As a liberal, I support the UK's proposed ban of online porn.

rw nutters - as usual, all kinds of hysterical over the wrong thing.

Parents: take responsibility for your own kids.

Consenting adults - do anything you want because its no one's business. That's right, not even novasteve has any right to know what you're doing.
Are you suggesting that "pornography" (whatever the official definition of that turns out to be) be a controlled substance now? What's next on the soft censorship list lingerie catalogs?

Pornography already is a controlled product. You can't buy it off a magazine rack. You can't open a "sex shop" within a certain distance from a school (but fertilizer plants are okay) and you can't get a video off the shelf, you have to go into an "18 over" room to view it.

It's only on the Internet you can get free, unrestricted access to porn.

That all depends on where you live, the distribution and definition of "porn" varies according to State and Local laws and those laws are non-sequitur to the subject matter of NATIONAL (ISP level) restrictions on arbitrarily defined INTERNET content, certain restricts at the national level already exist (child pornography) of course but given the context that's quite outside the subject at hand.

If some community that I don't live in wishes to pass laws within the confines of the U.S. Constitutional Protections, their State Constitution and Local Charter while I may disagree in principle I certainly have no right to tell a community that I'm not a part of how to conduct their affairs, which is why I'm not in a position to object to such practices (outside of my own community of course).
I could live with a system in which you had to request and then provide proof of age to receive pornography.

Why do you care what other people do on their own computers? and how would you propose to impose such restrictions on individual liberty?

Not to mention:
Going to a porn site already equals a "request"
How do you propose providing "proof of age" to a porn site?

I don't support restrictions on individual liberty.
You think 12-year-olds ought to be able to buy booze?
I don't think they should be able access porn either.

That's up to their parents.

Tell me would you be for banning all liquor in a home with a 12 year old?
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Then you aren't a liberal.
Just wait until the Imam's take over----lots of things will be restricted.

( If you have kids you can child proof the computer. )

How quickly we forget the Religious Right's (Christian) battle against porn!
Imams, huh?

The Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC,) Kevin Martin, is to be applauded for pushing a pornography-free web site for children and others who do not want to be assaulted with the absolute smut which is prevalent on the Internet today.

Chairman Martin wants the FCC to act this month, one month before he leaves office, to offer television consumers the ability to have free, pornography-free wireless Internet service. The chairman's proposal is part of a plan to auction off a chunk of airwaves in which the winning bidder would have to set aside 25% of the airwaves for a free Internet service. Needless to say, the wireless industry has objected to the FCC's proposed pornography filter. The company winning the bid would have to filter out pornography and other programming material unsuitable for children.

Our Children Need A Porn-Free Internet Service | Christian Coalition of America
Leave it to the faux right wing to turn this into a Muslim bashing topic.

Vote GOP!
Are you suggesting that "pornography" (whatever the official definition of that turns out to be) be a controlled substance now? What's next on the soft censorship list lingerie catalogs?

Pornography already is a controlled product. You can't buy it off a magazine rack. You can't open a "sex shop" within a certain distance from a school (but fertilizer plants are okay) and you can't get a video off the shelf, you have to go into an "18 over" room to view it.

It's only on the Internet you can get free, unrestricted access to porn.

That all depends on where you live, the distribution and definition of "porn" varies according to State and Local laws and those laws are non-sequitur to the subject matter of NATIONAL (ISP level) restrictions on arbitrarily defined INTERNET content, certain restricts at the national level already exist (child pornography) of course but given the context that's quite outside the subject at hand.

If some community that I don't live in wishes to pass laws within the confines of the U.S. Constitutional Protections, their State Constitution and Local Charter while I may disagree in principle I certainly have no right to tell a community that I'm not a part of how to conduct their affairs, which is why I'm not in a position to object to such practices (outside of my own community of course).
Passing laws is one thing; enforcing them is another. The very nature of a network with no central control, 2 billion users. and any one of them capable of being a provider of porn makes controlling porn or much of anything else nearly impossible. The best a government can do is catch one occasionally and make an example of them.
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BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.
Thank you very much for openly expressing your hatred for freedom.

It's refreshing to see a liberal openly do that.
The very nature of a network with no central control, 2 billion users. and any one of them capable of being a provider of pron makes controlling porn or much of anything else nearly impossible.

I could be wrong but for some reason I don't think that fact will stop the "let's legislate morality" busy bodies from attempting to get government to do it (see the U.K.), thus adding more pointless paperwork onto the shoulders of the masses and creating some new federal bureaucracy staffed by legions of bureaucratic drones (all paid for with the hard earned fruits of the tax payers labor) to attempt to enforce it.

On the other hand, if the self appointed morality police weren't tossing some poor slob in jail for doing something that has no effect on anybody else, they wouldn't have any purpose for existing. :dunno:
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

As a libertarian, I'm consistent that it's not the job of government to enforce morality.

As a liberal, you just show once again that you're a bunch of rudderless hacks who have no consistent beliefs and you can't be trusted. Every issue is transactional to you.
As a liberal, I support the UK's proposed ban of online porn.

BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Dude. :eusa_eh:

You can't call yourself a Liberal with a totalitarian attitude like that.

'Liberal' comes from 'Liberty' which means free to choose.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Then you aren't a liberal.

No, he isn't. He's an authoritarian, but that is what most "liberals" are.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

I take it you have downloaded sufficient minutes to DVDs just in case??

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