As Wells Fargo Faces Senate Panel, Elizabeth Warren Calls for Criminal Charges

And he bought more when it hit new lows as any smart guy with $30+ billion dollars does...ever hear of cost averaging...look who I'm talking to, Shit Feces that never got close to Eco 101!!!!

You wrote:

Funny as ultra liberal Warren Buffet just bought a huge stake in their stock yesterday.... Leave it to liberal bastards to condemn on one hand while another takes advantage of the situation.

Either put up a fucking link, or admit to everyone that you are a liar.
OK you are a liar....satisfied?

No, idiot -- YOU are the fucking liar. Useless, gutless piece of shit. You think you can just throw out random lies and no one is going to call you on it? lol, what a moron you are. Fucking troll.
We know you are, you don't have to tell us


Fucking lying scum. Hilarious how you were caught in a blatant lie, and you're trying your little heart out to say that "I'm" the one who lied. Trying to copy Trump? You're such a fucking follower. What a loser you are.
Don't you just love when a scumbag subversive has a meltdown.....the entertainment is hysterical! The asshole can't handle the truth!....lololol!
You wrote:

Either put up a fucking link, or admit to everyone that you are a liar.
OK you are a liar....satisfied?

No, idiot -- YOU are the fucking liar. Useless, gutless piece of shit. You think you can just throw out random lies and no one is going to call you on it? lol, what a moron you are. Fucking troll.
We know you are, you don't have to tell us


Fucking lying scum. Hilarious how you were caught in a blatant lie, and you're trying your little heart out to say that "I'm" the one who lied. Trying to copy Trump? You're such a fucking follower. What a loser you are.
Don't you just love when a scumbag subversive has a meltdown.....the entertainment is hysterical! The asshole can't handle the truth!....lololol!

Keep posting, liar -- I will continue to embarrass you over and over and over on this forum. You'll only continue to make yourself look worse, liar.
Wells Fargo CEO grilled in Senate for bank's 'toxic culture'
Someone is a champion of the real people.
Now tells us, you teabaggers, about her claiming her Native American heritage.
But don't comment on the scumbag CEO and those under him and their actions.

"The sham accounting has so far cost the San Francisco-based bank a record $185 million in fines from California and federal regulators, who said the bank fraudulently opened millions of accounts over at least a five-year period in order to meet aggressive sales targets and maintain artificially high levels of its financial products.

The Senate hearing came amid news that some of the politicians questioning the CEO have received donations from the bank and from Stumpf himself. CNBC reported that Wells Fargo made donations to 20 of the 22 members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs — including ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown and Republican Chairman Richard Shelby. Warren is one of the only panel members not to have accepted any contributions from the bank, nor from Stumpf personally."

More truth from Elizabeth Warren.
""You should resign," she bluntly told Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. "You should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission," she said.

It's nice to see at least one politician actually calling for proper action. You won't get that from shrilary.

I am guessing Wells has not donated to her campaign
OK you are a liar....satisfied?

No, idiot -- YOU are the fucking liar. Useless, gutless piece of shit. You think you can just throw out random lies and no one is going to call you on it? lol, what a moron you are. Fucking troll.
We know you are, you don't have to tell us


Fucking lying scum. Hilarious how you were caught in a blatant lie, and you're trying your little heart out to say that "I'm" the one who lied. Trying to copy Trump? You're such a fucking follower. What a loser you are.
Don't you just love when a scumbag subversive has a meltdown.....the entertainment is hysterical! The asshole can't handle the truth!....lololol!

Keep posting, liar -- I will continue to embarrass you over and over and over on this forum. You'll only continue to make yourself look worse, liar.
Please do, then EVERYONE can see what a raving subversive, socialist idiot looks like!...ROTFLMFAO!!!!
It does not change that she claimed to be something she is barely (she's more male than indian)....but the facts is facts....

You have to stand in awe of the incredible depth of liberal ignorance. What is it with libturds and their fealty to serial liars, perverts and sociopaths?
It does not change that she claimed to be something she is barely (she's more male than indian)....but the facts is facts....

You have to stand in awe of the incredible depth of liberal ignorance. What is it with libturds and their fealty to serial liars, perverts and sociopaths?

She's not liberal....

She's a left wing banner-girl.

She hates business.....

But does not mind being a 1%er.
Please do, then EVERYONE can see what a raving subversive, socialist idiot looks like!...ROTFLMFAO!!!!

I knew he was a jabbering moonbat immediately.

Don't wind the little botched abortion up too much. I doubt his mattress can take another salt deposit.

Wells Fargo CEO grilled in Senate for bank's 'toxic culture'
Someone is a champion of the real people.
Now tells us, you teabaggers, about her claiming her Native American heritage.
But don't comment on the scumbag CEO and those under him and their actions.

"The sham accounting has so far cost the San Francisco-based bank a record $185 million in fines from California and federal regulators, who said the bank fraudulently opened millions of accounts over at least a five-year period in order to meet aggressive sales targets and maintain artificially high levels of its financial products.

The Senate hearing came amid news that some of the politicians questioning the CEO have received donations from the bank and from Stumpf himself. CNBC reported that Wells Fargo made donations to 20 of the 22 members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs — including ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown and Republican Chairman Richard Shelby. Warren is one of the only panel members not to have accepted any contributions from the bank, nor from Stumpf personally."

More truth from Elizabeth Warren.
""You should resign," she bluntly told Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. "You should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission," she said.

Do you work for a big bank? I do and I can say there is absolutely no fucking way he could have known about this.

Warren is an ignorant twat. The CEO of a bank would not be looking into small transactions and it would be tough to uncover. Yes the bank had a huge gap in it's controls, but calling the CEO a crook is beyond ignorant.

He was defrauded just the same he set sales quotas and these quotas were artificially met.

She says he set unrealistic sales expectations? How the fuck would she know! She never ran a damn thing.

And yes it is right to bring up her fraudulent activity to expose her hypocrisy!
Last edited:
Warren should be indicted for being a lying lowlife scumbag liberal traitor. We should exile her to France, to punish France.
Do you work for a big bank?

Right there I snarfed beer through my nose. That bed wetter couldn't work a cash register at a stop and rob. He's all sorts of sure that Fauxcohontas was getting than mean rich guy though. That mean rich guy might go home and cry. Lizzy Warden really gives a fruit fly's fuck about unemployable bed wetters who believe government will make them richer by making mean rich people poorer.

Never mind she's the %1 herself bed wetters, and those fuckers don't eat their own... They pave the way to getting that %0.1.

Another teabagger foolish opinion.
Nothing but stupid opinion.
Chew on this teabagger!!!
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

she'd more than gleefully look the other way for one of her owners
wow, what a moron

I'm not in the TP nor do I support trump.

however, your ignorant comeback does not change the fact that I am right.

what makes you the most upset; the fact that I said it or the fact that you knew it before I said it?
Wells Fargo CEO grilled in Senate for bank's 'toxic culture'
Someone is a champion of the real people.
Now tells us, you teabaggers, about her claiming her Native American heritage.
But don't comment on the scumbag CEO and those under him and their actions.

"The sham accounting has so far cost the San Francisco-based bank a record $185 million in fines from California and federal regulators, who said the bank fraudulently opened millions of accounts over at least a five-year period in order to meet aggressive sales targets and maintain artificially high levels of its financial products.

The Senate hearing came amid news that some of the politicians questioning the CEO have received donations from the bank and from Stumpf himself. CNBC reported that Wells Fargo made donations to 20 of the 22 members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs — including ranking Democrat Sherrod Brown and Republican Chairman Richard Shelby. Warren is one of the only panel members not to have accepted any contributions from the bank, nor from Stumpf personally."

More truth from Elizabeth Warren.
""You should resign," she bluntly told Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. "You should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission," she said.

Do you work for a big bank? I do and I can say there is absolutely no fucking way he could have known about this.

Warren is an ignorant twat. The CEO of a bank would not be looking into small transactions and it would be tough to uncover. Yes the bank had a huge gap in it's controls, but calling the CEO a crook is beyond ignorant.

He was defrauded just the same he set sales quotas and these quotas were artificially met.

She says he set unrealistic sales expectations? How the fuck would she know! She never ran a damn thing.

And yes it is right to bring up her fraudulent activity to expose her hypocrisy!

How naïve can you be?

Of course he knew. This was an increase of accounts by customer from 3 to 8. He reported an astounding increase in accounts which inflated stock prices and his personal wealth. As CEO he never realized that the number of accounts was increasing but his number of customers wasn't? He never realized those added accounts were empty?
Stay with it teaBAGGER!
My response was telling you ignorant you really are in not understanding the problem that has taken place.
Once again, teaBAGTER, keep up the stupidity

Another teabagger foolish opinion.
Nothing but stupid opinion.
Chew on this teabagger!!!
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

she'd more than gleefully look the other way for one of her owners
wow, what a moron

I'm not in the TP nor do I support trump.

however, your ignorant comeback does not change the fact that I am right.

what makes you the most upset; the fact that I said it or the fact that you knew it before I said it?
Two million phony bank accounts.

Two million.

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

Two million phony accounts. Folks, that is the very definition of racketeering. This is the definition of organized crime. Prosecutors should be going all RICO on their asses.

Phony bank accounts created by stealing money from hundreds of thousands of their customers.

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

Stolen money which caused overdrafts, which the bank then reported to credit ratings agencies! The motherfuckers stole from their customers, and then reported them as deadbeats!

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

What do we get instead? A motherfucking CEO who says he is accountable.

Accountable? I don't think that word means what he thinks it does.

Accounting. Balancing the books. Is this motherfucking asshole balancing the books? Is he taking the 9 figure profits he made from this scam and reimbursing his victims? Is he leaving no stone unturned to repair his customers damaged credit scores?


Accountable, my ass.
Two million phony bank accounts.

Two million.

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

Two million phony accounts. Folks, that is the very definition of racketeering. This is the definition of organized crime. Prosecutors should be going all RICO on their asses.

Phony bank accounts created by stealing money from hundreds of thousands of their customers.

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

Stolen money which caused overdrafts, which the bank then reported to credit ratings agencies! The motherfuckers stole from their customers, and then reported them as deadbeats!

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

What do we get instead? A motherfucking CEO who says he is accountable.

Accountable? I don't think that word means what he thinks it does.

Accounting. Balancing the books. Is this motherfucking asshole balancing the books? Is he taking the 9 figure profits he made from this scam and reimbursing his victims? Is he leaving no stone unturned to repair his customers damaged credit scores?


Accountable, my ass.

Two million bogus accounts is outright fraud and stock manipulation

Customers see their credit downgraded
Investors are paying inflated prices based on nonexistent increases in numbers of accounts

Low level employees get fired for following company policy and the executives make tens of millions in inflated stocks
Two million phony bank accounts.

Two million.

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

Two million phony accounts. Folks, that is the very definition of racketeering. This is the definition of organized crime. Prosecutors should be going all RICO on their asses.

Phony bank accounts created by stealing money from hundreds of thousands of their customers.

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

Stolen money which caused overdrafts, which the bank then reported to credit ratings agencies! The motherfuckers stole from their customers, and then reported them as deadbeats!

And yet no one is in jail. No one.

What do we get instead? A motherfucking CEO who says he is accountable.

Accountable? I don't think that word means what he thinks it does.

Accounting. Balancing the books. Is this motherfucking asshole balancing the books? Is he taking the 9 figure profits he made from this scam and reimbursing his victims? Is he leaving no stone unturned to repair his customers damaged credit scores?


Accountable, my ass.

Two million bogus accounts is outright fraud and stock manipulation

Customers see their credit downgraded
Investors are paying inflated prices based on nonexistent increases in numbers of accounts

Low level employees get fired for following company policy and the executives make tens of millions in inflated stocks

So when the CEO faux modestly admits he is "accountable", then he needs to truly be accountable and balance the books.
I'm sick and tired of these mobsters not doing any prison time.

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