As 2018 comes to a close...who / what killed more Americans this year...AR-15’s or Illegal aliens?

I remember when I was a kid, 50 years ago, hearing some Hispanic kid saying, " I am not an Mexican, I am an American" . Now? I am not American, I am a Mexican the tides have changed.
I remember back years ago, when Mexicans used to accept speaking English as American .They spoke English, hell, Mexicans were proud of that once upon a time. Acclimation was a "thing". Now? It's shameful...why is that?
I remember back years ago, when Mexicans used to accept speaking English as American .....

Somebody's OCD obsession with hatred of people from Mexico aside...

Immigrants today learn English and assimilate just as those who came before them did.
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

I guess you wouldn't want to see your statistics of other violent crime since your gun bans, now would you? I have them if you'd like to look.

Your intention was not to stir me up with your "dick prose" your intention was like all other liberals to try and inflict shame for carrying or supporting the use of guns.

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

You are a fool if you (and other liberals like you) believe that if you banned guns, the criminals would willingly turn theirs in. If you really think that, please explain our recreational narcotics problem in the US. After all, drugs have been illegal all of my life. Yet last year, we hit a record 70,000 dead Americans because of overdoses, and that doesn't include the thousands more that were saved by emergency services.

But wait!!!! Those drugs were banned! Two things you need to understand here: One, anything of desire will make it's way to the hands of criminals regardless of the law. Two, you live in an environment of virtually one race of people. The United States is very diverse. In fact, it's predicted the white race will be a minority in less than two decades. The truth of the matter is some races are much more violent than others. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Those ratios are even higher for other violent non-lethal crimes.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Self-Defense is not an affair with guns. It's a constitutional right and a means of equal protection against an attacker. By design, it's also a way of protection from a tyrannical government.

It might surprise you that most places in the US have no need for armed citizens, but on the other hand, there are places that do. To disarm those people would not only be a constitutional violation, but a violation of liberty.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE

If we say no to guns, our criminal element couldn't celebrate more. Of course they would love us to "just say no to guns" because that leaves the rest of us defenseless. You have no idea what you speak of because you don't live here. You don't understand what goes on here. You just read your paper over there and assume you have all the answers.
I remember when I was a kid, 50 years ago, hearing some Hispanic kid saying, " I am not an Mexican, I am an American" . Now? I am not American, I am a Mexican the tides have changed.

That's funny, just today I saw at least a half a dozen cars with Italian or Irish bumper stickers or little flags hanging from the rear view mirror. There are some great Irish-American festivals around here each year too. Knights of Columbus and AOH clubs all over the place too.
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

I guess you wouldn't want to see your statistics of other violent crime since your gun bans, now would you? I have them if you'd like to look.

Your intention was not to stir me up with your "dick prose" your intention was like all other liberals to try and inflict shame for carrying or supporting the use of guns.

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

You are a fool if you (and other liberals like you) believe that if you banned guns, the criminals would willingly turn theirs in. If you really think that, please explain our recreational narcotics problem in the US. After all, drugs have been illegal all of my life. Yet last year, we hit a record 70,000 dead Americans because of overdoses, and that doesn't include the thousands more that were saved by emergency services.

But wait!!!! Those drugs were banned! Two things you need to understand here: One, anything of desire will make it's way to the hands of criminals regardless of the law. Two, you live in an environment of virtually one race of people. The United States is very diverse. In fact, it's predicted the white race will be a minority in less than two decades. The truth of the matter is some races are much more violent than others. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Those ratios are even higher for other violent non-lethal crimes.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Self-Defense is not an affair with guns. It's a constitutional right and a means of equal protection against an attacker. By design, it's also a way of protection from a tyrannical government.

It might surprise you that most places in the US have no need for armed citizens, but on the other hand, there are places that do. To disarm those people would not only be a constitutional violation, but a violation of liberty.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE

If we say no to guns, our criminal element couldn't celebrate more. Of course they would love us to "just say no to guns" because that leaves the rest of us defenseless. You have no idea what you speak of because you don't live here. You don't understand what goes on here. You just read your paper over there and assume you have all the answers.
Not so at all Ray,worldwide the drug problem is the same expodentially,sic,but here the criminal element like the rest of the world will obtain Guns(ofen through the US,inparticular in Australia) BUT the Crims full well know that our Police enforcement will shoot on site if nessessary…They do not Celebrate because they know what will happen,anyhow you allow mentally unsound people with your poor checks and balances to obtain Guns...and mass murder American Children and that dreadful shooting in Vegas as a small but growing example...No Muslims just Americans against Americans,come to Australia,Ray or New Zealand or Britian and see and feel the difference

Anyhow Crims usually have shootings against each other,but I do understand the problems here and in the US

You are not in any position to critisize us, as you have never experienced a country who have a no guns policy...The facts speak for themselves,despite you throwing in a few red herrings...ALL I SAY IS JUST TRY is not a question of being defenceless because we just have a different state of mind,You just throw up Negatives that in reality rarely happen.I could change your thinking if you lived here,as so many Americans have Ray and that is the material facts of the situation...People do change...We ARE PROUD OF OUR O GUN POLICY and you should be pleased for us,Ray I have put myself in your shoes and hated is time NOW for you to put yourself in MINE and forget (for a while) youR Gunned Mind...STEVE...I will take the opportunity of Wishing You and Your Family and all Americans a Happy and Safe Christmas and Seasons Greetings...STEVE

I am off to see my CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN for a few weeks,Best Regards STEVE
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

I guess you wouldn't want to see your statistics of other violent crime since your gun bans, now would you? I have them if you'd like to look.

Your intention was not to stir me up with your "dick prose" your intention was like all other liberals to try and inflict shame for carrying or supporting the use of guns.

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

You are a fool if you (and other liberals like you) believe that if you banned guns, the criminals would willingly turn theirs in. If you really think that, please explain our recreational narcotics problem in the US. After all, drugs have been illegal all of my life. Yet last year, we hit a record 70,000 dead Americans because of overdoses, and that doesn't include the thousands more that were saved by emergency services.

But wait!!!! Those drugs were banned! Two things you need to understand here: One, anything of desire will make it's way to the hands of criminals regardless of the law. Two, you live in an environment of virtually one race of people. The United States is very diverse. In fact, it's predicted the white race will be a minority in less than two decades. The truth of the matter is some races are much more violent than others. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Those ratios are even higher for other violent non-lethal crimes.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Self-Defense is not an affair with guns. It's a constitutional right and a means of equal protection against an attacker. By design, it's also a way of protection from a tyrannical government.

It might surprise you that most places in the US have no need for armed citizens, but on the other hand, there are places that do. To disarm those people would not only be a constitutional violation, but a violation of liberty.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE

If we say no to guns, our criminal element couldn't celebrate more. Of course they would love us to "just say no to guns" because that leaves the rest of us defenseless. You have no idea what you speak of because you don't live here. You don't understand what goes on here. You just read your paper over there and assume you have all the answers.
Not so at all Ray,worldwide the drug problem is the same expodentially,sic,but here the criminal element like the rest of the world will obtain Guns(ofen through the US,inparticular in Australia) BUT the Crims full well know that our Police enforcement will shoot on site if nessessary…They do not Celebrate because they know what will happen,anyhow you allow mentally unsound people with your poor checks and balances to obtain Guns...and mass murder American Children and that dreadful shooting in Vegas as a small but growing example...No Muslims just Americans against Americans,come to Australia,Ray or New Zealand or Britian and see and feel the difference

Anyhow Crims usually have shootings against each other,but I do understand the problems here and in the US

You are not in any position to critisize us, as you have never experienced a country who have a no guns policy...The facts speak for themselves,despite you throwing in a few red herrings...ALL I SAY IS JUST TRY is not a question of being defenceless because we just have a different state of mind,You just throw up Negatives that in reality rarely happen.I could change your thinking if you lived here,as so many Americans have Ray and that is the material facts of the situation...People do change...We ARE PROUD OF OUR O GUN POLICY and you should be pleased for us,Ray I have put myself in your shoes and hated is time NOW for you to put yourself in MINE and forget (for a while) youR Gunned Mind...STEVE...I will take the opportunity of Wishing You and Your Family and all Americans a Happy and Safe Christmas and Seasons Greetings...STEVE

I am off to see my CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN for a few weeks,Best Regards STEVE

I have been in your shoes for many years. When this was an all white community, I had no need for a gun. We had one murder in my suburb every 12 years or so. Armed robbery was unheard of, and our streets were safe to walk at night. But that changed.

What you people do consistently is compare apples to oranges and think you've convinced people that apples are apples.

Several years ago, one of my tenants hooked up with an Australian girl over the internet and they got pretty close. She came here for a vacation for a couple of months. Our summers are your winters. When possible, I often tried to engage in political conversation about her country compared to ours. What she told me is outside of Aboriginals, it's basically a white country.

You can't take guns away from people because being armed is a constitutional right in this country, and the constitution can't be reasonably changed. Given that fact, the only thing you can do to fight crime is be on the same level or higher than the criminal. The truth of the matter is we have had firearms since our founding, however years ago, that was never a problem. In other words, guns are not the problem here, Democrats are.

And if you google our country and violent (and gun) crime, what you'll find is that those rates have been on the decline since the early 90's. That's in proportion to more states adopting Concealed Carry laws and changing laws that benefit the victim instead of the attacker. It remained that way until the Ferguson incident where it left police feeling helpless and persuading them to stop doing their job unless they had to address a call by a citizen.
'australia' seems like they are importing their problem criminal class .
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

I guess you wouldn't want to see your statistics of other violent crime since your gun bans, now would you? I have them if you'd like to look.

Your intention was not to stir me up with your "dick prose" your intention was like all other liberals to try and inflict shame for carrying or supporting the use of guns.

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

You are a fool if you (and other liberals like you) believe that if you banned guns, the criminals would willingly turn theirs in. If you really think that, please explain our recreational narcotics problem in the US. After all, drugs have been illegal all of my life. Yet last year, we hit a record 70,000 dead Americans because of overdoses, and that doesn't include the thousands more that were saved by emergency services.

But wait!!!! Those drugs were banned! Two things you need to understand here: One, anything of desire will make it's way to the hands of criminals regardless of the law. Two, you live in an environment of virtually one race of people. The United States is very diverse. In fact, it's predicted the white race will be a minority in less than two decades. The truth of the matter is some races are much more violent than others. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Those ratios are even higher for other violent non-lethal crimes.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Self-Defense is not an affair with guns. It's a constitutional right and a means of equal protection against an attacker. By design, it's also a way of protection from a tyrannical government.

It might surprise you that most places in the US have no need for armed citizens, but on the other hand, there are places that do. To disarm those people would not only be a constitutional violation, but a violation of liberty.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE

If we say no to guns, our criminal element couldn't celebrate more. Of course they would love us to "just say no to guns" because that leaves the rest of us defenseless. You have no idea what you speak of because you don't live here. You don't understand what goes on here. You just read your paper over there and assume you have all the answers.
Not so at all Ray,worldwide the drug problem is the same expodentially,sic,but here the criminal element like the rest of the world will obtain Guns(ofen through the US,inparticular in Australia) BUT the Crims full well know that our Police enforcement will shoot on site if nessessary…They do not Celebrate because they know what will happen,anyhow you allow mentally unsound people with your poor checks and balances to obtain Guns...and mass murder American Children and that dreadful shooting in Vegas as a small but growing example...No Muslims just Americans against Americans,come to Australia,Ray or New Zealand or Britian and see and feel the difference

Anyhow Crims usually have shootings against each other,but I do understand the problems here and in the US

You are not in any position to critisize us, as you have never experienced a country who have a no guns policy...The facts speak for themselves,despite you throwing in a few red herrings...ALL I SAY IS JUST TRY is not a question of being defenceless because we just have a different state of mind,You just throw up Negatives that in reality rarely happen.I could change your thinking if you lived here,as so many Americans have Ray and that is the material facts of the situation...People do change...We ARE PROUD OF OUR O GUN POLICY and you should be pleased for us,Ray I have put myself in your shoes and hated is time NOW for you to put yourself in MINE and forget (for a while) youR Gunned Mind...STEVE...I will take the opportunity of Wishing You and Your Family and all Americans a Happy and Safe Christmas and Seasons Greetings...STEVE

I am off to see my CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN for a few weeks,Best Regards STEVE

I have been in your shoes for many years. When this was an all white community, I had no need for a gun. We had one murder in my suburb every 12 years or so. Armed robbery was unheard of, and our streets were safe to walk at night. But that changed.

What you people do consistently is compare apples to oranges and think you've convinced people that apples are apples.

Several years ago, one of my tenants hooked up with an Australian girl over the internet and they got pretty close. She came here for a vacation for a couple of months. Our summers are your winters. When possible, I often tried to engage in political conversation about her country compared to ours. What she told me is outside of Aboriginals, it's basically a white country.

You can't take guns away from people because being armed is a constitutional right in this country, and the constitution can't be reasonably changed. Given that fact, the only thing you can do to fight crime is be on the same level or higher than the criminal. The truth of the matter is we have had firearms since our founding, however years ago, that was never a problem. In other words, guns are not the problem here, Democrats are.

And if you google our country and violent (and gun) crime, what you'll find is that those rates have been on the decline since the early 90's. That's in proportion to more states adopting Concealed Carry laws and changing laws that benefit the victim instead of the attacker. It remained that way until the Ferguson incident where it left police feeling helpless and persuading them to stop doing their job unless they had to address a call by a citizen.
Ya Just Hopeless Ray,Americans are changing slowly against Guns...I understand you are a far right,NRA,Gun toting promoting Repub Trump loving Lemming...who likes to see school children a word a C*NT.....F off and take that SNAKE Pisshead with you,no doubt its time to oil your the way I am not Liberal but Liberated from Morons like you and your stupid Bum Buddy
Enough said..So no more comment,people like you are a Waste of Space
'australia' seems like they are importing their problem criminal class .
What do you want us to do...BAN ALL AMERICANS ????????????????those TOXIC people from the most VIOLENT NATION ON EARTH
----------------------------------------- i just like watching your descent Liq . As far as banning Americans , i don't care Liq .
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

I guess you wouldn't want to see your statistics of other violent crime since your gun bans, now would you? I have them if you'd like to look.

Your intention was not to stir me up with your "dick prose" your intention was like all other liberals to try and inflict shame for carrying or supporting the use of guns.

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

You are a fool if you (and other liberals like you) believe that if you banned guns, the criminals would willingly turn theirs in. If you really think that, please explain our recreational narcotics problem in the US. After all, drugs have been illegal all of my life. Yet last year, we hit a record 70,000 dead Americans because of overdoses, and that doesn't include the thousands more that were saved by emergency services.

But wait!!!! Those drugs were banned! Two things you need to understand here: One, anything of desire will make it's way to the hands of criminals regardless of the law. Two, you live in an environment of virtually one race of people. The United States is very diverse. In fact, it's predicted the white race will be a minority in less than two decades. The truth of the matter is some races are much more violent than others. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Those ratios are even higher for other violent non-lethal crimes.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Self-Defense is not an affair with guns. It's a constitutional right and a means of equal protection against an attacker. By design, it's also a way of protection from a tyrannical government.

It might surprise you that most places in the US have no need for armed citizens, but on the other hand, there are places that do. To disarm those people would not only be a constitutional violation, but a violation of liberty.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE

If we say no to guns, our criminal element couldn't celebrate more. Of course they would love us to "just say no to guns" because that leaves the rest of us defenseless. You have no idea what you speak of because you don't live here. You don't understand what goes on here. You just read your paper over there and assume you have all the answers.
Not so at all Ray,worldwide the drug problem is the same expodentially,sic,but here the criminal element like the rest of the world will obtain Guns(ofen through the US,inparticular in Australia) BUT the Crims full well know that our Police enforcement will shoot on site if nessessary…They do not Celebrate because they know what will happen,anyhow you allow mentally unsound people with your poor checks and balances to obtain Guns...and mass murder American Children and that dreadful shooting in Vegas as a small but growing example...No Muslims just Americans against Americans,come to Australia,Ray or New Zealand or Britian and see and feel the difference

Anyhow Crims usually have shootings against each other,but I do understand the problems here and in the US

You are not in any position to critisize us, as you have never experienced a country who have a no guns policy...The facts speak for themselves,despite you throwing in a few red herrings...ALL I SAY IS JUST TRY is not a question of being defenceless because we just have a different state of mind,You just throw up Negatives that in reality rarely happen.I could change your thinking if you lived here,as so many Americans have Ray and that is the material facts of the situation...People do change...We ARE PROUD OF OUR O GUN POLICY and you should be pleased for us,Ray I have put myself in your shoes and hated is time NOW for you to put yourself in MINE and forget (for a while) youR Gunned Mind...STEVE...I will take the opportunity of Wishing You and Your Family and all Americans a Happy and Safe Christmas and Seasons Greetings...STEVE

I am off to see my CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN for a few weeks,Best Regards STEVE

I have been in your shoes for many years. When this was an all white community, I had no need for a gun. We had one murder in my suburb every 12 years or so. Armed robbery was unheard of, and our streets were safe to walk at night. But that changed.

What you people do consistently is compare apples to oranges and think you've convinced people that apples are apples.

Several years ago, one of my tenants hooked up with an Australian girl over the internet and they got pretty close. She came here for a vacation for a couple of months. Our summers are your winters. When possible, I often tried to engage in political conversation about her country compared to ours. What she told me is outside of Aboriginals, it's basically a white country.

You can't take guns away from people because being armed is a constitutional right in this country, and the constitution can't be reasonably changed. Given that fact, the only thing you can do to fight crime is be on the same level or higher than the criminal. The truth of the matter is we have had firearms since our founding, however years ago, that was never a problem. In other words, guns are not the problem here, Democrats are.

And if you google our country and violent (and gun) crime, what you'll find is that those rates have been on the decline since the early 90's. That's in proportion to more states adopting Concealed Carry laws and changing laws that benefit the victim instead of the attacker. It remained that way until the Ferguson incident where it left police feeling helpless and persuading them to stop doing their job unless they had to address a call by a citizen.
Ya Just Hopeless Ray,Americans are changing slowly against Guns...I understand you are a far right,NRA,Gun toting promoting Repub Trump loving Lemming...who likes to see school children a word a C*NT.....F off and take that SNAKE Pisshead with you,no doubt its time to oil your the way I am not Liberal but Liberated from Morons like you and your stupid Bum Buddy
Enough said..So no more comment,people like you are a Waste of Space
--------------------------------- you deserve what you get Liq , keep importing you problems to add to your native problems Liq .
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

I guess you wouldn't want to see your statistics of other violent crime since your gun bans, now would you? I have them if you'd like to look.

Your intention was not to stir me up with your "dick prose" your intention was like all other liberals to try and inflict shame for carrying or supporting the use of guns.

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

You are a fool if you (and other liberals like you) believe that if you banned guns, the criminals would willingly turn theirs in. If you really think that, please explain our recreational narcotics problem in the US. After all, drugs have been illegal all of my life. Yet last year, we hit a record 70,000 dead Americans because of overdoses, and that doesn't include the thousands more that were saved by emergency services.

But wait!!!! Those drugs were banned! Two things you need to understand here: One, anything of desire will make it's way to the hands of criminals regardless of the law. Two, you live in an environment of virtually one race of people. The United States is very diverse. In fact, it's predicted the white race will be a minority in less than two decades. The truth of the matter is some races are much more violent than others. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Those ratios are even higher for other violent non-lethal crimes.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Self-Defense is not an affair with guns. It's a constitutional right and a means of equal protection against an attacker. By design, it's also a way of protection from a tyrannical government.

It might surprise you that most places in the US have no need for armed citizens, but on the other hand, there are places that do. To disarm those people would not only be a constitutional violation, but a violation of liberty.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE

If we say no to guns, our criminal element couldn't celebrate more. Of course they would love us to "just say no to guns" because that leaves the rest of us defenseless. You have no idea what you speak of because you don't live here. You don't understand what goes on here. You just read your paper over there and assume you have all the answers.
Not so at all Ray,worldwide the drug problem is the same expodentially,sic,but here the criminal element like the rest of the world will obtain Guns(ofen through the US,inparticular in Australia) BUT the Crims full well know that our Police enforcement will shoot on site if nessessary…They do not Celebrate because they know what will happen,anyhow you allow mentally unsound people with your poor checks and balances to obtain Guns...and mass murder American Children and that dreadful shooting in Vegas as a small but growing example...No Muslims just Americans against Americans,come to Australia,Ray or New Zealand or Britian and see and feel the difference

Anyhow Crims usually have shootings against each other,but I do understand the problems here and in the US

You are not in any position to critisize us, as you have never experienced a country who have a no guns policy...The facts speak for themselves,despite you throwing in a few red herrings...ALL I SAY IS JUST TRY is not a question of being defenceless because we just have a different state of mind,You just throw up Negatives that in reality rarely happen.I could change your thinking if you lived here,as so many Americans have Ray and that is the material facts of the situation...People do change...We ARE PROUD OF OUR O GUN POLICY and you should be pleased for us,Ray I have put myself in your shoes and hated is time NOW for you to put yourself in MINE and forget (for a while) youR Gunned Mind...STEVE...I will take the opportunity of Wishing You and Your Family and all Americans a Happy and Safe Christmas and Seasons Greetings...STEVE

I am off to see my CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN for a few weeks,Best Regards STEVE

I have been in your shoes for many years. When this was an all white community, I had no need for a gun. We had one murder in my suburb every 12 years or so. Armed robbery was unheard of, and our streets were safe to walk at night. But that changed.

What you people do consistently is compare apples to oranges and think you've convinced people that apples are apples.

Several years ago, one of my tenants hooked up with an Australian girl over the internet and they got pretty close. She came here for a vacation for a couple of months. Our summers are your winters. When possible, I often tried to engage in political conversation about her country compared to ours. What she told me is outside of Aboriginals, it's basically a white country.

You can't take guns away from people because being armed is a constitutional right in this country, and the constitution can't be reasonably changed. Given that fact, the only thing you can do to fight crime is be on the same level or higher than the criminal. The truth of the matter is we have had firearms since our founding, however years ago, that was never a problem. In other words, guns are not the problem here, Democrats are.

And if you google our country and violent (and gun) crime, what you'll find is that those rates have been on the decline since the early 90's. That's in proportion to more states adopting Concealed Carry laws and changing laws that benefit the victim instead of the attacker. It remained that way until the Ferguson incident where it left police feeling helpless and persuading them to stop doing their job unless they had to address a call by a citizen.
Ya Just Hopeless Ray,Americans are changing slowly against Guns...I understand you are a far right,NRA,Gun toting promoting Repub Trump loving Lemming...who likes to see school children a word a C*NT.....F off and take that SNAKE Pisshead with you,no doubt its time to oil your the way I am not Liberal but Liberated from Morons like you and your stupid Bum Buddy
Enough said..So no more comment,people like you are a Waste of Space

Yes, you always know when you won an argument when a lib all of a sudden gets so nasty. But that's okay, we're used to it by now.

I have no idea where you got this notion Americans are turning their backs on guns. In the US, we have more gun ranges opening up. We have more women than ever taking a new interest in guns whereas years ago, it was a male dominated interest. In fact in my state of Ohio, more women are applying for their CCW than men.
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

I guess you wouldn't want to see your statistics of other violent crime since your gun bans, now would you? I have them if you'd like to look.

Your intention was not to stir me up with your "dick prose" your intention was like all other liberals to try and inflict shame for carrying or supporting the use of guns.

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

You are a fool if you (and other liberals like you) believe that if you banned guns, the criminals would willingly turn theirs in. If you really think that, please explain our recreational narcotics problem in the US. After all, drugs have been illegal all of my life. Yet last year, we hit a record 70,000 dead Americans because of overdoses, and that doesn't include the thousands more that were saved by emergency services.

But wait!!!! Those drugs were banned! Two things you need to understand here: One, anything of desire will make it's way to the hands of criminals regardless of the law. Two, you live in an environment of virtually one race of people. The United States is very diverse. In fact, it's predicted the white race will be a minority in less than two decades. The truth of the matter is some races are much more violent than others. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Those ratios are even higher for other violent non-lethal crimes.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Self-Defense is not an affair with guns. It's a constitutional right and a means of equal protection against an attacker. By design, it's also a way of protection from a tyrannical government.

It might surprise you that most places in the US have no need for armed citizens, but on the other hand, there are places that do. To disarm those people would not only be a constitutional violation, but a violation of liberty.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE

If we say no to guns, our criminal element couldn't celebrate more. Of course they would love us to "just say no to guns" because that leaves the rest of us defenseless. You have no idea what you speak of because you don't live here. You don't understand what goes on here. You just read your paper over there and assume you have all the answers.
Not so at all Ray,worldwide the drug problem is the same expodentially,sic,but here the criminal element like the rest of the world will obtain Guns(ofen through the US,inparticular in Australia) BUT the Crims full well know that our Police enforcement will shoot on site if nessessary…They do not Celebrate because they know what will happen,anyhow you allow mentally unsound people with your poor checks and balances to obtain Guns...and mass murder American Children and that dreadful shooting in Vegas as a small but growing example...No Muslims just Americans against Americans,come to Australia,Ray or New Zealand or Britian and see and feel the difference

Anyhow Crims usually have shootings against each other,but I do understand the problems here and in the US

You are not in any position to critisize us, as you have never experienced a country who have a no guns policy...The facts speak for themselves,despite you throwing in a few red herrings...ALL I SAY IS JUST TRY is not a question of being defenceless because we just have a different state of mind,You just throw up Negatives that in reality rarely happen.I could change your thinking if you lived here,as so many Americans have Ray and that is the material facts of the situation...People do change...We ARE PROUD OF OUR O GUN POLICY and you should be pleased for us,Ray I have put myself in your shoes and hated is time NOW for you to put yourself in MINE and forget (for a while) youR Gunned Mind...STEVE...I will take the opportunity of Wishing You and Your Family and all Americans a Happy and Safe Christmas and Seasons Greetings...STEVE

I am off to see my CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN for a few weeks,Best Regards STEVE

I have been in your shoes for many years. When this was an all white community, I had no need for a gun. We had one murder in my suburb every 12 years or so. Armed robbery was unheard of, and our streets were safe to walk at night. But that changed.

What you people do consistently is compare apples to oranges and think you've convinced people that apples are apples.

Several years ago, one of my tenants hooked up with an Australian girl over the internet and they got pretty close. She came here for a vacation for a couple of months. Our summers are your winters. When possible, I often tried to engage in political conversation about her country compared to ours. What she told me is outside of Aboriginals, it's basically a white country.

You can't take guns away from people because being armed is a constitutional right in this country, and the constitution can't be reasonably changed. Given that fact, the only thing you can do to fight crime is be on the same level or higher than the criminal. The truth of the matter is we have had firearms since our founding, however years ago, that was never a problem. In other words, guns are not the problem here, Democrats are.

And if you google our country and violent (and gun) crime, what you'll find is that those rates have been on the decline since the early 90's. That's in proportion to more states adopting Concealed Carry laws and changing laws that benefit the victim instead of the attacker. It remained that way until the Ferguson incident where it left police feeling helpless and persuading them to stop doing their job unless they had to address a call by a citizen.
Ya Just Hopeless Ray,Americans are changing slowly against Guns...I understand you are a far right,NRA,Gun toting promoting Repub Trump loving Lemming...who likes to see school children a word a C*NT.....F off and take that SNAKE Pisshead with you,no doubt its time to oil your the way I am not Liberal but Liberated from Morons like you and your stupid Bum Buddy
Enough said..So no more comment,people like you are a Waste of Space

Yes, you always know when you won an argument when a lib all of a sudden gets so nasty. But that's okay, we're used to it by now.

I have no idea where you got this notion Americans are turning their backs on guns. In the US, we have more gun ranges opening up. We have more women than ever taking a new interest in guns whereas years ago, it was a male dominated interest. In fact in my state of Ohio, more women are applying for their CCW than men.
yeah plus , its interesting but even programing on tv seems to be embracing guns and weapons of all types as programming is showing shows that feature shooting and even building of guns and weapons on tv . I think that guns are here to stay .
Didn't mean to muddy the waters Ray,I may be wrong but I have found quite interesting subjects in American friends living here in Paradise(Australia),on their gun love affair

When newly arrived,all they{the men mainly)talk of is their gun/ the extent it becomes sickening and boring...sub conciously sic thinking it is an extention of their dicks...2 b cont'd
------------------------------------------------ but look at this foolish scenario that the Liq claims is quite common [chuckle] it is amusing but Liq says that it happens . -------- :afro:
Didn't mean to muddy the waters Ray,I may be wrong but I have found quite interesting subjects in American friends living here in Paradise(Australia),on their gun love affair

When newly arrived,all they{the men mainly)talk of is their gun/ the extent it becomes sickening and boring...sub conciously sic thinking it is an extention of their dicks...2 b cont'd
------------------------------------------------ but look at this foolish scenario that the Liq claims is quite common [chuckle] it is amusing but Liq says that it happens . -------- :afro:
read my previous posts DHead
Didn't mean to muddy the waters Ray,I may be wrong but I have found quite interesting subjects in American friends living here in Paradise(Australia),on their gun love affair

When newly arrived,all they{the men mainly)talk of is their gun/ the extent it becomes sickening and boring...sub conciously sic thinking it is an extention of their dicks...2 b cont'd
------------------------------------------------ but look at this foolish scenario that the Liq claims is quite common [chuckle] it is amusing but Liq says that it happens . -------- :afro:
------------------------------------------------- as i said or repeat , look at the foolish sceanario that Liq claims is quite common . [pretty funny eh]
well that sparks a little brain cell in my head. If an illegal goes to buy a gun, how the fk can there be a background check?

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