As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.

As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.


They've been the party of conspiracy theorists ever since those people started finding a home there back in the 1990's. Memba G. Gordon Liddy's radio show? It was a hoot at times.
Then came Barack Obama and the proverbial shit hit the fan. They have a precious two years to clean up their act and right the ship.
1. If the current vote count is accurate, the "conspiracy theories" are over, and Biden won.
2. If after the evidence is evaluated in court, and the vote count changes significantly, no matter who wins, there would have been documented evidence of cheating, aka "voter fraud". So count the legal votes and see which it is. What are you afraid of? That democrat cheating will be outed?
A better question would be, why do Democrats call good government and transparency, conspiracy? Probably the same reason they're against voter ID laws and open impeachment hearings.
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.

It has gotten quite scary as the entire Republican Party embraces wild conspiracy theories without question.
They deny science, political realities and even history and the Republican mass rallies around it
The world looks to the US to provide stability. They see what is being spouted by one of our major parties and question our ability to lead.
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.

It has gotten quite scary as the entire Republican Party embraces wild conspiracy theories without question.
They deny science, political realities and even history and the Republican mass rallies around it
The world looks to the US to provide stability. They see what is being spouted by one of our major parties and question our ability to lead.
Not sure who this mysterious "they" is, but we should just move our troops home and "they" can pay for their own defense.
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.

It has gotten quite scary as the entire Republican Party embraces wild conspiracy theories without question.
They deny science, political realities and even history and the Republican mass rallies around it
The world looks to the US to provide stability. They see what is being spouted by one of our major parties and question our ability to lead.
Not sure who this mysterious "they" is, but we should just move our troops home and "they" can pay for their own defense.

You are normally very consistent

What do you think of the wild conspiracies circulating among conservatives?
For every action there is a re-action.

Blame the activities over the last four years for any conspiracy theorists. The pile on, arrogance and abuses against Trump and his supporters has been astonishing. Hillary, like Biden, just hid, anticipating her coronation. For some reason it didn't happen.

After she lost, the screaming from those with deep pockets was resounding. Some of the same M.O also, though it was FAR worse in 2020. Not calling Florida or Pennsylvania for Trump for hours when he was ahead. Hoping, waiting, anticipating something to or someone to just walk out and change Americans votes.

"the electoral college don't have to give Trump any votes if they don't want to". Remember that one? Russia Russia, constant fake news from "anonymous sources", fake allegations from women who disappeared. Propping up the CPL as a potential presidential candidate, then he goes to prison.

Now the world faces a Wuhan Virus, complete shutdowns, mail out voting, and, election counting just stopping in the middle of the night in multiple states, by morning a massive and growing Trump lead disappeared. After seeing the MSM demand you hide in your basement, until the protesters came out, then "hey, no virus, don't worry. We won't even mention any potential super spreaders after these protests occur".

There is no way all of the above and many more efforts of resistance against the president don't lead to conspiracy theorists. What is worse for those who love to abuse the general public is now suspicion is too rampant for them to expect an easy ride.
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.

It has gotten quite scary as the entire Republican Party embraces wild conspiracy theories without question.
They deny science, political realities and even history and the Republican mass rallies around it
The world looks to the US to provide stability. They see what is being spouted by one of our major parties and question our ability to lead.
Not sure who this mysterious "they" is, but we should just move our troops home and "they" can pay for their own defense.

You are normally very consistent

What do you think of the wild conspiracies circulating among conservatives?
Republicans only want to verify the vote counts so that they can be certified and agreed to.
They are not "conspiracy theories" until proven wrong, they are "theories" based on sworn affidavits.
I don't know if the Dominion machines are accurate or "fixed" for democrats, only the hand recount can determine that.
If the hand recount verifies the Dominion count, the election is over, if not, its confirmed voter fraud., we'll see which it is shortly.
So count the legal votes and see which it is.

That's what's been done. Pretending otherwise is the conspiracy kookery that we're talking about.

Democrats say "follow what the election law says!". Republicans say "Change election law because we lost!". That makes Democrats the honest people, and Republicans frauds and cheaters.
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.


The Chairman of the FEC says the 2020 election is illegitimate

> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate
"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”
So count the legal votes and see which it is.

That's what's been done. Pretending otherwise is the conspiracy kookery that we're talking about.

Democrats say "follow what the election law says!". Republicans say "Change election law because we lost!". That makes Democrats the honest people, and Republicans frauds and cheaters.
You have that ass-backwards.
1. Democrats changed the election laws in PA by illegally extending the deadline, the courts agreed with the GOP lawsuits.
2. That shows the democrats as cheaters and the GOP as honest.

Wait until the hand recounts in GA show that the Dominion machine recounts were wrong, then all hell will break loose. Stay tuned.
Republicans only want to verify the vote counts so that they can be certified and agreed to.

No, they know there's no fraud. They want to try to run out the clock on certifying elections with endless recounts and court filings. It won't work.

We liberals want the law to be followed to the letter. That's fair. Anything else is unfair.

For example, Georgia allows recount requests. Thus, if the Trump campaign asks for a recount, they should get one. However, they should also have to pay for it up front, as Georgia law requires. The Georgia SOS is having the state do it and waving the fee, so he's cheating on behalf of Republicans.

Arizona law does not allow for recount requests, and the criteria for auto-recounts has not been met. Therefore, no recount should be done in Arizona. That's the fair thing to do, follow election law impartially. You don't get to change the law just because you lost. That's cheating.

They are not "conspiracy theories" until proven wrong, they are "theories" based on sworn affidavits.

That's not how it works. You made the crazy claims, so you're required to back them up with evidence. So far, you haven't, not even once. That's why every lawsuit your side files gets tossed out. And it's why, in court, no Trump lawyer anywhere has asserted fraud. After all, if they lied openly like that in court, they'd be suspended from practicing law, so they only tell such lies in the media.

I don't know if the Dominion machines are accurate or "fixed" for democrats,

Your feelings are not the issue. The law is the issue.
1. Democrats changed the election laws in PA by illegally extending the deadline, the courts agreed with the GOP lawsuits.

No. You don't understand how laws work. The PA supreme court struck down an illegal law that violated the PA state constitution.

2. That shows the democrats as cheaters and the GOP as honest.

Counting legal cast votes is cheating? You've gone full blown Stalinist on us.

Wait until the hand recounts in GA show that the Dominion machine recounts were wrong, then all hell will break loose. Stay tuned.

When that doesn't happen -- and nobody except the most hopelessly brainwashed cultists thinks it will -- what will your excuse be?

I imagine you'll just dive deeper down into the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Your beliefs can't be disproved by facts, making them entirely religious in nature.
Republicans only want to verify the vote counts so that they can be certified and agreed to.

No, they know there's no fraud. They want to try to run out the clock on certifying elections with endless recounts and court filings. It won't work.

We liberals want the law to be followed to the letter. That's fair. Anything else is unfair.

For example, Georgia allows recount requests. Thus, if the Trump campaign asks for a recount, they should get one. However, they should also have to pay for it up front, as Georgia law requires. The Georgia SOS is having the state do it and waving the fee, so he's cheating on behalf of Republicans.

Arizona law does not allow for recount requests, and the criteria for auto-recounts has not been met. Therefore, no recount should be done in Arizona. That's the fair thing to do, follow election law impartially. You don't get to change the law just because you lost. That's cheating.

They are not "conspiracy theories" until proven wrong, they are "theories" based on sworn affidavits.

That's not how it works. You made the crazy claims, so you're required to back them up with evidence. So far, you haven't, not even once. That's why every lawsuit your side files gets tossed out. And it's why, in court, no Trump lawyer anywhere has asserted fraud. After all, if they lied openly like that in court, they'd be suspended from practicing law, so they only tell such lies in the media.

I don't know if the Dominion machines are accurate or "fixed" for democrats,

Your feelings are not the issue. The law is the issue.
1. There is no "running out the clock" if you're losing. The deadline cannot be extended, so we will know the winner soon.
2. Agree we all want the Law to be followed, the courts are siding with the GOP that the democrats illegally extended the deadline in PA.
3. You are wrong that in GA the GOP should pay for this recount. Please read this link. If you disagree, please post where it says who pays for the recount.
4. Agree that no recount will be done in AZ. Not an issue.
1. Democrats changed the election laws in PA by illegally extending the deadline, the courts agreed with the GOP lawsuits.

No. You don't understand how laws work. The PA supreme court struck down an illegal law that violated the PA state constitution.

2. That shows the democrats as cheaters and the GOP as honest.

Counting legal cast votes is cheating? You've gone full blown Stalinist on us.

Wait until the hand recounts in GA show that the Dominion machine recounts were wrong, then all hell will break loose. Stay tuned.

When that doesn't happen -- and nobody except the most hopelessly brainwashed cultists thinks it will -- what will your excuse be?

I imagine you'll just dive deeper down into the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Your beliefs can't be disproved by facts, making them entirely religious in nature.
1. We will soon see if the PASC wins or the USSC wins, stay tuned.
2. If the USSC allows the deadline to be extended, then those votes are legal, if they rule against the PASC, those votes are illegal, stay tuned. Name calling doesn't get it past middle school.
3. There won't be any "excuse", its simply verifying the Dominion vote count, you have a problem verifying votes?
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.


Your party is approaching hammer and sickle status.
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.


The Chairman of the FEC says the 2020 election is illegitimate

> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate
"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”
Who is going to trust anything an Orange Virus appointed person says besides the crybabies that lost?
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.

QAnon!...Trump is going to fire Mueller!...Stormy Daniels!...Ukrainians!...Defunding the USPS!...Two scoops of ice cream!


Go clean your room, moonbat.
As Of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬The Republican Party Has Become The Party Of Conspiracy Theorists

Historic fact explains the methods Republican strategists have employed throughout the decades to mold the political mindset of the white Christian conservative working class.‭ ‬Part hate-mongering,‭ ‬part fear-mongering,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for every election cycle,‭ ‬some new and dangerous foreign menace and/or segment of U.S.‭ ‬society that poses a serious threat to the security and well-being of the GOP’s voting base.

After generations of this Republican mental torture inflicted on their right-wing and centrist supporters,‭ ‬these tens-of-millions of Americans will accept,‭ ‬as fact,‭ ‬any off the cuff remark,‭ ‬idle gossip,‭ ‬coffee break conversation,‭ ‬ridiculous rumor,‭ ‬social media bullsh!t,‭ ‬and/or the propaganda spewed by conservative radio and TV programs,‭ ‬etc. Anything‭ ‬that feeds their ever-increasing paranoia.

It’s nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with any conservative or the vast majority of centrists,‭ ‬since the impeached president trump cast his spell over them.‭ ‬The unending,‭ ‬unsubstantiated allegations,‭ ‬the groundless conspiracy theories that arise each day,‭ ‬and the growing right-wing fear of...‭ ‬everything,‭ ‬has made these seventy-plus million people putty in the hands of any Republican politician who offers them the slightest justification for all their fears,‭ ‬anxiety,‭ ‬and feelings of being constantly victimized.

The extreme right has gone so far away from center,‭ ‬the Flat-earthers among them are terrified they will soon fall off the edge of the Earth.‭ ‬Down there,‭ ‬there be dragons.

As of 2020 your standard answer to anything with any truth in it is conspiracy theory. Not working anymore.

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