As Obama Weighs Decision on Official War in Syria, Putin Warns of Nuclear WAR


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Thanks to Barry and Hillary the united States has been dragged into a, UN-AUTHORIZED WAR with Syria for some time now. Hillary and Barry have supplied, armed, financed, protected, and even used the US military to help ISIS to try to take down Syrian President Assad.

It all started when Barry issued his disastrous 'Red line' and Assad trampled it. Obama quickly backed down and tried to blame the whole world for his folly. Ever since then he has been obsessed with overthrowing the President of the foreign sovereign nation of Syria, to the point - as mentioned - of allying himself with the terrorists ISIS in an effort to get the job done....

Now his obsession has the US on the brink of nuclear war with Russia.

Call it a bluff if you want, but does Barry have the backbone to call that bluff, to gamble if it is indeed a bluff?
-- He didn't when Assad crossed his 'Red line'!

Is Syria REALLY important enough to the US - our business - to risk Nuclear War?

In case Barry hasn't gotten the clue yet, Putin is determined NOT to let Assad fall....and the man doesn't bluff. Ask the Ukraine or Crimea. Hillary and Obama have dragged the US into 2 UN-AUTHORIZED wars in an attempt to un-justifiably overthrow 2 sovereign governments. It seems Putin has had enough now that they are threatening his ally!

Nuclear war 'IMMINENT' as Russia tells citizens to find out where the closest bunkers are

NUCLEAR war could be imminent as Russia told its citizens to urgently prepare for a devastating radioactive conflict as relations with the West stoop to their lowest since the Cold War.

Aggressive posturing from Russia in recent weeks has seen the state force 40 million of its citizens to take part in a massive defence drill to prepare them for a nuclear holocaust.

Russia’s military announced it would run the country-wide drill in preparation of a large-scale war.

Nuclear war 'IMMINENT' as Russia tells citizens to find out where the closest bunkers are
I wonder if nuclear war with Russia is Clinton's plan. As the government treasury is depleted, someone to blame must be found:

Perhaps she will only destablize the middle east in order to import new voters.
It may not be the dumbasses plan, but they sure are getting us close.

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