As many as 10 dead in shooting at Batman premiere in Denver: reports

And if it wasn't for people like you and the author of that bullshit oped more people would not feel the stigma of owning a gun and would carry one where they went and there would be fewer no gun zones and even fewer mass murders.

Oh please accept my apology all you poor folk who feel threatened by "people like me". I am soooo sorry for hurting your feelings with my gun disapproval. Poor petals. Aww, what can I do to make you feel better... Sweep it under the carpet?? Please, how can I ever make YOU feel better about the gun in YOUR pocket that makes YOU feel secure..

Your disapproval doesnt bother me. My position on liberty is set in granite.

You have expressed your position in this thread only on the 2nd amendment, there is much more to liberty.
You say that as if it meant something to an anti gun person. Anti gun people do not need much to make anything a gun issue. A tragedy like this is equivalent to a cherry on top of a sundae.

True. Gun control people are like race control people. They have only one answer to everything.

The people who want gun control are the same people that created the environment for this kind of insanity to thrive. Just listen to the excuses they are making now. It's the fault of the guns, it's the fault of the movies, it's the fault of unemployment, he didn't have a girlfriend, he had a tough time in school. He had to take a low paying job at McDonalds. One after the other, not one single person addresses the sole and only issue that caused this tragedy. James Holmes believes himself to be the Joker, out of Batman comic book.

Anti-gun people would say the same for the pro-gun types.
You have an answer for everything, to deflect blame, using super smug, hypothesis and political venom. Which is all part of the gun culture.
Nobody in civilian America NEEDS an AR-15.

Constitutional RIGHTS are not based upon transient "needs".
Oh please accept my apology all you poor folk who feel threatened by "people like me". I am soooo sorry for hurting your feelings with my gun disapproval. Poor petals. Aww, what can I do to make you feel better... Sweep it under the carpet?? Please, how can I ever make YOU feel better about the gun in YOUR pocket that makes YOU feel secure..

Your disapproval doesnt bother me. My position on liberty is set in granite.

You have expressed your position in this thread only on the 2nd amendment, there is much more to liberty.

Liberty would be gone by now without the second.
Oh please accept my apology all you poor folk who feel threatened by "people like me". I am soooo sorry for hurting your feelings with my gun disapproval. Poor petals. Aww, what can I do to make you feel better... Sweep it under the carpet?? Please, how can I ever make YOU feel better about the gun in YOUR pocket that makes YOU feel secure..

Your disapproval doesnt bother me. My position on liberty is set in granite.

You have expressed your position in this thread only on the 2nd amendment, there is much more to liberty.

The second is part of that foundation.
July 20, 2012
One More Massacre
Posted by Adam Gopnik

The murders—it dignifies them to call them a “tragedy”—in Aurora, Colorado, have hit us all hard, though the grief of the friends and families of the victims is unimaginable. Still, it hits home, or someplace worse than home, for any parent who (as I did, as so many did) had a kid at one of the many midnight screenings of the new Batman movie last night, they having gone to see it the moment it opened. Once again, as so often before, the unthinkable news is disassembled, piece by piece, into its heartbreaking parts. After the Virginia Tech shooting, the horrifying detail, as I wrote at the time, was that the cell phones were still ringing in the pockets of the dead children as their parents tried to call them. In Colorado, you can’t expunge the knowledge of the sudden turn from pleasure to horror that those children experienced. As the smoke bomb went off, some of the kids inside apparently thought that it was a special effect, part of the fun, until they began to see “people holding themselves.” According to the Aurora police, the suspect, James Holmes, who is twenty-four, was carrying both a rifle and a handgun. The bullets were fired so freely that they penetrated the wall separating one movie theatre in a multiplex to devastate people in the next one.

Appeal to emotion. FAIL.
Oh please accept my apology all you poor folk who feel threatened by "people like me". I am soooo sorry for hurting your feelings with my gun disapproval. Poor petals. Aww, what can I do to make you feel better... Sweep it under the carpet?? Please, how can I ever make YOU feel better about the gun in YOUR pocket that makes YOU feel secure..

The gun was the instrument in this case. With the bombs and other devices this person created, a gun might not have even been his best choice. The criminal and evil persons of the world only fear that which can stop them. Please continue with your little baseless rant on how you think the world would be safer with weapons only in the hands of evil.

He rigged his apartment with bombs, indicating that he was "flexible" in his means of destroying the lives of others.
Yes - if the ban wasn't enforced and the penalties for those actually prosecuted were zilch - which is pretty much the case here.
I'll give you an example or two and then the opposing views on what makes sense.
In Arizona, you can buy 50 AR-15 assault rifles and ten minutes later, sell them to a guy who has been convicted of murder - as long as you don't ask him about it and therefore, don't know he is a convicted murderer.
In Los Angeles, police can pull over a known member of the Crips, Bloods or other gang - find him wearing a wig and disguise and carrying an illegally purchased gun. As long as he hasn't been convicted of a felony yet, he'll plea bargain out in an hour because he hasn't actually killed somone... yet.
As long as you can pass the background check one time, you can become an arms dealer without owning a store or anything. You have less than a 1% chance of ever being investigated. Then you can sell pistols, sniper rifles, assault rifles, silencers (ecause you know, that's so necessary for defense) and whatever. Do these people sell guns illegally? Duh.
So it's not a matter of laws. It's a matter of enforcement.
Extreme Liberals have a solution to America's Gun Violence Problem: They want to ban all guns but they are fairly rare.
Moderate LibDems, Moderates and Indies Liberals have a solution to America's Gun Violence Problem: They think gun ownershio is fine but carrying machine guns into the kindergarten or better yet, the bar where you go get drunk, is just plain foolish. I agree. I own a gun but don't take it to the movies or anywhere in the city. It's at home.
Conservatives Liberals have a solution to America's Gun Violence Problem: More guns. I'm not kidding. Oh and less laws. If our laws and their enforcement is too weak now, the solution is to make even less of them. You'll hear cute little chants they've been taught like "If guns are illegal only criminals wil have guns." Well duh. And if child porn is illegal, only criminals will have child porn. So should we make it legal? The anti-logic of this is almost amusing. Oh well. They really do buy it.
My favorite one is when they compare gun ownership to owning a car. Unreal.

Being that the theater was a gun free zone didn't stop the shooter now did it?

thank you for verifying my point about the logic Conservative use, when it comes to guns. Obviously we have a gun violence problem in America. You solution is to add more guns, less laws restricting them and less enforcement.
Just like the way to solve a fire problem is to add more fire and gasoline!
BTW, I've made it clear I don't want to take away people's guns - including my own. But I do think some common sense laws and the ability to enforce them, might be an even better idea, than making sure every citizen is armed to the teeth, everywhere they go. Go figure.

To use your fire problem analogy, your solution is to take away the Fire Dept and turn off the water.
the second is part of that foundation.

as i wrote, constitutional rights are not based upon transient needs.

Why is it you view liberty as transient?

I wrote just the opposite in response to the poster criticizing firearm rights. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE NOT BASED ON TRANSIENT EVENTS, does that clarify the statement for you? Our liberty is comprised of all of our civil rights, chipping away at one will erode the structure.
Hell yes add more guns
You never hear about a mass shooting at a gun range, gun show or police department. Only those places that are gun free zones.

Over the next two weeks, thousands of people, all of them armed with an 'assault weapon' will compete at the national rifle matches at Camp Perry OH. Despite this heavy concentration of guns that are good for nothing other than kiling people, there will be no crimes comitted with these guns.

And more than likely there will not be any crimes committed within a ten mile radius of that event.
Oh, I dunno.... the seedy parts of Port Clinton are pretty rough.
Over the next two weeks, thousands of people, all of them armed with an 'assault weapon' will compete at the national rifle matches at Camp Perry OH. Despite this heavy concentration of guns that are good for nothing other than kiling people, there will be no crimes comitted with these guns.

And more than likely there will not be any crimes committed within a ten mile radius of that event.
Oh, I dunno.... the seedy parts of Port Clinton are pretty rough.

Let's just say they'll shut down operations while you big meanies with the big black guns are in town.:badgrin:
July 20, 2012
One More Massacre
Posted by Adam Gopnik

The murders—it dignifies them to call them a “tragedy”—in Aurora, Colorado, have hit us all hard, though the grief of the friends and families of the victims is unimaginable. Still, it hits home, or someplace worse than home, for any parent who (as I did, as so many did) had a kid at one of the many midnight screenings of the new Batman movie last night, they having gone to see it the moment it opened. Once again, as so often before, the unthinkable news is disassembled, piece by piece, into its heartbreaking parts. After the Virginia Tech shooting, the horrifying detail, as I wrote at the time, was that the cell phones were still ringing in the pockets of the dead children as their parents tried to call them. In Colorado, you can’t expunge the knowledge of the sudden turn from pleasure to horror that those children experienced. As the smoke bomb went off, some of the kids inside apparently thought that it was a special effect, part of the fun, until they began to see “people holding themselves.” According to the Aurora police, the suspect, James Holmes, who is twenty-four, was carrying both a rifle and a handgun. The bullets were fired so freely that they penetrated the wall separating one movie theatre in a multiplex to devastate people in the next one.

The truth is made worse by the reality that no one—really no one—anywhere on the political spectrum has the courage to speak out about the madness of unleashed guns and what they do to American life. That includes the President, whose consoling message managed to avoid the issue of why these killings take place. Of course, we don’t know, and perhaps never will, what exactly “made him” do what he did; but we know how he did it. Those who fight for the right of every madman and every criminal to have as many people-killing weapons as they want share moral responsibility for what happened last night—as they will when it happens again. And it will happen again.

The reality is simple: every country struggles with madmen and ideologues with guns, and every country—Canada, Norway, Britain—has had a gun massacre once, or twice. Then people act to stop them, and they do—as over the past few years has happened in Australia. Only in America are gun massacres of this kind routine, expectable, and certain to continue. Does anyone even remember any longer last July’s gun massacre, those birthday-party killings in Texas, when an estranged husband murdered his wife and most of her family, leaving six dead?

But nothing changes: the blood lobby still blares out its certainties, including the pretense that the Second Amendment—despite the clear grammar of its first sentence—is designed not to protect citizen militias but to make sure that no lunatic goes unarmed. (Jill Lepore wrote about the history of the Second Amendment in The New Yorker recently.) Make sure that guns designed for no reason save to kill people are freely available to anyone who wants one—and that is, and remains, the essential American condition—and then be shocked when children are killed. For all the good work the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence tries to do, nothing changes. On the last episode of Aaron Sorkin’s “The Newsroom,” Jeff Daniels’s character, in a scene set shortly before the Gabrielle Giffords gun massacre, was thought to display political courage by showing, accurately enough, that it’s a lie to say that Barack Obama is in any way in favor of gun control. This was said in Obama’s defense.

Only in America. Every country has, along with its core civilities and traditions, some kind of inner madness, a belief so irrational that even death and destruction cannot alter it. In Europe not long ago it was the belief that “honor” of the nation was so important that any insult to it had to be avenged by millions of lives. In America, it has been, for so long now, the belief that guns designed to kill people indifferently and in great numbers can be widely available and not have it end with people being killed, indifferently and in great numbers. The argument has gotten dully repetitive: How does one argue with someone convinced that the routine massacre of our children is the price we must pay for our freedom to have guns, or rather to have guns that make us feel free? You can only shake your head and maybe cry a little. “Gun Crazy” is the title of one the best films about the American romance with violence. And gun-crazy we remain.

The horror is touched, inflected, by the way that the killings now intertwine with the everyday details of our lives. The killings will go on; the cell phones in the pockets of dead children will continue to ring; and now parents can be a little frightened every time their kids go to a midnight screening of a movie designed to show them what stylized fun violence can be, in the hands of the right American moviemaker. Of course, there have been shootings at school, too. We’re a nation of special effects.

Read more - newyorker dot com

And if it wasn't for people like you and the author of that bullshit oped more people would not feel the stigma of owning a gun and would carry one where they went and there would be fewer no gun zones and even fewer mass murders.

Oh please accept my apology all you poor folk who feel threatened by "people like me". I am soooo sorry for hurting your feelings with my gun disapproval. Poor petals. Aww, what can I do to make you feel better... Sweep it under the carpet?? Please, how can I ever make YOU feel better about the gun in YOUR pocket that makes YOU feel secure..
The article you posted is nothing but an irrational whine by someone overshelmed by his emotions, brought about by a tragic event. There's not an ounce of logic or reason or thought in any of it - not an ounce.

This is, of course, the liberal way.
You say that as if it meant something to an anti gun person. Anti gun people do not need much to make anything a gun issue. A tragedy like this is equivalent to a cherry on top of a sundae.

True. Gun control people are like race control people. They have only one answer to everything.

The people who want gun control are the same people that created the environment for this kind of insanity to thrive. Just listen to the excuses they are making now. It's the fault of the guns, it's the fault of the movies, it's the fault of unemployment, he didn't have a girlfriend, he had a tough time in school. He had to take a low paying job at McDonalds. One after the other, not one single person addresses the sole and only issue that caused this tragedy. James Holmes believes himself to be the Joker, out of Batman comic book.

Anti-gun people would say the same for the pro-gun types.
You have an answer for everything, to deflect blame, using super smug, hypothesis and political venom. Which is all part of the gun culture.
Nobody in civilian America NEEDS an AR-15.
Please show that to be true.
Then, show that while you may not believe there is a need for an AR-15, that the Constitution does not still protect the right to own one.
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