Arrest the judge

Hey dickhead...they've had them for weeks. They already know what was recovered
True. The FBI likely has a team assigned to reviewing the classified data most likely to determine if the contents would support certain charges. With only two or three hundred documents, 2 weeks seems ample time. Most of rest of the information would be presidential documents which they would have little interest in other than noting destruction and damage. So yes they have probably gone through everything but they will need to go back through documents when the prosecutor is drafting charges.

The DOJ also has another source of information, the Intelligence community. They know which classified documents were recovered. and they are reviewing them to determine potential damage and actions to be taken. I'm sure they will be passing information to the DOJ.
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I am not a Democrat. And fuck Alan! He's a major kiss-ass!
Another low-IQ post from a low-IQ democrat.
I posted a link from a Harvard Law Professor explaining the LAW, and you prove how stupid you are.
Maybe you should post in the rubber room, or the flame zone? Its more your level.
True. The FBI likely has a team assigned to reviewing the classified data most likely to determine if the contents would support certain charges. With only two or three hundred documents, 2 weeks seems ample time. Most of rest of the information would be presidential documents which they would have little interest in other than noting destruction and damage. So yes they have probably gone through everything but they will need to go back through documents when the prosecutor is drafting charges.

The DOJ also has another source of information, the Intelligence community. They know which classified documents were recovered. and they are reviewing them to determine potential damage and actions to be taken. I'm sure they will be passing information to the DOJ.
Yeah, but what happens when the search warrant is ruled illegal, and the "evidence" collected illegally is thrown out?
FBI agents with a cooked-up warrant? The SS let them in, begrudgingly, I'm sure.

So now these FBI agents are in possession of things they're not supposed to see, you say? Things several tiers above their pay grade?

This is why things like this should not happen.

Who's to say they won't leak them to a foreign country for lots of money or something? Or maybe a foreign country has leverage on one of them?
All FBI agents are required to have top secret clearance. Some are cleared for SCI documents.
Let’s not kick down Obama’s door because he didn’t steal anything. His documents are in custody of NARA.

What’s Happening:​

Democrats are defending the unprecedented raid on Trump’s home. They claim the 45th president “violated” the law by taking documents with him from the White House.

They neglect the fact that Trump had been cooperating with the government. They even advised him on adding locks to his storeroom.

And now, people are asking why they didn’t do this to Obama—even though he took millions of documents with him.

From New York Post:

At the end of his presidency, Barack Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration’s records to Chicago, promising to digitize them and eventually put them online — a move that outraged historians.
More than five years after Obama’s presidency ended, the National Archives webpage reveals that zero pages have been digitized and disclosed. People can file requests via the Freedom of Information Act (a law Obama helped wreck) to access Obama records, but responses from presidential libraries can be delayed for years, even more than a decade, if the information is classified.
Oh, how interesting!

Barack Obama took with him 30 million pages of documents with him when he left office. Historians were “outraged” over this move.

Yet Obama claimed he was allowed to, citing the very law Democrats are saying Trump broke.

Obama promised he’d “digitize” all these files and make them available to the National Archives.

Yet it’s been over five years since he left office and not one of those files is available online.

Despite all this, the FBI did not think it was necessary to raid Obama’s home or office.

So, let’s stop pretending this is really about classified documents.

This raid came just days before Trump was set to testify before New York’s AG. And this raid coincided with rumors that Trump would announce his 2024 plans by the end of the Summer.

The raid also comes as Americans prepare for a big election season, one in which Trump has been endorsing numerous candidates.

Hmm… do you think this raid has to do with a few boxes of documents, or as a means of framing Trump in some way?

We can’t say for certain—but the fact Obama was allowed to take 30 million pages with him speaks volumes.

Key Takeaways:​

  • Obama took 30 million pages of documents from the White House.
  • His office has yet to digitize them, despite promises to the National Archives.
  • The FBI never investigated Obama nor raided his home or office.
Give me a fucking break! That changes nothing! She did what she did and it was inappropriate

Now you can go slink off but you are too stupid to feel shame
Fuck off ignoramus. Truth hurt your pea brain? Fully appropriate as she has jurisdiction in that area. Cry harder.

What’s Happening:​

Democrats are defending the unprecedented raid on Trump’s home. They claim the 45th president “violated” the law by taking documents with him from the White House.

They neglect the fact that Trump had been cooperating with the government. They even advised him on adding locks to his storeroom.

And now, people are asking why they didn’t do this to Obama—even though he took millions of documents with him.

From New York Post:

Oh, how interesting!

Barack Obama took with him 30 million pages of documents with him when he left office. Historians were “outraged” over this move.

Yet Obama claimed he was allowed to, citing the very law Democrats are saying Trump broke.

Obama promised he’d “digitize” all these files and make them available to the National Archives.

Yet it’s been over five years since he left office and not one of those files is available online.

Despite all this, the FBI did not think it was necessary to raid Obama’s home or office.

So, let’s stop pretending this is really about classified documents.

This raid came just days before Trump was set to testify before New York’s AG. And this raid coincided with rumors that Trump would announce his 2024 plans by the end of the Summer.

The raid also comes as Americans prepare for a big election season, one in which Trump has been endorsing numerous candidates.

Hmm… do you think this raid has to do with a few boxes of documents, or as a means of framing Trump in some way?

We can’t say for certain—but the fact Obama was allowed to take 30 million pages with him speaks volumes.

Key Takeaways:​

  • Obama took 30 million pages of documents from the White House.
  • His office has yet to digitize them, despite promises to the National Archives.
  • The FBI never investigated Obama nor raided his home or office.
You brought your "A" game today!!

What’s Happening:​

Democrats are defending the unprecedented raid on Trump’s home. They claim the 45th president “violated” the law by taking documents with him from the White House.

They neglect the fact that Trump had been cooperating with the government. They even advised him on adding locks to his storeroom.

And now, people are asking why they didn’t do this to Obama—even though he took millions of documents with him.

From New York Post:

Oh, how interesting!

Barack Obama took with him 30 million pages of documents with him when he left office. Historians were “outraged” over this move.

Yet Obama claimed he was allowed to, citing the very law Democrats are saying Trump broke.

Obama promised he’d “digitize” all these files and make them available to the National Archives.

Yet it’s been over five years since he left office and not one of those files is available online.

Despite all this, the FBI did not think it was necessary to raid Obama’s home or office.

So, let’s stop pretending this is really about classified documents.

This raid came just days before Trump was set to testify before New York’s AG. And this raid coincided with rumors that Trump would announce his 2024 plans by the end of the Summer.

The raid also comes as Americans prepare for a big election season, one in which Trump has been endorsing numerous candidates.

Hmm… do you think this raid has to do with a few boxes of documents, or as a means of framing Trump in some way?

We can’t say for certain—but the fact Obama was allowed to take 30 million pages with him speaks volumes.

Key Takeaways:​

  • Obama took 30 million pages of documents from the White House.
  • His office has yet to digitize them, despite promises to the National Archives.
  • The FBI never investigated Obama nor raided his home or office.
You believe Obama took the documents because you read it on the internet?

Do they even have a source for that outlandish claim?
Yeah, but what happens when the search warrant is ruled illegal, and the "evidence" collected illegally is thrown out?
Federal Search warrants are very rarely thrown out. And this one won't be since the AG was involved. There will almost certainly be a pretrial hearing in which the defense will attempt to block as many documents as possible. The primary reason items are disallowed is that the recovery was outside the bounds of the warrant. However the bounds of this warrant is very wide.
Federal Search warrants are very rarely thrown out. And this one won't be since the AG was involved. There will almost certainly be a pretrial hearing in which the defense will attempt to block as many documents as possible. The primary reason items are disallowed is that the recovery was outside the bounds of the warrant. However the bounds of this warrant is very wide.
It should be thrown out because if you read the US codes it was an illegal search warrant.

Search Warrant Requirements​

Key Fact
A judge or magistrate will issue a search warrant only if an affidavit establishes probable cause,

and the search warrant is sufficiently limited in scope.

The Fourth Amendment itself identifies the criteria for obtaining a lawful search warrant. A police officer, or other official seeking a warrant, must establish probable cause to the satisfaction of a judge, must make an “[o]ath or affirmation” as to the truth of the matters supporting probable cause, and must “particularly describ[e] the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” A search warrant is invalid if it covers too broad an area or does not identify specific items or persons.


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