Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Breaking News. They just didn't have the votes, so they "postponed" the vote.

Dealmaker Donald couldn't deliver. Maybe he can write a new book titled "Art of the Fail."
What are you cheering a our, douche bag? Do you prefer Obama care? I thought you claimed to be an anarchist.

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It's not a failure. A political failure? No - as you can see here - American conservatives DO NOT WANT THIS..

Then the vast majority of congressional Republicans are not conservative, since only 34 of them came out with reservations against the bill.
How can one political party, who enjoy's majority control of both houses of Congress fail to get this passed?? They've had 7+ years to plan this, and still they can't agree on what to do. Who are they going to blame now, the media? What are bunch of idiots!

They have no one to blame for their failure. Opposition tactics do not work for a governing party.

It's not a failure. A political failure? No - as you can see here - American conservatives DO NOT WANT THIS.
Failure to fix a problem? No - you can't fix a problem by simply changing it's name.

The only failure here is that Obamacare is here in the first place.
This is a success.

Now they need to get their hrads out of their asses and change this f*cking thing!!

It's not a failure

It is.
A huge one. Only Republican hands have touched this. It's a huge failure of leadership across the board.
And remember that 0 congressional democrats are real democrats.


Don't you mean not real liberals?
This was a failure for Donald Trump. I suppose it is a success for the 83% of Americans that opposed Trumpcare.
It is only a failure in the eyes of Democrats who want everyone to forget that their bill - that passed - is what this whole mess is about!

BULLSHIT......I don't expect you to think beyond your own selfish needs....but others should consider how many fellow Americans NOW have HC insurance for the first time in their lives......and no longer have to go to an emergency room for cancer treatment or dialysis.
Wise decision if you don't think you have the votes better to do this than what the Democrats did with Obamacare and force it down the nations throat.

Unwise for Donald Trump to endorse the bill in the first place..
BULLSHIT......I don't expect you to think beyond your own selfish needs....but others should consider how many fellow Americans NOW have HC insurance for the first time in their lives......and no longer have to go to an emergency room for cancer treatment or dialysis.

A plastic card in your wallet is not health insurance.
$5000 - $7000 deductible plans is not insurance, it is a donation.
Unwise for Donald Trump to endorse the bill in the first place..

As usual, the Trumpster will now say that "I never liked the GOP bill anyway"....and his ass-lickers will cheer, as usual.

republican leaders refused to vote for a bill that is bad.

False. The entire Republican leadership supported the bill, with the exception of Mark Meadows. Donald Trump was working all week to push Trumpcare.
Breaking News. They just didn't have the votes, so they "postponed" the vote.

Dealmaker Donald couldn't deliver. Maybe he can write a new book titled "Art of the Fail."

What happened to the Great Dealmaker?

Maybe he should have offered Republicans a deal like he offered Putin?
I was actually hoping they would cancel it, because they imo did not give themselves enough time to allow BiPartisan input and tweak the thing enough to make all sides happy.

I might chalk that up to a bit of inexperience with President Trump and his Enthusiasm to get things done out pacing the strict time line they set for themselves to craft a BiPartisan bill that most could accept. It was close though, but the important thing is to get it right, not ram it through like Obama did.
I might chalk that up to a bit of inexperience with President Trump and his Enthusiasm to get things done out pacing the strict time line they set for themselves to craft a BiPartisan bill that most could accept

Will you criticize Donald Trump for endorsing the bill?
It is only a failure in the eyes of Democrats who want everyone to forget that their bill - that passed - is what this whole mess is about!

BULLSHIT......I don't expect you to think beyond your own selfish needs....but others should consider how many fellow Americans NOW have HC insurance for the first time in their lives......and no longer have to go to an emergency room for cancer treatment or dialysis.

I remember when people did what they had to do. I guess you don't.

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