Arrest the judge

Every president has a SCIF in their home. Even Biden has one.
You just refuse to believe it.
His SCIF was removed when he left office so those documents could not be protected by being in SCIF after he left office. It doesn't sound they were well protected at all since one group were found in his office and another group was found in a storage closet.
Federal Search warrants are very rarely thrown out. And this one won't be since the AG was involved. There will almost certainly be a pretrial hearing in which the defense will attempt to block as many documents as possible. The primary reason items are disallowed is that the recovery was outside the bounds of the warrant. However the bounds of this warrant is very wide.
Some of the issues with the search warrant are:
the magistrate is biased against Trump and even recused himself recently on a Trump item
a magistrate may not even be qualified to approve a search warrant
the search warrant was too broad, (collect all papers??)it should have been limited for specific documents related to a specific crime
There were attorney-client privileged document
Hippa protected documents
Melania's panties

It was a "fishing expedition" not a search for specific items that are in danger of being destroyed.
The affidavit, if reviewed by a higher court may call bullshit after Clinesmith falsified evidence.
His SCIF was removed when he left office so those documents could not be protected by being in SCIF after he left office. It doesn't sound they were well protected at all since one group were found in his office and another group was found in a storage closet.
You need to provide evidence of this or else I have to consider this a lie.
As of this week they claim that Trump still has a SCIF because of the documents that were in Mara-lago.
They didn't remove the SCIF.
Biden simply took away Trump's need to a fucking asshole.....something that Trump considered doing to Obama but chose not to.
Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.
Any deference to rule of law will be met with calls like this...It's a hallmark of totalitarian regimes throughout history...ANY push back to total state control will be a call to jail their opponents to their plans and deeds....

Realize we are already in a civil war. A cold one.
Any deference to rule of law will be met with calls like this...It's a hallmark of totalitarian regimes throughout history...ANY push back to total state control will be a call to jail their opponents to their plans and deeds....

Realize we are already in a civil war. A cold one.
A Democrat in Las Vegas murdered a reporter because the reporter told the truth. That civil war isn't so cold any more.
A Democrat in Las Vegas murdered a reporter because the reporter told the truth. That civil war isn't so cold any more.
It's no where near the scale the the WokeComm's need it to be at this point if they are to retain their power...
It will go the the Atlanta court of appeals if they do appeal, and 6 of the 11 judges there were appointed by Trump. We are seeing a servitude to Trump along legal, as well as political lines, by his cult.
I certainly hope so.

Long overdue that we beat you communist cucks at your own game.
Dude. We’ve been all through that.

It has nothing to do with anything
Just like Biden flying Hunter into China on Air Force 2 to negotiate financial deals with government owned companies had nothing to do with corruption either.
What if there is a "revolution" and Democrats win? Just because there is a revolution doesn't mean the right will win.
Lets see, most of the food in the country comes from red states, most of the military and veterans come from red states, at least half the military bases are in red states. In a civil war, the blue states look a lot like the Confederacy and the red states look like the Union.
It should be thrown out because if you read the US codes it was an illegal search warrant.

Search Warrant Requirements​

Key Fact
A judge or magistrate will issue a search warrant only if an affidavit establishes probable cause,

and the search warrant is sufficiently limited in scope.

The Fourth Amendment itself identifies the criteria for obtaining a lawful search warrant. A police officer, or other official seeking a warrant, must establish probable cause to the satisfaction of a judge, must make an “[o]ath or affirmation” as to the truth of the matters supporting probable cause, and must “particularly describ[e] the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” A search warrant is invalid if it covers too broad an area or does not identify specific items or persons.

In U.S. v. Leon (1984), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that if the police conduct a search in good-faith reliance on a warrant, the search is valid and the evidence is admissible, even if the warrant was in fact invalid through no fault of the police. Thus if the FBI reasonably relied on a warrant that was later deemed invalid for lack of probable cause or whatever, any evidence they recover is nevertheless admissible in court. As I have said, getting a search warrant thrown out is very difficult, because the FBI would have had screwup the search such as seizing items from an area not in the warrant. However, individual items can be thrown out for a number reasons such as attorney client privilege, executive privilege, etc..

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The area that it covers depends on evidence presented in the warrant and most of that has been redacted.

In U.S. v. Leon (1984), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that if the police conduct a search in good-faith reliance on a warrant, the search is valid and the evidence is admissible, even if the warrant was in fact invalid through no fault of the police. Thus if the FBI reasonably relied on a warrant that was later deemed invalid for lack of probable cause or whatever, any evidence they recover is nevertheless admissible in court. As I have said, getting a search warrant thrown out is very difficult, because the FBI would had screwup the search. However, individual items can be thrown out for a number reasons such as attorney client privilege, executive privilege, etc..'chatWindowLink');
But what if the FBI knows the warrant isn't valid?

And what if the FBI did a search and took things they knew they had no right to take?

What you're talking about is a warrant that cops are given and under orders from higher ups that they have no actual knowledge of the particulars. In this case everyone involved knows the situation....and over a dozen FBI agents made whistleblower complaints about the travesty that took place....the illegal activity that took place in Mara-lago during the search.
September 7, 2022

Bill Barr reveals his true colors...again​

By Rajan Laad

Former attorney general William Barr during an interview on Fox News last week said that if Trump did indeed have a standing order to declassify all documents that he took with him as he left the White House, that would amount to a worse abuse than actually taking the documents.

Barr said the following:
I can't think of a legitimate reason why they should have been could be taken out of the government, away from the government if they're classified. I frankly am skeptical of this claim that "I declassified everything," you know.
If, in fact, he sort of stood over scores of boxes, not really knowing what was in them, and said, "I hereby declassify everything in here" — that would be such an abuse, and that shows such recklessness that it's almost worse than taking the documents.

A federal judge recently granted Trump's request to assign a special master.
U.S. district judge Aileen M. Cannon, from the Southern District of Florida, ordered that an independent third party be appointed to "review the seized property, manage assertions of privilege and make recommendations thereon, evaluate claims for the return of property," and "enjoin[ed] the Government from reviewing and using the seized materials for investigative purposes."

Barr called the order to appoint a special master a "deeply flawed" decision.
The whole idea of a special master is a bit of a red herring. The only documents that have been taken, it seems to me, that there's a legitimate concern about keeping away from the government and insulating the government from, would be documents relating to his private lawyer communications, him as an individual and as outside lawyers[.]

Now Barr is urging the Department of Justice to appeal Judge Cannon's "deeply flawed" ruling.
For the media, this is the gold they dream of: a former Trump Cabinet member attacking him. They carried on with glee.

So what are the facts?
Since most of the warrant, the supporting affidavits, and even the cause for redaction were redacted, the key facts are unclear. Barr was, in other words, engaging in uneducated speculation.
The basic facts we know are the following.
The raid on Trump's house was unprecedented.
If Trump indeed was in possession of documents of such vital national importance, why did the authorities not initiate proceedings to retrieve these documents immediately after Trump departed the White House?
Why did they wait for three months before the midterms to raid Trump's private home?
The New York Post reported that Trump's team was "cooperating fully" with federal authorities to arrange the return of the documents, with the process beginning in May 2021, when it was noticed that some records were missing, and in January 2022, some of the documents were returned.
Then, in June 2022, four top DOJ officials traveled to Mar-a-Lago to speak with Trump's attorneys about the documents. Trump's team showed the government officials where Trump was storing documents — in a basement room.
Why did they not initiate proceedings to retrieve those documents at that time?
Serious questions need to be asked about the raid itself.
Why were Trump's lawyers not allowed to see or obtain a copy of the search warrant and thoroughly review it?
Why were Trump's lawyers prevented from accompanying FBI officials during the raid?
Why did the 30 agents at Mar-a-Lago ask staff to turn security cameras off?
Now about the redactions.
If the reasons for the raid were fair, why did the FBI redact most of the warrant and the supporting affidavits?
The FBI claimed that the redaction was to protect the identities of the officials involved. If safety was the concern, why was the name of former Trump official Kash Patel also not redacted?
Why did a disgraced former FBI official issue a veiled threat against Patel?

Regarding the appointment of a special master, there is no harm in allowing an independent third party to review the seized property.
Now let's look at Barr's tenure as attorney general in Trump's Cabinet.
Barr took over from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and appeared to stand against the swamp. He appeared to steer the Mueller investigation toward completion. He even prepared a summary of the Mueller report that cleared Trump. The Democrats, looking to force Trump out of office, called the summary a misrepresentation while Barr himself was called Trump's lackey.
But beyond this, what concrete actions were taken by Barr's DOJ?
Andrew McCabe confessed to leaking information to the media and lied about it to the FBI. Sessions had fired him for these felonies, but Barr didn't charge him.
During the Mueller probe, the investigators frequently leaked to the press to build the narrative that the walls were closing in on Trump. They also used pressure and intimidation tactics to extract confessions. They also baselessly conducted midnight raids and leaked to the media about it in advance. Barr did nothing to ensure that the rogue elements face the consequences of their actions.
In May 2019, Barr assigned federal prosecutor John Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's 2016 investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
Nothing much has come out of that.

Back in October 2020, The New York Post had carried myriad reports on the shady business dealings of Hunter Biden, enabled by his father Joe Biden. Another report revealed that Hunter Biden's laptop contained emails, text messages, and financial documents that proved that Biden, as vice president, used his influence to reap large profits for his family.
Following the reports, personnel from MSNBC, NBC, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, CNN, and the N.Y. Times made efforts to discredit the story.
Fifty-one former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter claiming that the report looked like "Russian disinformation."
Bill Barr should have asked the DOJ to issue a statement that Hunter was indeed being probed. Barr should have appointed a special prosecutor to look farther into Hunter Biden's shady deals.
Once again, Barr did nothing.
Perhaps Barr feared receiving the backlash James Comey faced when he announced Hillary's probe.
There were serious concerns with the 2020 election. The corporate media and Big Tech suppressed the Hunter Biden scandal. The sacrosanct electoral infrastructure of the 2020 elections was infiltrated by Democrat activists. The Democrats facilitated large-scale mail-in voting with ballots cast long before Election Day in 2020. Mail-in votes are vulnerable to fraud.
Barr should have appointed a special prosecutor to probe the elections.
But once again, he did nothing.
Barr allowed the continuation of the two-tier justice system, one for the Washington Democrat Establishment and another for the rest.
This led some to wonder if Barr was dispatched by the swamp to deceive Trump and his supporters into thinking he stood with them.
Barr certainly said the right things on many occasions. However, his words weren't followed by actions.
Did he chicken out, fearing repercussions from the swamp, or was he threatened, or was it his mission to protect the swamp?
We will never know.
Barr became an ineffective ally, which is often worse than being a sworn enemy. The enemy is doing what is expected by acting against you. But real betrayal occurs when an ally turns into a bystander. Nobody expected Barr to be partisan; he just had to do his job.
Alas, he didn't.
Lets see, most of the food in the country comes from red states, most of the military and veterans come from red states, at least half the military bases are in red states. In a civil war, the blue states look a lot like the Confederacy and the red states look like the Union.
Methinks you are taking way too much for granted. Both superpowers (Russia and the US) couldn't even beat a little rag tag army of Taliban.
Trump simply said whatever he had he de-classifed before he left office.
Biden's communist administration is just trying to reclassify them and make them sensitive so they can frame him again.
A president doing a mass declassification of highly classified documents he has not seen, nor without consulting his security advisors would certainly invite charges under the espionage act.

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