As 2018 comes to a close...who / what killed more Americans this year...AR-15’s or Illegal aliens?

Um no they weren’t in North America you doofus.

You probably have no clue as to the dynamics that shaped early, present day North America do you?
No clue the plate tectonics that provided bridges across vast areas that no longer exist.
No idea how the "native Americans" got here.....or who may have been here before them....

But I'd bet you could tell us ALL about the 500 different genders.

Yet here you are....a self certified world renowned expert on early North American habitation.
You Lemmings are an evolving circus. If you weren't so dangerous to humanity I'd almost like ya.

:abgg2q.jpg: are either mega stupid and/or mentally fucked up.
Lets tally it up so we all know where to direct our outrage and spend our time and energy.
There has been no bigger political issues this year...where should we get our legislators to spend their time?
Illegal aliens are the catalyst to the criminal anchor baby.

Once again, Broke Loser has started a thread that does justice to his handle.
Lets tally it up so we all know where to direct our outrage and spend our time and energy.
There has been no bigger political issues this year...where should we get our legislators to spend their time?
Illegal aliens are the catalyst to the criminal anchor baby.

Once again, Broke Loser has started a thread that does justice to his handle.

So what part of that disgusting shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
Nuke England and Australia!
------------------------------------ let the 'chinese' have 'new zealand and australia' and the Russian can have 'england' .
And NZ,A,UK will all come to America,and anyone with an IQ of less than 156 WILL BE KICKED OUT,BY THE SUPERIORS

LOL...We were born WINNERS BUT YOU AND TRUMP ARE LOSERS....The Mexicans and Canadians DON'T WANT YOU Pisshead,where you gonna run to,where you gonna hide....LOL
Nuke England and Australia!
------------------------------------ let the 'chinese' have 'new zealand and australia' and the Russian can have 'england' .
And NZ,A,UK will all come to America,and anyone with an IQ of less than 156 WILL BE KICKED OUT,BY THE SUPERIORS

LOL...We were born WINNERS BUT YOU AND TRUMP ARE LOSERS....The Mexicans and Canadians DON'T WANT YOU Pisshead,where you gonna run to,where you gonna hide....LOL
----------------------------------- hey Liq , good morning !! 'china' and the 'Mongrel Mob' is going to get you 'new zealanders and 'aussies' eventually . The 'english wankers' have already been gotten by the 'muslims' Liq .
Guns are becoming socially unacceptable ....just like cigarettes

MS-13 compliments of the Left. Tens of thousands of violent criminals on early release, thanks to the Left.

So, violent criminals are Ok in your book.....we just need to eliminate those wicked Guns....huh?
So, if you are strangled or butchered...that's long as you're not SHOT? I see.

What's becoming socially unacceptable is low information, anti-American Hatewinger
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I have never met anyone in MS 13

Have you?
Okay so you posted a list of people of on the most wanted list who are primarily Mexican and I am somehow supposed to assume all of those people are illegal immigrants even though the list didn’t say they were?

Thanks for asking Billy...See, I take great pleasure in enlightening ignorant twisted fools who refuse to connect dots due to Headinassitus.

Lol do you know how many anchor babies there are? Not very many in terms of the general population of people of Mexican descent. Hey, idiot. The large majority of people of Mexican descent on that list were born here you dumb fuck. They were legal citizens at birth.

Haha...holy shit...look at this people, Billy really doesn’t know that ILLEGAL WETBACKS = LITTERS OF BARELY LEGAL WETBACKS
Are you serious Billy? Let me dumb this down for you...if you had TWO rabbits of the opposite sex, they mated and gave birth to ten rabbits, you now have twelve rabbits would you be able to understand that if you never had the first two rabbits you wouldn’t have the twelve rabbits?
Lol you are so dense. Okay, so by that logic, white people have no claim over North America because the native people already owned the land.

Well, my descendants were cavemen...they were here long before native

Descendants come after you

Are you claiming your future generations will be cavemen?
Lets tally it up so we all know where to direct our outrage and spend our time and energy.
There has been no bigger political issues this year...where should we get our legislators to spend their time?
Illegal aliens are the catalyst to the criminal anchor baby.
Tally it up? How about you be a man and find the statistics that prove it.

This is what they do.
They post shit and then don't back it up with facts.
And their fellow trained seals sit up and clap their flippers and gulp the chum.
I don't think that "h" belongs in "Chum".
I have never met anyone in MS 13
Have you?

This is a joke to you?
Tell ALL THE FAMILIES who've lost loved ones..... to your heroes.....ya sick FREAK!!!
Just GOOGLE "MS-13 murders"....88 MILLION RESULTS

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What does Google know about Me? Why do they track everyone?
Why does Google store so much information about me?
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I am about to make some people piss themselves and curl up in the fetal position on the floor.

























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