Arrested for not yielding his Fifth Amendment right. . . .

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
Heavenly Places
Another citizen arrested for not answering a question while flying within the continental United States. . . .

[ame=]EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Citizens Arrested at Airport for Refusing Border Patrol Questions - YouTube[/ame]
Democracy Now is shit pit of progressive scumbags. As to the video, I'd like to see the whole thing before getting on a high horse about governmental abuse.

We live in a Republic.
Another citizen arrested for not answering a question while flying within the continental United States. . . .

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Citizens Arrested at Airport for Refusing Border Patrol Questions - YouTube



Does the Fifth Amendment’s Self-Incrimination Clause protects a defendant’s refusal to answer questions asked by law enforcement before he has been arrested or read his Miranda rights?

Decision: 5 votes for Texas, 4 vote(s) against
Legal provision: Fifth Amendment

No. Justice Samuel A. Alito announced the judgment for a divided Court. concluded that any witness who desires protection against self-incrimination must explicitly claim that protection

Share that with your homies so they won't get in trouble.

Democracy Now is shit pit of progressive scumbags. As to the video, I'd like to see the whole thing before getting on a high horse about governmental abuse.

We live in a Republic.

Conservatives such as the OP don’t want you to know the facts, evidence, or context to make your own decisions – just react emotionally to their demagoguery.
Democracy Now is shit pit of progressive scumbags. As to the video, I'd like to see the whole thing before getting on a high horse about governmental abuse.

We live in a Republic.

Conservatives such as the OP don’t want you to know the facts, evidence, or context to make your own decisions – just react emotionally to their demagoguery.

The statist bootlick Comrade Jones is a pathological liar and the least brightest bulb in any room you might enter, who has been exposed as such repeatedly by me.

The man refused to answer a question put to him by a government official. While the official may legally ask the question all he wants, he had no constitutional authority to demand an answer to that question within the territorial boundaries of the United States. This was not an international border crossing, and the Supreme Court has already ruled that one doesn't have to say a word to any government official at any time, at any place or for any reason within the territorial boundaries of the United States . . . whether that government official claims to have probable cause concerning the commission of a crime or not, obviously.

And that's the only point being made by me in the posting of the video in the above, nothing more and nothing other. Hence, you obtuse dolt, any further details beyond that point are irrelevant.

It's educational, as millions of Americans thoughtlessly answer intrusive questions like this one all the time, unwittingly surrendering a precious right, merely because they see a badge and a gun and assume the question must be answered.


Any lawyer worth his salt will tell you that under no circumstances should you ever answer any questions put to you by a police official unless it's manifestly clear within the parameters of the situation that you can't possibly be the target of his investigation or the target of pursuit. Only fools do otherwise.

Instead, you ask the questions, and you don't open your trap to utter anything else but the following questions, unless it is to say, "I don't answer questions":

"Am I being detained or am I free to go?"

"On what constitutionally valid grounds am I being detained?"

(Hint: your refusal to answer questions is not a constitutionally valid reason for a police official to detain you.)

"What is your name and your badge number?"

Under most circumstances, the officer is required by law to answer these questions.


As for this kind of activism, I'm all for it. The man knows the law and apparently has some experience challenging suspiciousless interrogations; it's doubtful that he did anything wrong to be lawfully arrested. And apparently he was released without charge, which demonstrates the truth of my point. But keep your cool: be polite, yet firm, and do not physically resist.

Your such a bootlick, Jones, a pathetic excuse of manhood.

Thank you for your service, Omar!

Still think I'm wrong, watch these encounters. . . .

[ame=]Top DHS checkpoint refusals - YouTube[/ame]

They all drove away on their terms, didn't they?

As for Contamacious' claptrap: "Does the Fifth Amendment’s Self-Incrimination Clause protect a defendant’s refusal to answer questions asked by law enforcement before he has been arrested or read his Miranda rights?"

I never asserted it did. Pay attention. Think. That doesn't stop one from asserting one's right to remain silent or to refuse to answer questions up front in any way, shape or form. Obviously, no official can compel one to divulge the contents of one's mind, before or after arrest. Duh. Get into trouble? You mean wet your pants and capitulate every time some badge demands something from you? Are you an American or a pussy?

Zoom! Right over your head.

Further, that doesn’t overthrow the fact that the officer must have probable cause to arrest you, and your refusal to answer any questions does not constitute probable cause! And should the Supreme Court assert any other thing in the face of the Fifth Amendment in this regard, let it be treated with contempt and civil disobedience.

These legal subtleties and the blunt realities of such encounters eluded you, didn't they, Contamacious and Jones? That's because you're bootlicks who don't think things through as you rattle off any ol' demagoguery as mindlessly as a dog licks its genitals. You've been conditioned to see the badge and slobber.

I would think that by now you would be sick of being exposed and pummeled by me, Jones, but then of course you're a lying ass fool.
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Democracy Now is shit pit of progressive scumbags. As to the video, I'd like to see the whole thing before getting on a high horse about governmental abuse.

We live in a Republic.

Conservatives such as the OP don’t want you to know the facts, evidence, or context to make your own decisions – just react emotionally to their demagoguery.

Democracy Now is shit pit of progressive scumbags. As to the video, I'd like to see the whole thing before getting on a high horse about governmental abuse.

We live in a Republic.

Conservatives such as the OP don’t want you to know the facts, evidence, or context to make your own decisions – just react emotionally to their demagoguery.


I know. Right. LOL!

These are great too.

"Am I being detained?"


"Okay, goodbye."

Did ya notice that the female brownshirt tried to open his hatch without permission? That was a violation of the law. Keep your doors locked. Then she's asks for permission. LOL! "No! I don't consent to searches." Bravo!
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The OP clearly does not know what the fifth amendment is.

It is the right to refuse to answer questions to Government or law enforcement.

It's the right to not incriminate oneself. That doesn't mean that the government can't ask questions or detain anyone who are suspected of criminal actions or wrongdoing.

One has the right to refuse. And the simple act of refusing can not be the reason to detain them. They have to have other reasons.
It is the right to refuse to answer questions to Government or law enforcement.

It's the right to not incriminate oneself. That doesn't mean that the government can't ask questions or detain anyone who are suspected of criminal actions or wrongdoing.

One has the right to refuse. And the simple act of refusing can not be the reason to detain them. They have to have other reasons.

bingo! Man the left really doesn't care about civil liberties at all......just when it suits their purpose
The Entire State of Florida has been ruled a "Constitution Free Zone" Judge reaffirms 'Constitution-free zones' near border, teeing up high court fight | Fox News

As such, the Government can set up road blocks anywhere they want to stop everyone to ask what their citizenship is.

I've been lucky so far as I have not yet encountered such, but if and when I do, I will refuse to answer any questions what-so-ever. The only thing I will say will be asking for the name and badge number of the Oath Breaker and if I am being detained or am I free to go. I won't comply with any requests or directions to proceed to any "secondary" areas.

I didn't serve 20 years to see this happen in the U.S. and to voluntarily comply with it.
At the border your rights are extremely limited. According to DHS that's pretty much 50 miles inland from any coast or in the case of border patrol it can possibly 100 miles from a border where a road directly goes to the border.

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