Arrested for drinking iced tea?

Not watching any of it. But I do know someone who says she was arrested for drinking a soda. She says the law says you can't 'drink and drive.' But, in actuality, most states have laws that say you can't drive under the influence. I've never been stopped for drinking my coffee while driving.
Who made the complaint that he was trespassing?
Probably that cop. He was an ABC officer and part of his responsibilities included the parking lot of the ABC store.

A cop suspected him of public drinking, was proven to be wrong, so arrested the guy to save face.
Wow, nice suspension of reality. The guy refused to hand over the can so nothing was proven, and he was arrested after being asked repeatedly to leave the parking lot.

Some people make a determined effort to be offended and oppressed, and morons like you eat it up.
Cop cannot demand that you hand over your personal legal property without

1/ probable cause

2/ A warrent.

He had neither and unless the owner of the lot had made a report about the guy there was no trespass.
Drinking from a large can in the parking lot of a liquor store is probable cause. A cop being responsible for keeping a parking lot clear of loitering can make a trespass claim.

Lol "warrent" thanks Mr. legal expert, thanks for providing your wisdom.

Plod abusing his power.
Message board retard falling for oppression porn.
I watched the first video, but not the second.

I'm guessing it was college level acting and video because it appears to be slightly better than high school level work.
Really? Do the police just let somebody pick up the canned drink after the supposed take down of a falsely accused man, then let the person place the canned drink down again? Next to the the supposed criminal?

First video is staged material.
No need for me to watch the second video.
Obviously nothing but an agenda being presented here.

Edit to add
Look at 2:35 when the supposed criminal carefully places the can down as he is being "wrestled" to the ground.
Look at 2:48 and some person picks up the can then holds it in front of the camera.
Yeah, right, not believable to me.

Looks like a fake video. Just happened to have a camera rolling right before the "cop" showed up. I don't buy it.

Doesn't seem to be stages as there is an article covering the story in the Fayetteville Observer.

Viral video of man's arrest outside Fayetteville liquor store stirs controversy

Hey Alan, are you usually this wrong?
Who made the complaint that he was trespassing?
Probably that cop. He was an ABC officer and part of his responsibilities included the parking lot of the ABC store.

A cop suspected him of public drinking, was proven to be wrong, so arrested the guy to save face.
Wow, nice suspension of reality. The guy refused to hand over the can so nothing was proven, and he was arrested after being asked repeatedly to leave the parking lot.

Some people make a determined effort to be offended and oppressed, and morons like you eat it up.

Didnt He just PURCHASE that can at that store. Tell me that "cop" had the right to tell him he has to leave and he was tresspassing.

That fucking idiot just knew it was booze and since it wasnt, he went ith the crappy "tresspasing" bullshit.

I wouldnt have left either. Fuck him and I hope that thirsty gentleman becomes rich and that idiot "cop" is fired.

Underlying racism makes me sick. We all know what this is about. If it were Kirsten and brad out there, he would never have even approached them.

Fuck him and fuck you.
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Didnt He just PURCHASE that can at that store. Tell me that "cop" had the right to tell him he has to leave and he was tresspassing.
No, he didn't.

That fucking idiot just knew it was booze and since it wasnt, he went ith the crappy "tresspasing" bullshit.
We don't know, the guy decided to make an issue of it by refusing to let the cop check it.

I wouldnt have left either. Fuck him and I hope that thirsty gentleman becomes rich and that idiot "cop" is fired.
And you would have become yet another dumbass suffering for the sake of feeling oppressed, or at the very least a message board hero.
You cannot trespass a liquor store parking lot by leaving a liquor store with purchases made at said liquor store unless the owner or owners representative makes a complaint that you are trespassing.
Are you seriously going to claim an ABC officer can't give a trespass notice at an ABC store run by the ABC board? From the article:

The officer who arrested him, Rick Libero of Cumberland County Alcoholic Beverage Control Law Enforcement, is white. The incident was in the parking lot of a Cumberland County ABC store on Morganton Road, across from Cross Creek Mall. Libero's agency handles law enforcement for the county ABC Board.

Could plods arrest every customer leaving a liquor store?
No, but they can arrest people for refusing to leave the premises after being given trespass warning by law enforcement authorized to do so.

He refused to hand over personal property, his right, did the officer have a warrant?
You are correct, he was not obligated to hand over that iced tea for the cop to see if it was an alcoholic drink.

Who reported the guy as a trespasser?
We've covered this. That was an ABC cop, at an ABC store parking lot that has had problems with people loitering. There is no requirement for anyone to report someone for an ABC cop to give a trespass notice at an ABC store.

Look I'm not saying that cop did his job well, he should treat people courteously even when he believes a violation is taking place. Both parties could have handled things a lot better and nobody would have been arrested. However the guy was not arrested for drinking lemonade as the thread title claims, and yes that cop does have the authority to kick people out of that parking lot.
You cannot trespass a liquor store parking lot by leaving a liquor store with purchases made at said liquor store unless the owner or owners representative makes a complaint that you are trespassing.
Are you seriously going to claim an ABC officer can't give a trespass notice at an ABC store run by the ABC board? From the article:

The officer who arrested him, Rick Libero of Cumberland County Alcoholic Beverage Control Law Enforcement, is white. The incident was in the parking lot of a Cumberland County ABC store on Morganton Road, across from Cross Creek Mall. Libero's agency handles law enforcement for the county ABC Board.

Could plods arrest every customer leaving a liquor store?
No, but they can arrest people for refusing to leave the premises after being given trespass warning by law enforcement authorized to do so.

He refused to hand over personal property, his right, did the officer have a warrant?
You are correct, he was not obligated to hand over that iced tea for the cop to see if it was an alcoholic drink.

Who reported the guy as a trespasser?
We've covered this. That was an ABC cop, at an ABC store parking lot that has had problems with people loitering. There is no requirement for anyone to report someone for an ABC cop to give a trespass notice at an ABC store.

Look I'm not saying that cop did his job well, he should treat people courteously even when he believes a violation is taking place. Both parties could have handled things a lot better and nobody would have been arrested. However the guy was not arrested for drinking lemonade as the thread title claims, and yes that cop does have the authority to kick people out of that parking lot.

Obviously I wasnt there but it appeared to me the guy had just pulled into the parking lot.
How is that loitering?
this cop is going to lose his job and cost the city a big chunk of money
You cannot trespass a liquor store parking lot by leaving a liquor store with purchases made at said liquor store unless the owner or owners representative makes a complaint that you are trespassing.
Are you seriously going to claim an ABC officer can't give a trespass notice at an ABC store run by the ABC board? From the article:

The officer who arrested him, Rick Libero of Cumberland County Alcoholic Beverage Control Law Enforcement, is white. The incident was in the parking lot of a Cumberland County ABC store on Morganton Road, across from Cross Creek Mall. Libero's agency handles law enforcement for the county ABC Board.

Could plods arrest every customer leaving a liquor store?
No, but they can arrest people for refusing to leave the premises after being given trespass warning by law enforcement authorized to do so.

He refused to hand over personal property, his right, did the officer have a warrant?
You are correct, he was not obligated to hand over that iced tea for the cop to see if it was an alcoholic drink.

Who reported the guy as a trespasser?
We've covered this. That was an ABC cop, at an ABC store parking lot that has had problems with people loitering. There is no requirement for anyone to report someone for an ABC cop to give a trespass notice at an ABC store.

Look I'm not saying that cop did his job well
, he should treat people courteously even when he believes a violation is taking place. Both parties could have handled things a lot better and nobody would have been arrested. However the guy was not arrested for drinking lemonade as the thread title claims, and yes that cop does have the authority to kick people out of that parking lot.

Thank you, Captain Understatement.

"Didn't do his job at all" is what you mean. Where the fuck was his badge? Can any of us just walk up and declare we're "police" and expect to have our "orders" followed on our say so?

Fuck the hell out of that.

I say the title is pretty accurate, since drinking the can of tea was all the guy actually did-- and since the question of what he was drinking is where the altercation started,. "Trespassing" as declared by a (from all appearances) fake cop with no badge, is fucking bullshit.

Guess I just don't get off on watching police abuse their own power. If that's what turns you on, you have my contempt.
I told a cop to F off the other night leaving a Braves game. Next thing I knew there was five officers in my face. For what you ask? For yelling at my son while he was running across busy street full of people. I was trying to follow the law and not jay walk like the majority of the other leaving fans. A Sgt came up and talked to me and I told him my side and also told him that I would yell at my son everytime he failed to follow my directions in a crowded and unsafe situation and if the other officer didnt like it, well I already told him what he could do. The Sgt looked at me hard for a second and then told me to leave, which we did.
"Didn't do his job at all" is what you mean. Where the fuck was his badge? Can any of us just walk up and declare we're "police" and expect to have our "orders" followed on our say so?
Yup, that cop should have provided identification right away. He did show his badge on his belt about 2 minutes in.

I say the title is pretty accurate
Then you'd be a fool. He was arrested for trespassing.

Guess I just don't get off on watching police abuse their own power. If that's what turns you on, you have my contempt.
I have no idea what you are talking about here, and neither do you.
"Didn't do his job at all" is what you mean. Where the fuck was his badge? Can any of us just walk up and declare we're "police" and expect to have our "orders" followed on our say so?
Yup, that cop should have provided identification right away. He did show his badge on his belt about 2 minutes in.

I say the title is pretty accurate
Then you'd be a fool. He was arrested for trespassing.

Guess I just don't get off on watching police abuse their own power. If that's what turns you on, you have my contempt.
I have no idea what you are talking about here, and neither do you.

Oh yes I do. I've been in that position. And police-state enablers like you ensure it will happen again. Fuck that. I hope this cop gets fired and doesn't hold a job above janitor for the rest of his life.
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Oh yes I do. I've been in that position.
No you don't, you're just flailing instead of presenting valid arguments, and looking stupid in the process.

And police-state enablers
lol when in doubt dust off the old "police state" battle cry. Can you be any more predictable?

Because I understand that cop has the authority to make that arrest, and can clearly see it was for trespassing (not drinking lemonade) I am a police state enabler. Aren't you just the cutest little drama queen.
Was the arresting individual even a cop?
He didnt properly identify himself.
Is trespassing an arrestable offense?
My understanding of common law trespass is that, as a civil, not criminal offense, the correct legsl procedure is to escort the offender from the property after the owner of the property has made a complaint.

I'm sure those with a better understanding of the law will clarify!!

Yes. In Both NC and SC, if a person refuses to exit a private establishment, such as a store or tavern, the police are authorized by law to arrest. Trespassing is stringently enforced.
There are signs posted on private property that give the NC or SC statute number and the warning "police authorized to arrest".
Oh yes I do. I've been in that position.
No you don't, you're just flailing instead of presenting valid arguments, and looking stupid in the process.

And police-state enablers
lol when in doubt dust off the old "police state" battle cry. Can you be any more predictable?

Because I understand that cop has the authority to make that arrest, and can clearly see it was for trespassing (not drinking lemonade) I am a police state enabler. Aren't you just the cutest little drama queen.

You authoritarian sycophants are imbeciles. You lost this one; deal with it. If anyone's the queen here, it's you wimps who can't bend over fast enough for some clown who walks up and claims to be a cop. Fuck him and fuck you.
You authoritarian sycophants are imbeciles.
Nope, the imbecile is the one who thinks there is an arrest report saying 1st degree iced tea drinking.

You lost this one; deal with it.
This isn't a competition for me, although from this sttatement it clearly is for you. Got some inferiority issues going on there don't yah? Must... win... internet message board. Ha hah.

If anyone's the queen here, it's you wimps who can't bend over fast enough for some clown who walks up and claims to be a cop. Fuck him and fuck you.
Ah pogo the drama queen is singing another aria of oppression. He's lived it man! Heh.

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