Arrested for drinking iced tea?

Was the arresting individual even a cop?
He didnt properly identify himself.
Is trespassing an arrestable offense?
My understanding of common law trespass is that, as a civil, not criminal offense, the correct legsl procedure is to escort the offender from the property after the owner of the property has made a complaint.

I'm sure those with a better understanding of the law will clarify!!

Yes. In Both NC and SC, if a person refuses to exit a private establishment, such as a store or tavern, the police are authorized by law to arrest. Trespassing is stringently enforced.
There are signs posted on private property that give the NC or SC statute number and the warning "police authorized to arrest".

So you are saying this "cop" can tell every single person of that certain demographic to leave because he wants to and if they all dont leave, he can arrest them?

I am being serious here. This asshole was wrong, it wasnt booze, so he obviously had "some reason" why he didnt like him. Lets say he has "some reason" why he doesnt like every single person who looked like that guy, and all have to leave. He can arrest all of them.

Lets stop speaking in code here. He can tell all black males to leave? What fucking year is this? Will he post signs, whites only?

Fuck him and fuck anyone who says he can.

God bless.
Oh yes I do. I've been in that position.
No you don't, you're just flailing instead of presenting valid arguments, and looking stupid in the process.

And police-state enablers
lol when in doubt dust off the old "police state" battle cry. Can you be any more predictable?

Because I understand that cop has the authority to make that arrest, and can clearly see it was for trespassing (not drinking lemonade) I am a police state enabler. Aren't you just the cutest little drama queen.

You authoritarian sycophants are imbeciles. You lost this one; deal with it. If anyone's the queen here, it's you wimps who can't bend over fast enough for some clown who walks up and claims to be a cop. Fuck him and fuck you.

I agree, but with this guy....i dont think that is what this is about. If it were a different know, one who looks like him...he might agree it was a bad arrest.

I only say this because of some of the things he has said since his initial post in here. Oh and I think I figured out what sock this is as well. :) Hey you....
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Was the arresting individual even a cop?
He didnt properly identify himself.
Is trespassing an arrestable offense?
My understanding of common law trespass is that, as a civil, not criminal offense, the correct legsl procedure is to escort the offender from the property after the owner of the property has made a complaint.

I'm sure those with a better understanding of the law will clarify!!

Yes. In Both NC and SC, if a person refuses to exit a private establishment, such as a store or tavern, the police are authorized by law to arrest. Trespassing is stringently enforced.
There are signs posted on private property that give the NC or SC statute number and the warning "police authorized to arrest".

So you are saying this "cop" can tell every single person of that certain demographic to leave because he wants to and if they all dont leave, he can arrest them?

I am being serious here. This asshole was wrong, it wasnt booze, so he obviously had "some reason" why he didnt like him. Lets say he has "some reason" why he doesnt like every single person who looked like that guy, and all have to leave. He can arrest all of them.

Lets stop speaking in code here. He can tell all black males to leave? What fucking year is this? Will he post signs, whites only?

Fuck him and fuck anyone who says he can.

God bless.

And the guy didn't "refuse" anyway. And even if he had, who the fuck is this clown who walks up and claims to be a cop without credentials?

Hey, why don't we all do that? Everybody leave this board right now. Because I'm the "poe-lice".

Internet gadflies just can't bend over and drop their pants down to their ankles fast enough. Or so they claim in an infantile quest for pointless contrarianism.
No you don't, you're just flailing instead of presenting valid arguments, and looking stupid in the process.

lol when in doubt dust off the old "police state" battle cry. Can you be any more predictable?

Because I understand that cop has the authority to make that arrest, and can clearly see it was for trespassing (not drinking lemonade) I am a police state enabler. Aren't you just the cutest little drama queen.

You authoritarian sycophants are imbeciles. You lost this one; deal with it. If anyone's the queen here, it's you wimps who can't bend over fast enough for some clown who walks up and claims to be a cop. Fuck him and fuck you.

I agree, but this guy....i dont think that is what this is about. If it were a different know, one who looks like him...he might agree it was a bad arrest.

I only say this because of some of the things he has said since his inial post in here.

Ah, well that explains a lot. The internet brings them out. Like moths to a flame of a burning cross.
Police Ego Trip. Bad arrest. Should apologize to the victim and victim should get a nice settlement for the inconvenience and embarrassment.
"Didn't do his job at all" is what you mean. Where the fuck was his badge? Can any of us just walk up and declare we're "police" and expect to have our "orders" followed on our say so?
Yup, that cop should have provided identification right away. He did show his badge on his belt about 2 minutes in.

I say the title is pretty accurate
Then you'd be a fool. He was arrested for trespassing.

Guess I just don't get off on watching police abuse their own power. If that's what turns you on, you have my contempt.
I have no idea what you are talking about here, and neither do you.

First the cop tried for drinking in public. That didnt pan out so he went to trespassing.
It's pretty clear the cop was being an asshole and should never have confronted the guy in the first place.
And I dont see how you can call it loitering when he had just pulled into the parking lot.
I normally side with the police. But not in this case.
And apparently this cop has had complaints against him in the past for just his kind of behavior.

The cop is like a lot of libs on this board. He cant stand to be wrong or have anyone question him.
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You authoritarian sycophants are imbeciles. You lost this one; deal with it. If anyone's the queen here, it's you wimps who can't bend over fast enough for some clown who walks up and claims to be a cop. Fuck him and fuck you.

I agree, but this guy....i dont think that is what this is about. If it were a different know, one who looks like him...he might agree it was a bad arrest.

I only say this because of some of the things he has said since his inial post in here.

Ah, well that explains a lot. The internet brings them out. Like moths to a flame of a burning cross.
Does everything have to be about race with you people?

I agree, but this guy....i dont think that is what this is about. If it were a different know, one who looks like him...he might agree it was a bad arrest.

I only say this because of some of the things he has said since his inial post in here.

Ah, well that explains a lot. The internet brings them out. Like moths to a flame of a burning cross.
Does everything have to be about race with you people?

"You people"? :rofl: very good. I assume that was intentional? Maybe not.

It isn't for me; frankly this knuckledragger's police bootlicker position was making no sense whatsoever given such an obvious case of police excess, until that explanation came up. Now it does.
That hadn't even occurred to me; I was taking the scum at face value. Naive I guess.

Then again you're the same cretin who cried "racist" on me for the observation that the audience of Fox Noise is predominantly white, so your own head is firmly crammed up your ass too.
So maybe you don't even get your own irony here. Or maybe you're having a self-effacing joke on yourself, I don't know.

Racists suck moose cock.
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Yeah he did. It was hanging on his belt.
Doesnt excuse what the cop did though.

Never saw that. Where? Time?

Right around 2:10

Are you fucking shittin' me?? There ain't no badge there. :confused:

The guy motions to his belt for maybe one-third of a second as if to check something (a phone?) -- we can't see what it is, he brings nothing up off his belt at all, shows nothing to the citizen or anyone else, just starts barking orders. That is in no way showing credentials. The whole action is under his shirt. Bull. Shit.

Bottom line, the cop never identifies himself at all except for the word 'POE-lice" (at 0:55).
And the way he pronounces that word given the rest of his accent is, shall we say, "interesting".
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Was the arresting individual even a cop?
He didnt properly identify himself.
Is trespassing an arrestable offense?
My understanding of common law trespass is that, as a civil, not criminal offense, the correct legsl procedure is to escort the offender from the property after the owner of the property has made a complaint.

I'm sure those with a better understanding of the law will clarify!!

Generally, trespassing is a criminal offense only if you've been forbidden to enter or if you remain after being forbidden.
Never saw that. Where? Time?

Right around 2:10

Are you fucking shittin' me?? There ain't no badge there. :confused:

The guy motions to his belt for maybe one-third of a second as if to check something (a phone?) -- we can't see what it is, he brings nothing up off his belt at all, shows nothing to the citizen or anyone else, just starts barking orders. That is in no way showing credentials. The whole action is under his shirt. Bull. Shit.

Bottom line, the cop never identifies himself at all except for the word 'POE-lice" (at 0:55).
And the way he pronounces that word given the rest of his accent is, shall we say, "interesting".

Look asswipe. I'm not defending the cop here. I've already said numerous times that what he did was bullshit. The fact of the matter is he showed his badge. I noticed it immediately when he did it. I do agree he should have shown the badge immediately instead of letting the incident escalate.
In most cases I would support the police. Not this time.
Right around 2:10

Are you fucking shittin' me?? There ain't no badge there. :confused:

The guy motions to his belt for maybe one-third of a second as if to check something (a phone?) -- we can't see what it is, he brings nothing up off his belt at all, shows nothing to the citizen or anyone else, just starts barking orders. That is in no way showing credentials. The whole action is under his shirt. Bull. Shit.

Bottom line, the cop never identifies himself at all except for the word 'POE-lice" (at 0:55).
And the way he pronounces that word given the rest of his accent is, shall we say, "interesting".

Look asswipe. I'm not defending the cop here. I've already said numerous times that what he did was bullshit. The fact of the matter is he showed his badge. I noticed it immediately when he did it. I do agree he should have shown the badge immediately instead of letting the incident escalate.
In most cases I would support the police. Not this time.

Look "asswipe", you're inventing something that is not there, that is not even close to there. I watched it four times in full screen. Doesn't exist. When I see bullshit I'm calling bullshit. You don't like it? Then don't post bullshit.

You see a badge?? Take a screenshot and post it.

Are you fucking shittin' me?? There ain't no badge there. :confused:

The guy motions to his belt for maybe one-third of a second as if to check something (a phone?) -- we can't see what it is, he brings nothing up off his belt at all, shows nothing to the citizen or anyone else, just starts barking orders. That is in no way showing credentials. The whole action is under his shirt. Bull. Shit.

Bottom line, the cop never identifies himself at all except for the word 'POE-lice" (at 0:55).
And the way he pronounces that word given the rest of his accent is, shall we say, "interesting".

Look asswipe. I'm not defending the cop here. I've already said numerous times that what he did was bullshit. The fact of the matter is he showed his badge. I noticed it immediately when he did it. I do agree he should have shown the badge immediately instead of letting the incident escalate.
In most cases I would support the police. Not this time.

Look "asswipe", you're inventing something that is not there, that is not even close to there. I watched it four times in full screen. Doesn't exist. When I see bullshit I'm calling bullshit. You don't like it? Then don't post bullshit.

You see a badge?? Take a screenshot and post it.


The cop said "my badge is right here" and pulled back his jacket and pointed to it.
Are you blind and deaf?
Look asswipe. I'm not defending the cop here. I've already said numerous times that what he did was bullshit. The fact of the matter is he showed his badge. I noticed it immediately when he did it. I do agree he should have shown the badge immediately instead of letting the incident escalate.
In most cases I would support the police. Not this time.

Look "asswipe", you're inventing something that is not there, that is not even close to there. I watched it four times in full screen. Doesn't exist. When I see bullshit I'm calling bullshit. You don't like it? Then don't post bullshit.

You see a badge?? Take a screenshot and post it.


The cop said "my badge is right here" and pulled back his jacket and pointed to it.
Are you blind and deaf?

Are you stupid or incompetent? No, I don't hear any such thing. Where the fuck is your screenshot?

I got your screenshot right here. Does ANYONE see a badge here?

Just FYI, there isn't a limit on how many times I can call "bullshit".


  • $1-nonbadge-003.jpg
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