Arrested for drinking iced tea?

Let's see how the race-card-playing liberals react when Obama's Security Civilian Force starts harassing them for being out past curfew.
What a bunch of bullshit! And I'm a 60-year-old white woman, and I think this is absolute bullshit.

I don't want to live in an environment where law enforcement behaves like a bunch of fucking Nazis. Seriously. It goes against everything this country stands for.

Welcome to the New Amerika.
It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Once he was shown the badge and asked to leave he should have left. Everyone knows you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride.

Too bad for your point that that never happened, isn't it? Saying so doesn't make it so.

Once again Bender-- if the badge was shown......... what's the badge number??

[ame=""]Cricket Sound - YouTube[/ame]

Wait.........did you really expect the cop to hold the badge up to the camera?
You go ahead and try to demand that a cop give you his badge number in the middle of an arrest. It wont go well I promise you.

All police are required, by law, to give you a badge number and name by law whenever they are asked for it by civilians, that is how we differentiate ourselves from police states. When cops start wearing masks and refusing to identify themselves that is when you know the country you are in is on the way down the drain.
Too bad for your point that that never happened, isn't it? Saying so doesn't make it so.

Once again Bender-- if the badge was shown......... what's the badge number??

Cricket Sound - YouTube

Wait.........did you really expect the cop to hold the badge up to the camera?
You go ahead and try to demand that a cop give you his badge number in the middle of an arrest. It wont go well I promise you.

All police are required, by law, to give you a badge number and name by law whenever they are asked for it by civilians, that is how we differentiate ourselves from police states. When cops start wearing masks and refusing to identify themselves that is when you know the country you are in is on the way down the drain.

And I'm sure he would be more then happy to give you his badge number. Just dont expect him to put his safety on the line to do it.
AFTER he has the situation under control problem.
Like I said....go ahead and try it. You'll get laughed at by your attorney and the judge.
Wait.........did you really expect the cop to hold the badge up to the camera?
You go ahead and try to demand that a cop give you his badge number in the middle of an arrest. It wont go well I promise you.

All police are required, by law, to give you a badge number and name by law whenever they are asked for it by civilians, that is how we differentiate ourselves from police states. When cops start wearing masks and refusing to identify themselves that is when you know the country you are in is on the way down the drain.

And I'm sure he would be more then happy to give you his badge number. Just dont expect him to put his safety on the line to do it.
AFTER he has the situation under control problem.
Like I said....go ahead and try it. You'll get laughed at by your attorney and the judge.

To the extent that that's true, that's the whole point here. Duh.

And wimpy ass enablers like you ensure it continues.

No question the cop was being a dick and never should have confronted the guy based on what I saw on the video.
But to say he didnt show his badge is bullshit.
Had it been me I would have given the guy the fucken tea to avoid going to jail.
Would I have liked it? No.
I would say there is blame on both sides. But the cop started the crap and ended it. Right or wrong.
Thats why you dont fuck with the five o. You are going to lose everytime.

Bad judgement on both sides.

If it's bullshit, you have a very simple way to back it up: show it. I've been calling for that for the duration here. Know what I got? Crickets.
Once again, just proclaiming that he showed a badge in spite of the entire video, THAT is bullshit. Or did you not bother to watch the video at all?

Got a screenshot of the fake cop showing a badge? Post it. Otherwise, you're full of shit.
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Wait.........did you really expect the cop to hold the badge up to the camera?
You go ahead and try to demand that a cop give you his badge number in the middle of an arrest. It wont go well I promise you.

All police are required, by law, to give you a badge number and name by law whenever they are asked for it by civilians, that is how we differentiate ourselves from police states. When cops start wearing masks and refusing to identify themselves that is when you know the country you are in is on the way down the drain.

And I'm sure he would be more then happy to give you his badge number. Just dont expect him to put his safety on the line to do it.
AFTER he has the situation under control problem.
Like I said....go ahead and try it. You'll get laughed at by your attorney and the judge.

How was his safety on the line? Did the guy go up to him and demand to see his badge as he was waiting for his friends? Is your problem here that the guy is a black rapper?

By the way, I would have asked to see his picture ID, and then called the police to verify that he was not an imposter. Police departments have set up a special line for that, dialing *677 from a cell phone connects you directly to police dispatch so you can verify that the guy accosting you is actually a cop. It also lets police respond very quickly to imposters.
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