As Warned Months Ago, Lib Media / Dems Declaring Red Wave Shrinking - Only Way To Steal An Election could just have Donald Trump endorse whack-a-doodle candidates that run against and beat tried and true moderates in primaries, have him clear the field for you so it's a choice between the liberal and the extreme right wing candidate, and then just let Republicans stances on personal policy matters (abortion, same sex marriage, etc) polarize suburban voters against you. And...sit back and let nature take its course. :) Defeat..snatched from the jaws of victory.

Except they're not. They are running against the most radical Marxist extremists the fascist democrat party can dig up.

What do democrats want? Well, they want to take your home away from you.

See, the dream of the fascist totalitarians is dense, urban tenements.

What do democrats want? They want to take your car away from you and control where you go and when.

What do democrats want? They want to groom your children.

Moderates? Not among the fascist democrats.
Except they're not. They are running against the most radical Marxist extremists the fascist democrat party can dig up.

What do democrats want? Well, they want to take your home away from you.

See, the dream of the fascist totalitarians is dense, urban tenements.

What do democrats want? They want to take your car away from you and control where you go and when.

What do democrats want? They want to groom your children.

Moderates? Not among the fascist democrats.
None but the truly demented believes that BS.
Biden isn’t running.

Midterms ALWAYS reflect on the policies of the administration in power.

And let's just say that Xi's Biden Regime isn't super popular.
This is going to come down to whether the Trump-endorsed candidates are as terrible as they appear to be. If the red wave doesn’t materialize, it won’t be because of cheating, but because their major qualification is how soft their lips were when they kissed Trump’s a**.


The Trump candidates are not running in a vacuum. They are up against the most radical leftists the nation has ever seen.

democrats want to groom your children - fact.

democrats push systemic racism and attack white children for the color of their skin - fact.

If you object, the democrats are going to use the FBI on you.


Suddenly, supporting the Constitution doesn't seem so bad to voters...
As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

Worth noting that Fox News' numbers show the same thing. The Washington Examiner had a story about how Democrats could pick up Senate seats. These are not liberal outlets. In addition, we have actual election results. A huge turnout in deep red Kansas led to an 18 point defeat for a anti-abortion constitutional amendment. In Minnesota, a Republican won a congressional seat by 4 points in a district Trump won by 15 points. In Alaska, the Democrat is doing far better than expected.
None but the truly demented believes that BS.

The danger of going "balls out" as you Nazis have done for the last two years is that you expose your agenda.

Weasels like you coming in and saying "oh, we are benevolent totalitarians" just look stupid. Seriously, who's going to believe your moronic lies after the last two years?

Topics in recent months have included heated arguments over COVID-19 restrictions and vaccinations, critical race theory, LGBTQ issues, and books promoting pedophilia being available in student libraries.

Instead of criminalizing parents, the Biden administration should take a look at what is fueling parent’s anger at school administrators. School board meetings didn’t need police officers or the FBI until recently. What changed?

It changed when schools started teaching new sex ed views to tell students any way is okay, changing bathroom and locker room policies for anyone to go anywhere, letting biological males play in girls’ sports, started teaching critical race theory in the classroom that taught white children they were oppressors and black children they were victims, and putting books in school libraries that promoted pedophilia, and rape.}

EVERY PERSON who cares about America MUST VOTE. Don't get comfortable about a "Red Wave," the Nazis are dangerous and WE must defeat them at the polls, which means every decent person voting - period.

I agree. Nazi Republicans are trying to take over this country and they must be stopped.
As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

In every district or voting precinct or neighborhood see where the votes come from and pounce on it. But Progs are more advanced now. The manipulation of mail in votes alone is a disgrace.
Well done. have all the excuses lined up and ready for when your beloved party does not win as many seats as you think they should.
This is the new norm, any time your beloved candidate does not win, just claim there was cheating.
That's the template. We're in real trouble, from people who think they're protecting us.

The biggest con the country has ever seen, led by a blatantly obvious con man.
The Red Wave was built on record gas prices and decades high inflation.
Dems we’re taking the blame

Now, Gas Prices are down $1 and inflation is subsiding

Meanwhile Republicans are running on criminalizing Abortion, opposing caps on insulin and drug prices, opposing infrastructure

November is no longer a sure thing, especially the Senate

The real problem is that Republicans are picking right wing extremist candidates. In the Maryland governor's race, the Republican candidate is so extreme that Republican Larry Hogan will vote for the Democrat. In Michigan, we have the Republican candidate for governor saying that rape victims will be healed by being forced to have the baby. Vance in Ohio says that women should stay in bad marriages even if they are being beaten.

Midterms ALWAYS reflect on the policies of the administration in power.

And let's just say that Xi's Biden Regime isn't super popular.


The Trump candidates are not running in a vacuum. They are up against the most radical leftists the nation has ever seen.

democrats want to groom your children - fact.

democrats push systemic racism and attack white children for the color of their skin - fact.

If you object, the democrats are going to use the FBI on you.

View attachment 686149

Suddenly, supporting the Constitution doesn't seem so bad to voters...

More bullshit. Republicans want to go after gays and transgenders just like the Nazis did with Jews. Republicans support systemic racism. No white people are not under attack. That is the fact.

If you break the law then the FBI can come after you.

In 1998, Republicans were poised to pick up seats in the House. Republicans went after Medicare and lost seats in the House. This election is going to be about Republican fascism.
Worth noting that Fox News' numbers show the same thing. The Washington Examiner had a story about how Democrats could pick up Senate seats. These are not liberal outlets. In addition, we have actual election results. A huge turnout in deep red Kansas led to an 18 point defeat for a anti-abortion constitutional amendment. In Minnesota, a Republican won a congressional seat by 4 points in a district Trump won by 15 points. In Alaska, the Democrat is doing far better than expected.

My advice to democrats is to relax. America loves you and fully supports your agenda to end the Constitutional Republic and further the totalitarian dictatorship.

Parents WANT you to take their children and have Randi Weingarten groom them.

Living in poverty and deprivation to appease your weather goddess is super popular.

Keep doing what you're doing, but step up the arrests of parents who object.

And don't worry, you have this in the bag.
The real problem is that Republicans are picking right wing extremist candidates.
That's the base. And if they don't win, the base will refuse to admit it and most likely get violent.

They've been completely manipulated into paranoid victims.
That's the template. We're in real trouble, from people who think they're protecting us.

The biggest con the country has ever seen, led by a blatantly obvious con man.

But Biden and his Nazi cadre of democrat radicals have saved us.

We are safe from parents protesting at school board meetings.

Grooming now and forever. Juden, the white children, are taught their place. :thup:

You and Xi's man are super popular.
But Biden and his Nazi cadre of democrat radicals have saved us.
We are safe from parents protesting at school board meetings.
Grooming now and forever. Juden, the white children, are taught their place. :thup:
You and Xi's man are super popular.
I know.

Nazi radicals grooming Juden Xi.

I know, I know.
That's the template. We're in real trouble, from people who think they're protecting us.

The biggest con the country has ever seen, led by a blatantly obvious con man.
Tell that to the tens of millions of people have left changing neighborhoods alone over the last few decades. Then the many who vote Prog take their showers to clean the real hypocrisy off their bodies while they are in their newer safer neighborhoods as they will not tolerate also a decline in housing values if it came to that. The biggest Con is the urban city Progs who retreats when the first Black person moves in. And when they move in if a person who is white tries to assimilate them are called a ****** lover and worse by others who vote Prog because it is advantageous to them more than their political views.

The danger of going "balls out" as you Nazis have done for the last two years is that you expose your agenda.

Weasels like you coming in and saying "oh, we are benevolent totalitarians" just look stupid. Seriously, who's going to believe your moronic lies after the last two years?

Topics in recent months have included heated arguments over COVID-19 restrictions and vaccinations, critical race theory, LGBTQ issues, and books promoting pedophilia being available in student libraries.

Instead of criminalizing parents, the Biden administration should take a look at what is fueling parent’s anger at school administrators. School board meetings didn’t need police officers or the FBI until recently. What changed?

It changed when schools started teaching new sex ed views to tell students any way is okay, changing bathroom and locker room policies for anyone to go anywhere, letting biological males play in girls’ sports, started teaching critical race theory in the classroom that taught white children they were oppressors and black children they were victims, and putting books in school libraries that promoted pedophilia, and rape.}

What is fueling attacks on school boards is the fact that right wing fascists want to indoctrinate children. They don't want to teach facts. They don't want to teach tolerance towrtds others. There are no books in school libraries that promote pedophilia. Yes there is systemic racism in this country,

It changed when right wing fascists went after gays and transgender people. They are the new Jews that the Nazis went after in Nazi Germany. Critical race theory teaches that there is systemic racism in this country which is true. It is not taught in lower grades. However somehow teaching about slavery in the US has become critical race theory. There are no books in school that push pedophilia and rape. You are a liar.
In every district or voting precinct or neighborhood see where the votes come from and pounce on it. But Progs are more advanced now. The manipulation of mail in votes alone is a disgrace.

There is no manipulation of mail-in votes. This is part of your campaign to make it harder to vote. That is what dictators do.
Tell that to the tens of millions of people have left changing neighborhoods alone over the last few decades. Then the many who vote Prog take their showers to clean the real hypocrisy off their bodies while they are in their newer safer neighborhoods as they will not tolerate also a decline in housing values if it came to that. The biggest Con is the urban city Progs who retreats when the first Black person moves in. And when they move in if a person who is white tries to assimilate them are called a ****** lover and worse by others who vote Prog because it is advantageous to them more than their political views.
You sure do like going out of your way to change the subject. Consistently.
That POS, McConnell has already surrendered the senate. The ineffective bastard doesn't think the current batch of republican senate candidates can take one more seat according to his announcement to the press yesterday. I hope the folks in KY show him the door for someone better than his mealy mouthed ass.

He is facing reality. No poll has Republicans taking any Democrat seats while there are at least 2 Republican seats that could flip.

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