As a once Iraq war supporter I say if the cowards that live there won't defend themselves...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
That seems like a non sequitur. No, actually it is one.
Just because Obama favors a weak policy of vacillation that will end inevitably in failure doesnt mean our alternative should be cut and run.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
That seems like a non sequitur. No, actually it is one.
Just because Obama favors a weak policy of vacillation that will end inevitably in failure doesnt mean our alternative should be cut and run.
Yes it does.
If your wife doesnt support you as her husband how long till you wise up?

Everything Obama does over there right now has had ZERO impact. Stop throwing good money after bad. Exercise some common sense. Shit or get off the pot.
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.

I kinda agree with you re Iraq and Syria ----we are wasting our money arming the Syrian army----the latest news is that while the Syrian army OUT MANNED ISIS and were well armed with US donated weapons -----they dropped their stuff and RAN -------now ISIS got the STUFF. We are making the same mistake over there
that we made in Afghanistan-----trying to play one against the other between several groups of islamist scum
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
That seems like a non sequitur. No, actually it is one.
Just because Obama favors a weak policy of vacillation that will end inevitably in failure doesnt mean our alternative should be cut and run.
Yes it does.
If your wife doesnt support you as her husband how long till you wise up?

Everything Obama does over there right now has had ZERO impact. Stop throwing good money after bad. Exercise some common sense. Shit or get off the pot.
What? Is Obama the husband or the wife?
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online

great idea------hand Iranians American armaments whilst they dance to the tune of DEATH TO AMERICA
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
ISIS is not our problem. They are not some supervillain group. They will fall apart because they cannot govern, and as they get beaten back they won't seem so glamorous to the morons who want to join them. And some other boogie monster will rise up as they decline, because that's the middle east. It's a never ending vacuum of misery.
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online

great idea------hand Iranians American armaments whilst they dance to the tune of DEATH TO AMERICA

They don't need US armaments. They have their own and they are feared.

I don't give a flying fuck who takes out these bastards as long as someone takes these psychos out.
The analogy:

ISIS is North Vietnam. We Americans are the Americans. The Iraqi Army is ARVN, for the uninformed that is the South Vietnamese Army. They weren't much at fighting either (with all due respect to the some that did).

We need to get out of Iraq like we got out of Vietnam.
Where the hell is this bullshit in the US media that Iraqis are running coming from?

I've just picked up at the Daily Mail that they are ready to launch an offensive to take Ramadi.

And what is freaking outrageous is the PM and the US advisers haven't wanted to send in Shiite troops into Sunni areas.

How fucking whacked out is this bullshit in a time of war against ISIS?

Holy freaking toledo. Is the ROE really going to boil down to only Sunni Iraqis are allowed to fight against Sunni ISIS?


Here's the article. My hairs on fire and I'm spitting bullets after reading this bullshit.

"Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his US allies had been reluctant to deploy Iran-backed Shi'ite militia in Anbar, a predominantly Sunni province."

Shi ite militia and Iraq army launches bid to take back Ramadi from ISIS Daily Mail Online

great idea------hand Iranians American armaments whilst they dance to the tune of DEATH TO AMERICA

They don't need US armaments. They have their own and they are feared.

I don't give a flying fuck who takes out these bastards as long as someone takes these psychos out.

It happens that no one really cares as to what elicits a
FLYING FUCK from you------arming Iranian proxies at
this point is a very bad idea -------that you like the idea is
clue to that which you are --------fucking Iranian Shiite shit
are enemies to the USA-----and murdering scum
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
That seems like a non sequitur. No, actually it is one.
Just because Obama favors a weak policy of vacillation that will end inevitably in failure doesnt mean our alternative should be cut and run.

We got out of Vietnam and nothing bad happened to us, despite the years of certain people claiming it was vital to our interests to keep the North Vietnamese out of South Vietnam.
the only ones we've heard this from (they won't fight) is THIS ADMINISTATION.

and they've done NOTHING but lie to us again and again so who knows if it's true?

sorry gramps. we need to hear that from a reliable source. this administration always BLAMES things on others for their gawddam mess they've created, don't forget
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
That seems like a non sequitur. No, actually it is one.
Just because Obama favors a weak policy of vacillation that will end inevitably in failure doesnt mean our alternative should be cut and run.

We got out of Vietnam and nothing bad happened to us, despite the years of certain people claiming it was vital to our interests to keep the North Vietnamese out of South Vietnam.
And not only that, Vietnam seems to be doing just fine too.

Will we ever learn?
Fuckem. This shouldn't be daddy daycare. Stop bombing all but known TERRORIST locations and come home.
Everytime the shit hits the fan that nation has proven they only have the bravery to run from the battle. From when we invaded to the latest ISIS incursion.
Why should we spend our money or anymore lives? WHY?
No matter what happens Obama will not be committed to winning any battles over there and if our troops are gonna risk their lives our commander n chief should be behind their mission 110%

Time to come home & stop wasting our money.
You understand our involvement there isnt charity, right? We have an interest in seeing ISIS defeated and destroyed for our own security, not just Iraq's.
You understand that as long as Obama is president there will be no real effort put forth to defeat isis right?
15 bombs a day is nothing more than a fool Poking a hornets nest with a stick
That seems like a non sequitur. No, actually it is one.
Just because Obama favors a weak policy of vacillation that will end inevitably in failure doesnt mean our alternative should be cut and run.

We got out of Vietnam and nothing bad happened to us, despite the years of certain people claiming it was vital to our interests to keep the North Vietnamese out of South Vietnam.
And not only that, Vietnam seems to be doing just fine too.

Will we ever learn?

Except for they're starting to take jobs from higher wage countries. It's almost a shame they didn't stay communist lolol.
the only ones we've heard this from (they won't fight) is THIS ADMINISTATION.

and they've done NOTHING but lie to us again and again so who knows if it's true?

sorry gramps. we need to hear that from a reliable source. this administration always BLAMES things on others for their gawddam mess they've created, don't forget

Do you realize that ISIS drove the Iraqis out of Ramadi?
I'm glad to see my long held position is finally being embraced by the nuts, as they wake up.

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