Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

It would have had a greater impact had the Koran be burned, since there actually is an islam, but since there isn't a confederacy, this is a pretty weak statement.

People should make copies of the isis flag and then burn it and post the burning on the internet.
The Iranian flag would be another favorite flag to burn and post too.
We should be burning the isis flag, the Iranian flag and the rainbow flag.
Don't forget books.
I encourage everyone to get every CSA flag possible and mail them to friends who will include them in the burning.
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


So some folks had a free speech exercise, just like the folks that sponsored the mohammad drawing contest. Neither are a big deal and neither belong on this forum.
I encourage everyone to get every CSA flag possible and mail them to friends who will include them in the burning.

When you burn Confederate flags, can you just light them or do you need gasoline?
I encourage everyone to get every CSA flag possible and mail them to friends who will include them in the burning.

When you burn Confederate flags, can you just light them or do you need gasoline?
Probably depends on the material. Same with American flags. But if you shit on the American flag like Obama did you dont have to worry about that.
Don't be such a tard. How many of those Democrats were part of the KKK after 1965?

Isn't it funny how there is no statute of limitations on what Republicans do that is bad but we are to immediately forget everything that a Democrat does that is bad.


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That is only because they lost. The winners write history.

Fighting to protect the right to bondage of other people is defensible?
No being a dumbass Millennial who does not know what the official Confederate flag was is indefensible.
Nobody flys the "official" confederate flag, it is the battle flag they parade around in hate

Yes, the battle flag that was adopted by the KKK. The battle flag that was ressurected during the Civil Rights era as a way of reminding blacks what their rightful place is, the battle flag that started showing up on state flags and flying over southern statehouse s in retalliation for the end of Jim Crow

You're the only hater here, RW.

The Battle Flag never went away. And if it experienced a resurgence of popularity, it was well before the Civil Rights era.

Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"During the first half of the 20th century, the Confederate flag enjoyed renewed popularity. During World War II some U.S. military units with Southern nicknames, or made up largely of Southerners, made the flag their unofficial emblem. The USS Columbia flew a Confederate Navy Ensign as a battle flag throughout combat in the South Pacific in World War II. This was done in honor of Columbia, the ship's namesake and the capital city of South Carolina, the first state to secede from the Union. Some soldiers carried Confederate flags into battle. After the Battle of Okinawa a Confederate flag was raised over Shuri Castle by a Marine from the self-styled "Rebel Company" (Company A of the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines). It was visible for miles and was taken down after three days on the orders of General Simon B. Buckner, Jr. (son of Confederate general Simon Buckner, Sr.), who stated that it was inappropriate as "Americans from all over are involved in this battle". It was replaced with the regulation, 48-star flag of the United States.[33] By the end of World War II, the use of the Confederate flag in the military was rare.[34] The 1979-1985 American television series The Dukes of Hazzard, set in a fictional Georgia county, featured the General Lee stock car with a prominently displayed Confederate naval jack on its roof throughout the series' run. In the 1994 movie, Forrest Gump, a Confederate flag can be seen at a US Army camp in Vietnam."

You are a bigot. YOu hate a people based on the fact that they are a different culture than you, one that you consider inferior.

The Confederate battle flag was pretty much put in the closet for many decades after the Civil War. A small resurgence came about in the late 1800's and early 1900's -- when the Jim Crow laws, literacy tests, state mandated segregation - and basically full stomping on the Civil Rights of blacks in the South came about,

but, even then it was mostly used for somber evens, like memorials and vet reunions.

At this same time, a resurfacing of Confederate "nobility" came about, and United Confederate Veterans, the United Daughters of the Confederacy set about to rewriting the history of the War.

They started portraying the CSA as being about things like the tariffs, and States' Rights, and tried to whitewash the slavery aspect out of it altogether - and to the extent slavery existed, it was a benevolent kind, with gentle Mammies, generous, loving slaveowners, and happy happy slaves.

They did this to justify Jim Crow and the White Supremacy that brought out KKK and other paramilitary organizations that were terrorizing and intimidating the hell out of the the blacks at that time.

The Confederate Flag saw it's full resurgence during the Dixiecrat era, and later, when men came home from WWII, and tried to reintegrate into the South -- and roundabout the same time Civil Rights activists started pushing for equality.

That flag was trotted out in abundance then - and it's purpose was to intimidate and reinforce boldly : White Supremacy Reigns.

It's a symbol of White Supremacy, and has been used as such for a long time.

Do some yokels just fly it because they are ignorant of this? Sure. Doesn't make them any less ignorant.

1. PLease support your claim that the Battle Flag was "put in a closet" for several decades after the Civil War.

2. Please support your claim that it's 20th resurgence was associated with the "stomping of Black Civil RIghts".

3. Please support your claim that it was only a "Confederate nobility" that cared about Confederate History and/or the Battle Flag.

4. Please support your claim that it's purpose was to reinforce White Supremacy, with especial consideration on how CBS, with it's Dukes Of Hazzard presentation of the Flag was either a part of that, or unaware of that.
I encourage everyone to get every CSA flag possible and mail them to friends who will include them in the burning.

When you burn Confederate flags, can you just light them or do you need gasoline?

Are you prepared to admit you hate White SOutherns yet?

Hate? No
Respect? No

I know why you are lying about this.

You have managed to realize that your hatred of a regional group makes you a bigot and a hater.

And that causes cognitive dissonance in your liberal head.

Face the fact, RW. YOur anger has led you to become that which you hate.

A real classic liberal, who really believed in Diversity and respecting other cultures, would be able to respect the culture of the SOuth and would support them showing pride in their heritage.

You are more of a reactionary leftist.
You are a reactionary far right scab, Correll.

Your scabrous pride overweeningly distorts Southern culture reveals

Your mental confusion causes you to imitate a mindlessly chattering chipmunk.

The true American respects the real South and not your perverted misrepresentation.

The true Southerner knows and is thankful the Union won and the nation preserved.
You are a reactionary far right scab, Correll.

Your scabrous pride overweeningly distorts Southern culture reveals

Your mental confusion causes you to imitate a mindlessly chattering chipmunk.

The true American respects the real South and not your perverted misrepresentation.

The true Southerner knows and is thankful the Union won and the nation preserved.

Blah, blah, blah.

Calling me names does not support your argument. You do realize that don't you?

It is not a "perverted misrepresentation" to celebrate the heroism and sacrifice of the Confederate Soldiers, for one example.
Correll, you were the one calling names, and now you are whining. Can't take what you dish, can you? :lol: That is always a sign of a far right reactionary.

Your intent of the glorification of the Confederate is about the same as glorifying the fighting abilities of the German soldier of WWII.

Both were supreme fighters defending systems that glorified in human bondage.
Are these the same artists that have to fear for their lives if they portray Allah or Mohammad? Nobody will hurt flag burners. But doodling a cartoon of the grand poohbah of islam CAN get you in far more trouble. I find this thread ridiculous, as if it is major issue.
Correll, you were the one calling names, and now you are whining. Can't take what you dish, can you? :lol: That is always a sign of a far right reactionary.

Your intent of the glorification of the Confederate is about the same as glorifying the fighting abilities of the German soldier of WWII.

Both were supreme fighters defending systems that glorified in human bondage.

Bullshit on top of bullshit.

My clearly stated point was that insults do not support your case, and that was all you offered.

Your opinion of my intent reflects nothing but your narrowmindedness.

Did you ever see the Dukes of Hazzard?

Was that show about glorifying Human Bondage? Is that why it was a nationwide hit?

Or was it just a harmless symbol of regional pride?
Are these the same artists that have to fear for their lives if they portray Allah or Mohammad? Nobody will hurt flag burners. But doodling a cartoon of the grand poohbah of islam CAN get you in far more trouble. I find this thread ridiculous, as if it is major issue.
What does the slave raping south have to do with Muslims?
You insulted others, you were insulted in return, and you whined about getting what you dished. That is what you did, Correll. Your “clearly stated point” is that you cannot take what you dish.

Get a better example than the Duke family, you oaf. Evening Shade would be far better and much more to the point: none of those characters glorified the Confederacy. I lived in the South for more than 30 years, and true Southerners know the truth between myth and perversion.

Your intent is clear: to glorify the perversion of the Southern slave culture.
Are these the same artists that have to fear for their lives if they portray Allah or Mohammad? Nobody will hurt flag burners. But doodling a cartoon of the grand poohbah of islam CAN get you in far more trouble. I find this thread ridiculous, as if it is major issue.
What does the slave raping south have to do with Muslims?

Wow, you are a deep thinker. Funny that, I never equated the two, the original post claimed ARTISTS were going to burn confederate flags...Remember back a few weeks ago, Muslims tried to attack and kill ARTISTS creating cartoons of Allah the great and powerful? The OP's avatar, look at that. A gay flag colors superimposed over a Muslim Moon and star...But since you brought up the rape angle, let alone slavery, Boko Haram and ISIS have been doing a bang up job of THAT too. Let alone mass slaughter.

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