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As The Curtain Descends…

I agree, Trump IS a menace to a free and democratic society. :cool:
And little does his flock understand how they're speeding this process up.

So you're a Biden voter?

Birds of a feather, I guess.
Wow, you posted without copy&paste!!!! I didn't know that they taught that at hom skool.
You meant religious based curriculum homeschool.
I misread it then. I thought he was talking about a school for ad hom attacks. ;)
7. Recognizing the truth is an ability in short supply.

I have often proven that there is no Far Right in this country, only a Far Left, an insane faction that champions abolishing free speech, religion and religious rights, traditional marriage, voluntary prayer in public, two sexes, national borders, etc. These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

There are no such ‘Far’ positions by the Right.

Where did the idea upon which our nation was created, come from? From the single most hated source by the Militant Secularists/Democrats/Progressives: the Bible.

And it defines justice. Justice means choice. The choice must be by recourse and devotion to laws made impartially, without respect to individuals, and applied impartially.

This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes. The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience.

But the execution of the laws must take into account human frailty, and must acknowledge the limits of reason, and, therefore, resort to impartial statutes in order to be fair. The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed- systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible t that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.”
David Mamet

But these are not the rules of Militant Secularism: bowing the neck and bending the knee to their doctrines is the only rule.
And it seems that it will come to pass.

Woe betide you, Democrat voters.
I agree, Trump IS a menace to a free and democratic society. :cool:
And little does his flock understand how they're speeding this process up.

So you're a Biden voter?

Birds of a feather, I guess.
He's smarter and better than all of us...Just ask him, he'll tell you all about it.

Well.....he did say this:

“Me, I'm the opposite. I like to have an accurate grasp of both (or more) sides of any issue, so that I can reach a thoughtful conclusion.”

This is where the rest of us kneel at his feet and take note on his every word.

Or not.
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8. No matter how reasonable, how universal, how just, the guidance found in the Bible proves to be……the forces of the Left oppose it.

Including the concept of family.

From the pen of NYTimes columnist, and supposed conservative, the fraud Richard Brooks, writes what the radicals design: ending the family “is the gist of an essay by American journalist David Brooks that appeared in The Atlantic recently. In “The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake“, Brooks denies that the type of family the great majority of baby boomers and their parents (and grandparents) grew up in is even traditional.

The way most humans lived during all the previous thousands of years, says Brooks, was in some kind of extended family, and that is what we need to aim for again now. People are “hungering” for it. The nuclear family – where it still exists – has become too isolated and detached, and viable only for those who can afford to buy supplementary services like daycare and domestic help.”
Is it time to kiss the nuclear family goodbye? » MercatorNet

We are living through a nightmare, where the lessons learned from the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, the Maoists, are ignored......and recirculated through the Democrat party.
Any American witnessing the sort of values and institutions advanced by the Democrat Party over the last six months, knows what the result of a Democrat victory will do.

This example is not an exaggeration:

9. The view of evil has never changed: Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
The Abolition of the Family

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship between the two.

The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.

“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And now we see that same view from America’s version of the Bolsheviks.

Science tells us what we can do, not what we should do, and has gifted society with poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, the formula for Zyklon B, heavy artillery, pseudo-scientific justifications for mass murder, cluster bombs, attack submarines, napalm, intercontinental ballistic missiles, military space platforms, and nuclear weapons.
…on our passion play called civilization…

1.Over the last few months we have been ‘treated’ to one more performance of totalitarian governance, more correctly identified as ‘the law of the jungle.’ Months of arson, looting, assaults, anarko-communist mobs encouraged by the Democrats, who commissioned their judges, DAs and prosecutors to make certain that, not only are the criminals released, but citizens who attempt to protect their lives and property, are charged as criminals.

America is witnessing the lowering of that same political curtain that Winston Churchill referred to as an ‘iron curtain.’ And Portland is a sterling example of what fate awaits us all.

2. Mayor Ted Wheeler is the simpering pajama boy mayor of Portland, who put up even less of a fight when the rabble took over his city than the French did when the Nazis took Paris’s streets. Any student of history will nod at the comparisons of the ravaging mobs with the Socialist Workers Party in helmets.

3. But here is the handwriting on the wall for America: after the display in Portland’s streets, rather than the citizenry demanding what one would expect from normal individuals, a strong law and order mayor,…“…challenger Sarah Iannarone said she will bring new voices to the table and views police violence, not that of protesters, as the most serious problem.
…Iannarone, an urban policy consultant who has never held elected office, with an 11-point lead over Wheeler,…” Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, challenger Sarah Iannarone offer competing visions during debate

4. Lest there be even a modicum of doubt as to the direction Democrats cities, at least, are headed….study the cultural attire of this wannabe-mayor:

View attachment 400950

Can you see who her heroes are?

If you always believed that the danger of government schooling, with students in Che t-shirts, was ephemeral, and they’d learn reality when they got into real life…..think again.

Think of Portland, and Ferguson, and Seattle, and Chicago, and Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation, one which, as is the case for every society that came before, has a sell-by date.

And we have reached it.

"1.Over the last few months we have been ‘treated’ to one more performance of totalitarian governance, more correctly identified as ‘the law of the jungle.’ Months of arson, looting, assaults, anarko-communist mobs encouraged by the Democrats, who commissioned their judges, DAs and prosecutors to make certain that, not only are the criminals released, but citizens who attempt to protect their lives and property, are charged as criminals."

I agree, Trump IS a menace to a free and democratic society. :cool:

wrong again---the scum of the demonrat party are the ones who want AMERICA to fail--these idiots are the menace to AMERICA and a free democracy. DEMOCRACY is not the same as evil demonrats....duh
There is no way to understand the actions and agenda of the Democrat Party, other than as the attempt to destroy America and everything America stands for.

10. This is what we had within our grasp:
Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world. (Origin?)

There is the belief that we can defeat these troglodytes:
“This is precisely the time — right now, tonight — to defend the institutions we desperately need to keep in this country,” Carlson added. “Those institutions include the nuclear family, our freedom of speech, small independent businesses, absolute color blindness under the law, the noble tradition of non-violent protests. Those are the things that make us proud to be Americans. Those are the things that make America a place worth living in. We need to defend these things with everything we have. All of us must defend them, including the president. That is his hope of reelection. For the rest of us, it is our only hope as a country.”
Tucker Carlson

But.....there is this evidence:
We can hope for the best, but in Portland we see the voters lining up behind the most lunatic of candidates. The Leftist currently in office isn’t enough: the one in the lead is seen wearing a skirt with pictures of Mao, Stalin and Che.
True, they are using democratic means to take over….but remember the rule for communism: “One man- one vote-….one time.” Then, no more voting necessary.

…. unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

And they are winning:

"We can see that all elements of the socialist ideal--the abolition of private property, family, hierarchies; the hostility toward religion--could be regarded as a manifestation of one basic principle: the suppression of individuality.... All this is inspired by one principle--the destruction of individuality or, at least, its suppression to the point where it would cease to be a social force. "
Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon
The Socialist Phenomenon

November 3rd....individualism vs collectivism.

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