As Websight Crashes,Obama Off To Five Week Vacation/Fund Raising Tour.

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

sounds good to me ... you do realize that bush took more vacations in office then all presidents combined .... bush took 879 days of vacation ... this is recorded history ... check for your self ... Bush also took 77 days more to the crawford ranch ... so when you want to make a issue of this when Obamo hasn't broke 100 days yet in 5 years, come back when you have a real issue ...
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I didn't know that Obama wrote computer code. Is he a software engineer? Talented man isn't he?
Maybe he took his laptop with him and will be working on the problem while on the beach sipping rum drinks with those little umbrellas.

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

He deserves a vacation after all the shit he had to put up with this fall.

Fuck the far-right. Suck on Obamacare and the broken web site, pigs.
I didn't know that Obama wrote computer code. Is he a software engineer? Talented man isn't he?
Maybe he took his laptop with him and will be working on the problem while on the beach sipping rum drinks with those little umbrellas.

yeah didn't you know??? along with his doctorate in law he's a computer specialist too... he also is a computer annalist to boot... I can see him now ... he gets out of his gulf cart wit his computer in hand, swings his club, another hole in one while he's typing out code
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What the scumbags in the LSM and the dimocrap party called a 'vacation' for Bush was simply visiting his home in Texas.

Hardly a vacation.

As to the Stuttering Clusterfuck.... The reason he runs away every time there's a crisis is so he can be surrounded by sycophants and 'yes-men'. He doesn't want to face the criticisms and questions of The People.

You dimocrap voters are too stupid to see this. It could be that your knee-pads are on too tight and they're blocking the blood flow to what passes for a brain.... But the truth is...

the Stuttering Clusterfuck doesn't like being president. He likes the perqs, he likes the power, he likes the attention when things are going good and most of all, he likes telling other people what to do.

But he cant' stand criticism.

The classic mindset of a dictator.

I have a saying that I'd like to think I invented, although I doubt that highly. Every time I think I've originated something, it turns out that someone else thought of it first. Often, thousands of years ago.

'Personality' is what people are like when things are going well. The life of the party, the back-slapping friend, the joke-teller, the happy-go-lucky, fun-to-be-around guy or gal.

But 'character' is what people are like when things aren't going so great.

The man that rushes into the burning building to save a child.

The Soldiers who stand and fight to the last man.

The lady who you know will be there for you when you're sick or injured.

The friend who will pick you up and comfort you.

That's Character.

obama has none.


He'd rather run away.

And people who defend him?

They don't know the difference
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does anyone actually believe Obama likes to play golf? a "White Sport"? maybe he only plays golf as an excuse to avoid governing and facing "Hard Questions" from the press during a time of crisis?
Enough of "When Bush Took A Vacation" ,,Bush didn't run off to Texas the same day muslim terrorists took out the twin towers, nor did Bush take off to Texas when Oprah gained 15 pounds!! (now that was a major national crisis !!!)

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

So Bush went on vaca so much because it was an admission of guilt and failure?

I bet you switch it up now right

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

Look on the bright side. At least he is out of Washington for a while.

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

sounds good to me ... you do realize that bush took more vacations in office then all presidents combined .... bush took 879 days of vacation ... this is recorded history ... check for your self ... Bush also took 77 days more to the crawford ranch ... so when you want to make a issue of this when Obamo hasn't broke 100 days yet in 5 years, come back when you have a real issue ...

At least Bush did manual labor like cutting wood and such. All Obama does is eat moon pies, smoke camels, and gulps gown Old Thunderbird and Southern Comfort

What a king douche.

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If Obama was the web site Admin, you might have a point.

But since he isn't, this is just another zero calorie, substanceless, whiny noise.
wasn't unemployment around 5% and health insurance reasonable when Bush was President?

Yes, he inherited Clinton's 8 years of prosperity and a budget surplus. Then he blew it.


From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

He wasn't on vacation today and I seriously doubt he'll be on any 5 week vacation either.
Bush didn't take vacations he took uh...leaves of absence but not absent. Wait he took unvacations!

Vacations by any name are still as sweet. Repubs with their creative labels
Obama is backed into a corner, does anyone actually think he will take questions from the angry press anytime soon? no wonder he keeps running away when he's in deep doodoo.

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