Arrest the judge

The evidence collected will still be admissible as long as law enforcement behaved properly throughout the search and performed the search as indicated in the warrant. They cannot engage in other misconduct or make obvious mistakes during the process that a reasonable, well-trained officer would not make. This is known as good faith exception to the 4th amendment. Prior to the Supreme Court decision in State v. Leon, in 1980, the smallest error in a warrant such as a typo, a missing page number, or referring to a kitchen as a kitchen dinette resulted in many criminals being freed.
The 4th Amendment says otherwise.
An ILLEGAL warrant is one thing, a typo in a good warrant is totally different.
We're debating without actually seeing the affidavit the warrant is based on.
Was the biased magistrate even qualified to approve the warrant?
Makes absolutely no sense. This sounds like a false story invented by the FBI.
Anyone who had wanted to destroy a document wouldn't have left any evidence of it behind.
We've been hearing about Trump tearing up docs and staff having to desperately tape them back together to satisfy records preservation regs for some time
Who knows who ripped them or if there was any ripped in the first place.
You just pointed out one of the major problems here.

Anyone could have had access to these docs. Good job
We've been hearing about Trump tearing up docs and staff having to desperately tape them back together to satisfy records preservation regs for some time

You just pointed out one of the major problems here.

Anyone could have had access to these docs. Good job
Both lies. Only reason this is happening now and not right after Trump left office is because Biden made running against Trump a priority for the mid-term election.

This is how the left operates.
They can't win unless they lie about who they run against.
Why is that?
Because most Democrats are lousy leaders with bad histories.
They can't win....because they suck.
Ask anyone who lives in one of their cities.
They have to lie and cheat to win elections.
They typical tactic these days is accuse their opponent of crimes....and try to get them disqualified.
Both lies. Only reason this is happening now and not right after Trump left office is because Biden made running against Trump a priority for the mid-term election.

This is how the left operates.
They can't win unless they lie about who they run against.
Why is that?
Because most Democrats are lousy leaders with bad histories.
They can't win....because they suck.
Ask anyone who lives in one of their cities.
They have to lie and cheat to win elections.
They typical tactic these days is accuse their opponent of crimes....and try to get them disqualified.
Your response to everything is

I hate Democrats

Lies. Obama has 30 million of them he still hasn't returned.
You need to stop before you become a damned joke.

Every GD president keeps copies of said documents to put in their presidential library.

Now don't tell me that Trump is the only motherfucker that does it.
You have already become a joke! Where do you get this shit from??
But wasn't mentioned until after the raid. Ripped files was just a predicate to a false claim of obstruction. Who knows who ripped them or if there was any ripped in the first place.
The point should be why is it that evidence of Hunter Biden selling and using Crack Cocaine and having sex with underage hookers was covered up by the well as proof that Joe Biden was dealing with Ukraine and China illegally is being covered up..but some silly mishandling of documents by Trump is supposedly a major matter of national fucking security.
Get the fuck over this Hunter Biden bullshit! You people keep falling back on tht shit inorder to divert attention away from Trumps indefensible behavior
Get the fuck over this Hunter Biden bullshit! You people keep falling back on tht shit inorder to divert attention away from Trumps indefensible behavior
They've got nothing else and that was SUPPOSED to guarantee a Trump victory
Get the fuck over this Hunter Biden bullshit! You people keep falling back on tht shit inorder to divert attention away from Trumps indefensible behavior think that messy paperwork is a felony yet you think selling out your country to Ukraine and China is just a minor detail while selling and using Crack Cocaine, and fucking under age prostitutes isn't a crime.


This is TheProgressivePatriot in a nutshell:

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What’s Happening:​

Democrats are defending the unprecedented raid on Trump’s home. They claim the 45th president “violated” the law by taking documents with him from the White House.

They neglect the fact that Trump had been cooperating with the government. They even advised him on adding locks to his storeroom.

And now, people are asking why they didn’t do this to Obama—even though he took millions of documents with him.

From New York Post:

Oh, how interesting!

Barack Obama took with him 30 million pages of documents with him when he left office. Historians were “outraged” over this move.

Yet Obama claimed he was allowed to, citing the very law Democrats are saying Trump broke.

Obama promised he’d “digitize” all these files and make them available to the National Archives.

Yet it’s been over five years since he left office and not one of those files is available online.

Despite all this, the FBI did not think it was necessary to raid Obama’s home or office.

So, let’s stop pretending this is really about classified documents.

This raid came just days before Trump was set to testify before New York’s AG. And this raid coincided with rumors that Trump would announce his 2024 plans by the end of the Summer.

The raid also comes as Americans prepare for a big election season, one in which Trump has been endorsing numerous candidates.

Hmm… do you think this raid has to do with a few boxes of documents, or as a means of framing Trump in some way?

We can’t say for certain—but the fact Obama was allowed to take 30 million pages with him speaks volumes.

Key Takeaways:​

  • Obama took 30 million pages of documents from the White House.
  • His office has yet to digitize them, despite promises to the National Archives.
  • The FBI never investigated Obama nor raided his home or office.
1662643774524.png think that messy paperwork is a felony yet you think selling out your country to Ukraine and China is just a minor detail while selling and using Crack Cocaine, and fucking under age prostitutes isn't a crime.


This is TheProgressivePatriot in a nutshell:

The subject is TRUMP! Deal with it!
You post like a low-IQ democrat.

uh-huh. i'm not a (D) , so you fail outa the gate, alphabet.

You type lies with no proof. How does it feel to be that fucking stupid?

besides every legal constitutional expert saying a collective 'wtf ' re: her decisions.... starting with her 'inclination' to get a special master for donny - she declared her propensity before even hearing what the FBI's reply would be ... per protocol.

so there is that... BUT since she decided to go ahead & show how she's bought off - her 'reason' is due to executive priviledge (that donny lost the day HE lost) ...

BUT if it IS due to an 'executive branch' reason ... then THAT DECISION needs be made in DC, from a DC circuit federal judge.

Here is a Harvard Law professor's expert opinion. A special master is absolutely essential. The judge is right.

alan dooshewitz ?

lol ...
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