurricane.
As long as the search warrant has the correct address to be search and there is cause in the warrant for the search and items to seized, the warrant will stand. Search warrants do not require the probable cause that arrest warrants require. Search warrants only require reasonable information to support the possibility that the evidence of illegality will be found.

The DOJ have created over 621 search warrants in 2021. Of those, 210 cases have come trial to. Of those cases not one search warrant has been found illegal. Of those 210 cases, there were been 36 pretrial hearing to dismiss evidence from searches. Of those only 7 dismissed any evidence from seizures.

The DOJ knows how to create search warrants and the FBI knows how to execute them. The chance of the Trump's defense team getting any evidence excluded is poor and the chance of getting all evidence excluding is about zero.
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1. Clinesmith pleads GUILTY to falsifying evidence used to obtain a FISA WARRANT. No excuses.
We know the Obama FBI from Comey, to McCabe, to Page, to Strzok, to Priestap, etc. HATED Trump, and Strzok said "Trump won't be president, we'll stop him". That proves political bias, no matter how the IG lied.

2. I'm no Trump fan, especially for his being "careless" with classified documents. However, I'm sure he had no "intent" to break any laws. I'm also sure no prosecutor would bring charges...
There is never intent to break the law. The intent is perform certain actions and law enforcement determines that those actions are illegal.
It's been few years since I have handled classified documents but as I remember the document is stored in an enveloped that has classified printed on the front and the classified level, Top Secret, Secret, etc is on front of the envelope. And I believe there is a warning not to open if you do not have the clearance. Also, there is control number for documents.

There is also a code that provides additional information on the document. That information code varies with agencies but all of the codes identify the source of the document. I don't remember all codes but there is one that indicates that the document is not for viewing by foreign nationals. Anther code indicates information collected from human sources, etc.

So without violating security, anyone can look at envelope and tell where it came from and usually a code that provides more information about the kind of information inside.

The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

This search warrant is creation not unreasonable. The DOJ creations hundreds of search warrants a year, an none of them

As long as the search warrant has the correct address to be search and there is cause in the warrant for the search and items to seized, the warrant will stand. Search warrants do not require the probable cause that arrest warrants require. Search warrants only require reasonable information to support the possibility that the evidence of illegality will be found.

The DOJ have created over 621 search warrants in 2021. Of those, 210 cases have come trial to. Of those cases not one search warrant has been found illegal. Of those 210 cases, there were been 36 pretrial hearing to dismiss evidence from searches. Of those only 7 dismissed any evidence from seizures.

The DOJ knows how to create search warrants and the FBI knows how to execute them. The chance of the Trump's defense team getting any evidence excluded is poor and the chance of getting all evidence excluding is about zero.
Fuck you. Clearly you're a government agent sent here to trash Trump. I've seen fuckers like you time and time again on here because these pricks always seem to know more than they should know.

I was a certified COMSEC custodian when I was in my first MOS.
There is no way Trump took a bunch of TOP SECRET documents. They had to have been planted them in his boxes when he left the White House.

The fact remains that the search never should have been attempted in the first place. The administration that is calling us fascist are the only fascists in Washington. This is how they deal with political opponents. Pretty soon they'll be murdering them. They had ample opportunity to deal with this in a rational manner but chose to act like the thugs they are.

The problem we seem to be dealing with is that since Obama took office he has been exploring loopholes in the government, in the constitution, and in the NSA....doing everything he could to weaken us from the inside. He spoke of this on occasion.
He ordered this raid. They could have resolved this issue without breaking down a former president's door, but Obama is a communist that taught constitutional law....and he didn't like following the law or what he called "messy Democracy".
They don't believe in it. Do as you're told or we'll make you.

Well....there was no stealing going on. The NARA knew what he had and knew where it was.
The only stealing that went on was when the FBI stole Trump's personal property and broke into his empty safe.
After all....where did they get the idea that files where missing if they hadn't looked at everything earlier this year.
Knowing someone stole your car and were they keep it doesn't mean it wasn't stolen... duh. And someone probably told them were they were being kept. That would explain the reporting that Trump was trying to figure out who the "rat" was.
There is never intent to break the law. The intent is perform certain actions and law enforcement determines that those actions are illegal.
Bullshit. Hillary clearly broke the law, many laws. Her illegal bathroom server, destroying subpoenaed evidence, etc.
1. Okay, so Alan says a special master is "essential" and Tribe says its "laughably bad". So to break the tie I'm putting up Jonathan Turley, Georgetown Law Professor, who supports the special master.

okey dokey.

“I happen to think the decision is the correct one,” said Turley on Monday. “I think the most important thing that comes out of this decision is to offer some reassurance to millions of Americans about the purpose of the raid and also the handling of these documents. Many people do believe this was pretextual or political. This will help reassure them to some degree. You’ll have an independent person look at these classifications (and) make recommendations as to what can be returned.”

DOJ says ne'eh. hence their appeal. a 24 page appeal.

2. The DNI needs to review the classified docs to see if anything was compromised.

& the DOJ.

The DOJ would be looking thru the unclassified documents, many of which they are NOT allowed to see, such as Attorney-Client privileged docs, Hippa docs, and J6 fishing expedition docs.
they had a filter team from the start. some FBI agents had to get further EXTRA security to even view the stolen files donny had.

their appeal, submitted last night - is willing to go for a special master to have/review/give back to donny all the files & docs not labeled 'classified' because anything marked as such automatically falls outa the lawyer/crook CONfidentiality claim. they are giving donny's judge until thursday to respond favorably or they are going over her head. she in turn is passing that to trump's lawyers for their response first.

stay tuned, alphabet. btw, that last sentence is unworthy of my response.

3. Tick-Tock. November is coming.

you mean roevember.

female body vote.jpg

Then January and the GOP calls the shots in the House and possibly the Senate. Can't wait to see the real J6 investigation, and probably Impeachment trials.


Poor lying drunk. Dershowitz laid out the reasons this decision was correct and it will stand.

we have until thursday to see what happens.

Hey dumbfuck, she was put on the bench after Pedo Peter took office

it was days after yer pussy grabbing chosen one lost bigley.

november 12, 2020.

with a dozen Dems approving.

Vote Summary

Question: On the Nomination (Confirmation: Merrick Brian Garland, of Maryland, to be Attorney General )
Vote Number: 114
Vote Date: March 10, 2021, 02:15 PM

Required For Majority: 1/2
Vote Result: Nomination Confirmed

Nomination Number: PN78-7
Nomination Description: Merrick Brian Garland, of Maryland, to be Attorney General
Vote Counts:



Grouped By Vote Position
YEAs ---70
Baldwin (D-WI)
Bennet (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Blunt (R-MO)
Booker (D-NJ)
Brown (D-OH)
Burr (R-NC)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Capito (R-WV)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Cassidy (R-LA)
Collins (R-ME)
Coons (D-DE)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Cortez Masto (D-NV)
Duckworth (D-IL)
Durbin (D-IL)
Ernst (R-IA)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hassan (D-NH)
Heinrich (D-NM)
Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Hirono (D-HI)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Johnson (R-WI)
Kaine (D-VA)
Kelly (D-AZ)
King (I-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Lankford (R-OK)
Leahy (D-VT)
Lujan (D-NM)
Manchin (D-WV)
Markey (D-MA)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Moran (R-KS)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Ossoff (D-GA)
Padilla (D-CA)
Peters (D-MI)
Portman (R-OH)
Reed (D-RI)
Romney (R-UT)
Rosen (D-NV)
Rounds (R-SD)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Sinema (D-AZ)
Smith (D-MN)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Tester (D-MT)
Thune (R-SD)
Tillis (R-NC)
Van Hollen (D-MD)
Warner (D-VA)
Warnock (D-GA)
Warren (D-MA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

So your lie is exposed. You don’t want the truth revealed. Too bad retard.

Fuck you asshole. We will continue to bring up your Lord and Master Pedo Peter’s incestuous pedo actions, as well as his crackhead kid’s illegal activities that directly benefited the “Big Guy”. We see what you support and it marks you......
Kid, your foul mouth and ad hominems do not become you. Neither does it make you sound smart, competent or bolster you defense of Trump

When you people constently revert to whatever you can dig up on Biden, Clinton, or Obama, when you repeatedly employ charges of pedophilia, crack head, or commie and such you are employing a logical fallacy which is always a last desperate attempt to hide the fact that you do not actually have a valid argument

In this case you are using a appeal to hypocrisy fallacy by implying that those calling out trump on his transgressions are hypocrits for givings others a pass on the real, or mostly made up crimes

Appeal to Hypocrisy: the Tu Quoque Fallacy - Home For …

Dec 27, 2018 · As with all fallacies, the Appeal to Hypocrisy is an attempt to ameliorate one’s argument with parameters that do not stand the test of argumentation and logic. Generally speaking, a person committing a fallacy
Try,just one to defend trump with an actual argument while keeping a civil tongue in you head. Maybe someone will take you seriously


  • 1662734345479.jpeg
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It's been few years since I have handled classified documents but as I remember the document is stored in an enveloped that has classified printed on the front and the classified level, Top Secret, Secret, etc is on front of the envelope. And I believe there is a warning not to open if you do not have the clearance. Also, there is control number for documents.

There is also a code that provides additional information on the document. That information code varies with agencies but all of the codes identify the source of the document. I don't remember all codes but there is one that indicates that the document is not for viewing by foreign nationals. Anther code indicates information collected from human sources, etc.

So without violating security, anyone can look at envelope and tell where it came from and usually a code that provides more information about the kind of information inside.

The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

This search warrant is creation not unreasonable. The DOJ creations hundreds of search warrants a year, an none of them

As long as the search warrant has the correct address to be search and there is cause in the warrant for the search and items to seized, the warrant will stand. Search warrants do not require the probable cause that arrest warrants require. Search warrants only require reasonable information to support the possibility that the evidence of illegality will be found.

The DOJ have created over 621 search warrants in 2021. Of those, 210 cases have come trial to. Of those cases not one search warrant has been found illegal. Of those 210 cases, there were been 36 pretrial hearing to dismiss evidence from searches. Of those only 7 dismissed any evidence from seizures.

The DOJ knows how to create search warrants and the FBI knows how to execute them. The chance of the Trump's defense team getting any evidence excluded is poor and the chance of getting all evidence excluding is about zero.
The staged photo of the covers has no markings of any kind no code. Not even initials of who handled the vital secrets. The covers looked unused. Either the FBI brought the folders with them or someone shoved a bunch of empty folders in the box.
Or she was stating that the 4th Amendment still means something even though the FBI and the DOJ has become a fascist arm of the Democrat Party.
Funny how the fascists on the left don't like being called what they are. They have no problem calling moderates in America far-right radicals....even though the only far-right in America resides in their party in the Lincoln Project and the in Islamic terrorist supporters. The Democrat Party is on the fringe while most of America is in the center.
The staged photo of the covers has no markings of any kind no code. Not even initials of who handled the vital secrets. The covers looked unused. Either the FBI brought the folders with them or someone shoved a bunch of empty folders in the box.
They just took a bunch of empty folders and spread them on the floor and took a photo designed to prejudice the public against Trump. It's just more of the same silly shit they pulled on two impeachments and those Soviet style Jan 6th hearings. It's all just a Kabuki Dance for the edification of the public.
okey dokey.

DOJ says ne'eh. hence their appeal. a 24 page appeal.

& the DOJ.

they had a filter team from the start. some FBI agents had to get further EXTRA security to even view the stolen files donny had.

their appeal, submitted last night - is willing to go for a special master to have/review/give back to donny all the files & docs not labeled 'classified' because anything marked as such automatically falls outa the lawyer/crook CONfidentiality claim. they are giving donny's judge until thursday to respond favorably or they are going over her head. she in turn is passing that to trump's lawyers for their response first.

stay tuned, alphabet. btw, that last sentence is unworthy of my response.

you mean roevember.
1. Turley said that the DOJ seriously overreached with that warrant. We'll see how the appeals go...

2. We'll see who wins the appeal the DOJ or Dershowitz/Turley/Cannon/Trump.

3. The judge said that the DOJ could NOT review ANY documents until after the special master reviewed and separated them.

4. A "DOJ filter team", consisting of Trump haters and liars who probably planted fake evidence. No one trusts the DOJ or FBI anymore.

5. Appeals and legal battles getting interesting already. Today is Thursday, so I have no clue how Trump's lawyers will respond. Its in Trump's interest to delay the DOJ as long as possible. So I'll bet that Trump's lawyers ask Judge Cannon to let the case go up over her head.

6. Roevember? You mean "inflation" November. You mean "wrong track" November. You mean "referendum on Joe Biden" November, You mean "open borders" November. You mean "racist policies" November (instead of the GOP "color blind" policies). You mean "grocery store" November (seen food prices lately). You mean "lawless streets" November. You mean "parental rights" November (like in VA & NJ elections). Abortion isn't the top voter concern...not even close...

You call me alphabet, ever seen the movie: "The Usual Suspects"?
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Funny how the fascists on the left don't like being called what they are. They have no problem calling moderates in America far-right radicals....even though the only far-right in America resides in their party in the Lincoln Project and the in Islamic terrorist supporters. The Democrat Party is on the fringe while most of America is in the center.


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