As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
What merits? You think it’s icky? That’s not a “merit.” :rolleyes:

No i see no constitutional basis for forcing States to modify their marriage contract requirements vis a vis SSM.

When NY legislated SSM I was all for it. If Obergfell forced all States to recognize SSM licenses (under full faith and credit) from States that issued them voluntarily I would have been for it.
Okay :itsok:

No answer?

But going back to your original beef, I don't have the condescending asshole view of people of faith, and I don't go out of my way to insult said people.

Progressives on the other hand find insulting people they disagree with to be a default position.
Answer to what? We all have opinions. You want me to validate yours?

You voted for a President who’s default position is to insult people. You can’t complain about that anymore.
And they do have White House Press conferences...Donald Trump simply doesn't do them. He has a Press Secretary who does that for him.
All presidents have a press secretary to talk to the press. Trump is the only pussy among the presidents who's too scared to do that himself on occasion.
He isn't scared. He just recognizes that his giving a press conference is a waste of time, his time, and he has better things to do with his time. The press treats press conferences as excuses to act like fools.
Yes he must maintain his admin’s opacity at all costs

bitching about people clinging to their guns and religion is respect?
Oh yeah, that one time? How many times has Trump insulted his political oppnents and the tens of millions of Americans that support them in just the last 24 hours? :rolleyes:

how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:
It's a grateful Nation that was schooled by Barry about black lives mattering because no one knew that beforehand
Oh yeah, that one time? How many times has Trump insulted his political oppnents and the tens of millions of Americans that support them in just the last 24 hours? :rolleyes:

how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Constitution ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.
Oh yeah, that one time? How many times has Trump insulted his political oppnents and the tens of millions of Americans that support them in just the last 24 hours? :rolleyes:

how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:
It's a grateful Nation that was schooled by Barry about black lives mattering because no one knew that beforehand
On a scale of 1 - 10, how pissed off do you get when somebody dares to say that a black person’s life matters?
My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
What merits? You think it’s icky? That’s not a “merit.” :rolleyes:

No i see no constitutional basis for forcing States to modify their marriage contract requirements vis a vis SSM.

When NY legislated SSM I was all for it. If Obergfell forced all States to recognize SSM licenses (under full faith and credit) from States that issued them voluntarily I would have been for it.
Okay :itsok:

No answer?

But going back to your original beef, I don't have the condescending asshole view of people of faith, and I don't go out of my way to insult said people.

Progressives on the other hand find insulting people they disagree with to be a default position.
Answer to what? We all have opinions. You want me to validate yours?

You voted for a President who’s default position is to insult people. You can’t complain about that anymore.

You went on and on about Obama's respect for people, and yet I have shown two instances of his lack of respect.
how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.
Being black is not a behavior. Being a woman is not a behavior. Being gay is a behavior and nothing more. It's like bestiality, necrophilia or pedophilia. Behaviors based on sex only.
how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:
It's a grateful Nation that was schooled by Barry about black lives mattering because no one knew that beforehand
On a scale of 1 - 10, how pissed off do you get when somebody dares to say that a black person’s life matters?
It does not bother me at all as it is a redundancy of something we already know and have always acted as such accordingly. Nothing wrong with the repetition of an already in evidence fact
Black lives matter, all lives matter, and no one or no thing has acted any differently
how about taking sides in the gay marriage issue by making the white house go rainbow flagged?
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Treat people with respect and they should respect you back... treat them like shit and well you get the point. It isn’t a hard concept

LOL. The whole progressive movement is about treating opponents like shit until the bend the knee or shut up and go away.

That train left the station decades ago.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

Lol, you mean the press that would suck Obama's dick at a drop of the hat?

And guess what? the media and the politicians DESERVE IT.

But some Coastal moron like you won't get that.
Are you really not understanding the concept? Friendly prez friendly press... hostile prez hostile press. Trump did it to himself regardless of whether you think the press deserved it or not.
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.
Being black is not a behavior. Being a woman is not a behavior. Being gay is a behavior and nothing more. It's like bestiality, necrophilia or pedophilia. Behaviors based on sex only.
Marriage has been determined by our government to be a fundamental right. Neither bestiality nor necrophilia nor pedophilia has been. A prevailing reason it's a fundamental right is to secure the liberty and freedom to make a lifelong commit in matrimony to be bound legally to the person you love. And as a fundamental right, which is firmly established in the fabric of this nation, people have the right to marry the person they love and the government cannot distinguish a person's behavior based on their gender to deny someone of their fundamental right to be legally bound to the person of their choice.

That is why Obergefell came about.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Obama knew how to treat people with respect. Trump behaves like a drunken buffoon.
I was always taught that respect was earned. Obama ran a deficit.
When the press bangs the drum and leads the way that you won because Russians helped you cheat then you probably don't volunteer to be helpful to them
What merits? You think it’s icky? That’s not a “merit.” :rolleyes:

No i see no constitutional basis for forcing States to modify their marriage contract requirements vis a vis SSM.

When NY legislated SSM I was all for it. If Obergfell forced all States to recognize SSM licenses (under full faith and credit) from States that issued them voluntarily I would have been for it.
Okay :itsok:

No answer?

But going back to your original beef, I don't have the condescending asshole view of people of faith, and I don't go out of my way to insult said people.

Progressives on the other hand find insulting people they disagree with to be a default position.
Answer to what? We all have opinions. You want me to validate yours?

You voted for a President who’s default position is to insult people. You can’t complain about that anymore.

You went on and on about Obama's respect for people, and yet I have shown two instances of his lack of respect.
Wow 2. Trump’s at around 4 or 5 in the last 24 hours on twitter alone.
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.
Yes it was great to see the President side with a long discriminated against group of Americans. It’s too bad Trump feels the need to attack those Americans, but at least the goal post shifted a loooong way when those Americans won their right to pursue their happiness in 2015.

So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:
It's a grateful Nation that was schooled by Barry about black lives mattering because no one knew that beforehand
On a scale of 1 - 10, how pissed off do you get when somebody dares to say that a black person’s life matters?
It does not bother me at all as it is a redundancy of something we already know and have always acted as such accordingly. Nothing wrong with the repetition of an already in evidence fact
Black lives matter, all lives matter, and no one or no thing has acted any differently
You are the first republican I’ve gotten to actually type that black lives matter. The rest refused as if doing so would kill them. Congratulations! :clap:
Obama didn't have to worry because most of the press was there ready with kneepads to suck his dick.
Treat people with respect and they should respect you back... treat them like shit and well you get the point. It isn’t a hard concept

LOL. The whole progressive movement is about treating opponents like shit until the bend the knee or shut up and go away.

That train left the station decades ago.
We aren’t talking about the progressive movement, we are talking about how the press treated Obama vs how they treated Trump. Obama treated them with repspect most of the the time while Trump has treated them like shot for the majority of the time. His whole campaign was pretty much shit talking politicians and our media.

Lol, you mean the press that would suck Obama's dick at a drop of the hat?

And guess what? the media and the politicians DESERVE IT.

But some Coastal moron like you won't get that.
Are you really not understanding the concept? Friendly prez friendly press... hostile prez hostile press. Trump did it to himself regardless of whether you think the press deserved it or not.

I thought the press was supposed to be the watchdog of our government, not some friend of it.

And it's not the person, it's the politics. most of the MSM are lefty twats, so it makes sense how they swallow for another lefty twat.
What's the point? When the press has no interest in shit that actually matters and only wants to dish on the stuff like Stormy Daniels and James Comey, there's supremely little opportunity for such a conference to be productive.
So was that treating those who oppose gay marriage (not a small minority by a long shot) with respect or not?
You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

He talks to people via Twitter.

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