As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

Jim Acosta wants to ask him if he now believes in global warming and what changed his mind.

The press has no intention of asking hardball questions of any kind. They want to ask stupid questions designed to give Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel something to talk about.

Good for Trump, not giving in to the "resistance".
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Quote) Vulgar.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Quote) Vulgar.

I'm not in front of a press event that is broadcast to the public, I'm on a message board.

And jokes about oral sex vs. abortion jokes isn't really aren't in the same ballpark.
Obama knew how to treat people with respect. Trump behaves like a drunken buffoon.


bitching about people clinging to their guns and religion is respect?

They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Oh yeah, that one time? How many times has Trump insulted his political oppnents and the tens of millions of Americans that support them in just the last 24 hours? :rolleyes:

how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:
Yes. Alternative rituals are to submit to Him by daily watchings of Fox and Friends and visiting Infowars while facing Israel 5 times a day. Then you may go forth and spread His propaganda to His flock, who require constant afformations of their beliefs to quell the shame and guilt.
Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free
Yes seeking truth is important
Your version of it, perhaps.
Better than pretending a magic book has all the answers so you don’t have to bother seeking anything
Better a "magic book" than taking hints from the Democratic Party platform.
If I were POTUS there wouldn't be ANY press conferences or media availability. Written press releases would be sent out when necessary. That's all.

April Ryan wants to know "What is the administration's definition of compromise as the word relates to the slavery compromise during the civil war?"

She would be asking obama the really tough questions like "What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?"

bitching about people clinging to their guns and religion is respect?
Oh yeah, that one time? How many times has Trump insulted his political oppnents and the tens of millions of Americans that support them in just the last 24 hours? :rolleyes:

how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Another whiney bitch thread! If he holds a press conference, the left screams and bitches, if he doesn't hold one the left screams and bitches.

Trump won't be able to please the left wing nuts no matter what he does, so why would he care what they want?

Does the left ever get tired of being pussys?

About Obama? Yeah, never watched a single press conference of his, didn't care, I could read about it later, just like with Trump. A lot of crying by lefty's little bitches.
Oh yeah, that one time? How many times has Trump insulted his political oppnents and the tens of millions of Americans that support them in just the last 24 hours? :rolleyes:

how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
What merits? You think it’s icky? That’s not a “merit.” :rolleyes:
how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
What merits? You think it’s icky? That’s not a “merit.” :rolleyes:

No i see no constitutional basis for forcing States to modify their marriage contract requirements vis a vis SSM.

When NY legislated SSM I was all for it. If Obergfell forced all States to recognize SSM licenses (under full faith and credit) from States that issued them voluntarily I would have been for it.
The White House Press Corp has made ITSELF irrelevant! By being so biased that it bordered on farce they've gotten to the point where the American people don't trust them to report the real news. We've got some pretty wonderful things going on in this country right now but you'd never know it listening to the main stream media. They're so fixated on things that most Americans could care less about...that Trump has simply bypassed them and takes his message right to the people via the internet.
Who the fuck needs a press conference?
You used to....
Hillary hasn't even had a press conference in ages
The FBI is the law enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, she refused to to hold a press conference, and likely murdered dissidents, so fear is a natural response
Obama ran from a press conference and had Clinton speak for him because he's a pussy whipped moron, what school taught him that, Harvard? Columbia? His Indonesia Madrassah?
Awesome precedents she's setting: selling access, murdering dissidents and refusing to speak to the press
Biden hasn't even had a press conference in 5 months!
Alt Right is another in a long line of failed attempts to deflect from the fact that Hillary sold her SecState position for a few hundred million to foreign nationals, lied to the FBI, lied to Congress, refuses to hold a legitimate Press Conference, Bleach-Bitted the emails related to her using the Benghazi Consulate to arm Islamists and got 4 Americans killed, was likely behind the murder of Seth Rich, who leaked DNC emails to Assange, attempted to murder Assange himself and also has serious health problems
And they do have White House Press conferences...Donald Trump simply doesn't do them. He has a Press Secretary who does that for him.
And they do have White House Press conferences...Donald Trump simply doesn't do them. He has a Press Secretary who does that for him.
All presidents have a press secretary to talk to the press. Trump is the only pussy among the presidents who's too scared to do that himself on occasion.
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
What merits? You think it’s icky? That’s not a “merit.” :rolleyes:

No i see no constitutional basis for forcing States to modify their marriage contract requirements vis a vis SSM.

When NY legislated SSM I was all for it. If Obergfell forced all States to recognize SSM licenses (under full faith and credit) from States that issued them voluntarily I would have been for it.
Okay :itsok:
So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
What merits? You think it’s icky? That’s not a “merit.” :rolleyes:

No i see no constitutional basis for forcing States to modify their marriage contract requirements vis a vis SSM.

When NY legislated SSM I was all for it. If Obergfell forced all States to recognize SSM licenses (under full faith and credit) from States that issued them voluntarily I would have been for it.
Okay :itsok:

No answer?

But going back to your original beef, I don't have the condescending asshole view of people of faith, and I don't go out of my way to insult said people.

Progressives on the other hand find insulting people they disagree with to be a default position.
And they do have White House Press conferences...Donald Trump simply doesn't do them. He has a Press Secretary who does that for him.
All presidents have a press secretary to talk to the press. Trump is the only pussy among the presidents who's too scared to do that himself on occasion.
He isn't scared. He just recognizes that his giving a press conference is a waste of time, his time, and he has better things to do with his time. The press treats press conferences as excuses to act like fools.

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