As the Smartest President, does Obama understand


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
$Screen Shot 2012-12-06 at 12.56.34 AM.png

What the above formula is for?

A mathematical formula known as Euler's formula?

The formula known as The Drake equation?

Or an actuarial formula used in risk analysis for insurance premiums?

The reason I ask is we all know Obama is one of the smartest Presidents right?

So wouldn't it though be a correct assumption that Obama recognizes that experts in various fields might have more insight to the costs of health care and just maybe they should have been consulted before Obamacare was assembled?
Especially now that this study has been released:
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Download it from the Society of Actuaries the study: SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

If Obama truly was concerned about the nation's health WHY would he ignore the experts that are telling him health insurance premiums will increase 122% over the next 4 years?

Why would Obama if he is truly a "smart" person see that Obamacare will destroy health care?
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View attachment 22940

What the above formula is for?

A mathematical formula known as Euler's formula?

The formula known as The Drake equation?

Or an actuarial formula used in risk analysis for insurance premiums?

The reason I ask is we all know Obama is one of the smartest Presidents right?

So wouldn't it though be a correct assumption that Obama recognizes that experts in various fields might have more insight to the costs of health care and just maybe they should have been consulted before Obamacare was assembled?
Especially now that this study has been released:
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Download it from the Society of Actuaries the study: SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

If Obama truly was concerned about the nation's health WHY would he ignore the experts that are telling him health insurance premiums will increase 122% over the next 4 years?

Why would Obama if he is truly a "smart" person see that Obamacare will destroy health care?

Who thinks Obama is smart? Just because someone can give a perfectly pronounced speech that was written by someone else and is read off of a teleprompter doesn't mean they're SMART---:badgrin:
Maybe we could start with a few of the promises that were made to the American people to pass ObamaCare, promises the president made such as:

Health insurance: “If you like your health insurance, you will be able to keep your health insurance” —
when at least 20 million people are likely to lose their job-based health insurance, according to the CBO, and as many as 80 million people could be forced to switch plans to comply with Obamacare, according to McKinsey.

The deficit: “We will not add one dime to the deficit.” If the president wants to use the Medicare-savings provisions to extend the life of the Medicare trust fund and not to fund the new entitlements created by the law CBO estimates the fiscal impact would be “a net increase in federal deficits of $260 billion” through 2019.

Health-care costs: Mr. Obama promised during the 2008 campaign that, under his health reform plan, health-insurance premiums would go down by $2,500 a year for every family by the end of his first term.
But they actually have gone up by nearly as much — from $12,680 in 2008 to $15,073 in 2011.
Senator Jim DeMint released a report from the Republicans’ Joint Economic Committee quantifying the cost of President Obama’s broken promise to reduce premiums.
The report finds the cumulative cost (through 2012) of Obama’s broken promise on premiums is $805 billion. During the past four years, the average family has spent a total of $12,230 more on private health insurance, while the average individual has spent $4,163 more.
More Obamacare Fiction - By Grace-Marie Turner - The Corner - National Review Online
The smartest President? Smarter than Washington, Adams, Jefferson, or Madison? All four of those men were brilliant. Jefferson especially. I dont think Obama comes close.

Now he isnt an ignoramous. At least he is still has all his faculties, unlike Woodrow Wilson who was losing his mind after his stroke and had his wife doing alot of his duties. (Though im not sure if he had her do them or she just did them over his lack of objection). And even before then Woodrow Wilson wasnt dumb. May not have been a good man, but he wasnt dumb.
View attachment 22940

What the above formula is for?

A mathematical formula known as Euler's formula?

The formula known as The Drake equation?

Or an actuarial formula used in risk analysis for insurance premiums?

The reason I ask is we all know Obama is one of the smartest Presidents right?

So wouldn't it though be a correct assumption that Obama recognizes that experts in various fields might have more insight to the costs of health care and just maybe they should have been consulted before Obamacare was assembled?
Especially now that this study has been released:
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Download it from the Society of Actuaries the study: SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

If Obama truly was concerned about the nation's health WHY would he ignore the experts that are telling him health insurance premiums will increase 122% over the next 4 years?

Why would Obama if he is truly a "smart" person see that Obamacare will destroy health care?

Who thinks Obama is smart? Just because someone can give a perfectly pronounced speech that was written by someone else and is read off of a teleprompter doesn't mean they're SMART---:badgrin:

Historian Michael Beschloss: "Yeah. Even aside from the fact of electing the first African American President and whatever one’s partisan views this is a guy whose IQ is off the charts — I mean you cannot say that he is anything but a very serious and capable leader and — you know — You and I have talked about this for years … … our system doesn’t allow those people to become President, those people meaning people THAT smart and THAT capable
Imus: What is his IQ?
Historian Michael Beschloss: Uh. I would say it’s probably – he’s probably the smartest guy ever to become President."
Smart enough to make the GOP look like the most inept bunch of dummies ever to run a campaign.
OK. Let's just go with the proven systems. Japan, Canada, Germany, and every other industrial nation in the world all spend less per capita than we do on health care. All cover all of their citizens. And their results are far better than ours. So, drop the ACA, and go the a universal single payer system. Real easy, go with the tested and proven.

[ame=]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
Smart enough to make the GOP look like the most inept bunch of dummies ever to run a campaign.

Hey the biggest error the GOP made was assuming the MSM would be fair and impartial!

Prove to me that this study was wrong with counter arguments OK and then make your inane unsupported comments!
DID YOU and you other idiots that voted for Obama KNOW>>>

1) You know for a “fact” that Gas Prices were higher under Bush than we have now. But do you know that September 2012 prices were higher than all but two Bush months, and October was higher than all but four Bush months? Do you know that the highest annual average for gas prices was 2011, and that 2012 is on pace to break this record?

2) Do you know that GM is on pace to sell less cars in 2012 than they did in 2008, and that Existing Home Sales for 2012 is lower than 2008?

3) Almost all media and press reports noted that the UR moved up from 7.8% to 7.9% in October because more people entered the workforce. How many Main Stream Media reports in the last three years mentioned that the UR is not above 10% largely because people simply gave up looking for work?

4) You and everyone around you know the name Valerie Plame and Scooter Libby. Do you know the name of the Eric Holder’s Deputies who ran “Fast and Furious” and the names of those who resigned because they lied to Congress?

5) You know that Halliburton got no-bid contracts from the Bush Administration. But did you know that the Obama Admin too gave Halliburton big, big no-bid contracts?

6) You sure know that we lost 4,000 troops in Iraq, but do you know that since the OBL Mission the U.S. lost more than 600 troops in Afghanistan? Do you know that we lost more troops in Afghanistan under Obama who “is ending the war” than during eight years of Bush? Do you know that in the six months leading up to the 2008 elections we lost less troops in Iraq (where we were “stuck”) than the number we lost in recent months in Afghanistan (where things are “ending”)?

7) Everyone knows that name Cindy Sheehan. How many know the names of the SEAL parents who publicly blamed Obama for the death of their children in Benghazi?

8) Do you remember that Condoleezza Rice, Bush’s Secretary of State was bashed by media for being in NY during Katrina yet no word where Hillary was during Sandy? (Indeed, who cares where Hillary was? A Secretary of State has nothing to do with a disaster of this kind).

9) VP Cheney was ripped for being on vacation during the first 72 hours of Katrina, but did you know that VP Biden had five campaign stops on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of the week of Sandy?

10) Between Wednesday and Thursday after Sandy, Brian Williams of NBC mentioned Katrina at least five times because he was not able to deny the disastrous response yet at no time did he connect the mess to FEMA and certainly not to Obama. Why?

11) Katrina hit NOLA on a Monday morning. Do you know that: Bush went on TV days before to warn people to leave? That he declared a Federal State of Emergency for Louisiana the Saturday before? That he “monitored the situation” days in advance (as per later released video)? That he signed Disaster Declarations on Monday which frees up Federal Funds? Yes, those things are exactly the same stuff that Christie went gaga over Obama for doing.

12) Had the pubic been aware of all those Obama shortcomings as they were about Bush’s, would Obama win this election? Be honest. The answer is: HELL NO!
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Smart enough to make the GOP look like the most inept bunch of dummies ever to run a campaign.

Hey the biggest error the GOP made was assuming the MSM would be fair and impartial!

Prove to me that this study was wrong with counter arguments OK and then make your inane unsupported comments!
DID YOU and you other idiots that voted for Obama KNOW>>>

1) You know for a “fact” that Gas Prices were higher under Bush than we have now. But do you know that September 2012 prices were higher than all but two Bush months, and October was higher than all but four Bush months? Do you know that the highest annual average for gas prices was 2011, and that 2012 is on pace to break this record?

2) Do you know that GM is on pace to sell less cars in 2012 than they did in 2008, and that Existing Home Sales for 2012 is lower than 2008?

3) Almost all media and press reports noted that the UR moved up from 7.8% to 7.9% in October because more people entered the workforce. How many Main Stream Media reports in the last three years mentioned that the UR is not above 10% largely because people simply gave up looking for work?

4) You and everyone around you know the name Valerie Plame and Scooter Libby. Do you know the name of the Eric Holder’s Deputies who ran “Fast and Furious” and the names of those who resigned because they lied to Congress?

5) You know that Halliburton got no-bid contracts from the Bush Administration. But did you know that the Obama Admin too gave Halliburton big, big no-bid contracts?

6) You sure know that we lost 4,000 troops in Iraq, but do you know that since the OBL Mission the U.S. lost more than 600 troops in Afghanistan? Do you know that we lost more troops in Afghanistan under Obama who “is ending the war” than during eight years of Bush? Do you know that in the six months leading up to the 2008 elections we lost less troops in Iraq (where we were “stuck”) than the number we lost in recent months in Afghanistan (where things are “ending”)?

7) Everyone knows that name Cindy Sheehan. How many know the names of the SEAL parents who publicly blamed Obama for the death of their children in Benghazi?

8) Do you remember that Condoleezza Rice, Bush’s Secretary of State was bashed by media for being in NY during Katrina yet no word where Hillary was during Sandy? (Indeed, who cares where Hillary was? A Secretary of State has nothing to do with a disaster of this kind).

9) VP Cheney was ripped for being on vacation during the first 72 hours of Katrina, but did you know that VP Biden had five campaign stops on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of the week of Sandy?

10) Between Wednesday and Thursday after Sandy, Brian Williams of NBC mentioned Katrina at least five times because he was not able to deny the disastrous response yet at no time did he connect the mess to FEMA and certainly not to Obama. Why?

11) Katrina hit NOLA on a Monday morning. Do you know that: Bush went on TV days before to warn people to leave? That he declared a Federal State of Emergency for Louisiana the Saturday before? That he “monitored the situation” days in advance (as per later released video)? That he signed Disaster Declarations on Monday which frees up Federal Funds? Yes, those things are exactly the same stuff that Christie went gaga over Obama for doing.

12) Had the pubic been aware of all those Obama shortcomings as they were about Bush’s, would Obama win this election? Be honest. The answer is: HELL NO!

If You Doubt Media Bias Helped Obama Win, Answer Those Questions: | Gestetner Updates

And the Grinch voted for the President as well!

Grow a pair and admit it was an incredibly inept campaign.
[ame=]Go Ahead And Die! (Pirates Of The Health Care-ibean) - YouTube[/ame]
OK. Let's just go with the proven systems. Japan, Canada, Germany, and every other industrial nation in the world all spend less per capita than we do on health care. All cover all of their citizens. And their results are far better than ours. So, drop the ACA, and go the a universal single payer system. Real easy, go with the tested and proven.

"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube

ONE simple solution without DESTROYING $100 billion a year in Federal/state/Local Income taxes and without raising your local property taxes!

Why are YOU so ignorant about the $650 billion a year in "defensive Medicine" costs that the people that send the claims do because of fear of lawsuits?

Why are you defending millionaire lawyers that make $100 billion a year that CAUSE this largest cost driver, i.e. fear of lawsuits cause duplicate tests, specialists referrals,etc?

Where are YOU statistics regarding equal spending on "defensive medicine" in the above countries there are none idiot!

Solution is Obamacare taxed tanning salons. FACT! Why caused cancer therefore they want to REDUCE cancer by penalizing tanning salons!


SO why not TAX the lawyers 10% of their $100 billion?
Then when the truly 8 million uninsured go to the hospital that $10 billion would be used to compensate the hospitals for unreimbursed expenses!

As a result the tax would be reduced as the $650 billion in defensive medicine costs is reduced.

Hospitals then would NOT be allowed to send Medicare 6,000% marked up over costs claims!

Again reducing health care costs!

What you obviously have is a total ignorance of these FACTS!!!

1,231 physicians...(90%) Ninety percent of physicians surveyed said
"doctors overtest and overtreat to protect themselves from malpractice lawsuits."
"Defensive medicine is when doctors order multiple tests, MRIs and other procedures, not because the patient needs them, but to protect against litigation based on allegations that something should have been done but wasn’t. according to the survey published Monday in Archives of Internal Medicine.
Besides more time-consuming appointments, patients are left with fewer services and less access to quality care as doctors either narrow their practices or leave the profession entirely."

$650 billion a year
Patients for Fair Compensation, a non-profit seeking to educate policymakers about defensive medicine, estimates that unnecessary tests and procedures cost about $650 billion a year. That is money spent on the unnecessary MRI the doctor ordered for a worker with a nagging backache, for example, and the EKG the physician ordered on an otherwise healthy 36-year-old patient with no history of heart disease.

In a 2010 Jackson Healthcare Physician Survey one doctor noted: "I have to view every patient as a potential plaintiff.."

As far as your "models" of single payer...
Canadian WAIT TIMES study!!! Statistics Show Canadian Healthcare Is Inferior to American System - Peter Roff (

“The Japanese health system that had worked in the past has begun to fail,” Kenji Shibuya of the University of Tokyo and other experts write in a new issue of the Lancet, a British medical journal, devoted to kaihoken. “The system's inefficiencies could be tolerated in a period of high growth, but not in today's climate of economic stagnation.”
By 2035 health care's share of GDP will roughly double, according to McKinsey, a consultancy. The burden falls on the state, which foots two-thirds of the bills. Politicians are unwilling to raise taxes, so they squeeze suppliers instead: more than three-quarters of public hospitals operate at a loss.
Health care in Japan: Not all smiles | The Economist

NOW Germany... is successful! No question works like a charm primarily BECAUSE 91.5% of it's population is German, 8.5% European!!
almost 100% Homogenous! And Net migration compared to world 59th!

So YOUR MODELs 2 of 3 have problems and GERMANY is almost totally homogenous population so variants such as culture, diet, etc. are fairly standard BUT the
USA....... 64.7% white, Hispanic 15.1% black 12.85% Asian 4.43%
So compared to Germany USA has a heterogeneous ethnic group make up.

This heterogeneous ethnic groups create multiple problems in health care NOT seen in the above mentioned "MODEL" single payers!

You make absolutely NO sense!

You totally IGNORE the $650 billion gorilla in the room... Defensive Medicine! WHY?

The very same people that treat YOU and you trust with YOUR LIFE and you doubt what 90% of physicians say causes $650 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests,etc..???

You are against millionaires and billionaires and think they should be taxed AND OK with measly tanning-cancer-causing-salons big woo but totally ignore what the experts are telling you...$650 billion in defensive medicine caused by millionaire lawyers!

You make no sense!
I've proven that "defensive Medicine" is THE major cost driver!
I've shown a way to do what you love "tax" millionaires and billionaires" BUT You ignore it!

I've shown how hospitals bill Medicare sometimes 6,000% over their costs to recoup unreimbursed costs .. DUE TO another Congressional act!
Yet you ignore it and have NO problem with the same people that OK 6,000% markups manage YOUR health care!

View attachment 22940

What the above formula is for?

A mathematical formula known as Euler's formula?

The formula known as The Drake equation?

Or an actuarial formula used in risk analysis for insurance premiums?

The reason I ask is we all know Obama is one of the smartest Presidents right?

So wouldn't it though be a correct assumption that Obama recognizes that experts in various fields might have more insight to the costs of health care and just maybe they should have been consulted before Obamacare was assembled?
Especially now that this study has been released:
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Download it from the Society of Actuaries the study: SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

If Obama truly was concerned about the nation's health WHY would he ignore the experts that are telling him health insurance premiums will increase 122% over the next 4 years?

Why would Obama if he is truly a "smart" person see that Obamacare will destroy health care?

Who thinks Obama is smart? Just because someone can give a perfectly pronounced speech that was written by someone else and is read off of a teleprompter doesn't mean they're SMART---:badgrin:

That is what smart people do..they hire even smarter people that are extremely talented in each area of expertise to support them. Do you really believe Bill Gates and Paul Allen did what they did without the talent of many other people. There are hundreds of "Microsoft" millionairs ... there is a reason for that. They made Bill and Paul Billionaires.

I'm sure Obama is at least smart enough to have recruited the best available talent for the job at hand. I have no doubt that ther are economic "experts" floating around the white house that are so smart and knowledgeable it would make your heads spin.

The constant underestimating of Obama is still alive and well.. It appears it wasn't enough underestimation to relieve him of his office last month.
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View attachment 22940

What the above formula is for?

A mathematical formula known as Euler's formula?

The formula known as The Drake equation?

Or an actuarial formula used in risk analysis for insurance premiums?

The reason I ask is we all know Obama is one of the smartest Presidents right?

So wouldn't it though be a correct assumption that Obama recognizes that experts in various fields might have more insight to the costs of health care and just maybe they should have been consulted before Obamacare was assembled?
Especially now that this study has been released:
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Download it from the Society of Actuaries the study: SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

If Obama truly was concerned about the nation's health WHY would he ignore the experts that are telling him health insurance premiums will increase 122% over the next 4 years?

Why would Obama if he is truly a "smart" person see that Obamacare will destroy health care?

He doesn't care. Arrogance is difficult to come to some high level equation. It has to be dumb down for his madness.
He's only a street organizer and still campaigning

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