As a liberal, I support the UK's proposed ban of online porn.

BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

I remember when liberals were all about free speech, including porn. Those days are gone. Now they are all about state power remaking us into "better citizens."

Actually, that is the stance of the conservatives. State's rights are being touted, and that is what is limiting a woman's right to choose.

Liberals would allow freedom of choice. But.............if you listen to FAUX Nooze and get all your talking points from the tea party, then I can see how you may be confused.

What choice is that? To own a gun? To watch porn? To pick your own school? To drink large sodas?
No, the pro choice label for liberals is gone. It is all state, all the time.
While I mostly disagree (with censoring) I find the European attitude towards pornography and hate commentary an interesting juxtaposition to America's attitude. Consider too their attitude towards handguns. Now consider are there consequences to these ideas? Or what are the consequences? In America it seems if someone can make money all is OK regardless of consequences.

One at a time: Is pornography the degradation of women as Catharine MacKinnon writes? Are there negative consequences to pornography? "Well, the pornography industry is an industry of trafficking women, and it's covered up as a form of speech, and it defended as therefore a First Amendment right. So the ways in which women are hurt by it begin with the women in it who are being prostituted through it and are typically gotten into it either as children or through a whole range of coercive means, all the way from physical force through economic coercion to being victims of sexual abuse, typically as children, and a whole range of means, and then exploited in it." PBS: Think Tank: Transcript for "A Conversation With Catherine MacKinnon"

Hate groups tripled after the election of Barack Obama. Why is that? If the tea party represents anything it represents a hatred for the consequences of democratic principles. And. The apologies for Zimmerman's irresponsible action continue in the right wing press, why? All of a sudden in America, it is alright to follow someone because they are black and then get into an altercation in which you find it necessary to kill the person you followed.

Gun deaths in America will soon exceed car deaths, we force manufacturers to make safer cars, but we allow every loony tune to buy a gun and be armed so any situation in which the paranoid or crazy finds themselves can turn into a killing scene. People should start suing the NRA and the makers of guns. Death by handgun is rare in Europe.

"The new racist phenomenon of the 90s is focused on texts * 'hate speech,' on the one hand, and, on the other, a new 'politically correct,' multicultural curricula. The hate speech cases of Ernst Zundel, Jim Keegstra, Malcolm Ross, and more recently, Douglas Collins, have been about Holocaust denial. The courts' decisions have sent a shock through Holocaust survivors and human rights activists. What these cases reveal, however, is a profoundly divisive discourse, for the courts have defined these cases in terms of Charter rights (freedom of expression) while victims (Holocaust survivors) define them as survival. In a more abstract way this impasse may frame our research in the new century." MULTICULTURALISM, RACISM, AND HATE SPEECH

Two interesting books on topics. 'Only Words' Catharine A. MacKinnon and 'The Harm in Hate Speech' Jeremy Waldron.

"We do not usually look for allies when we love. Indeed, we often look on those who love with us as rivals and trespassers. But we always look for allies when we hate." Eric Hoffer
Just wait until the Imam's take over----lots of things will be restricted.

( If you have kids you can child proof the computer. )

How quickly we forget the Religious Right's (Christian) battle against porn!

We have not forgotten anything. The RR was slapped down for that idiocy and has since virtually abandoned that concept. Funny enough though, here is someone on the left that is applauding that move and here you are running back to blame the right for it again. I call bullshit. Do you see anyone on the right supporting this asshattery? No. Hell, not even many from the left are supporting it as it has already been established that this idea is dead.

I do find the idea of ‘child proofing’ your computer rather funny though. Such is literally impossible. I remember when I was a horny teen and my parents attempted to block the computer from going to ‘questionable’ sites. It took me all of 5 minutes to break through all the programs that they used. The funny part was that the same software was blocking my stepmother from getting to sites that she wanted to get to. They were not porn sited but they dealt with other topics that looked close enough when the programs were set on strict control. She would call me over to break through the programs so she could get to her sites.

No, the only way to prevent such behavior is ensuring that your children listen to you, no matter what blocks are in their way or no blocks at all.
Another morality law DESIGNED to give the government more power over the people.

Kids can download as much pointless violence and play at mayhem games all they want but viewing naked bodies is verboten.

Sick society with sick values, we live in, eh?

Abrahmic societies are all like that. Sex is bad violence is good.
Isn't porn proven to reduce rape?

I bet the Muslims are excited over this news. Pornography is forbidden in a sharia state.
Another morality law DESIGNED to give the government more power over the people.

Kids can download as much pointless violence and play at mayhem games all they want but viewing naked bodies is verboten.

Sick society with sick values, we live in, eh?

Abrahmic societies are all like that. Sex is bad violence is good.

Excellent point. I recall a few years ago an episode of ER in which a gentleman came in with a priaprism. On the show, the actors could not use the word "masturbate", but they could show a man stick a gun in his mouth and blow his brains all over the wall.
One at a time: Is pornography the degradation of women as Catharine MacKinnon writes? Are there negative consequences to pornography?

I do not believe porn is degrading to women. It is no different than prostitution, the only difference is pornography films it for an audience.

Porn does not degrade women, women degrade themselves because they, through their own free will, decided to participate in pornographic filming.

There may be some negative consequences to pornography. I believe it discourages me from actively seeking a positive relationship with a woman. The effects are primarily social one's between men and women, and I believe some of the effects are damaging to marriage, parenting and social cohesion between the sexes.

1. Hate groups tripled after the election of Barack Obama. Why is that? 2. If the tea party represents anything it represents a hatred for the consequences of democratic principles. And. 3. The apologies for Zimmerman's irresponsible action continue in the right wing press, why? 4. All of a sudden in America, it is alright to follow someone because they are black and then get into an altercation in which you find it necessary to kill the person you followed.

1. Because a large portion of people are racist towards blacks, obviously. This to me sounds off that the united states is balkanized. The evidence is everywhere in everyday life.

2. And the progressives has a complete hatred for conservative values. The hatred between the two sides of the current paradigm is not one sided.

3. Because there are alot of minorities who are angry that Trayvon Martin was killed because he was not allowed to get away with savagely attacking someone.

4. No. This case proved one thing: That America still values the right for someone to defend themself from a violent attacker. This is consistent with liberty, as it upholds the concept of freedom for one to defend themself.

Gun deaths in America will soon exceed car deaths, we force manufacturers to make safer cars, but we allow every loony tune to buy a gun and be armed so any situation in which the paranoid or crazy finds themselves can turn into a killing scene. People should start suing the NRA and the makers of guns. Death by handgun is rare in Europe

This is factually incorrect.

Murders have dropped by 50% over 20 years according to the PEW Research Center.

Pew study: Gun homicides in U.S. dropped nearly 50 percent over 20 years

"The new racist phenomenon of the 90s is focused on texts * 'hate speech,' on the one hand, and, on the other, a new 'politically correct,' multicultural curricula. The hate speech cases of Ernst Zundel, Jim Keegstra, Malcolm Ross, and more recently, Douglas Collins, have been about Holocaust denial. The courts' decisions have sent a shock through Holocaust survivors and human rights activists. What these cases reveal, however, is a profoundly divisive discourse, for the courts have defined these cases in terms of Charter rights (freedom of expression) while victims (Holocaust survivors) define them as survival. In a more abstract way this impasse may frame our research in the new century." MULTICULTURALISM, RACISM, AND HATE SPEECH

Two interesting books on topics. 'Only Words' Catharine A. MacKinnon and 'The Harm in Hate Speech' Jeremy Waldron.

"We do not usually look for allies when we love. Indeed, we often look on those who love with us as rivals and trespassers. But we always look for allies when we hate." Eric Hoffer

Hate speech is permitted under the first amendment.

Secondly, racism and hate are a direct result of multi-culturalism and ethnic diversity.

The effects of hate and racism are non-existent in a homogeneous society.
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Are you suggesting that "pornography" (whatever the official definition of that turns out to be) be a controlled substance now? What's next on the soft censorship list lingerie catalogs?

Pornography already is a controlled product. You can't buy it off a magazine rack. You can't open a "sex shop" within a certain distance from a school (but fertilizer plants are okay) and you can't get a video off the shelf, you have to go into an "18 over" room to view it.

It's only on the Internet you can get free, unrestricted access to porn.

Not true. It used to be called "The bottom drawer of your friend's father who worked the night shift"
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Then you aren't a liberal.

No, he isn't. He's an authoritarian, but that is what most "liberals" are.

That's why i call them LOLberals. They do not deserve to be credited with anything designated liberal.
Another morality law DESIGNED to give the government more power over the people.

Kids can download as much pointless violence and play at mayhem games all they want but viewing naked bodies is verboten.

Sick society with sick values, we live in, eh?

Abrahmic societies are all like that. Sex is bad violence is good.

I agree with this post all day. Kids can kill all day or watch violence without a problem. Show a boob? Their world is destroyed.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Liberals are like that. They usually have no problem kicking in your door and demanding that you are not allowed to do something that hurts no one and interferes with nothing that is their business.

So I guess you will be dropping the whole get the government out of your bedroom as you are clearly asking them to enter your bedroom and control what your innocent little eyes are exposed to.

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis

That's not "liberalism". That's authoritarianism.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Liberals are like that. They usually have no problem kicking in your door and demanding that you are not allowed to do something that hurts no one and interferes with nothing that is their business.

So I guess you will be dropping the whole get the government out of your bedroom as you are clearly asking them to enter your bedroom and control what your innocent little eyes are exposed to.

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis

That's not "liberalism". That's authoritarianism.

It is also the way most modern day "liberals" and almost all politicians think these days.

I can agree that is not liberalism in the same way that I will state most modern day "conservatives" are a far cry from conservative philosophy. Unfortunately, it is what we are stuck with these days.

This law has absolutely nothing to do with censorship. It is a change in the default. Anyone who wants to view porn will still be able to do it.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

Ban? This doesn't seem like a ban to me. Seems like a smart way to make it harder for minors to access pornography.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around.

Though there is plenty of sick, perverted, and weird porn available, pornography per se is not perverted or weird. I think you're repressing yourself.

Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.
The IP already can tell which sites you visit. Requiring that you opt in to porn won't give them any more information.
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Liberals are like that. They usually have no problem kicking in your door and demanding that you are not allowed to do something that hurts no one and interferes with nothing that is their business.

So I guess you will be dropping the whole get the government out of your bedroom as you are clearly asking them to enter your bedroom and control what your innocent little eyes are exposed to.

C. S. Lewis

That's not "liberalism". That's authoritarianism.

It is also the way most modern day "liberals" and almost all politicians think these days.

Not if they're properly defined it isn't.

I can agree that is not liberalism in the same way that I will state most modern day "conservatives" are a far cry from conservative philosophy. Unfortunately, it is what we are stuck with these days.


True, but we also have those in our midst deliberately obfuscating these terms for the sole purpose of stratifying the philosophical spectrum into a good-evil dichotomy so that they can then eliminate the one and monopolize with the other. That needs to go yesterday.
Regardless of any laws passed to allow child porn to keep creating new material, internet porn MUST be BANNED simply because it can be traded freely, freely traded internet porn will significantly reduce the need for continued child sexual exploitation .......... this would bad, as adults would find other work and/or start growing their own food ........... this would be really bad.
There would be no reason to participate in any porn or exploitation once this discovery is made .......... there is no reason to sell your sole and/or pimp your children if your financially comfortable.
If existing porn continues to be freely traded, it will most definitely collapse the sex trade & exploitation industry in the future.
You must think of the sexually needy, as there are many people that would be considered unattractive and unable to get sex normally, would find themselves denied sexual gratification due to the collapse of the sexual exploitation industry.
If we want to keep CHILD FUCKING alive, then online porn must be BANNED.
Also need to take away guns, nothing is more dangerous to a petifile than an angry parent with a gun ............. p:.......... imagine an armed population in Thailand.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Liberals are like that. They usually have no problem kicking in your door and demanding that you are not allowed to do something that hurts no one and interferes with nothing that is their business.

So I guess you will be dropping the whole get the government out of your bedroom as you are clearly asking them to enter your bedroom and control what your innocent little eyes are exposed to.

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis

That's not "liberalism". That's authoritarianism.

Sure but the modern use of the term liberal now no longer has any connection with the actual liberals of today. Those that call themselves liberals are simply not liberals. The meanings of words change with the use of those words; that is a fact. Gay no longer means happy, it quite clearly refers to homosexuals today. It matters not what the ‘original’ meaning of the term was, it no longer holds that meaning. Go to any public place and scream out that you are gay. I guarantee that almost no one will think that you are happy – they will all virtually think that you just came out of the closet.

The terms liberal and conservative are no different. Demanding that we recognize a definition of liberal that was realized 200 years ago but no longer has any connection to reality is silly.

Realize that the ONLY support for this measure has come from two people here that consider themselves ‘liberals.’ Those same people have supported things like the ‘fairness doctrine’ and other totalitarian controls over opinions expressed through media or internet. Liberals do not represent the same values that word represented 200 years ago but they are the liberals of today as people understand that term.
Another morality law DESIGNED to give the government more power over the people.

Kids can download as much pointless violence and play at mayhem games all they want but viewing naked bodies is verboten.

Sick society with sick values, we live in, eh?

Abrahmic societies are all like that. Sex is bad violence is good.

This is one of the most screwed up things about our society. We have demonized a perfectly natural state of being and something that we all have – our bodies. It is shameful how we treat sex and yet no one seems to bat an eye with the gratuitous violence that we expose our children too. It is insane.

This is one of the few things that I believe the Europeans have gotten correct where we have failed. They do not treat sex as some strange thing that needs to be cleansed from the world (aside from this asinine move in England though I think this has nothing to do with porn but rather control). Most places in Europe show hardcore porn on standard television and have naked pictures in the streets. I remember an OBGYN right down the street from Landstuhl Regional Medical Center had a completely nude woman on their front door baring pretty much everything. No one batted an eye at it. It surprised the hell out of me though being the ‘sheltered’ American.

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