As A Trump Supporter, Are You Concerned With Some Of His Picks?

I read today that Trump picked a former Bush aide to join his Administration. It's Tom Bossert, who served as Bush's deputy homeland security adviser. Is that really wise? I hate to say it, but i'm beginning to sense a possible Bush repeat in the works.

He seems to have stacked his Administration with war hawks and questionable Corporate folks. I mean, 'Goldman Sachs?' Didn't he aggressively criticize Clinton and Cruz for being so cozy with Goldman Sachs? He's got me pretty concerned about more quagmire wars and corporate welfare. But what do you think?
No. Not at all.
I read today that Trump picked a former Bush aide to join his Administration. It's Tom Bossert, who served as Bush's deputy homeland security adviser. Is that really wise? I hate to say it, but i'm beginning to sense a possible Bush repeat in the works.

He seems to have stacked his Administration with war hawks and questionable Corporate folks. I mean, 'Goldman Sachs?' Didn't he aggressively criticize Clinton and Cruz for being so cozy with Goldman Sachs? He's got me pretty concerned about more quagmire wars and corporate welfare. But what do you think?
I'd think they'd be pretty pleased. This is a straight-up conservative group, one that could have been picked by Cruz or Pence in terms of ideology.

The closest thing to moderation is the fact he's picked some on the economic side that don't necessarily agree, interesting piece here: Trump’s Economic Team of Rivals
again, yes men do nothing for anyone. having different points of view makes a stronger team.

Yeah unfortunately, i'm seeing a very disturbing pattern developing. It reminds me of all the Bush Bootlicking that led to so many awful disasters. Trump's picks do concern me a bit. I have to acknowledge that. I don't wanna experience a Bush repeat.

Why don't you just walk us thru this "pattern" you've seen developing so far?

Or, is it just hyperbole?

A disturbing pattern of mindless Bootlicking. Trump picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks does concern me. And i'm gonna speak up every time i feel that way. I've learned my lesson from the Bush disaster. I'm not just gonna go along mindlessly. I'll never again fall into that trap. In my opinion, Trump's got some explaining to do. I voted for him. I deserve it.
Nah, you're just another stupid liberal that thinks he's cute. You're just repeating yourself over and over with nothing.
Weren't you outraged when Bush tried to sell our ports to a foreign Muslim nation? I know i was. Bush was a disaster. Most who supported him, now fully regret it. So we have to be very careful going too all-in defending everything Trump does. These early decisions could lead to some awful disasters down the road.
Please explain what you think your disapproval will mean in this reality.

Picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks, seems to go against everything Trump spoke about during the Campaign. And it would be very unwise to not call him on that. Not calling Bush out, led to so many terrible disasters.
Blah blah blah blah. I'm not buy your phony schtick. You whine worse than any lefty here. You're a Bush hating libtard. Only liberals blamed Bush for everything that went wrong and have nothing so say about obama's disastrous reign. Trump won, get over it.

I've spoken often about my feelings on Hussein. Can't stand him. Like i said, i'm a Trump supporter. But i can't just ignore things in the name of mindless Bootlicking. That mentality is exactly what led to so many Bush disasters. So many felt obligated to defend everything he did. Even when they knew it was wrong. But i know Obama-fluffers are no different.
I know you're full of crap. You aren't in grade school anymore. You need to up your game.

Well, i just don't see how you can go along so mindlessly. Especially after the Bush disaster. I mean, the warning signs were there early on too. But most, including myself, felt obligated to defend the indefensible. I won't be doing that with Trump. I'm gonna call him on everything.
Please explain what you think your disapproval will mean in this reality.

Picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks, seems to go against everything Trump spoke about during the Campaign. And it would be very unwise to not call him on that. Not calling Bush out, led to so many terrible disasters.
Blah blah blah blah. I'm not buy your phony schtick. You whine worse than any lefty here. You're a Bush hating libtard. Only liberals blamed Bush for everything that went wrong and have nothing so say about obama's disastrous reign. Trump won, get over it.

I've spoken often about my feelings on Hussein. Can't stand him. Like i said, i'm a Trump supporter. But i can't just ignore things in the name of mindless Bootlicking. That mentality is exactly what led to so many Bush disasters. So many felt obligated to defend everything he did. Even when they knew it was wrong. But i know Obama-fluffers are no different.
I know you're full of crap. You aren't in grade school anymore. You need to up your game.

Well, i just don't see how you can go along so mindlessly. Especially after the Bush disaster. I mean, the warning signs were there early on too. But most, including myself, felt obligated to defend the indefensible. I won't be doing that with Trump. I'm gonna call him on everything.
"You need to up your game."
Ok, it's official ... the judges have determined it doesn't get any dumber than this.

Weren't you outraged when Bush tried to sell our ports to a foreign Muslim nation? I know i was. Bush was a disaster. Most who supported him, now fully regret it. So we have to be very careful going too all-in defending everything Trump does. These early decisions could lead to some awful disasters down the road.
Please explain what you think your disapproval will mean in this reality.

Picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks, seems to go against everything Trump spoke about during the Campaign. And it would be very unwise to not call him on that. Not calling Bush out, led to so many terrible disasters.
Blah blah blah blah. I'm not buy your phony schtick. You whine worse than any lefty here. You're a Bush hating libtard. Only liberals blamed Bush for everything that went wrong and have nothing so say about obama's disastrous reign. Trump won, get over it.

I've spoken often about my feelings on Hussein. Can't stand him. Like i said, i'm a Trump supporter. But i can't just ignore things in the name of mindless Bootlicking. That mentality is exactly what led to so many Bush disasters. So many felt obligated to defend everything he did. Even when they knew it was wrong. But i know Obama-fluffers are no different.
suuuuuuuuuuuuure, we know differently just by your posts here. all unwarranted, cause there is no way for you to know anything about those individuals about who they are and what they might do. nothing, nadda. so your worries again are most probably fake news.
I read today that Trump picked a former Bush aide to join his Administration. It's Tom Bossert, who served as Bush's deputy homeland security adviser. Is that really wise? I hate to say it, but i'm beginning to sense a possible Bush repeat in the works.

He seems to have stacked his Administration with war hawks and questionable Corporate folks. I mean, 'Goldman Sachs?' Didn't he aggressively criticize Clinton and Cruz for being so cozy with Goldman Sachs? He's got me pretty concerned about more quagmire wars and corporate welfare. But what do you think?
I'd think they'd be pretty pleased. This is a straight-up conservative group, one that could have been picked by Cruz or Pence in terms of ideology.

The closest thing to moderation is the fact he's picked some on the economic side that don't necessarily agree, interesting piece here: Trump’s Economic Team of Rivals
again, yes men do nothing for anyone. having different points of view makes a stronger team.
I can see that. It will be Trump's job to manage the various egos and personalities, and no doubt he's done that before.
President Trump has done more in 3 weeks than any elected official has in decades.
I'd think they'd be pretty pleased. This is a straight-up conservative group, one that could have been picked by Cruz or Pence in terms of ideology.

The closest thing to moderation is the fact he's picked some on the economic side that don't necessarily agree, interesting piece here: Trump’s Economic Team of Rivals
again, yes men do nothing for anyone. having different points of view makes a stronger team.

Yeah unfortunately, i'm seeing a very disturbing pattern developing. It reminds me of all the Bush Bootlicking that led to so many awful disasters. Trump's picks do concern me a bit. I have to acknowledge that. I don't wanna experience a Bush repeat.

Why don't you just walk us thru this "pattern" you've seen developing so far?

Or, is it just hyperbole?

A disturbing pattern of mindless Bootlicking. Trump picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks does concern me. And i'm gonna speak up every time i feel that way. I've learned my lesson from the Bush disaster. I'm not just gonna go along mindlessly. I'll never again fall into that trap. In my opinion, Trump's got some explaining to do. I voted for him. I deserve it.
Nah, you're just another stupid liberal that thinks he's cute. You're just repeating yourself over and over with nothing.

Yeah, i guess i could be called 'Liberal' on some issues. But so can Trump.
Weren't you outraged when Bush tried to sell our ports to a foreign Muslim nation? I know i was. Bush was a disaster. Most who supported him, now fully regret it. So we have to be very careful going too all-in defending everything Trump does. These early decisions could lead to some awful disasters down the road.
Please explain what you think your disapproval will mean in this reality.

Picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks, seems to go against everything Trump spoke about during the Campaign. And it would be very unwise to not call him on that. Not calling Bush out, led to so many terrible disasters.
Blah blah blah blah. I'm not buy your phony schtick. You whine worse than any lefty here. You're a Bush hating libtard. Only liberals blamed Bush for everything that went wrong and have nothing so say about obama's disastrous reign. Trump won, get over it.

I've spoken often about my feelings on Hussein. Can't stand him. Like i said, i'm a Trump supporter. But i can't just ignore things in the name of mindless Bootlicking. That mentality is exactly what led to so many Bush disasters. So many felt obligated to defend everything he did. Even when they knew it was wrong. But i know Obama-fluffers are no different.
suuuuuuuuuuuuure, we know differently just by your posts here. all unwarranted, cause there is no way for you to know anything about those individuals about who they are and what they might do. nothing, nadda. so your worries again are most probably fake news.

Really? You have no problem whatsoever with him picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs execs? Wow, i just don't get that.
Trump has always been a means to an end for me so no don't really care. He has already shown his true allegiance is NOT with America but with Israel who will control his foreign policy OR he will have a tough relationship with the asshole in Israel because Trumps FP is not what Israel wants.
Please explain what you think your disapproval will mean in this reality.

Picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks, seems to go against everything Trump spoke about during the Campaign. And it would be very unwise to not call him on that. Not calling Bush out, led to so many terrible disasters.
Blah blah blah blah. I'm not buy your phony schtick. You whine worse than any lefty here. You're a Bush hating libtard. Only liberals blamed Bush for everything that went wrong and have nothing so say about obama's disastrous reign. Trump won, get over it.

I've spoken often about my feelings on Hussein. Can't stand him. Like i said, i'm a Trump supporter. But i can't just ignore things in the name of mindless Bootlicking. That mentality is exactly what led to so many Bush disasters. So many felt obligated to defend everything he did. Even when they knew it was wrong. But i know Obama-fluffers are no different.
suuuuuuuuuuuuure, we know differently just by your posts here. all unwarranted, cause there is no way for you to know anything about those individuals about who they are and what they might do. nothing, nadda. so your worries again are most probably fake news.

Really? You have no problem whatsoever with him picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs execs? Wow, i just don't get that.
well maybe explain your concern for everyone. you were asked before and failed to post that info up. then if you like, I will point out that trump didn't take any money from them. Where the other candidates did. And that you stupid fk was the problem and isn't for trump. He owes them nothing. and again, he didn't hire goldman sachs, he hired someone who worked for goldman sachs. Was Condelisa Rice a good pick by Bush?
You paint with a broad brush. The GS guys used to work there but started his own company. He and Trump are long time business acquaintances. He probably picked him because he knows what he's doing.

It's crazy to assume the worst possible motives each and every time. How do those types keep their sanity? I guess they don't.

I'm a Trump supporter who supported him ripping Clinton and Cruz for being Goldman Sachs puppets. So i am a little concerned he would choose someone from Goldman Sachs. Not what i expected.
You're a sucker.

Maybe? I will admit, some of his picks so far, look like a Bush repeat.
Picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs folks, seems to go against everything Trump spoke about during the Campaign. And it would be very unwise to not call him on that. Not calling Bush out, led to so many terrible disasters.
Blah blah blah blah. I'm not buy your phony schtick. You whine worse than any lefty here. You're a Bush hating libtard. Only liberals blamed Bush for everything that went wrong and have nothing so say about obama's disastrous reign. Trump won, get over it.

I've spoken often about my feelings on Hussein. Can't stand him. Like i said, i'm a Trump supporter. But i can't just ignore things in the name of mindless Bootlicking. That mentality is exactly what led to so many Bush disasters. So many felt obligated to defend everything he did. Even when they knew it was wrong. But i know Obama-fluffers are no different.
suuuuuuuuuuuuure, we know differently just by your posts here. all unwarranted, cause there is no way for you to know anything about those individuals about who they are and what they might do. nothing, nadda. so your worries again are most probably fake news.

Really? You have no problem whatsoever with him picking former Bush aides and Goldman Sachs execs? Wow, i just don't get that.
well maybe explain your concern for everyone. you were asked before and failed to post that info up. then if you like, I will point out that trump didn't take any money from them. Where the other candidates did. And that you stupid fk was the problem and isn't for trump. He owes them nothing. and again, he didn't hire goldman sachs, he hired someone who worked for goldman sachs. Was Condelisa Rice a good pick by Bush?

I've already expressed my concerns. He's consistently railed against the Bush misery, and Corporate Banks having too much influence over Presidents. Yet he quickly picked Bush aides and Goldman Sachs execs. I don't see how you can just blow that off.
I guess we'll see what happens. But i am concerned we're facing more quagmire wars and corporate welfare. I really do hope Trump doesn't go the disastrous Bush route.
I read today that Trump picked a former Bush aide to join his Administration. It's Tom Bossert, who served as Bush's deputy homeland security adviser. Is that really wise? I hate to say it, but i'm beginning to sense a possible Bush repeat in the works.

He seems to have stacked his Administration with war hawks and questionable Corporate folks. I mean, 'Goldman Sachs?' Didn't he aggressively criticize Clinton and Cruz for being so cozy with Goldman Sachs? He's got me pretty concerned about more quagmire wars and corporate welfare. But what do you think?

I am always concerned about who they pick. He has two that I am quite concerned about, but he has five that I quite like. So far the Pos. outweighs the Neg.

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