As expected, BLM comes out to support Hamas

Your "true or false" game just confirms your simplistic "all or nothing" binary way of thinking about and dumbing down a complex issue. Fighting" is more that bullets and bombs flying. The real question is, “If the Palestinians put down their weapons, would Isreal stop their oppressive and inhumane policies that make the virtual prisoners in their territory, with few opportunities and access to the outside world.” I am sure that the answer is “no”

As for the question “If the Israelis put down their weapons, it will be the end of Israel” that depends entirely on Israel and it’s willingness to modify their policies and negotiate a reasonable settlement with the Palestinians

^^^Found the Hamas supporter!
The problem is that you are too stupid to understand that there is another side to it.

BLM should have been declared a terrorist group while they were Burning Looting and Murdering throughout the country for six months.
Your "true or false" game just confirms your simplistic "all or nothing" binary way of thinking about and dumbing down a complex issue. Fighting" is more that bullets and bombs flying. The real question is, “If the Palestinians put down their weapons, would Isreal stop their oppressive and inhumane policies that make the virtual prisoners in their territory, with few opportunities and access to the outside world.” I am sure that the answer is “no”

As for the question “If the Israelis put down their weapons, it will be the end of Israel” that depends entirely on Israel and it’s willingness to modify their policies and negotiate a reasonable settlement with the Palestinians

Pure fantasy fed to you by your dem masters. Nobody in Gaza is imprisoned. They can leave anytime they want.
Fuck you moron! I am of Jewish heritage , I have relatives that dies in the holocaust . Questioning Israel’s policies and tactics does not make someomne a Nazi or anti Semetic. Only very stuid and narrow minded people think so
making excuses Hamas and the country they rule and demonizing Israel makes someone a Nazi .
The problem is that you are too stupid to understand that there is another side to it.

There is no acceptable other side to even consider. BLM and Hamas all deserve the same fate, death.
One terrorist group supporting another….
Those assholes over there have been killing one another for thousands of years. They will continue to do it no matter how much welfare the US gives Israel.

Israel has a strong economy and a strong military. We are $33 trillion in debt. Why are we giving them welfare?
Time to declare BLM a terrorist group, just like Hamas.

No surprises here, given the existence of at least four DemoKKKrats in Congress who openly support Hamas and BLM, and are Holocaust deniers.

Support is all over the map on this. I’m seeing hard core Trumpers supporting Hamas
But you and I are the nazi's
This is the Democrat Party:


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