As a man, I find the stereotypical "manly" man obnoxious

He is trying to connect those hobbies with being a "real man"z
There are a lot of outdoor activities I enjoy like camping or whitewater rafting.. My point is, doing those activities doesn't define my masculinity.
Thanks. I agree. But if you talked about them I wouldn't think you were bragging.
Well yeah the context of me doing that matters, but in HereWeGoAgain's case, he thinks those activities are what defines his masculinity and I say that's stupid. My thread is why he is talking about them.

So you think I wade with gators to impress you?
Ya stupid fuk,I do it because I like frog legs and gators are allergic to lead.

I don't think you wade with gators to impress us.

I think you post about to impress us.

Once more in english please.

It's not complicated.

You are telling us about your alligator duels in order for us to be impressed. Why else would you post about it, particularly in the context of this thread?

If you didn't care about what people thought of you, you wouldn't brag about how badass you are.
Thanks. I agree. But if you talked about them I wouldn't think you were bragging.
Well yeah the context of me doing that matters, but in HereWeGoAgain's case, he thinks those activities are what defines his masculinity and I say that's stupid. My thread is why he is talking about them.

So you think I wade with gators to impress you?
Ya stupid fuk,I do it because I like frog legs and gators are allergic to lead.

I don't think you wade with gators to impress us.

I think you post about to impress us.

Once more in english please.

It's not complicated.

You are telling us about your alligator duels in order for us to be impressed. Why else would you post about it, particularly in the context of this thread?

If you didn't care about what people thought of you, you wouldn't brag about how badass you are.

Is this thread about Manly Men or not?
I look at it like this...
Do you go to starbucks?..= not manly.
Do you wade with Gators in the middle of the night to get some frog legs for some good eaten?.....Manly.
Well yeah the context of me doing that matters, but in HereWeGoAgain's case, he thinks those activities are what defines his masculinity and I say that's stupid. My thread is why he is talking about them.

So you think I wade with gators to impress you?
Ya stupid fuk,I do it because I like frog legs and gators are allergic to lead.

I don't think you wade with gators to impress us.

I think you post about to impress us.

Once more in english please.

It's not complicated.

You are telling us about your alligator duels in order for us to be impressed. Why else would you post about it, particularly in the context of this thread?

If you didn't care about what people thought of you, you wouldn't brag about how badass you are.

Is this thread about Manly Men or not?
I look at it like this...
Do you go to starbucks?..= not manly.
Do you wade with Gators in the middle of the night to get some frog legs for some good eaten?.....Manly.
No, it's wannabe macho shit. That's it. You're basic.
So you think I wade with gators to impress you?
Ya stupid fuk,I do it because I like frog legs and gators are allergic to lead.

I don't think you wade with gators to impress us.

I think you post about to impress us.

Once more in english please.

It's not complicated.

You are telling us about your alligator duels in order for us to be impressed. Why else would you post about it, particularly in the context of this thread?

If you didn't care about what people thought of you, you wouldn't brag about how badass you are.

Is this thread about Manly Men or not?
I look at it like this...
Do you go to starbucks?..= not manly.
Do you wade with Gators in the middle of the night to get some frog legs for some good eaten?.....Manly.
No, it's wannabe macho shit. That's it. You're basic.

You're basically chicken shit.
I don't think you wade with gators to impress us.

I think you post about to impress us.

Once more in english please.

It's not complicated.

You are telling us about your alligator duels in order for us to be impressed. Why else would you post about it, particularly in the context of this thread?

If you didn't care about what people thought of you, you wouldn't brag about how badass you are.

Is this thread about Manly Men or not?
I look at it like this...
Do you go to starbucks?..= not manly.
Do you wade with Gators in the middle of the night to get some frog legs for some good eaten?.....Manly.
No, it's wannabe macho shit. That's it. You're basic.

You're basically chicken shit.
Okay, let's go with this narrative for a moment. I don't know much about your personality but let's examine any guy who wades with gators. Okay, that's tough. I'll give you that.


Say a guy who does talks about it all the time like you're doing right now. Maybe he exaggerates the stories for attention. Maybe on most days he doesn't see any gators in gator water but maybe he'll let you believe that's always the case. Maybe he smacks his girlfriend around when he's mad. Maybe he shoots prairie dogs simply because he's an asshole. Maybe he gets wasted to feel better about never being adequte in school. Maybe he never admits when he is wrong because as a man he thinks he should be right all the time.

Would all that shit make him a pussy even if he wades in gator water?
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

you FEEL that republican men are like this?

I have TWO friends that have ridiculous gun collections. One, could fit your model. He is also in very poor health, and legally handicapped.

The other is a police officer who has been the first though the door with armed suspects and survived leukemia.

My Father in Law is a republican. He has a large gun collection. Course he is a gunsmith and a gun store owner. He was also a Marine and a cop during the 60s in a major city.

What we really have here is your inability to respect cultures different than your own.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

I would argue with #1 & #5.

Owning multiple guns and enjoying them as a go hobby is nit always about insecurity or masculinity. Often it is about enjoying a hobby.

I enjoy good beer and tasty spirits. Talking about them saves me trying nasty ones and helps me find the good ones.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.
Can you give a few examples of these people or are you simply projecting?
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.
Can you give a few examples of these people or are you simply projecting?

Are you actually suggesting there aren't men like this?
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.
Can you give a few examples of these people or are you simply projecting?

Are you actually suggesting there aren't men like this?
You cannot name a few.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.
Can you give a few examples of these people or are you simply projecting?

Are you actually suggesting there aren't men like this?
You cannot name a few.

Okay well I know someone like this named John but obviously that doesn't mean anything to you. People like this exist. It's not my fault you don't accept that.
I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!
Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.
Can you give a few examples of these people or are you simply projecting?
Are you actually suggesting there aren't men like this?
You cannot name a few.
Okay well I know someone like this named John but obviously that doesn't mean anything to you. People like this exist. It's not my fault you don't accept that.
Does John have a last name, or is "John" a fictional character?
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I've seen a number of people like this get fired at work because they couldn't control themselves. They have some weird need to control or intimidate other people, and at work that is usually women.

When they try it with men they find reality doesn't match their fantasy and they shut their traps.
i feel like republican men are like this. Deep down they are insecure, but on the surface, they like to pretend they are manly and tough. They like to think their ridiculous gun collection is an extension of this machismo. Anyone with reasonable intelligence sees through their facade.

I feel as though this short clip illustrates my point:

I'm insecure?
Oh shit thats funny!!!

Yes. Let me break down your insecure, basic male shit:

1) You own multiple guns for the the sole purpose of showing them off to other douche bags

2) You think Trump is an "alpha male" even though any psychiatrist would diagnose him as whiny, insecure, little bitch.

3) You make "make me a sandwich, bitch" jokes over and over.

4) You have an undeserved sense of accomplishment because you vote republican.

5) You talk about alcohol like it's cool to drink it.

6) You still brag about false stories of sexual escapades.

7) You think going to college is "for pussies".

8) Your dick is small.

Why do you think someone dick is small prev? Unless you check guys out in the shower?

Look, you beta-male, limp-wristed pussies - masculinity serves a vital purpose in human progress. Because, in a nutshell, it's necessary to "get things done", like any acitivity that involved ambition, risk-taking and hard work. I don't know why Matty assumed that a reasonable amount of machismo somehow = abandoning one's children. Those are two completely different issues.

Another advantage of masculinity that you omega-male pussies don't understand: being a REAL man involves defending women we love and care about. Europeans are the most feminized, beta-males on earth and they gave their muslims CARTE BLANCHE to epidemically RAPE their females without lifting a finger to do anything about it. You passive delicate, feminine beta-males are the all-time are also evil & destructive. Because you feminine things are too "delicate" to have the gumption to stand up for what's right. Yes, you masculinity-hating, tranny-obsessed guys are the utterly coward, evil-enabling slimebucket of my male gender.
A thread like this should really let the girls decide what do they want in a mate..a pussy ass liberal or a guy?


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