As with Trump's Lawyers claims about a Jury trial, MAGA House members prove clueless on how to issue congressional subpoenas with actual power

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Just like the
We are having a non-jury trial because we are hearing a non-jury case,” Engoron said, according to Yahoo! News and ABC News reports. “It would have not helped to make a motion. Nobody forgot to check off a box.”

Hunter Biden's team of professional lawyers:

Hunter Biden argued Friday that the subpoenas House Republicans have issued to him are invalid, his latest attempt to counter the contempt of Congress case that Republicans are pursuing against him as part of their impeachment inquiry into his father.

In a letter to Congress, Mr. Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, argued that the subpoenas do not carry legal weight because they were authorized before the House had voted to open an impeachment investigation into President Biden.

“I write to make you aware (if you are not already) that your subpoenas were and are legally invalid and cannot form a legal basis to proceed with your misdirected and impermissible contempt resolution,” Mr. Lowell wrote to Representative James R. Comer, Republican of Kentucky, and Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio.

The Oversight and Judiciary Committees, led by Mr. Comer and Mr. Jordan, respectively, issued subpoenas for the younger Mr. Biden in November, but the full House did not vote to approve the inquiry until mid-December, more than a month later

I guess the MAGA Branch of the GOP needs to remember how miserably the Tea Party Branch did with Benghazi and Hillary's emails...
Are you seriously trying to spin this into a Biden victory?

After that disastrous visit to the audience of a congressional hearing, in which Hunter’s attorneys finally mercifully let him run away from MTG of all people, his lawyers, and I include the Justice Department, realize there is no to avoid a referral for contempt, and that the DOJ will lose what ever credibility it has if that goes the way of the Eric Holder contempt citation.

There is not one law anywhere in this nation that says that there has to be an impeachment inquiry voted by the full house in order for the judiciary committee to issue a subpoena.

If Hunter’s lawyers want to negotiate with Congress, well they should have done that in the first place instead of stunts in which the rub the average American’s nose in Biden privilege. Better a lesson late learned than never learned, I suppose.

Congress would be legally justified in referring the case to the DOJ as it stands, since Hunter is indeed in contempt of a valid subpoena. If they want to give him a face saving way to do what his idiot lawyers should have told him he had to do in the first place, so be it. But they should not trust those slimesucking sleazeballs any more than they should trust Michael Cohen.
The right doesn't understand how laws work, and are too childish to find out. Remember when the House wrote a bill that gave the Senate a deadline to agree to it, and would go into effect after that date? That's the kind of goofy stuff that happens with MAGA.
After that disastrous visit to the audience of a congressional hearing,


Hunter: "I'm here and I'd like to testify now."

Republicans "NO! NO! NO! NO! NONONONONONONONONONONO! And we still want to jail you for not testifying!"

Yes, the whole nation is still laughing hard at all Republicans.

How do you Republicans manage to look into a mirror without puking? If I behaved like you all do, I'd feel compelled to commit ritual hari-kari to remove the stain of dishonor from my family.
Not at all what Republicans said. So the rest of your “point” is nonsense.
Hunter: "I'm here and I'd like to testify now."

Republicans "NO! NO! NO! NO! NONONONONONONONONONONO! And we still want to jail you for not testifying!"

Yes, the whole nation is still laughing hard at all Republicans.

How do you Republicans manage to look into a mirror without puking? If I behaved like you all do, I'd feel compelled to commit ritual hari-kari to remove the stain of dishonor from my family.
Hunter was issued a congressional subpoena, and neither he nor his lawyers gave a reason that he should be privileged to refuse it. Instead they had him pull a stunt by giving a speech on the lawn of congress simply refusing to comply.

Then yesterday, he pulled that sit-in-the-audience stunt that went so badly for him that he actually had to flee Marjorie Taylor Green.
WEF shills really trying hard to set the narrative.

America. When the WEF deems these shillbots and NPCs on sites like this "ineffective", they will simply move to remove Americans access to them.

Democrats = WEF

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