As those of us Obama critics have contended he is a classless, arrogant narcissistic idiot!

Ann Compton on Obama: He Launches 'Profanity-Laced' Tirades Against Press

According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama has launched into "profanity-laced" tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. .

Maybe he doesn't like reporters without the integrity to honor the principle of off-the-record.
Ann Compton on Obama: He Launches 'Profanity-Laced' Tirades Against Press

According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama has launched into "profanity-laced" tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. .

Maybe he doesn't like reporters without the integrity to honor the principle of off-the-record.
shocked I tell ya, I'm shocked

“I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals. Another where he took us to task for not understanding the limits he has with foreign policy and the way he’s dealing with the Middle East and Iraq, and Afghanistan,” she said. “And I don’t find him apologetic. But I find him willing to stand up to the press and look them in the eye, even though it was off the record and just give us hell.”

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I voted for Mr. Obama in the first Democratic Primary, against Bill Clinton's fat turd of a wife.

But that was before I realized he was a liar, a Marxist, a turd, and, thru the Gruber'like stupidity of the citizens electing him--has has had a chance to prove a sneaky, lawless, lazy and incompetent leader; who cannot deal with any of our foreign allies or Congress; is getting pushed around by Putin; thinks he can negotiate with Mullahs; loves him some Sharpton...and is a Race-Baiter himself...and his Attorney General ought to be in jail. In this last six years every branch of the Federal Government, even the military, has been run by and corrupted by the Chicago Political Apparatus.

I think, since I voted for him once, that I don't have to be shouted down as Racist now that I have noticed these other qualities about him.

I still hate Hillary Clinton. She's never done a damn thing but marry a political genius...and she's nagged at him until he found it necessary to find solace in the arms of footloose women. But, I guess I'll vote for her this next time, out fear that I'll go off course again....and vote for an other such a fool as Barak Obama.
Ann Compton on Obama: He Launches 'Profanity-Laced' Tirades Against Press

According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama has launched into "profanity-laced" tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. .

Maybe he doesn't like reporters without the integrity to honor the principle of off-the-record.
It's always everyone else's fault. The Messiah is without blame. Just once I'd like to see obamatrons admit the guy has feet of clay.
Just further validity of Gruber's observation of the Obama voters as "Stupidity of the american Voter" and you are reinforcing that observation!
Keep it up as all you are doing in the attempt at deification of Hussein is tearing away at his support. Remember Hitler had followers as did James Jones up to their ends.
"As those of us Obama critics have contended he is a classless, arrogant narcissistic idiot!"

And you've succeeded in exposing yourselves to be foolish and ridiculous consequently.
"As those of us Obama critics have contended he is a classless, arrogant narcissistic idiot!"

And you've succeeded in exposing yourselves to be foolish and ridiculous consequently.
GOP Seats before
45 the 2014 election Democrat 53
GOP Seats after 54 the election Democrat 44...
House Before 2014 election
234 seats, Democrats 201 seats,
After 2014 election
GOP Seats won
246 Democrats 188 seats..

I guess there was a lot of exposure during the last election and I imagine there will be more ridiculous scandals coming out now that rational thinking
people are in charge of America.
You listened to Rush and HE calls him Barack Hussein Obama! So what?
Except your MessiahRushie denies he uses Hussein, the lying POS.

Drive-Bys Mischaracterize Rush in the Barack Hussein Obama Flap
February 28, 2008
RUSH: Likewise with this Hussein name business. If I've read it once today, I've read it twice that I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name, which I don't!

YOU are an idiot! READ carefully what Rush said..."I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name"
WHAT does the word CONSTANTLY MEAN??? Dummy?
He denied he uses it "constantly"... remember you are so f...king sensitive about "HUSSEIN" then be a little more objective... Rush DENIED he
"constantly" uses Hussein!
I know he does I've heard him! But HE doesn't CONSTANTLY ALL the time!
YOU on the other hand are a totally inconsistent pile of S... in that you use the word EVERY time... why don't you become and adult and not use
that childish description 'EVERY" because it just shows you intelligence!
Intelligent people DON"T need to exaggerate as the FACTS generally speak for themselves!

When you stoop to insults, you admit you lack the intelligence to argue a point. What does your fear tell you?

February 29, 2008
RUSH: The Real Fear Bomb Is the Word "Liberal" and We Will Keep Using It
We don't call him Hussein. We do call him "liberal."
You listened to Rush and HE calls him Barack Hussein Obama! So what?
Except your MessiahRushie denies he uses Hussein, the lying POS.

Drive-Bys Mischaracterize Rush in the Barack Hussein Obama Flap
February 28, 2008
RUSH: Likewise with this Hussein name business. If I've read it once today, I've read it twice that I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name, which I don't!

YOU are an idiot! READ carefully what Rush said..."I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name"
WHAT does the word CONSTANTLY MEAN??? Dummy?
He denied he uses it "constantly"... remember you are so f...king sensitive about "HUSSEIN" then be a little more objective... Rush DENIED he
"constantly" uses Hussein!
I know he does I've heard him! But HE doesn't CONSTANTLY ALL the time!
YOU on the other hand are a totally inconsistent pile of S... in that you use the word EVERY time... why don't you become and adult and not use
that childish description 'EVERY" because it just shows you intelligence!
Intelligent people DON"T need to exaggerate as the FACTS generally speak for themselves!

When you stoop to insults, you admit you lack the intelligence to argue a point. What does your fear tell you?

February 29, 2008
RUSH: The Real Fear Bomb Is the Word "Liberal" and We Will Keep Using It
We don't call him Hussein. We do call him "liberal."
Well one of the few things I know is I don't generally don't use the word "every" because almost "every" time I have used that 100% inclusive
word "every" I was proven wrong in making that sweeping generalization. "Every","all", "never" are words frequently used by children.
You listened to Rush and HE calls him Barack Hussein Obama! So what?
Except your MessiahRushie denies he uses Hussein, the lying POS.

Drive-Bys Mischaracterize Rush in the Barack Hussein Obama Flap
February 28, 2008
RUSH: Likewise with this Hussein name business. If I've read it once today, I've read it twice that I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name, which I don't!

YOU are an idiot! READ carefully what Rush said..."I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name"
WHAT does the word CONSTANTLY MEAN??? Dummy?
He denied he uses it "constantly"... remember you are so f...king sensitive about "HUSSEIN" then be a little more objective... Rush DENIED he
"constantly" uses Hussein!
I know he does I've heard him! But HE doesn't CONSTANTLY ALL the time!
YOU on the other hand are a totally inconsistent pile of S... in that you use the word EVERY time... why don't you become and adult and not use
that childish description 'EVERY" because it just shows you intelligence!
Intelligent people DON"T need to exaggerate as the FACTS generally speak for themselves!

When you stoop to insults, you admit you lack the intelligence to argue a point. What does your fear tell you?

February 29, 2008
RUSH: The Real Fear Bomb Is the Word "Liberal" and We Will Keep Using It
We don't call him Hussein. We do call him "liberal."
Well one of the few things I know is I don't generally don't use the word "every" because almost "every" time I have used that 100% inclusive
word "every" I was proven wrong in making that sweeping generalization. "Every","all", "never" are words frequently used by children.
You are nit picking on the word "every" because after you yourself admitted your MessiahRushie uses "Hussein" I showed you he is a liar who has denied using it.

Here is another example of Porky lying about his use of Hussein, after using Husein for than a year before Kerrey, he claimed Kerrey was the FIRST to use it. Your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar because he knows shills like you are programmed to ALWAYS defend him no matter how much he lies.

March 3, 2008
RUSH: Who was it that first used Obama's middle name of Hussein? It was not us. It was Bob Kerrey, over and over again, former Democrat senator of Nebraska.
December 16, 2007
KERREY: I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama,

Stop the Tape: Sexy Rock Star Obama Whines About His Ears
Dec 13, 2006
RUSH: (interruption) Snerdley is convinced that Maureen wants Barack Hussein Obama.
(sigh) I don't even want to go there.

Dec 14, 2006
RUSH: I mean you know me, if the guy's sensitive about his big ears, we need to give him a new name, like Dumbo. But that doesn't quite get it. How about Barack Hussein Odumbo.

You listened to Rush and HE calls him Barack Hussein Obama! So what?
Except your MessiahRushie denies he uses Hussein, the lying POS.

Drive-Bys Mischaracterize Rush in the Barack Hussein Obama Flap
February 28, 2008
RUSH: Likewise with this Hussein name business. If I've read it once today, I've read it twice that I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name, which I don't!

YOU are an idiot! READ carefully what Rush said..."I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name"
WHAT does the word CONSTANTLY MEAN??? Dummy?
He denied he uses it "constantly"... remember you are so f...king sensitive about "HUSSEIN" then be a little more objective... Rush DENIED he
"constantly" uses Hussein!
I know he does I've heard him! But HE doesn't CONSTANTLY ALL the time!
YOU on the other hand are a totally inconsistent pile of S... in that you use the word EVERY time... why don't you become and adult and not use
that childish description 'EVERY" because it just shows you intelligence!
Intelligent people DON"T need to exaggerate as the FACTS generally speak for themselves!

When you stoop to insults, you admit you lack the intelligence to argue a point. What does your fear tell you?

February 29, 2008
RUSH: The Real Fear Bomb Is the Word "Liberal" and We Will Keep Using It
We don't call him Hussein. We do call him "liberal."
Well one of the few things I know is I don't generally don't use the word "every" because almost "every" time I have used that 100% inclusive
word "every" I was proven wrong in making that sweeping generalization. "Every","all", "never" are words frequently used by children.
You are nit picking on the word "every" because after you yourself admitted your MessiahRushie uses "Hussein" I showed you he is a liar who has denied using it.

Here is another example of Porky lying about his use of Hussein, after using Husein for than a year before Kerrey, he claimed Kerrey was the FIRST to use it. Your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar because he knows shills like you are programmed to ALWAYS defend him no matter how much he lies.

March 3, 2008
RUSH: Who was it that first used Obama's middle name of Hussein? It was not us. It was Bob Kerrey, over and over again, former Democrat senator of Nebraska.
December 16, 2007
KERREY: I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama,

Stop the Tape: Sexy Rock Star Obama Whines About His Ears
Dec 13, 2006
RUSH: (interruption) Snerdley is convinced that Maureen wants Barack Hussein Obama.
(sigh) I don't even want to go there.

Dec 14, 2006
RUSH: I mean you know me, if the guy's sensitive about his big ears, we need to give him a new name, like Dumbo. But that doesn't quite get it. How about Barack Hussein Odumbo.

Your point ? No one ever said Rush NEVER used Hussein... YOU said EVERY Conservative Commentator...remember?
And I keep reminding you that only little children uses the words, "ALWAYS" or EVERY... or All the time! Which is an exaggeration to say the least childish is more appropriate. That is my point...which seems to go over your head!
Except your MessiahRushie denies he uses Hussein, the lying POS.

Drive-Bys Mischaracterize Rush in the Barack Hussein Obama Flap
February 28, 2008
RUSH: Likewise with this Hussein name business. If I've read it once today, I've read it twice that I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name, which I don't!

YOU are an idiot! READ carefully what Rush said..."I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name"
WHAT does the word CONSTANTLY MEAN??? Dummy?
He denied he uses it "constantly"... remember you are so f...king sensitive about "HUSSEIN" then be a little more objective... Rush DENIED he
"constantly" uses Hussein!
I know he does I've heard him! But HE doesn't CONSTANTLY ALL the time!
YOU on the other hand are a totally inconsistent pile of S... in that you use the word EVERY time... why don't you become and adult and not use
that childish description 'EVERY" because it just shows you intelligence!
Intelligent people DON"T need to exaggerate as the FACTS generally speak for themselves!

When you stoop to insults, you admit you lack the intelligence to argue a point. What does your fear tell you?

February 29, 2008
RUSH: The Real Fear Bomb Is the Word "Liberal" and We Will Keep Using It
We don't call him Hussein. We do call him "liberal."
Well one of the few things I know is I don't generally don't use the word "every" because almost "every" time I have used that 100% inclusive
word "every" I was proven wrong in making that sweeping generalization. "Every","all", "never" are words frequently used by children.
You are nit picking on the word "every" because after you yourself admitted your MessiahRushie uses "Hussein" I showed you he is a liar who has denied using it.

Here is another example of Porky lying about his use of Hussein, after using Husein for than a year before Kerrey, he claimed Kerrey was the FIRST to use it. Your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar because he knows shills like you are programmed to ALWAYS defend him no matter how much he lies.

March 3, 2008
RUSH: Who was it that first used Obama's middle name of Hussein? It was not us. It was Bob Kerrey, over and over again, former Democrat senator of Nebraska.
December 16, 2007
KERREY: I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama,

Stop the Tape: Sexy Rock Star Obama Whines About His Ears
Dec 13, 2006
RUSH: (interruption) Snerdley is convinced that Maureen wants Barack Hussein Obama.
(sigh) I don't even want to go there.

Dec 14, 2006
RUSH: I mean you know me, if the guy's sensitive about his big ears, we need to give him a new name, like Dumbo. But that doesn't quite get it. How about Barack Hussein Odumbo.

Your point ? No one ever said Rush NEVER used Hussein...
Your MessiahRushie himself said he DOESN'T!!

February 29, 2008
RUSH: The Real Fear Bomb Is the Word "Liberal" and We Will Keep Using It
We don't call him Hussein. We do call him "liberal."
Except your MessiahRushie denies he uses Hussein, the lying POS.

Drive-Bys Mischaracterize Rush in the Barack Hussein Obama Flap
February 28, 2008
RUSH: Likewise with this Hussein name business. If I've read it once today, I've read it twice that I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name, which I don't!

YOU are an idiot! READ carefully what Rush said..."I constantly refer to Obama using his middle name"
WHAT does the word CONSTANTLY MEAN??? Dummy?
He denied he uses it "constantly"... remember you are so f...king sensitive about "HUSSEIN" then be a little more objective... Rush DENIED he
"constantly" uses Hussein!
I know he does I've heard him! But HE doesn't CONSTANTLY ALL the time!
YOU on the other hand are a totally inconsistent pile of S... in that you use the word EVERY time... why don't you become and adult and not use
that childish description 'EVERY" because it just shows you intelligence!
Intelligent people DON"T need to exaggerate as the FACTS generally speak for themselves!

When you stoop to insults, you admit you lack the intelligence to argue a point. What does your fear tell you?

February 29, 2008
RUSH: The Real Fear Bomb Is the Word "Liberal" and We Will Keep Using It
We don't call him Hussein. We do call him "liberal."
Well one of the few things I know is I don't generally don't use the word "every" because almost "every" time I have used that 100% inclusive
word "every" I was proven wrong in making that sweeping generalization. "Every","all", "never" are words frequently used by children.
You are nit picking on the word "every" because after you yourself admitted your MessiahRushie uses "Hussein" I showed you he is a liar who has denied using it.

Here is another example of Porky lying about his use of Hussein, after using Husein for than a year before Kerrey, he claimed Kerrey was the FIRST to use it. Your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar because he knows shills like you are programmed to ALWAYS defend him no matter how much he lies.

March 3, 2008
RUSH: Who was it that first used Obama's middle name of Hussein? It was not us. It was Bob Kerrey, over and over again, former Democrat senator of Nebraska.
December 16, 2007
KERREY: I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama,

Stop the Tape: Sexy Rock Star Obama Whines About His Ears
Dec 13, 2006
RUSH: (interruption) Snerdley is convinced that Maureen wants Barack Hussein Obama.
(sigh) I don't even want to go there.

Dec 14, 2006
RUSH: I mean you know me, if the guy's sensitive about his big ears, we need to give him a new name, like Dumbo. But that doesn't quite get it. How about Barack Hussein Odumbo.

Your point ? No one ever said Rush NEVER used Hussein... YOU said EVERY Conservative Commentator...remember?
And I keep reminding you that only little children uses the words, "ALWAYS" or EVERY... or All the time! Which is an exaggeration to say the least childish is more appropriate. That is my point...which seems to go over your head!

Op is on dope.

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