Arrest the judge

Counting the FBI, there are 113,000 employees in DOJ and everyone has heard something or talk to someone who did. So there is going be leaks, most of them nonsense
If the stuff is so classified you cannot convince me that more than a dozen people have had eyes on the documents.
Nope....these leaks are sanctioned by the Attorney General.
No, just the only one that keeps hundreds of classified documents and thousands of presidential document both which are the property of federal government.
Lies. Obama has 30 million of them he still hasn't returned.
You need to stop before you become a damned joke.

Every GD president keeps copies of said documents to put in their presidential library.

Now don't tell me that Trump is the only motherfucker that does it.
According to the Director of National Achieves, they received 30 boxes of which 15 had classified documents in January 2021. A number of Presidential Documents had been redacted, some were torn up and had to be pieced back together and other were totally destroyed.
If there was a real attempt to destroy any documents it would have been done using a paper shredder or by burning.
This flimsy excuse that some of them were torn up and could be taped together is just another fake story leaked to the press.
Hillary bleach-bit her servers and smashed her cell phones with hammers.
The tearing up BS is just an attempt to accuse Trump of the same thing.
Federal Search warrants are very rarely thrown out. And this one won't be since the AG was involved. There will almost certainly be a pretrial hearing in which the defense will attempt to block as many documents as possible. The primary reason items are disallowed is that the recovery was outside the bounds of the warrant. However the bounds of this warrant is very wide.
I doubt this makes it to pretrial.
Yeah, but what happens when the search warrant is ruled illegal, and the "evidence" collected illegally is thrown out?
What happens when you grow a brain?

Answer...get back to us when either happens
Yeah, but what happens when the search warrant is ruled illegal, and the "evidence" collected illegally is thrown out?
The evidence collected will still be admissible as long as law enforcement behaved properly throughout the search and performed the search as indicated in the warrant. They cannot engage in other misconduct or make obvious mistakes during the process that a reasonable, well-trained officer would not make. This is known as good faith exception to the 4th amendment. Prior to the Supreme Court decision in State v. Leon, in 1980, the smallest error in a warrant such as a typo, a missing page number, or referring to a kitchen as a kitchen dinette resulted in many criminals being freed.

What’s Happening:​

Democrats are defending the unprecedented raid on Trump’s home. They claim the 45th president “violated” the law by taking documents with him from the White House.

They neglect the fact that Trump had been cooperating with the government. They even advised him on adding locks to his storeroom.

And now, people are asking why they didn’t do this to Obama—even though he took millions of documents with him.

From New York Post:

Oh, how interesting!

Barack Obama took with him 30 million pages of documents with him when he left office. Historians were “outraged” over this move.

Yet Obama claimed he was allowed to, citing the very law Democrats are saying Trump broke.

Obama promised he’d “digitize” all these files and make them available to the National Archives.

Yet it’s been over five years since he left office and not one of those files is available online.

Despite all this, the FBI did not think it was necessary to raid Obama’s home or office.

So, let’s stop pretending this is really about classified documents.

This raid came just days before Trump was set to testify before New York’s AG. And this raid coincided with rumors that Trump would announce his 2024 plans by the end of the Summer.

The raid also comes as Americans prepare for a big election season, one in which Trump has been endorsing numerous candidates.

Hmm… do you think this raid has to do with a few boxes of documents, or as a means of framing Trump in some way?

We can’t say for certain—but the fact Obama was allowed to take 30 million pages with him speaks volumes.

Key Takeaways:​

  • Obama took 30 million pages of documents from the White House.
  • His office has yet to digitize them, despite promises to the National Archives.
  • The FBI never investigated Obama nor raided his home or office.
Qualifies as almost totally false. Obama did not take any presidential documents from the White House. The documents and artifacts went to Chicago NARA storage facility. The Obama foundation asked for all Obama presidential documents to digitized them for the presidential library. However NARA did not want to do that so the NARA took responsibility for digitizing and indexing and the foundation paid for it. As of last year the foundation has not received the records.
Qualifies as almost totally false. Obama did not take any presidential documents from the White House. The documents and artifacts went to Chicago NARA storage facility. The Obama foundation asked for all Obama presidential documents to digitized them for the presidential library. However NARA did not want to do that so the NARA took responsibility for digitizing and indexing and the foundation paid for it. As of last year the foundation has not received the records.
That's not at all what has been reported.
One document was torn up in so many pieces that after taping the pieces together there were missing words. Another document was redacted with a marker and words could not be read. I think this qualifies as altering or destroying documents.
Makes absolutely no sense. This sounds like a false story invented by the FBI.
Anyone who had wanted to destroy a document wouldn't have left any evidence of it behind.

I had to destroy sensitive messages when I was in the Army....and we always put them thru a shredder and then burned them and stirred up the ashes. We never flushed them like was first reported by the fake media and ripping them up is a ridiculous attempt at making Trump look guilty of obstruction....which I'm sure will be their entire excuse for an indictment.
It should be thrown out because if you read the US codes it was an illegal search warrant.

Search Warrant Requirements​

Key Fact
A judge or magistrate will issue a search warrant only if an affidavit establishes probable cause,

and the search warrant is sufficiently limited in scope.

The Fourth Amendment itself identifies the criteria for obtaining a lawful search warrant. A police officer, or other official seeking a warrant, must establish probable cause to the satisfaction of a judge, must make an “[o]ath or affirmation” as to the truth of the matters supporting probable cause, and must “particularly describ[e] the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” A search warrant is invalid if it covers too broad an area or does not identify specific items or persons.

How broad the search is depends on the warrant and since we can't read redactions there is no way to tell. I have no doubt that the good faith exception will apply. When the location of evidence is only known to be within the dwelling searching the entire dwelling is not uncommon. However, this search warrant was limited to the Trump residence , offices, and storage areas and exclude the guest areas.
Makes absolutely no sense. This sounds like a false story invented by the FBI.
Anyone who had wanted to destroy a document wouldn't have left any evidence of it behind.

I had to destroy sensitive messages when I was in the Army....and we always put them thru a shredder and then burned them and stirred up the ashes. We never flushed them like was first reported by the fake media and ripping them up is a ridiculous attempt at making Trump look guilty of obstruction....which I'm sure will be their entire excuse for an indictment.
That is how the NARA described damaged documents in the boxes they received in Jan 2022
How broad the search is depends on the warrant and since we can't read redactions there is no way to tell. I have no doubt that the good faith exception will apply. When the location of evidence is only known to be within the dwelling searching the entire dwelling is not uncommon. However, this search warrant was limited to the Trump residence , offices, and storage areas and exclude the guest areas.
But they searched everywhere.....and the warrant wasn't specific to what could be taken....only saying that anything and everything Trump had in his possession...including his medical records, tax returns, and passports....none of which they had the right to take.
But what if the FBI knows the warrant isn't valid?

And what if the FBI did a search and took things they knew they had no right to take?

What you're talking about is a warrant that cops are given and under orders from higher ups that they have no actual knowledge of the particulars. In this case everyone involved knows the situation....and over a dozen FBI agents made whistleblower complaints about the travesty that took place....the illegal activity that took place in Mara-lago during the search.
As long as the FBI executed the warrant as it is writing and follows procedures, the evidence will not be excluded. Warrants out of the DOJ do not get thrown out of court. The problem is almost always in the execution. There will certainly be a pre-trial hearing in which Trump lawyers will attempt exclude items for various reason and some items may be exclude but they will not exclude everything.
That is how the NARA described damaged documents in the boxes they received in Jan 2022
But wasn't mentioned until after the raid. Ripped files was just a predicate to a false claim of obstruction. Who knows who ripped them or if there was any ripped in the first place.
The point should be why is it that evidence of Hunter Biden selling and using Crack Cocaine and having sex with underage hookers was covered up by the well as proof that Joe Biden was dealing with Ukraine and China illegally is being covered up..but some silly mishandling of documents by Trump is supposedly a major matter of national fucking security.
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As long as the FBI executed the warrant as it is writing and follows procedures, the evidence will not be excluded. Warrants out of the DOJ do not get thrown out of court. The problem is almost always in the execution. There will certainly be a pre-trial hearing in which Trump lawyers will attempt exclude items for various reason and some items may be exclude but they will not exclude everything.
There's the rub. The warrant was illegal and the execution was illegal. This is why a large number of whistleblowers have reported illegal actions that took place during the raid to their superiors.

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