As expected, BLM comes out to support Hamas

The problem with people like you is that you lack the sophistication and intellectual capacity to grasp the complexity of the issue.
The problem with people like you is you use terms like nuance and complexity as an excuse to not, unequivocally, take the side of good against evil.
You will respond by telling us neither side is good, because both sides commit evil.
But you cannot argue against the fact that one side, as part of their strategic, operational, and tactical dogma, intentionally and purposely targets civilians, and then hides behind their own civilians as a shield from the response.

Under your implied sophistication and intellectual capacity hides a hatred of Jews that you are not honest enough to admit to.

Terrorist organizations help each other.....birds of a feather fly together.

What's so surprising that BLM supports Hamas? :dunno:
Time to make you gone to Oz to beg for a brain.

The problem with people like you is that you lack the sophistication and intellectual capacity to grasp the complexity of the issue. You precipitously and reflexively take a side, see the matter as all or nothing, good vs bad based on an ideological bent, rather than a consideration of the facts,. And the facts say that there is no clear right and wrong. There is no clear “good guys and bad guys”

For one thing there is considerable misinformation being circulated about who is doing what what to who. But you are either too stupid to know that or you choose to ignore it and latch on to what you want to believe.

Secondly, there is plenty of blame to go around and to decry and condemn the actions of both sides. Israel has been wrongfully practicing apartheid against the Palestinians', and largely brought this upon themselves. I do not know the truth about the extent to which they are targeting Palestinian civilians militarily in this conflict....if they are that is wrong...but their policies have been cruel and unwarranted and totally cutting them off from food, water and power now is inhumane and can be considered a war crime. The attack by Hamas was NOT unprovoked

Reports indicate that Hamas has been equally cruel and may also be guilty of war crimes.. But most of you who blindly side with Israel seem to not understand that there is a distinction to be made between Hamas and the Palestinians people.

I believe the reports that Hamas has targeted Israeli civilians and condemn it. But I will add, that as reprehensible as terrorism is the last vestige of and oppressed and marginalized people. While I do not condone it , I understand the desperation that drives it. You would do well to give some thought to all of this, if you are capable of thinking at all
Your support of terrorism is noted.
Hamas and BLM are both woe is me, self-pitying victim groups. They both feel that their victimhood entitles them to act in criminal and immoral ways. They probably both learned to be assholes from people like Sharpton. As long as bands of renegades can make money by being sociopathic assholes, they will continue to behave that way. MAGA.

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