As Wells Fargo Faces Senate Panel, Elizabeth Warren Calls for Criminal Charges

Google it on cnbc website

Nothing there. I see no news about Buffett increasing his position in Wells after this panel.
Your blind as well as stupid

Ok, then post the link if you have one.
You don't have a search engine?...I'm on a old phone and can't c&p links

Just as I thought. You're a FUCKING LIAR.

And you still suckered dick...make you happy now?
Google it on cnbc website

Nothing there. I see no news about Buffett increasing his position in Wells after this panel.
Your blind as well as stupid

Ok, then post the link if you have one.

Market watch

This one liar? lol

Wells Fargo's stock extends slide; Warren Buffett could be losing $2 billion this month

No shit for brains try again, you dumbass.
Wells Fargo CEO grilled in Senate for bank's 'toxic culture'
Someone is a champion of the real people.
Now tells us, you teabaggers, about her claiming her Native American heritage.
But don't comment on the scumbag CEO and those under him and their actions.

"The sham accounting has so far cost the San Francisco-based bank a record $185 million in fines from California and federal regulators, who said the bank fraudulently opened millions of accounts over at least a five-year period in order to meet aggressive sales targets and maintain artificially high levels of its financial products.

The Senate hearing came amid news that some of the politicians questioning the CEO have received donations from the bank and from Stumpf himself. CNBC reported that Wells Fargo made donations to 20 of the 22 members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs — including ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown and Republican Chairman Richard Shelby. Warren is one of the only panel members not to have accepted any contributions from the bank, nor from Stumpf personally."

More truth from Elizabeth Warren.
""You should resign," she bluntly told Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. "You should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission," she said.
Liz Warren should turn in her Indian feathers. My Wells Fargo banker asked me if I would like to open another savings account and I agreed to it. I wasn't defrauded. They saved me from getting my bank account s wiped out using my bank card online.
Trump will split the banks up between banking and securities exchanges. Hillary won't. Her ass is owned by the bankers and they are going to keep that ass (you know)..
Nothing there. I see no news about Buffett increasing his position in Wells after this panel.
Your blind as well as stupid

Ok, then post the link if you have one.

Market watch

This one liar? lol

Wells Fargo's stock extends slide; Warren Buffett could be losing $2 billion this month

No shit for brains try again, you dumbass.

There's nothing there. You know why? Because you're a FUCKING LIAR. You are a worthless subhuman piece of shit who just makes things up as you please. Absolute fucking scum. Fucking lowlife degenerate lying maggot.
on 3 26 he bought and yesterday or the day before when it went under$46 a share he bought you understand this or need smoke signals.... 2 digit IQ'd dolt.
Wells Fargo CEO grilled in Senate for bank's 'toxic culture'
Someone is a champion of the real people.
Now tells us, you teabaggers, about her claiming her Native American heritage.
But don't comment on the scumbag CEO and those under him and their actions.

"The sham accounting has so far cost the San Francisco-based bank a record $185 million in fines from California and federal regulators, who said the bank fraudulently opened millions of accounts over at least a five-year period in order to meet aggressive sales targets and maintain artificially high levels of its financial products.

The Senate hearing came amid news that some of the politicians questioning the CEO have received donations from the bank and from Stumpf himself. CNBC reported that Wells Fargo made donations to 20 of the 22 members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs — including ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown and Republican Chairman Richard Shelby. Warren is one of the only panel members not to have accepted any contributions from the bank, nor from Stumpf personally."

More truth from Elizabeth Warren.
""You should resign," she bluntly told Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. "You should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission," she said.
Elizabeth Warren proved today that she is nothing but a screeching emoting left wing moon bat with zero self control.
That woman is the biggest loudmouth bullshit artist in the country.
She is part of the democrat party which gets most of its funding from the wealthiest companies in the nation. And yet she has the gall to skewer her benefactors at every turn.
And the sad part is, her liberal minions among the public believe she is pure in her motives....
This woman sees everything that does not agree with her narrow minded extremist left wing viewpoint as a personal affront.
She is a lunatic.
Today's hearing was her 15 minutes of fame. And of course the idiots in Massachusetts will keep sending her to DC just to torture the rest of us.
Elizabeth Warren is a textbook example of why Congressional membership should be term limited. BTW, so is Mitch Mc Connell
Wells Fargo CEO grilled in Senate for bank's 'toxic culture'
Someone is a champion of the real people.
Now tells us, you teabaggers, about her claiming her Native American heritage.
But don't comment on the scumbag CEO and those under him and their actions.

"The sham accounting has so far cost the San Francisco-based bank a record $185 million in fines from California and federal regulators, who said the bank fraudulently opened millions of accounts over at least a five-year period in order to meet aggressive sales targets and maintain artificially high levels of its financial products.

The Senate hearing came amid news that some of the politicians questioning the CEO have received donations from the bank and from Stumpf himself. CNBC reported that Wells Fargo made donations to 20 of the 22 members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs — including ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown and Republican Chairman Richard Shelby. Warren is one of the only panel members not to have accepted any contributions from the bank, nor from Stumpf personally."

More truth from Elizabeth Warren.
""You should resign," she bluntly told Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. "You should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission," she said.

Why argue with her on the point that this is a sham. The guy should be fired and his golden parachute revolked.

That is if it was him. If it was underlings...then fire them.

Now, as to crimes....if there is fraud there is a crime.

It does not change that she claimed to be something she is barely (she's more male than indian)....but the facts is facts....
The thing is this.
The CEO is the top banana. What goes on aboard ship is the ultimate responsibility of the captain.
However, when the underlings are bad actors, it is they who have full knowledge of the wrongdoings, it is they who are punished.
Now, is Stumph blameless? Hardly. Again, he is at the helm...
Now, i have it on good accord that the firing of those employees has been going on for years. Ever since this scam was uncovered. The media is reporting this to imply that last week, over 5k people were summarily fired at one time. Not true.
Am i excusing the conduct of these people? Hell no. They committed fraud. In fact I would like to see everyone who so much as opened one fraudulent account investigated for wire and/or mail fraud. Those are federal crimes. People should be going to jail over this.
Am I excusing the company? Hell no...In fact i would like to see the DOJ do a thorough band over and drop your shorts investigation and if crimes were committed,. start charging people.
Warren's shrieking comments today made her look incredibly unprofessional. Her behavior was a pox on the US Senate. No one in such a distinguished position should be permitted to conduct themselves in the manner in which she did today. It was a disgrace.
Google it on cnbc website

Nothing there. I see no news about Buffett increasing his position in Wells after this panel.
Your blind as well as stupid

Ok, then post the link if you have one.
You don't have a search engine?...I'm on a old phone and can't c&p links

Just as I thought. You're a FUCKING LIAR.
Too lazy to look into a website....Then lash out at others because of your laziness. \
Typical liberal.
Nothing there. I see no news about Buffett increasing his position in Wells after this panel.
Your blind as well as stupid

Ok, then post the link if you have one.
You don't have a search engine?...I'm on a old phone and can't c&p links

Just as I thought. You're a FUCKING LIAR.
Too lazy to look into a website....Then lash out at others because of your laziness. \
Typical liberal.

I did. There is nothing there, because Vigilante is a liar. She just makes shit up, it's all she does.
Fauxcahontas is nauseating period.

10 bucks says it's all a stage act and she'll get campaign cash from them if she hasn't already.

IIRC WF was the only bank that rejected the bail out.

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