As 2018 comes to a close...who / what killed more Americans this year...AR-15’s or Illegal aliens?

SO let's tally it up, according to the latest FBI statistics available, from 2017.

White offenders outnumbered Hispanic 10 to 1, sucker and Hispanics were responsible for 1533 murders.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Haha..don’t get to desperate bud...think per capita like all smart people do. Remember, this is a White mans nation, we’re still the seventy huh?
Didn't mean to muddy the waters Ray,I may be wrong but I have found quite interesting subjects in American friends living here in Paradise(Australia),on their gun love affair

When newly arrived,all they{the men mainly)talk of is their gun/ the extent it becomes sickening and boring...sub conciously sic thinking it is an extention of their dicks...2 b cont'd

Yes, we get that all the time from the left here. Democrats think they are smarter than everybody else; they think nobody could see through their reverse psychology:

Goal: Turn people who like guns into people who don't want them anymore.

Method: tell guys that loving guns is a penis thing instead of self-defense which is what real men love.

Expected outcome: Men will then feel insecure and not want their guns anymore because they will feel everybody knows of their sexual insecurities that way.

You people out there are a couple of decades behind us here in the states. So that ole small dick complex thing has been figured out, and maybe you'll do the same in the future. It doesn't work.
No Ray we are 100 years advanced from the USA in Gun/weaponary...We think,and we are right as is clearly shown,as we have a very low gun-death rate,one of the worlds lowest Ray...we live free of mind and as I was going to say in my previous post, Americans, who live, stay and study here, after a few months LOVE US FOR IT AND THEY LOVE IT...The "DICK"prose was merely to stir you up...saying that...the ritual of putting on/wearing a Gun has certain elements ,which you yourself have admitted

The worry of shooting someone or being shot at is constantly on the mind,not all the time but it is there Ray,when folk come here these thought completely diminish to the extent that your mind is free if the Negative,unburdened if you like to a more Positive attitude and must be so Sad,to think that Muslims,Mexicans and others are out to get you...BAN ALL GUNS AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE,YOUR WHOLE OUTLOOK WILL CHANGE.

In the end your Affair with Guns,in crude terms is an Unsatisfactory Fuck...because there are no positives unless you are the manufactures...and all that energy mentally you and all's a horrible life of dread where no dread needs to exist Ray,none at all...And the misery of it all for you as individual Americans.

Don't throw me under a Bus because I speak so,just think about it all,the children who never deserved it...the Families that grieve for a lifetime Ray,do all these Americans just become a statistic on a computer screen????NO THEY SHOULD NEVER BE,as a Society,You have lost Empathy and Kindness and what Americans really feel,deep down...It only takes one man or woman to hold out their should be you Ray and men like you...Real Men,one day you may need it yourself(God Forbid)...I am not you enemy in anyway but a friend who has your back...Just say NO TO GUNS,WE DID AND WE
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Didn't mean to muddy the waters Ray,I may be wrong but I have found quite interesting subjects in American friends living here in Paradise(Australia),on their gun love affair

When newly arrived,all they{the men mainly)talk of is their gun/ the extent it becomes sickening and boring...sub conciously sic thinking it is an extention of their dicks...2 b cont'd
-------------------------------------- [ your widdle story sounds like BS to me Liq ] ---------- And besides that Mens concerns should be taken seriously although your scenario sounds like BS to me Liq . Any Gun Loving American Man with the ability to move from the USA to the lands of 'disarmed' subjects would know that he was going to the Land of Disarmed 'subjects . And therefore he wouldn't move to the 'land of disarmed subjects' unless he was willing to give up his Effective Guns Liq . .
You and Skye can only say that,to defend the Violence of your Societies...You justify murder because ...I know but do you two???
My family is mixed, converted German Jew to catholic to Irish catholic to protestant . American I don't expect people to speak Celtic or Yiddish . We acclimated. Mexicans aren't any better. Are they? But we have this " Si habla Española" stuff ,and we pay good tax payer money for people that don't seem to want to acclimate. Funny thing about that.
looks like you import your problems and i'm interested to see it . Are 'africans' rioting anywhere in ' paradise' or 'australia' lately Liq .
My family is mixed, converted German Jew to catholic to Irish catholic to protestant . American I don't expect people to speak Celtic or Yiddish . We acclimated. Mexicans aren't any better. Are they? Bu we have this" si
habla Espanol" stuff and we pay good tax payer money for people that don't seem to want to acclimate.
So from you tortured lineage you became an American but have you really Assimilated...I wonder what the Native Americans think of your diatribe...and what and who you have become..Early on,they knew as soon as you opened your mouth and they saw your forked tongue......….yes I do speak Spanish but you erred in your statement,South and Central America,speak what we call Latin American Spanish...not the same
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I remember back in the good ol' days when I called the cops on illegal aliens. When I actually went to the INS office to report illegal aliens, Silly me thinking it mattered. This is back in 1993. The paradigm shifted bigtime. Wettbacks and their handers tell US what is normal now, and that is scary. Anecdotal my ass, that is ... history, get over it.
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looks like you import your problems and i'm interested to see it . Are 'africans' rioting anywhere in ' paradise' or 'australia' lately Liq .
Depends if you crave for Media interpretation or fact...I can see you are a Faux Fatale (just a play on words Pis,as in Fox
I remember back in the good ol' days when I called the cops on illegal aliens. When I actually went to the INS office to report illegal aliens, Silly me thinking it mattered. This is back in 1993. The paradigm shifted bigtime. Wettbacks and their handers tell US what is normal now, and that is scary.
Excuse my ignorance Mary,what is a Wettback/Wheatback ...steve
I remember back in the good ol' days when I called the cops on illegal aliens. When I actually went to the INS office to report illegal aliens, Silly me thinking it mattered. This is back in 1993. The paradigm shifted bigtime. Wettbacks and their handers tell US what is normal now, and that is scary.
Excuse my ignorance Mary,what is a Wettback/Wheatback ...steve
Definition of WETBACK
I remember back in the good ol' days when I called the cops on illegal aliens. When I actually went to the INS office to report illegal aliens, Silly me thinking it mattered. This is back in 1993. The paradigm shifted bigtime. Wettbacks and their handers tell US what is normal now, and that is scary.
Excuse my ignorance Mary,what is a Wettback/Wheatback ...steve
Definition of WETBACK
Just as well it wasn't a WETCHECK then,otherwise we'd all be fucked
I remember back in the good ol' days when I called the cops on illegal aliens. When I actually went to the INS office to report illegal aliens, Silly me thinking it mattered. This is back in 1993. The paradigm shifted bigtime. Wettbacks and their handers tell US what is normal now, and that is scary.
Excuse my ignorance Mary,what is a Wettback/Wheatback ...steve
Definition of WETBACK
Just as well it wasn't a WETCHECK then,otherwise we'd all be fucked
Yeah, either way. I lived with Mexican Americans and they don't care about spelling or grammar, either. Hispanics don't condone or even equate themselves with illegal aliens. In fact, I know Hispanics rather despise illegals and that says it all.

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