As the US becomes the Covid capital of the world

Do you think that trumps performance will have any impact on the November election.
Its April now and the virus will still be killing people in November.
Although it looks pretty bad for him now it is likely to get worse.

Do the Dems have a recovery plan ?
Does trump ?

Will America turn on him ?
To be honest I don't think that what the current president is doing now will have any impact on the presidential elections.
I mean nobody in the world was prepared for this and even many American voters know this :dunno:

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Haven't evolved from the old "Bush Lied, People Died" bumper sticker mentality, I see.

I was hoping ya'll could at least come up with something new.
As the US becomes the Covid capital of the world
Well, let's examine Tommy The Squealer's pig claim that the USA even IS the Covid capital of the world? Or is it simply the most thoroughly and honestly reported? The REAL measure is the NUMBER OF DEATHS PER CAPITA:


I think we can all agree that China's claim to be the SAFEST country on the planet with only 1 in every 397,000 to be BULLSHIT. They are obviously lying. If Germany is indeed at only 1 in every 27,000, they are doing good. I seriously doubt, based on early reported death rates that Iran is being honest at only 1 in 18,700. Then there is the USA at 1:14.800. I only checked these 8 countries so is Spain the capital at 1 in every 2,700?

Funny that Tommy The Snitch doesn't count HIS stinking rotten dirt ball of a nation as the capital! If you live in England, you stand a 250% (2.5X more likely chance) of dying from Covid than in the USA! So once again: KUDOS to Trump for being one of the best nations in the civilized world at handling Covid with only Germany as the only credible country to claim better, and as usual, the Brits falling way, way below and behind the Yanks as usual.
I don't think Trump's behaviors and actions have changed many minds. He is what he is, and he's pretty much been Trump through this whole thing: Bullshitting us early and often, then going socialist when the chips are down.

So I think the two variables as far as the electorate is concerned could be (a) whether Biden and whomever he picks as his female, PC-approved veep are at all attractive, and (b) will any voters vote for Trump for the sake of continuity through this virus thing.

Trump should be easily beatable, but the Democrats can't produce a decent alternative. Again.

And we'll have a lousy choice. Again.

In all fairness, Biden could put in a team and clear off and play golf for 4 years and he would be better than Trump.

Trump's biggest weakness is that he can't get enough competent people to work for him. The reason is they know that Trump seems unwilling or unable to delegate authority to them. Everytime a person is announced for the WH, we just goto Wiki to see what in there past makes them unsuitable for the top job.
Do you think that trumps performance will have any impact on the November election.
Its April now and the virus will still be killing people in November.
Although it looks pretty bad for him now it is likely to get worse.

Do the Dems have a recovery plan ?
Does trump ?

Will America turn on him ?
To be honest I don't think that what the current president is doing now will have any impact on the presidential elections.
I mean nobody in the world was prepared for this and even many American voters know this :dunno:

View attachment 322639

Haven't evolved from the old "Bush Lied, People Died" bumper sticker mentality, I see.

I was hoping ya'll could at least come up with something new.
They can't because they have nothing but lies.
I don't think Trump's behaviors and actions have changed many minds. He is what he is, and he's pretty much been Trump through this whole thing: Bullshitting us early and often, then going socialist when the chips are down.

So I think the two variables as far as the electorate is concerned could be (a) whether Biden and whomever he picks as his female, PC-approved veep are at all attractive, and (b) will any voters vote for Trump for the sake of continuity through this virus thing.

Trump should be easily beatable, but the Democrats can't produce a decent alternative. Again.

And we'll have a lousy choice. Again.

In all fairness, Biden could put in a team and clear off and play golf for 4 years and he would be better than Trump.

Trump's biggest weakness is that he can't get enough competent people to work for him. The reason is they know that Trump seems unwilling or unable to delegate authority to them. Everytime a person is announced for the WH, we just goto Wiki to see what in there past makes them unsuitable for the top job.
There is not a Dem alive better than Trump.
Do you think that trumps performance will have any impact on the November election.
Its April now and the virus will still be killing people in November.
Although it looks pretty bad for him now it is likely to get worse.

Do the Dems have a recovery plan ?
Does trump ?

Will America turn on him ?
Don't you have bedpans to empty in Wuhan?
Do you think that trumps performance will have any impact on the November election.
Its April now and the virus will still be killing people in November.
Although it looks pretty bad for him now it is likely to get worse.

Do the Dems have a recovery plan ?
Does trump ?

Will America turn on him ?

Yeah, the commies plan is to bitch about Trump and try to obstruct everything he tries. The American people are seeing it all. And if you think the US is the virus capital, you're nothing but a shill for the chicoms. They cremated 40-60 thousand so far and are still racking them up, returning 500+ cremains a day to the families.

Trump Walks Back Huge Goal For Tests After His Own Testing Chief Said It Was Impossible

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump retracted his claim that the U.S. will soon be able to administer 5 million COVID-19 tests every day after his own testing director on the White House task force, Admiral Brett Giroir, emphatically rejected the possibility of that goal.

“Somebody started throwing around five million,” Trump told reporters, referring to a Harvard University study that found that reopening the economy would only be feasible if the government were able to do at least five million tests daily by early June, and then ramp it up to 20 million tests each day by late July.

“I didn’t say 5 million,” Trump said, despite the fact that he had said exactly that the day before.

On Tuesday, Trump had told a reporter that “we’re going to be there very soon” when she asked if the U.S. would be able to carry out 5 million tests a day.
Another day, another lie from an inveterate liar.
As death toll passes 60,000, Trump’s team searches for an exit strategy

For much of the nation’s 100 days at war with the coronavirus, Donald Trump has been a commander in chief in search of an exit strategy.

The president has suggested the virus will simply disappear, touted unproven treatments as miracle cures, and fantasized about a future of economic resurgence and rapid return to normalcy.

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