As 2018 comes to a close...who / what killed more Americans this year...AR-15’s or Illegal aliens?

Lets tally it up so we all know where to direct our outrage and spend our time and energy.
There has been no bigger political issues this year...where should we get our legislators to spend their time?
Illegal aliens are the catalyst to the criminal anchor baby.
Don't forget Muslims. How man Americans have Muslims killed in the US this year?

More or less than lightning?

Take a guess.
I am about to make some people piss themselves and curl up in the fetal position on the floor.
















Congresswoman-elect Ilhan Omar:









illegal aliens kill more people.

You're a poofter. Don't you worry about America, boy. We got this. I can shoot a Boa if it comes around here, can you?
You should shut your mouth MAID MARION,you couldn't kick your way out of a wet paper bag...but we all know that,you are the epitimy of the True America LOSER...Just takes one Australian to give you a Bitch Slap LOL across your face,and you bawl like a Baby,by the way I can do everything and anything...PUNK,just remember who I am speaking to BOYO, you
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As 2018 comes to a close...who / what killed more Americans this year...AR-15’s or Illegal aliens?


I see a trend.
illegal aliens kill more people.

You're a poofter. Don't you worry about America, boy. We got this. I can shoot a Boa if it comes around here, can you?
You should shut your mouth MAID MARION,you couldn't kick your way out of a wet paper bag...but we all know that,you are the epitimy of the True America LOSER...Just takes one Australian to give you a Slap across your face,and you bawl like a Baby,by the way I can do everything and anything...PUNK,just remember who you are speaking to BOYO,


I have never met anyone in MS 13
Have you?

This is a joke to you?
Tell ALL THE FAMILIES who've lost loved ones..... to your heroes.....ya sick FREAK!!!
Just GOOGLE "MS-13 murders"....88 MILLION RESULTS

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What does Google know about Me? Why do they track everyone?
Why does Google store so much information about me?
Well then tell it to the 36,000 families who lost loved ones to guns each year
Exact same TardLogic™.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban guns!

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

YOU miss the point,it is how your mentality changes when carrying for your introducing Muslims into the affray...shows you just are undisciplined and don't comprehend yourself at all...very Sad...steve
As 2018 comes to a close...who / what killed more Americans this year...AR-15’s or Illegal aliens?


I see a trend.

They will blame MS-13 and Muslim Terrorists

But right wing terrorists are never discussed
Nuke England and Australia!
------------------------------------ let the 'chinese' have 'new zealand and australia' and the Russian can have 'england' .
And NZ,A,UK will all come to America,and anyone with an IQ of less than 156 WILL BE KICKED OUT,BY THE SUPERIORS

LOL...We were born WINNERS BUT YOU AND TRUMP ARE LOSERS....The Mexicans and Canadians DON'T WANT YOU Pisshead,where you gonna run to,where you gonna hide....LOL
----------------------------------- hey Liq , good morning !! 'china' and the 'Mongrel Mob' is going to get you 'new zealanders and 'aussies' eventually . The 'english wankers' have already been gotten by the 'muslims' Liq .
Could you repeat that in English,not Gibberish Please Pissmore
Nuke England and Australia!
------------------------------------ let the 'chinese' have 'new zealand and australia' and the Russian can have 'england' .
And NZ,A,UK will all come to America,and anyone with an IQ of less than 156 WILL BE KICKED OUT,BY THE SUPERIORS

LOL...We were born WINNERS BUT YOU AND TRUMP ARE LOSERS....The Mexicans and Canadians DON'T WANT YOU Pisshead,where you gonna run to,where you gonna hide....LOL
----------------------------------- hey Liq , good morning !! 'china' and the 'Mongrel Mob' is going to get you 'new zealanders and 'aussies' eventually . The 'english wankers' have already been gotten by the 'muslims' Liq .
Could you repeat that in English,not Gibberish Please Pissmore
What, you don't speak gibberish? It's the official language of USMB!
you just brush up on yer 'chinese' and you disarmed 'aussies' try to get along with your Maori 'Mongrel Mob' Liq .
you just brush up on yer 'chinese' and you disarmed 'aussies' try to get along with your Maori 'Mongrel Mob' Liq .
Go Away Peanut Brain,Swirl and Swirl down the nearest Drain
Out into the Open Sea with the rest of the Faeces for which you surely be
People kill people... firearms do not

True! But an armed populace is a danger to wannabe dictators. They don't care about people killing each other because it just helps with their population control. If people were disarmed, millions would die because of government. History proves that. Every socialist/communist/marxist government has slaughtered people. All the leftists have expressed their concern for the fact that there are too many people. The last thing they really want is to have everyone receive the best medical care. Old people have a duty to die. Others with serious illnesses shouldn't be treated because it's a waste of resources. Obama's science czar wanted to put sterilization agents in public drinking water. All these things have been uttered by leftists many times. They, like Hitler, envision a world where the elite leaders rule over a smaller population. They also need the masses to be indoctrinated by their own special education. None of this is new. It's been done so many times in history and yet liberals are siding with the radical left and helping them take us down that same dead-end road.

Illegal aliens do pose a huge threat to people. Trump is on the right track in stopping anchor babies from being automatic citizens.

You would think, from the way they talk, that the left would be against any policy that would guarantee that more people are harmed or killed. Fact is, the left only cares about guns even though knives are the most used weapon in murders.

The left would allow all people in, even terrorists and known criminals. That is part of the plan for both globalization. They need the votes from these illegals to gain and permanently hold power. And the fact that illegals will murder more citizens just means the government has an easier job later.

Liberals balk at this because they are not educated in history, especially the history of the same leftist policies they now support.

Why else would they only care about the weapons that threaten a hostile takeover by a rogue government? Why else would they protect Muslim rapists when they pretend to stand behind the #MeToo movement? Why would they downplay the number of rapes and murders committed by illegal aliens? Why would they refuse to discuss the oppression of women and children by Muslims?

Don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do. Notice what they don't say.

Their only concern is stopping people from using the 2nd amendment the way our forefathers intended. To protect ourselves from any threat, especially from a rogue government.
you just brush up on yer 'chinese' and you disarmed 'aussies' try to get along with your Maori 'Mongrel Mob' Liq .
Go Away Peanut Brain,Swirl and Swirl down the nearest Drain
Out into the Open Sea with the rest of the Faeces for which you surely be
---------------------------------------- you 'new zealanders' are pretty much disarmed of effective weaponry same as the 'aussies' are disarmed aren't you Liq ?? Are you 'new zealanders' and 'aussies' considered to be 'subjects' Liq ??
Exact same TardLogic™.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban guns!

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

YOU miss the point,it is how your mentality changes when carrying for your introducing Muslims into the affray...shows you just are undisciplined and don't comprehend yourself at all...very Sad...steve

How does your mentality change when carrying a gun? When I carry mine, I pray like hell I don't have to use it.

CCW holders are the most law abiding citizens in the US. In fact less CCW holders are charged with a gun crime than our police officers.
Exact same TardLogic™.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban guns!

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


Leftist: Because some use guns for nefarious reasons, we need to disarm the law abiding so the bad people won't be able to get guns.
Exact same TardLogic[emoji769].

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban guns!

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

YOU miss the point,it is how your mentality changes when carrying for your introducing Muslims into the affray...shows you just are undisciplined and don't comprehend yourself at all...very Sad...steve

How does your mentality change when carrying a gun? When I carry mine, I pray like hell I don't have to use it.

CCW holders are the most law abiding citizens in the US. In fact less CCW holders are charged with a gun crime than our police officers.

This is a truth gun grabbers don't like to talk about.

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