Arrest the judge

In response to the subpoena, Trump turned over 38 documents with classified markings. His lawyer said that was it.

Trump didn’t let the FBI look through anything voluntarily. They had to get a search warrant. When the FBI raided his house, they found over 100 more.

Trump has been lying about this the whole time.

I don't know anything about that, but her "decision", made my Shit List.
nope God's honest truth.
Trump's lawyers said they were shown everything and even offered to allow them to take what they wanted with them when they left the last time, but they instead just told them to put more locks on the shit.
Seems the FBI is changing their story when it suits them.
Wrong. Trump’s lawyers signed a false document claiming there were no other documents on site marked classified and refused to let the government recovery team look any further
Trump's lawyers said they were shown everything and even offered to allow them to take what they wanted with them when they left the last time, but they instead just told them to put more locks on the shit.
And you believed them? Why?
And you believed them? Why?
Why wouldn't I? They haven't been proven to be involved in a massive criminal conspiracy to defraud the president like the Biden Adm and the FBI have in the past.

Trump's lawyers didn't go to Facebook and tell them to censor anything involving Hunter's laptop right before the 2020 election like the FBI has.

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Why wouldn't I? They haven't been proven to be involved in a massive criminal conspiracy to defraud the president like the Biden Adm and the FBI have in the past.
Because they’re proven liars and you recommend against believing proven liars.

When did they claim that they showed the FBI everything? Can you provide a source for that?
Why wouldn't I? They haven't been proven to be involved in a massive criminal conspiracy to defraud the president like the Biden Adm and the FBI have in the past.
Trump’s lawyers? The ones that lied in June about docs being at Mar a Lago?

Docs recovered Six weeks later?
He turned over what they requested.
It's not his fault they keep requesting more and more and more and more infinity.
You're totally lying. Why would you be that bought in here? I guess you are just really worried about people much richer than you losing their tax breaks. Seems like a weird thing to throw away your integrity on.

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