As a liberal, I support the UK's proposed ban of online porn.

As a liberal, I support the UK's proposed ban of online porn.

You're not a liberal.

If this is truly how you feel, I expect that I will never, and I do mean never, see you suggest that conservatives need to stay out of people's bedrooms...
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

As a human being, I think you are an idiot.
The very nature of a network with no central control, 2 billion users. and any one of them capable of being a provider of pron makes controlling porn or much of anything else nearly impossible.

I could be wrong but for some reason I don't think that fact will stop the "let's legislate morality" busy bodies from attempting to get government to do it (see the U.K.), thus adding more pointless paperwork onto the shoulders of the masses and creating some new federal bureaucracy staffed by legions of bureaucratic drones (all paid for with the hard earned fruits of the tax payers labor) to attempt to enforce it.

On the other hand, if the self appointed morality police weren't tossing some poor slob in jail for doing something that has no effect on anybody else, they wouldn't have any purpose for existing. :dunno:
Porn is truly in the eye of beholder. Some people don't consider the vilest sex acts involving children to be pornography others consider any form of nudity as pornographic. However, even if we had some agreement as to what constitutes porn, it would be almost impossible to keep it off the Internet.

The primary means of filtering is based on the web addresses which are constantly changing. This means a lot of people have to search out tens of thousands web sites, look at the material and decide what is pornographic, then distribute the address to the servers that do the filtering. This of course does not address email, newsgroups, message handlers, or peer to peer networking. The bottom line is the only way to effective censor the Internet is for the government to control it, deciding what sites can be accessed by the citizens such as is done in China, Cuba, and several other totalitarian regimes . Other forms of censoring are very ineffective.

The easy way to block a high percentage of porn is to install software on your computer or pay your Internet provider to do the filtering for you, providing they offer the service. However, this will catch only a portion of the huge amount of pornographic traffic on the Internet.
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There is a reason to avoid going to England I'm going to go look at naked women online now.
The only limit should be, in my opinion, is that it is illegal to show anything that is a crime or depicts what would be a crime.

I have never accidentally been directed to a porn site. As I understand, most at least ask if a person is underage I guess that is more form then value. Or it is an stunt to make you think there is something of special interesting at the site.

What could happen is that filters be put on search engines that block certain searches or stop providing links to certain sites.
I could live with a system in which you had to request and then provide proof of age to receive pornography.

Why do you care what other people do on their own computers? and how would you propose to impose such restrictions on individual liberty?

Not to mention:
Going to a porn site already equals a "request"
How do you propose providing "proof of age" to a porn site?

I don't support restrictions on individual liberty.
You think 12-year-olds ought to be able to buy booze?
I don't think they should be able access porn either.

That is their parents responsibility not the governments.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as penis: Microscopic.

Just as soon as you "opt-in" you are marked by the government and subject to whatever they deem to subject you too including eventual imprisonment.

This is another terrible liberal nanny state law.

God protect us from liberal "do-gooders"!

It might be a good idea or it might be a case of the aristocracy presuming the right to determine what is pornography. The country that awards Knighthood to sodomites is hardly in a position to take a stand about sexual values. One thing we have to understand here in the Colonies is that the country formerly called England does not have the same freedoms that Americans take for granted. There is no Bill of Rights outside the US. The British government can restrict the rights of it's citizens simply by decree..
I don't support this. There is no blanket solution to keeping underaged kids away from porn. If parents don't want their children to have access to porn, then they can utilize any number of options for blocking them from certain types of websites. The law would also (perhaps unintentionally) discourage people of legal age from accessing certain websites - assuming they would have to provide personal information to prove their age. While reducing the amount of porn viewed by adults of legal age may seem like a small price to pay, or even an admirable goal to some, what adults do in the privacy of their own homes should not be hindered by gov't as long as those adults are not breaking any other laws - e.g., viewing child porn.
Sometimes liberals agree with you. Other times they don't. They are consistently wishy washy.
You mean they use their intelligence instead of blindly following some ideology.

Oh yeah, like, "abortion good, death penalty bad".... that kinda intelligence?



See when he says use their intelligence. We mean like abortion isnt "good" but its legal because before it was legal it was still happening (like prohibition then or the war on drugs now) and that was bad...illegal...killed people. Prohibition just got people drunk you know?

And death penalty isnt good but for me its "good riddance". Some people are so foul, so fucked up that why waste the tax dollars, but dont get me started on the prison system. Its bad when its handed out willy nilly when there is a chance that the person who they are about to kill is innocent.

I know, I know...its too many variables to think about for you. Using "intelligence" is bothersome I know. But thats what he means. Another liberal would maybe disagree but liberals arent typically liberal on most issues anyway. But the OP is not a liberal. Totalitarian...Authoritarian maybe...but definitely not liberal
Yes ....... I agree, online porn should be banned.
Why? (you asked)
Well ............. as a patch holding member of NAMgLA (North American Man girl Love Association) I have noticed a dramatic decline in child brothels around the world, including the Philippines and Thailand, as most of their funding came from printed materials, online porn is easily copied and distributed for free on them rechid file sharing programs, thus the need for printed materials has become obsolete, thus cutting funds from those that provide continuous child brothels & printed child porn, they are slowly but surely losing political strength in these 3rd world countries because of file sharing.
The conclusion is this:
If we don't ban online porn soon, it will collapse the sex industry world wide, both child & adult.
This will result in the once freely exploited sheeple of these countries to learn the simple fact: they can grow their own food or find other work ............. this would be bad.
As the misunderstood sexual minorities of petifilia in America will have no where to turn amongst an armed population, their rights to have a sexual relationship with a child is being infringed because they would just get shot.
I salute ......... England for their courageous efforts to keep child brothels open abroad.
I also salute the Metallica band for attempting to ban file sharing programs to keep child FUCKING alive, along with the need for continued child exploitation to provide new material.
Bravo England & Metallica .............. BRAVO !!!
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Well, that's just stupid and yet one more example of the liberal's totalitarian mindset.
This is the least restrictive means to protect those who choose not to inadvertently be assaulted by on line porn. No one is being denied access. They can have all they want.

once they put their names on a public list.

like American gun owners
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

Then you aren't a liberal.

yes he is.

he's every inch the liberal
Yanno...................I've heard that some companies have developed software that can block porn, as well as block sites that the parent may think would be damaging to their child.

I've also heard that the same software could be blocked by a password which only the parent should know.

Fuck................even Kindle has software that states how many hours a child can use the tablet for games, reading, etc. They even show commercials nowadays that tout that very same ability.

If kids are looking for porn on the 'net and getting it, blame the parents.

If you're over the age of 18 and are considered to be an adult who can make their own decisions? So be it.
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

I remember when liberals were all about free speech, including porn. Those days are gone. Now they are all about state power remaking us into "better citizens."
BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

This is government action at its best. Make the pervos and weirdos opt in instead of the other way around. Will this stifle free speech? Yes, it will. Boo hoo for you if you have to go through the rigamarole of opting in to get your online porn, loser. My amount sympathy for your cause is the exact same size as your penis: Microscopic.

I remember when liberals were all about free speech, including porn. Those days are gone. Now they are all about state power remaking us into "better citizens."

Actually, that is the stance of the conservatives. State's rights are being touted, and that is what is limiting a woman's right to choose.

Liberals would allow freedom of choice. But.............if you listen to FAUX Nooze and get all your talking points from the tea party, then I can see how you may be confused.

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