Arrest the judge

1. We will see. Not my decision.

2. There’s no such thing as personal presidential records. There’s personal records. There’s presidential records. Trump was keeping presidential records that he had no legal right to retain.

3. It’s just indicating his bias. It doesn’t make him right. Unbiased legal experts come to far different conclusions.

2. Read the fucking link...Judge Jackson says there certainly are:
Judge Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records.

2. Read the fucking link...Judge Jackson says there certainly are:
Judge Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records.

2. The idea that these highly classified documents could be personal records is clearly absurd. It’s so absurd that Trump has not claimed any such thing despite having opportunity to do so.

Personal presidential records is an oxymoron. The decision differentiates personal records and presidential records.

3. Just pointing out that relying on Alan and only Alan is foolish.
2. The idea that these highly classified documents could be personal records is clearly absurd. It’s so absurd that Trump has not claimed any such thing despite having opportunity to do so.

Personal presidential records is an oxymoron. The decision differentiates personal records and presidential records.

3. Just pointing out that relying on Alan and only Alan is foolish.

2. You're assuming than none of the classified documents were declassified. I'm not assuming that. For example, I know that Trump declassified all documents relating to FBI Operation Crossfire-Hurricane, Operation Crossfire-Razor, and to the Mueller Investigation. So the claim that ALL classified documents are government secrets is flat WRONG. What if Biden wanted those documents destroyed to protect the Obama administration's illegalities?
So IMHO some classified documents can be personal records, especially since Trump used a memo to declassify them, and they contain no government secrets, just government wrongdoing. (but the classified markings were not removed)

Trump could call certain documents "personal" even though the NA might consider them "presidential". I agree its an oxymoron to combine the terms. I just wanted to distinguish between obvious "personal" and disputed personal/presidential records, like Clinton's tapes. The Judge said they were presidential records, but Clinton's personal property.

3. Stop with Alan. APPEAL IT OR STFU.
2. You're assuming than none of the classified documents were declassified. I'm not assuming that. For example, I know that Trump declassified all documents relating to FBI Operation Crossfire-Hurricane, Operation Crossfire-Razor, and to the Mueller Investigation. So the claim that ALL classified documents are government secrets is flat WRONG. What if Biden wanted those documents destroyed to protect the Obama administration's illegalities?
So IMHO some classified documents can be personal records, especially since Trump used a memo to declassify them, and they contain no government secrets, just government wrongdoing. (but the classified markings were not removed)

Trump could call certain documents "personal" even though the NA might consider them "presidential". I agree its an oxymoron to combine the terms. I just wanted to distinguish between obvious "personal" and disputed personal/presidential records, like Clinton's tapes. The Judge said they were presidential records, but Clinton's personal property.

3. Stop with Alan. APPEAL IT OR STFU.
Trump hasn’t asserted that any of these are personal. He hasn’t asserted that any of these are declassified. You only have hypotheticals. I’m talking reality.

The PRA defines presidential records. Anything that COULD have been labeled classified would fit into this definition. The PRA defines personal documents as anything that isn’t presidential records. That’s why it’s an oxymoron. These are mutually exclusive. The PRA defines presidential records and personal records. There’s no such thing as personal presidential records.

Yes. Stop with Alan. That’s what I think every time I see someone use him as a credible source.
1. So you're a communist, my bad.


Your politics still sucks.


2. LIAR. You didn't post ANY real constitutional expert opinions, you just type lies.

i never said i did. what i SAID was THEY SAID it's a whacked move on the judge's part.

3. Alan D was a Harvard LAW Professor, a real "legal constitutional expert", not the unnamed liars in the MSM.

lol ... okey dokey.

Aileen Cannon Decision to Give Trump Special Master 'Utterly Lawless'—Tribe​


Laurence Tribe, professor emeritus of constitutional law at Harvard University, tweeted that Cannon's decision was "utterly lawless" and that she has "disgraced her position as an Article III judge."

Tribe's post was in response to a tweet from Andrew Weissmann, a former DOJ prosecutor. It read that Cannon's decision now puts the DOJ in an "untenable position" of appealing a "plainly wrong decision and enduring the unknown delay that entails OR just trying to speed though the Spec Master process."

A number of other legal experts have condemned Cannon for intervening in the criminal investigation while citing disputed reasoning of executive privilege.
Aileen Cannon decision to grant Trump special master "utterly lawless"—Tribe

4. The judge's order stands, sucks to whine about it, maybe the DOJ should just appeal it?

perhaps they will.

5. LOL! You can't keep having bullshit "DC Grand Juries" made up of low-IQ democrats who do whatever they're told.

nobody said anything about a grand jury, jr.

Trump can appeal all the way up to the USSC if he needs to. That should take a good long time.

not as long as you might think. tell me, jr - why did the corrupted judge pause the DOJ's investigation until a special master is appointed
( names are coming tomorrow ) whilst allowing the DNI to continue their assessment of just how dangerous donny's theft is?

you do know BOTH the DOJ & the DNI fall under the executive branch .... right? so answer how come.

Way past when the GOP takes the House back.

lol ... good luck with that & even more luck with the senate.

6. Donny skates again! LOL!!

donny couldn't bend over to tie any skates; let alone actually get on the ice.
Her unprecedented decision to stop the investigation over a small number of documents the DoJ team has already tagged for segregation, while courts have consistently ruled Trump has no legit EP claims as a former prez, EP claims being the purview of the current prez, makes her ruling transparently biased and outside the law.

AND the DNI is going right ahead with its investigation.

but not the DOJ. hmmmmmm..... why that be?
1. You didn't answer the question as to what harm could happen if the "special master" reviews the documents and separates them legally?

2. What specific documents was the warrant supposed to collect? There were zero specific documents described as "evidence" of a crime. The FBI was to collect all documents. If you don't believe me, tell me which documents were excluded from the warrant.

3. Yes it makes Alan right. Protecting our rights from a partisan DOJ/FBI, who already confessed to falsifying evidence in FISA warrant applications, "essential".

the receipt detailing what was found is the evidence. along with pics of the evidence that donny was not suppose be in possession of. & surveillance footage.

why did team trump lie & say that's all there was & signed off on that declaration when it was a lie?

why did donny first say it was a hoax?

then the feds planted it?

then everything that was seized beonged to him?

then it was all declassified?

& the latest was along the lines of how he thought biden was gonna destroy it?

LOL!!!! can you answer any of that?
2. You're assuming than none of the classified documents were declassified. I'm not assuming that. For example, I know that Trump declassified all documents relating to FBI Operation Crossfire-Hurricane, Operation Crossfire-Razor, and to the Mueller Investigation. So the claim that ALL classified documents are government secrets is flat WRONG. What if Biden wanted those documents destroyed to protect the Obama administration's illegalities?
So IMHO some classified documents can be personal records, especially since Trump used a memo to declassify them, and they contain no government secrets, just government wrongdoing. (but the classified markings were not removed)

Trump could call certain documents "personal" even though the NA might consider them "presidential". I agree its an oxymoron to combine the terms. I just wanted to distinguish between obvious "personal" and disputed personal/presidential records, like Clinton's tapes. The Judge said they were presidential records, but Clinton's personal property.

3. Stop with Alan. APPEAL IT OR STFU.

he is not allowed BY LAW to be in any possession of TS/SCI intel relating to anything of the nuclear nature; let alone 'declassify'. it simply cannot be done.
Like most Liberals you have no sense of humor, but you are unintentionally hilarious at times. :auiqs.jpg:
Apparently, for Trumpleton's, all one needs to do to prove a point is add an emoji. It's often used as a substitute for the kind of thoughtful rebuttal they are incapable of making.
i never said i did. what i SAID was THEY SAID it's a whacked move on the judge's part.

Aileen Cannon Decision to Give Trump Special Master 'Utterly Lawless'—Tribe​

Laurence Tribe, professor emeritus of constitutional law at Harvard University, tweeted that Cannon's decision was "utterly lawless" and that she has "disgraced her position as an Article III judge."
Tribe's post was in response to a tweet from Andrew Weissmann, a former DOJ prosecutor. It read that Cannon's decision now puts the DOJ in an "untenable position" of appealing a "plainly wrong decision and enduring the unknown delay that entails OR just trying to speed though the Spec Master process."
A number of other legal experts have condemned Cannon for intervening in the criminal investigation while citing disputed reasoning of executive privilege.
Aileen Cannon decision to grant Trump special master "utterly lawless"—Tribe
perhaps they will. nobody said anything about a grand jury, jr.

2. not as long as you might think. tell me, jr - why did the corrupted judge pause the DOJ's investigation until a special master is appointed ( names are coming tomorrow ) whilst allowing the DNI to continue their assessment of just how dangerous donny's theft is? you do know BOTH the DOJ & the DNI fall under the executive branch .... right? so answer how come.

lol ... good luck with that & even more luck with the senate.

donny couldn't bend over to tie any skates; let alone actually get on the ice.
1. Okay, so Alan says a special master is "essential" and Tribe says its "laughably bad". So to break the tie I'm putting up Jonathan Turley, Georgetown Law Professor, who supports the special master.

“I happen to think the decision is the correct one,” said Turley on Monday. “I think the most important thing that comes out of this decision is to offer some reassurance to millions of Americans about the purpose of the raid and also the handling of these documents. Many people do believe this was pretextual or political. This will help reassure them to some degree. You’ll have an independent person look at these classifications (and) make recommendations as to what can be returned.”

2. The DNI needs to review the classified docs to see if anything was compromised. The DOJ would be looking thru the unclassified documents, many of which they are NOT allowed to see, such as Attorney-Client privileged docs, Hippa docs, and J6 fishing expedition docs.

3. Tick-Tock. November is coming. Then January and the GOP calls the shots in the House and possibly the Senate. Can't wait to see the real J6 investigation, and probably Impeachment trials.
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2. Read the fucking link...Judge Jackson says there certainly are:
Judge Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records.

There is no comparison between tapes of a conversation with a historian and classified documents.

The 10-year-old court ruling, issued by U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson, rejected arguments by a conservative watchdog group that sought access to dozens of tapes recorded by Mr. Clinton and historian Taylor Branch during his administration.

Don't be such a transparently desperate clown.
the receipt detailing what was found is the evidence. along with pics of the evidence that donny was not suppose be in possession of. & surveillance footage.
why did team trump lie & say that's all there was & signed off on that declaration when it was a lie?
why did donny first say it was a hoax?
then the feds planted it?
then everything that was seized belonged to him?
then it was all declassified?
& the latest was along the lines of how he thought biden was gonna destroy it?
LOL!!!! can you answer any of that?

1. The illegal search warrant didn't specify exactly what evidence the FBI was to collect. To take every paper in the house is illegal. The affidavit should have shown evidence of a crime, and that said evidence had to be collected ASAP before it was destroyed. The warrant was illegal, signed by a biased magistrate.

2. The special master will sort thru the bullshit.

This is a good read. It shows how the Biden DOJ & Trump "negotiated"...
he is not allowed BY LAW to be in any possession of TS/SCI intel relating to anything of the nuclear nature; let alone 'declassify'. it simply cannot be done.
I agree. You have proof he did have any of those? Leaks by "people that know" don't count.
But they searched everywhere.....and the warrant wasn't specific to what could be taken....only saying that anything and everything Trump had in his possession...including his medical records, tax returns, and passports....none of which they had the right to take.
I think you'll find both location of search and items to be seized in the warrant are specific.

Most search warrants specify just the address of the residence, the actual dwelling and any out buildings and items to be seized are categorical. This warrant specifies the residence and excludes areas rented or occupied by guests and items are more specific than most warrants.

The items to be seized are justified in the cause for the search in the warrant which is mostly redacted. However, judging from the warrant and what has been released, the warrant is specific to documents that are evidence of violation of the specified statutes, documents that are marked classified along with boxes and associated documents as to how the documents got to the residence. Also all presidential records are to be sized. Everything listed to be seized is government property, and evidence related to how they got to Mar A Lago or violations of the statues.

From the warrant, these are areas to be searched:
The locations to be searched include the "45 Office," all storage rooms, and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate. It does not include areas currently (i.e., at the time of the search) being occupied, rented, or used by third parties.

From the warrant, these are the items to be seized:
All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 2071 , or 1519, including the following:
a. Any physical documents with classification markings, along with any containers/boxes (including any other contents) in which such documents are located, as well as any other containers/boxes that are collectively stored or found together with the aforementioned documents and containers/boxes;
b. Information, including communications in any form, regarding the retrieval, storage, or transmission of national defense information or classified material;
c. Any government and/or Presidential Records created between January 20, 2017, and January 20, 2021; or d. Any evidence of the knowing alteration, destruction, or concealment of any government and/or Presidential Records, or of any documents with classification markings
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There is no comparison between tapes of a conversation with a historian and classified documents.

The 10-year-old court ruling, issued by U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson, rejected arguments by a conservative watchdog group that sought access to dozens of tapes recorded by Mr. Clinton and historian Taylor Branch during his administration.

Don't be such a transparently desperate clown.
It’s not even binding precedent.

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