As The elitist leftists drink expensive wine and eat Caviar, The Crony capitalist wait to cash in


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The leftist love robbing the working man to make billions off of big government, that would include the establishment, crony capitalist, Republicans.:mad:

Coalition of executives and financiers seeks government subsidies as U.N. climate talks commence

A group of millionaires and billionaires that includes major investors in green energy are using the international climate talks kicking off this week to push for more government subsidies for the types of companies in which they are investing.

The Breakthrough Energy Coalition on Monday unveiled policy proposals demanding that governments step up their “investment” in green energy companies. The coalition’s founding members include a host of financiers with significant green energy portfolios.

At the same time, the group said it will be leveraging government support in its own investment work, which will target early-stage green energy companies.

Green energy is not sufficiently appealing to private investors at present, the coalition says. Therefore government must step in and provide extensive capital for firms working on wind, solar, and other renewable energy technologies – the types of firms that Breakthrough will be backing.

Green Energy Investors Look to Cash in on Paris Talks
I was under the impression that companies that over pollute get fines , not subsidies. So these wealthy companies want the gov. to subsidize for them to not pollute and yet they hate ACA of which the gov. subsidizes those who can't afford health insurance.

In other words, the working man who pays taxes pays for these wealthy companies to create green tech, and not pollute.
Steyer has repeatedly touted the profit potential of green energy, stating in 2012 remarks on AEE’s mission that such technologies represent “a chance to make a lot of money.”

“I’ve never been driven by money,” the billionaire hedge fund manager declared two years later. But for those who are, he told a gathering of environmentally driven businesses in New Orleans, green energy “is a great opportunity for you to make a bunch of money.”

Always a Jew at the center of things. Of course they are pushing greener, they know about global warming, they just don't want to pay for it, let the tax payers pay for it.

Obama needs to just go ahead with is carbon tax, and start fining companies that over pollute. No subsidies.

Steyer, a hedge fund person who never cared about making money, but is a billionaire. Do we have dumb wrote on our foreheads.

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