As Warned Months Ago, Lib Media / Dems Declaring Red Wave Shrinking - Only Way To Steal An Election

Damn. Your orange douche bag losing still hurts, eh? Here ya go...
View attachment 685932
How appropriate, and your confusion because of your ignorance is funny...

Trump Butt Balm is actually for TDS-Suffering SNOWFLAKES whose ass is still chapped and sore from all those Trump mean tweets and never-ending 'We've got him THIS time' losses.

laughing hilariously.jpg
As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

That POS, McConnell has already surrendered the senate. The ineffective bastard doesn't think the current batch of republican senate candidates can take one more seat according to his announcement to the press yesterday. I hope the folks in KY show him the door for someone better than his mealy mouthed ass.
As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

And as I predicted months ago, Republicans are slowly snatching defeat from the jaws of certain victory....all in fealty and deference to their orange savior.

And as I predicted months ago, people like you are already lining up the excuses if things go sideways for you. :)

Warms my heart to see.
The FBI's investigation on the stolen documents will be the biggest deciding factor for Trump. So even though the documents aren't the prime issue, they serve as a legitimate reason to bring charges against him. Saving the country from fascism is the real cause that must succeed. Trump can't be permitted to even become a candidate for president because the risk is too high.

You're hearing it here first: The FBI has hatched a failsafe plot to take Trump down and out. This has already resulted in the people's biggest concern being the protecting of democracy.

The FBI/DOJ won't observe any bounds of the law to stop him. They will though take great care to not be caught in their web. There is nothing more important than stopping Trump as the first step in returning to normalcy.

You're hearing it here first!
That POS, McConnell has already surrendered the senate. The ineffective bastard doesn't think the current batch of republican senate candidates can take one more seat according to his announcement to the press yesterday. I hope the folks in KY show him the door for someone better than his mealy mouthed ass.
No-Chin McConnell hates making waves. He would rather go along and keep his job. He also hates being in power, the majority. As the minority leader he is not expected to come up with plans and execute them, as leaders are.

For decades he has preferred to sit back, in the shadow of the minority leader, where he is not scrutinized so much.

One of the reason he hated / hates Trump so much is Trump refuses to 'go along to get along' and instead led / leads - making waves jeopardizes soft cushy jobs / careers.

The saying goes, "Lead, follow, or GTF out of the way."

McConnell has secured his place in Washington for decades by being satisfied with FOLLOWING. It's way past time he GsTF out of the way.
I know how the democrats can ignite their base for the upcoming election.
First gather a Jan 6 committee, and have it as a one sided circus.
Then follow up with a slanted DOJ/FBI and raid Trump's Mar-a-Lago home with a phoney
warrant. If that doesn't do it....then their shit outta luck. could just have Donald Trump endorse whack-a-doodle candidates that run against and beat tried and true moderates in primaries, have him clear the field for you so it's a choice between the liberal and the extreme right wing candidate, and then just let Republicans stances on personal policy matters (abortion, same sex marriage, etc) polarize suburban voters against you. And...sit back and let nature take its course. :) Defeat..snatched from the jaws of victory.
The FBI's investigation on the stolen documents will be the biggest deciding factor for Trump. So even though the documents aren't the prime issue, they serve as a legitimate reason to bring charges against him. Saving the country from fascism is the real cause that must succeed. Trump can't be permitted to even become a candidate for president because the risk is too high.

You're hearing it here first: The FBI has hatched a failsafe plot to take Trump down and out. This has already resulted in the people's biggest concern being the protecting of democracy.

The FBI/DOJ won't observe any bounds of the law to stop him. They will though take great care to not be caught in their web. There is nothing more important than stopping Trump as the first step in returning to normalcy.

You're hearing it here first!
Blah, blah, blah, duck.
That POS, McConnell has already surrendered the senate. The ineffective bastard doesn't think the current batch of republican senate candidates can take one more seat according to his announcement to the press yesterday. I hope the folks in KY show him the door for someone better than his mealy mouthed ass.
He's warned the GOP and that is for his good as well as the party he depends on for his meal ticket. A true rightist patriot right to the end. But it's an end that Trump can't bring about. He's literally framed Trump as a madman and a traitor to the country, but still McConnell holds his high office and his influence.

McConnell's warning for the good of his party is hardly an issue that would turn his supporters against him! Trump has tried more drastic measures than that and has had to pull in his horns.

Bet ya a buck that McConnell isn't finished talking yet! He's one of a very few who dare to try to save the party success at Trump's expense.
But you've got it right that it's at Trump's expense even though McConnell doesn't need to spell it out. Trump's choice of crazies is threatening the party
No-Chin McConnell hates making waves. He would rather go along and keep his job. He also hates being in power, the majority. As the minority leader he is not expected to come up with plans and execute them, as leaders are.

For decades he has preferred to sit back, in the shadow of the minority leader, where he is not scrutinized so much.

One of the reason he hated / hates Trump so much is Trump refuses to 'go along to get along' and instead led / leads - making waves jeopardizes soft cushy jobs / careers.

The saying goes, "Lead, follow, or GTF out of the way."

McConnell has secured his place in Washington for decades by being satisfied with FOLLOWING. It's way past time he GsTF out of the way.
Trump simply has to press the party to dump McConnell.

He hasn't and won't because Trump knows he would be humiliated 'again' by failing.

McConnell understands how much he can say and he should be thanked for not spelling out the facts on Trump's crazy candidates. But he's most likely not finished trying to save the election yet!
He's warned the GOP and that is for his good as well as the party he depends on for his meal ticket. A true rightist patriot right to the end. But it's an end that Trump can't bring about. He's literally framed Trump as a madman and a traitor to the country, but still McConnell holds his high office and his influence.

McConnell's warning for the good of his party is hardly an issue that would turn his supporters against him! Trump has tried more drastic measures than that and has had to pull in his horns.

Bet ya a buck that McConnell isn't finished talking yet! He's one of a very few who dare to try to save the party success at Trump's expense.
But you've got it right that it's at Trump's expense even though McConnell doesn't need to spell it out. Trump's choice of crazies is threatening the party
Your lack of knowledge of math, history and geography is only surpassed by your lack of knowledge of the US political system and current events. How is it one person is so stupid and still exists, duck?
As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

Bwahahahahaha. You fuckers have no inner strength. You are so FRAGILE that the reality that the election is closing frightens you. Biden made some serious inroads in legislation, gas prices are dropping, inflation is moderating, AND employment is high. You guys are screwed. Instead of facing up to having no vision or policies except hate you scream “cheaters”.

I guess it’s easier being a victim than a verified 2 time loser.
How appropriate, and your confusion because of your ignorance is funny...

Trump Butt Balm is actually for TDS-Suffering SNOWFLAKES whose ass is still chapped and sore from all those Trump mean tweets and never-ending 'We've got him THIS time' losses.

View attachment 685940
Sure, sweetheart. But do use the cream, ok? And stock up. You retards are in for another massive butt hurt. :itsok:
Well done. have all the excuses lined up and ready for when your beloved party does not win as many seats as you think they should.

This is the new norm, any time your beloved candidate does not win, just claim there was cheating.
There was cheating in 2020. The inaction by the authorities and the cover up still going on more than proves it. It is no surprise you devious evil fuckheads would try to turn it into a talking point about the cheating.
There was cheating in 2020. The inaction by the authorities and the cover up still going on more than proves it. It is no surprise you devious evil fuckheads would try to turn it into a talking point about the cheating.

damn you are so much fun!

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