As a reminder, Trump hasn’t held a White House press conference in over a year

You think that was some kind of dig at you? Get over yourself. That was to celebrate a group of people that finally won their right to pursue happiness.

Next you’re probably going to ask if Obama saying that a black person’s life matters is disrespectful to you rubes.:rolleyes:

My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

He talks to people via Twitter.
Yeah, that's the pussy's safe space to avoid having to answer questions.
My issue with obergfell wan't the gay marriage part but the forcing of the States that don't want it to issue them by force.

However unlike you I understand some people oppose gay marriage on the merits. Now tell me how lighting up the white house in the rainbow flag, supposedly ALL the people's house" is respecting those people?
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Lighting up the White House was acknowledging the rule of law of the Constitution was upheld; a victory for America. But I understand why you fret. I am certain there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks couldn't be discriminated against and there were folks who fretted when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women couldn't be discriminated against.

There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.
is it because he’s a pussy who can’t handle hardball questions unlike the softies he gets from Fox News? Does he constantly need Fox News to coddle his ego? The white press conference is standard practice by Presidents that goes back generations.

Even If you want to pretend the press is unfair to him which of course is bullshit, why doesn’t he face them down like a real president would and defend himself? Be a man for once. Even better, he removes his fake hair and orange tan to show he has some balls.

Of course, maybe the true reason he doesn’t do them is because he knows he made a complete ass of himself last time.

Are you Trump supporters really going to pretend White House press conferences don’t matter? If Obama dodged them you would never shut the fuck about it.

In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

He talks to people via Twitter.
It's because he's a coward ..yes a pussy, a republican ,,but I repeat myself
There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

Then why bitch about in on a message board?

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....
There is no Constitutional Right to same sex marriage. at best there was a right to have your State issued SSM license recognized by all States under full faith and credit.

The very idea of SSM is only a few decades old, unlike bans on marriage based on race which were added into law after millenia of people (man women, sometimes man women (n+1) ) marrying outside their tribes.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

LOL, and of course you believe YOURS do? What a maroon ;)
You long to hear Trump's voice do ya?
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

Then why bitch about in on a message board?

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....

Only when it effects those that don't think like him ;)
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

Then why bitch about in on a message board?
Ask yourself that -- you're the only one bitching about it. I'm gloating over the victory.

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.
And you're still bitching. <smh>

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....
No, I would not love that. You're out of your mind.
In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

Then why bitch about in on a message board?
Ask yourself that -- you're the only one bitching about it. I'm gloating over the victory.

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.
And you're still bitching. <smh>

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....
No, I would not love that. You're out of your mind.

That you have to "gloat' over it shows what a fucking pathetic loser you are.

Letting the government fight your fights, fucking basement dwelling progressive coward.
Nonsense. All people under the Constitution shall be treated equally under the law. The law cannot allow Adam to marry Eve, the person of her choice; but deny Adam from marrying Steve, if that is the person he loves and wants to be legally bound to in marriage.

In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

LOL, and of course you believe YOURS do? What a maroon ;)
You long to hear Trump's voice do ya?
Moron, why would I think my opinion is any more, or any less, valuable than his? Do you do anything other than troll these fora?
The reason he doesn't do a lot of press conferences is because he doesn't respect the press, and the reason he doesn't respect the press is because they don't respect him. They attack him and his family in the most personal and vitriolic way. They make up stories about him and assist his political enemies in their coup attempts. They don't deserve to be in the same room with him and he is right to slap their asses down every chance he gets. They've had it coming for a looooong time.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

Then why bitch about in on a message board?
Ask yourself that -- you're the only one bitching about it. I'm gloating over the victory.

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.
And you're still bitching. <smh>

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....
No, I would not love that. You're out of your mind.

That you have to "gloat' over it shows what a fucking pathetic loser you are.

Letting the government fight your fights, fucking basement dwelling progressive coward.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at.

The Constitution is worth fighting for and our system, of which you're also a part, established the judiciary as the body to uphold ALL cases which fall under it's jurisdiction.
In your opinion, however the constitution is mute on the marriage contract, so it devolves to the State legislatures.

And they would be treated equally under the law. they aren't denied marriage, just marriage to another person of the same sex.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

LOL, and of course you believe YOURS do? What a maroon ;)
You long to hear Trump's voice do ya?
Moron, why would I think my opinion is any more, or any less, valuable than his? Do you do anything other than troll these fora?

Priceless projection little man. You are ( as you show virtually EVERY day) a legend in your own mind. You also DO nothing but troll kid. You didn't answer, do you need to hear more of Trump's voice?
They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

Then why bitch about in on a message board?
Ask yourself that -- you're the only one bitching about it. I'm gloating over the victory.

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.
And you're still bitching. <smh>

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....
No, I would not love that. You're out of your mind.

That you have to "gloat' over it shows what a fucking pathetic loser you are.

Letting the government fight your fights, fucking basement dwelling progressive coward.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at.

The Constitution is worth fighting for and our system, of which you're also a part, established the judiciary as the body to uphold ALL cases which fall under it's jurisdiction.

The judiciary was supposed to interpret law, not make it up.

Making SSM the law of the land is making law up, not interpreting it.

You don't respect the constitution, you ignore it when you see fit, and hide behind it when convenient.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

Then why bitch about in on a message board?
Ask yourself that -- you're the only one bitching about it. I'm gloating over the victory.

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.
And you're still bitching. <smh>

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....
No, I would not love that. You're out of your mind.

That you have to "gloat' over it shows what a fucking pathetic loser you are.

Letting the government fight your fights, fucking basement dwelling progressive coward.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at.

The Constitution is worth fighting for and our system, of which you're also a part, established the judiciary as the body to uphold ALL cases which fall under it's jurisdiction.

The judiciary was supposed to interpret law, not make it up.

Making SSM the law of the land is making law up, not interpreting it.

You don't respect the constitution, you ignore it when you see fit, and hide behind it when convenient.
Interpreting the law is what they did in Obergefell. How many times do you want to rehash your bitterness over that decision? You lose every single time. Equality for all under the law prevailed. Just as the 14th Amendment demands.
No, not in just my opinion.... in the opinion of our highest court in the land.

They were wrong.

A 5-4 opinion.... lol.
Too bad for you and your ilk, your opinion's don't matter.

LOL, and of course you believe YOURS do? What a maroon ;)
You long to hear Trump's voice do ya?
Moron, why would I think my opinion is any more, or any less, valuable than his? Do you do anything other than troll these fora?

Priceless projection little man. You are ( as you show virtually EVERY day) a legend in your own mind. You also DO nothing but troll kid. You didn't answer, do you need to hear more of Trump's voice?
No, I understand why Trump doesn't want to field questions from the press.
Then why bitch about in on a message board?
Ask yourself that -- you're the only one bitching about it. I'm gloating over the victory.

The Constitution is being raped by progressive morons like you and you don't give a damn as long as you get your way.
And you're still bitching. <smh>

How about 2nd amendment rights? I bet you love it when courts make end runs around that....
No, I would not love that. You're out of your mind.

That you have to "gloat' over it shows what a fucking pathetic loser you are.

Letting the government fight your fights, fucking basement dwelling progressive coward.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at.

The Constitution is worth fighting for and our system, of which you're also a part, established the judiciary as the body to uphold ALL cases which fall under it's jurisdiction.

The judiciary was supposed to interpret law, not make it up.

Making SSM the law of the land is making law up, not interpreting it.

You don't respect the constitution, you ignore it when you see fit, and hide behind it when convenient.
Interpreting the law is what they did in Obergefell. How many times do you want to rehash your bitterness over that decision? You lose every single time. Equality for all under the law prevailed. Just as the 14th Amendment demands.

They interpreted it wrongly.

SSM is a new concept made up in the past 30 years or so. if people want it, go via changing the State laws to allow it, and at best make the feds force States to recognize all marriage licenses just like they have to now under full faith and credit.

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