Arrested for drinking iced tea?

I thought you were playing dumb. Now I see that it wasn't an act.

The guys an idiot for getting himself arrested.

So -- can't come up with anything huh? No badge number, no nuttin'.

Yeah that's the conclusion I came to when I first saw the video yesterday. You know, there's no shame in going for a point, checking it out and finding that it isn't valid and withdrawing from posting it. I do it. But going for a point, knowing full well you can't prove it, being shown its direct contradiction, and then continuing the point anyway, well that's just bizarre. And if that's lone star logic, it doesn't exactly speak well of Texas.

The guy's an idiot for being the target of police excess? Thanks for clearing that up. Kind of like the concept of "original sin". :rofl:

So let's see... if you were standing by your car wielding a soft drink that was clearly an easily recognizable common commercial product, and some stranger walks up to you, claims to be the "POE-lice", shows no documentation of that whatsoever, and demands to take your drink, and then to leave, and then to "put your hands up against the car", your reaction to all this is to bend over and spread your cheeks? To avoid being an "idiot"?

Brave move there, Bender. Nice to know who among us will sell out their fellow citizens for the sake of authoritarian-worship.

It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Once he was shown the badge and asked to leave he should have left. Everyone knows you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride.

Too bad for your point that that never happened, isn't it? Saying so doesn't make it so.

Once again Bender-- if the badge was shown......... what's the badge number??

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I thought you were playing dumb. Now I see that it wasn't an act.

The guys an idiot for getting himself arrested.

So -- can't come up with anything huh? No badge number, no nuttin'.

Yeah that's the conclusion I came to when I first saw the video yesterday. You know, there's no shame in going for a point, checking it out and finding that it isn't valid and withdrawing from posting it. I do it. But going for a point, knowing full well you can't prove it, being shown its direct contradiction, and then continuing the point anyway, well that's just bizarre. And if that's lone star logic, it doesn't exactly speak well of Texas.

The guy's an idiot for being the target of police excess? Thanks for clearing that up. Kind of like the concept of "original sin". :rofl:

So let's see... if you were standing by your car wielding a soft drink that was clearly an easily recognizable common commercial product, and some stranger walks up to you, claims to be the "POE-lice", shows no documentation of that whatsoever, and demands to take your drink, and then to leave, and then to "put your hands up against the car", your reaction to all this is to bend over and spread your cheeks? To avoid being an "idiot"?

Brave move there, Bender. Nice to know who among us will sell out their fellow citizens for the sake of authoritarian-worship.

It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Maybe it is. Apparently your reasoning is now that the guy was arrested for "meeting up with friends". And despite that logic, he's the idiot.

You know what I was doing when I was jumped by two guys with guns who were presumably cops who also never identified themselves?
I was walking home from work. That's it.

Who's the "idiot" there, screwball?
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So -- can't come up with anything huh? No badge number, no nuttin'.

Yeah that's the conclusion I came to when I first saw the video yesterday. You know, there's no shame in going for a point, checking it out and finding that it isn't valid and withdrawing from posting it. I do it. But going for a point, knowing full well you can't prove it, being shown its direct contradiction, and then continuing the point anyway, well that's just bizarre. And if that's lone star logic, it doesn't exactly speak well of Texas.

The guy's an idiot for being the target of police excess? Thanks for clearing that up. Kind of like the concept of "original sin". :rofl:

So let's see... if you were standing by your car wielding a soft drink that was clearly an easily recognizable common commercial product, and some stranger walks up to you, claims to be the "POE-lice", shows no documentation of that whatsoever, and demands to take your drink, and then to leave, and then to "put your hands up against the car", your reaction to all this is to bend over and spread your cheeks? To avoid being an "idiot"?

Brave move there, Bender. Nice to know who among us will sell out their fellow citizens for the sake of authoritarian-worship.

It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Once he was shown the badge and asked to leave he should have left. Everyone knows you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride.

Too bad for your point that that never happened, isn't it? Saying so doesn't make it so.

Once again Bender-- if the badge was shown......... what's the badge number??

[ame=]Cricket Sound - YouTube[/ame]

I wasn't there moron, I couldn't see the badge number. However I did see the badge on the video.
So -- can't come up with anything huh? No badge number, no nuttin'.

Yeah that's the conclusion I came to when I first saw the video yesterday. You know, there's no shame in going for a point, checking it out and finding that it isn't valid and withdrawing from posting it. I do it. But going for a point, knowing full well you can't prove it, being shown its direct contradiction, and then continuing the point anyway, well that's just bizarre. And if that's lone star logic, it doesn't exactly speak well of Texas.

The guy's an idiot for being the target of police excess? Thanks for clearing that up. Kind of like the concept of "original sin". :rofl:

So let's see... if you were standing by your car wielding a soft drink that was clearly an easily recognizable common commercial product, and some stranger walks up to you, claims to be the "POE-lice", shows no documentation of that whatsoever, and demands to take your drink, and then to leave, and then to "put your hands up against the car", your reaction to all this is to bend over and spread your cheeks? To avoid being an "idiot"?

Brave move there, Bender. Nice to know who among us will sell out their fellow citizens for the sake of authoritarian-worship.

It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Maybe it is. Apparently your reasoning is now that the guy was arrested for "meeting up with friends". And despite that logic, he's the idiot.

You know what I was doing when I was jumped by two guys with guns who were presumably cops who also never identified themselves?
I was walking home from work. That's it.

Who's the "idiot" there, screwball?

No he was arrested for trespassing dumbass. Didn't you watch the video?

You can't be honest about seeing the badge on the video so why should anyone believe your made up story about getting jumped?
It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Once he was shown the badge and asked to leave he should have left. Everyone knows you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride.

Too bad for your point that that never happened, isn't it? Saying so doesn't make it so.

Once again Bender-- if the badge was shown......... what's the badge number??

[ame=]Cricket Sound - YouTube[/ame]

I wasn't there moron, I couldn't see the badge number. However I did see the badge on the video.

No, you see a flash of something linear and silvery for a duration of one-third of one second-- and facing away from both the targeted person and the camera. That's why if there were a badge and if it did have a number, it can't be read by either. That's also why the guy continues to ask for it at 2:12.


He showed no badge. You have no point.
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It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Maybe it is. Apparently your reasoning is now that the guy was arrested for "meeting up with friends". And despite that logic, he's the idiot.

You know what I was doing when I was jumped by two guys with guns who were presumably cops who also never identified themselves?
I was walking home from work. That's it.

Who's the "idiot" there, screwball?

No he was arrested for trespassing dumbass. Didn't you watch the video?

That was your lame answer to why the guy is an "idiot", idiot. Not why he was arrested.
Can't you read? Is this what passes for logic in Texas?

You can't be honest about seeing the badge on the video so why should anyone believe your made up story about getting jumped?

"Can't be honest"?? :lmao:
Excuse me?? I'm the only one who posted a screenshot, while you went whining that you can't do it-- and then insist you see things that are not there that you can't describe with a number.

Now since you're so entertaining avoiding questions you never thought of, here's another:

The fake-cop first accosts this guy over what he's drinking in the tea can. If that's his basis for starting the shit in the first place, then why do they leave the evidence at the scene? Had they found (or planted) alcohol in there they could have made up some justification for making the stop in the first place. Obviously that was not his point.

-- or didn't you think of that either?

You guys are so fucking transparent it's pathetic.

And if you understand the dynamic here, even if the guy turned and left immediately it would probably still be too late. Because that wasn't his objective either.
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Maybe it is. Apparently your reasoning is now that the guy was arrested for "meeting up with friends". And despite that logic, he's the idiot.

You know what I was doing when I was jumped by two guys with guns who were presumably cops who also never identified themselves?
I was walking home from work. That's it.

Who's the "idiot" there, screwball?

No he was arrested for trespassing dumbass. Didn't you watch the video?

That was your lame answer to why the guy is an "idiot", idiot. Not why he was arrested.
Can't you read? Is this what passes for logic in Texas?

You can't be honest about seeing the badge on the video so why should anyone believe your made up story about getting jumped?

"Can't be honest"?? :lmao:
Excuse me?? I'm the only one who posted a screenshot, while you went whining that you can't do it-- and then insist you see things that are not there that you can't describe with a number.

Now since you're so entertaining avoiding questions you never thought of, here's another:

The fake-cop first accosts this guy over what he's drinking in the tea can. If that's his basis for starting the shit in the first place, then why do they leave the evidence at the scene? Had they found (or planted) alcohol in there they could have made up some justification for making the stop in the first place. Obviously that was not his point.

-- or didn't you think of that either?

You guys are so fucking transparent it's pathetic.

And if you understand the dynamic here, even if the guy turned and left immediately it would probably still be too late. Because that wasn't his objective either.

I've already explained why the guy was an idiot.

You posted a screenshot that was one second after the badge was visible.

He asked the guy "what" was he drinking for the simple fact consuming alcohol was illegal on the premises.

A stop was never made you moron, the guy was already outside of his vehicle when the cop approached.

He didn't need the beverage can to arrest him for trespassing.

His objective was to clear the premises of those loitering. He succeeded.

What's pathetic is your entire argument.
Yes they do if the owner permits it. It was apparent this guy was an off duty cop working security and had full authority on who was to be on the premises. The idiot with the tea should have left the second he was told to.

Wrong, the owner has to specifically call the police and have them issue a warning because it is a business that is open to the public. Feel free to ask a lawyer, or a cop, if you don't believe me.

Wrong. And he was given a warning.

By who? A guy claiming to be a cop when all he really was is a regulator on a power trip?

Trespassing is a violation of private property, police can only enforce it if they can prove that the property owner does not want anyone at all on their property, which is impossible with a business, or if they have a specific complaint against an individual on file from the property owner. Like I said, ask a cop.
I thought you were playing dumb. Now I see that it wasn't an act.

The guys an idiot for getting himself arrested.

So -- can't come up with anything huh? No badge number, no nuttin'.

Yeah that's the conclusion I came to when I first saw the video yesterday. You know, there's no shame in going for a point, checking it out and finding that it isn't valid and withdrawing from posting it. I do it. But going for a point, knowing full well you can't prove it, being shown its direct contradiction, and then continuing the point anyway, well that's just bizarre. And if that's lone star logic, it doesn't exactly speak well of Texas.

The guy's an idiot for being the target of police excess? Thanks for clearing that up. Kind of like the concept of "original sin". :rofl:

So let's see... if you were standing by your car wielding a soft drink that was clearly an easily recognizable common commercial product, and some stranger walks up to you, claims to be the "POE-lice", shows no documentation of that whatsoever, and demands to take your drink, and then to leave, and then to "put your hands up against the car", your reaction to all this is to bend over and spread your cheeks? To avoid being an "idiot"?

Brave move there, Bender. Nice to know who among us will sell out their fellow citizens for the sake of authoritarian-worship.

It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Once he was shown the badge and asked to leave he should have left. Everyone knows you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride.

How did that "cop" know the guy wasn't an employee? A friend of the owner? What gives any fake cop, or even a real one, the authority to tell anyone where they can and cannot be?
No he was arrested for trespassing dumbass. Didn't you watch the video?

That was your lame answer to why the guy is an "idiot", idiot. Not why he was arrested.
Can't you read? Is this what passes for logic in Texas?

You can't be honest about seeing the badge on the video so why should anyone believe your made up story about getting jumped?

"Can't be honest"?? :lmao:
Excuse me?? I'm the only one who posted a screenshot, while you went whining that you can't do it-- and then insist you see things that are not there that you can't describe with a number.

Now since you're so entertaining avoiding questions you never thought of, here's another:

The fake-cop first accosts this guy over what he's drinking in the tea can. If that's his basis for starting the shit in the first place, then why do they leave the evidence at the scene? Had they found (or planted) alcohol in there they could have made up some justification for making the stop in the first place. Obviously that was not his point.

-- or didn't you think of that either?

You guys are so fucking transparent it's pathetic.

And if you understand the dynamic here, even if the guy turned and left immediately it would probably still be too late. Because that wasn't his objective either.

I've already explained why the guy was an idiot.

You posted a screenshot that was one second after the badge was visible.

He asked the guy "what" was he drinking for the simple fact consuming alcohol was illegal on the premises.

A stop was never made you moron, the guy was already outside of his vehicle when the cop approached.

He didn't need the beverage can to arrest him for trespassing.

His objective was to clear the premises of those loitering. He succeeded.

What's pathetic is your entire argument.

Holey cheeses, you're dense. I thought "when you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is quit digging" was a Texas proverb.

So NOW, this stranger, who never identifies himself except by the spoken word "POE-lice", is after the black guy not for public intoxication, not for trespassing, but for "loitering"?? Then why the song and dance about the tea can?? And why would he say "trespassing" if he meant "loitering"?

Do you not even bother to think about this shit before you post?

So let's see, I've demonstrated that this guy has no probable cause and never shows a badge. I've posted a screenshot of him failing to show a badge. And I've demonstrated that his original premise (the tea can) is bullshit.

You've claimed he showed a badge (on nothing but your say so), of which you posted no screenshot, nor can you say what's on the alleged "badge" that none of us can see, and that he variously accosts the man for "loitering", "trespassing" and by implication "meeting up with friends". And that the target is an "idiot" for being on the receiving end of police excess.

And it's MY argument that's pathetic.

That's not lone star logic, but I think I know whence it comes:

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Maybe it is. Apparently your reasoning is now that the guy was arrested for "meeting up with friends". And despite that logic, he's the idiot.

You know what I was doing when I was jumped by two guys with guns who were presumably cops who also never identified themselves?
I was walking home from work. That's it.

Who's the "idiot" there, screwball?

No he was arrested for trespassing dumbass. Didn't you watch the video?

That was your lame answer to why the guy is an "idiot", idiot. Not why he was arrested.
Can't you read? Is this what passes for logic in Texas?

You can't be honest about seeing the badge on the video so why should anyone believe your made up story about getting jumped?

"Can't be honest"?? :lmao:
Excuse me?? I'm the only one who posted a screenshot, while you went whining that you can't do it-- and then insist you see things that are not there that you can't describe with a number.

Now since you're so entertaining avoiding questions you never thought of, here's another:

The fake-cop first accosts this guy over what he's drinking in the tea can. If that's his basis for starting the shit in the first place, then why do they leave the evidence at the scene? Had they found (or planted) alcohol in there they could have made up some justification for making the stop in the first place. Obviously that was not his point.

-- or didn't you think of that either?

You guys are so fucking transparent it's pathetic.

And if you understand the dynamic here, even if the guy turned and left immediately it would probably still be too late. Because that wasn't his objective either.

Lonestar is one of those people that always sides with the cops, even when there is proof they were wrong. I can understand a police officer wanting to make sure that no one is drinking alcohol outside the liquor store since that is against the law, what I don't understand is how he can jump from invesitgating a possible misdemeanor to arresting a guy for trespassing without consulting the property owner. I also find the official defense of the cops actions, which is that the guy drinking the tea was being evasive, telling.
Wrong, the owner has to specifically call the police and have them issue a warning because it is a business that is open to the public. Feel free to ask a lawyer, or a cop, if you don't believe me.

Wrong. And he was given a warning.

By who? A guy claiming to be a cop when all he really was is a regulator on a power trip?

Trespassing is a violation of private property, police can only enforce it if they can prove that the property owner does not want anyone at all on their property, which is impossible with a business, or if they have a specific complaint against an individual on file from the property owner. Like I said, ask a cop.

He displayed a badge. Actually if there are "posted" signs or "no loitering signs" and the owner complains is enough to justify an arrest. But in this case I think it's more logical the cop was paid security for the liquor store.
So -- can't come up with anything huh? No badge number, no nuttin'.

Yeah that's the conclusion I came to when I first saw the video yesterday. You know, there's no shame in going for a point, checking it out and finding that it isn't valid and withdrawing from posting it. I do it. But going for a point, knowing full well you can't prove it, being shown its direct contradiction, and then continuing the point anyway, well that's just bizarre. And if that's lone star logic, it doesn't exactly speak well of Texas.

The guy's an idiot for being the target of police excess? Thanks for clearing that up. Kind of like the concept of "original sin". :rofl:

So let's see... if you were standing by your car wielding a soft drink that was clearly an easily recognizable common commercial product, and some stranger walks up to you, claims to be the "POE-lice", shows no documentation of that whatsoever, and demands to take your drink, and then to leave, and then to "put your hands up against the car", your reaction to all this is to bend over and spread your cheeks? To avoid being an "idiot"?

Brave move there, Bender. Nice to know who among us will sell out their fellow citizens for the sake of authoritarian-worship.

It's not my fault your too blind to see the badge.

First of all I wouldn't be such an idiot to put myself in that situation. If wanted to meet up with friends I would meet them at their house or invite them to mine. But maybe that's just a white thing.

Once he was shown the badge and asked to leave he should have left. Everyone knows you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride.

How did that "cop" know the guy wasn't an employee? A friend of the owner? What gives any fake cop, or even a real one, the authority to tell anyone where they can and cannot be?

How do you know the cop wasn't employed by the store?
Wrong. And he was given a warning.

By who? A guy claiming to be a cop when all he really was is a regulator on a power trip?

Trespassing is a violation of private property, police can only enforce it if they can prove that the property owner does not want anyone at all on their property, which is impossible with a business, or if they have a specific complaint against an individual on file from the property owner. Like I said, ask a cop.

He displayed a badge. Actually if there are "posted" signs or "no loitering signs" and the owner complains is enough to justify an arrest. But in this case I think it's more logical the cop was paid security for the liquor store.

He did NOT display anything but an attitude. Your saying so doesn't magically insert it into the record.
That was your lame answer to why the guy is an "idiot", idiot. Not why he was arrested.
Can't you read? Is this what passes for logic in Texas?

"Can't be honest"?? :lmao:
Excuse me?? I'm the only one who posted a screenshot, while you went whining that you can't do it-- and then insist you see things that are not there that you can't describe with a number.

Now since you're so entertaining avoiding questions you never thought of, here's another:

The fake-cop first accosts this guy over what he's drinking in the tea can. If that's his basis for starting the shit in the first place, then why do they leave the evidence at the scene? Had they found (or planted) alcohol in there they could have made up some justification for making the stop in the first place. Obviously that was not his point.

-- or didn't you think of that either?

You guys are so fucking transparent it's pathetic.

And if you understand the dynamic here, even if the guy turned and left immediately it would probably still be too late. Because that wasn't his objective either.

I've already explained why the guy was an idiot.

You posted a screenshot that was one second after the badge was visible.

He asked the guy "what" was he drinking for the simple fact consuming alcohol was illegal on the premises.

A stop was never made you moron, the guy was already outside of his vehicle when the cop approached.

He didn't need the beverage can to arrest him for trespassing.

His objective was to clear the premises of those loitering. He succeeded.

What's pathetic is your entire argument.

Holey cheeses, you're dense. I thought "when you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is quit digging" was a Texas proverb.

So NOW, this stranger, who never identifies himself except by the spoken word "POE-lice", is after the black guy not for public intoxication, not for trespassing, but for "loitering"?? Then why the song and dance about the tea can?? And why would he say "trespassing" if he meant "loitering"?

Do you not even bother to think about this shit before you post?

So let's see, I've demonstrated that this guy has no probable cause and never shows a badge. I've posted a screenshot of him failing to show a badge. And I've demonstrated that his original premise (the tea can) is bullshit.

You've claimed he showed a badge (on nothing but your say so), of which you posted no screenshot, nor can you say what's on the alleged "badge" that none of us can see, and that he variously accosts the man for "loitering", "trespassing" and by implication "meeting up with friends". And that the target is an "idiot" for being on the receiving end of police excess.

And it's MY argument that's pathetic.

That's not lone star logic, but I think I know whence it comes:


He could have had any number of reasons for approaching the black guy.

Loitering in and of itself is not a crime moron!

You have proven nothing other than your clear bias.
By who? A guy claiming to be a cop when all he really was is a regulator on a power trip?

Trespassing is a violation of private property, police can only enforce it if they can prove that the property owner does not want anyone at all on their property, which is impossible with a business, or if they have a specific complaint against an individual on file from the property owner. Like I said, ask a cop.

He displayed a badge. Actually if there are "posted" signs or "no loitering signs" and the owner complains is enough to justify an arrest. But in this case I think it's more logical the cop was paid security for the liquor store.

He did NOT display anything but an attitude. Your saying so doesn't magically insert it into the record.

Anyone that watches the video can determine for themselves if a badge was displayed.
No he was arrested for trespassing dumbass. Didn't you watch the video?

That was your lame answer to why the guy is an "idiot", idiot. Not why he was arrested.
Can't you read? Is this what passes for logic in Texas?

You can't be honest about seeing the badge on the video so why should anyone believe your made up story about getting jumped?

"Can't be honest"?? :lmao:
Excuse me?? I'm the only one who posted a screenshot, while you went whining that you can't do it-- and then insist you see things that are not there that you can't describe with a number.

Now since you're so entertaining avoiding questions you never thought of, here's another:

The fake-cop first accosts this guy over what he's drinking in the tea can. If that's his basis for starting the shit in the first place, then why do they leave the evidence at the scene? Had they found (or planted) alcohol in there they could have made up some justification for making the stop in the first place. Obviously that was not his point.

-- or didn't you think of that either?

You guys are so fucking transparent it's pathetic.

And if you understand the dynamic here, even if the guy turned and left immediately it would probably still be too late. Because that wasn't his objective either.

I've already explained why the guy was an idiot.

You posted a screenshot that was one second after the badge was visible.

He asked the guy "what" was he drinking for the simple fact consuming alcohol was illegal on the premises.

A stop was never made you moron, the guy was already outside of his vehicle when the cop approached.

He didn't need the beverage can to arrest him for trespassing.

His objective was to clear the premises of those loitering. He succeeded.

What's pathetic is your entire argument.

Just for the sake of demonstrating what an idiot you are, let's to to the frame you want.
Show me where this "badge" is.

And keep in mind, pointing to your hip bone is not showing a badge, Einstein.


  • $badge 2.jpg
    $badge 2.jpg
    57.7 KB · Views: 46
He displayed a badge. Actually if there are "posted" signs or "no loitering signs" and the owner complains is enough to justify an arrest. But in this case I think it's more logical the cop was paid security for the liquor store.

He did NOT display anything but an attitude. Your saying so doesn't magically insert it into the record.

Anyone that watches the video can determine for themselves if a badge was displayed.

Right, anyone can.

That's why it's bizarre that you would continue this sorry-ass line of police bootlicking.
It's also why there's nobody with you on this point. Because there's no badge display.
That was your lame answer to why the guy is an "idiot", idiot. Not why he was arrested.
Can't you read? Is this what passes for logic in Texas?

"Can't be honest"?? :lmao:
Excuse me?? I'm the only one who posted a screenshot, while you went whining that you can't do it-- and then insist you see things that are not there that you can't describe with a number.

Now since you're so entertaining avoiding questions you never thought of, here's another:

The fake-cop first accosts this guy over what he's drinking in the tea can. If that's his basis for starting the shit in the first place, then why do they leave the evidence at the scene? Had they found (or planted) alcohol in there they could have made up some justification for making the stop in the first place. Obviously that was not his point.

-- or didn't you think of that either?

You guys are so fucking transparent it's pathetic.

And if you understand the dynamic here, even if the guy turned and left immediately it would probably still be too late. Because that wasn't his objective either.

I've already explained why the guy was an idiot.

You posted a screenshot that was one second after the badge was visible.

He asked the guy "what" was he drinking for the simple fact consuming alcohol was illegal on the premises.

A stop was never made you moron, the guy was already outside of his vehicle when the cop approached.

He didn't need the beverage can to arrest him for trespassing.

His objective was to clear the premises of those loitering. He succeeded.

What's pathetic is your entire argument.

Just for the sake of demonstrating what an idiot you are, let's to to the frame you want.
Show me where this "badge" is.

And keep in mind, pointing to your hip bone is not showing a badge, Einstein.

At the 2:10-2:11 mark a badge can be seen.
He did NOT display anything but an attitude. Your saying so doesn't magically insert it into the record.

Anyone that watches the video can determine for themselves if a badge was displayed.

Right, anyone can.

That's why it's bizarre that you would continue this sorry-ass line of police bootlicking.
It's also why there's nobody with you on this point. Because there's no badge display.

I'm not the only one that has stated a badge was seen. But you can't even be honest about that.

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