Zone1 Asbury Professor: We’re Witnessing a ‘Surprising Work of God

You don't decide what is and is not sin. And the Catholic Church had ZERO to do with the witchcraft trials here in this hemisphere. I don't know about Europe though.

Here is the biblical definition of sin:

SIN IS the transgression of the Law--I John 3:4
I really think that while 1 John is not incorrect, we have to understand that Old Testament Law is to be understood differently within Jesus' examples. For instance he did miracles on the Sabbath which the "Law" was interpreted as sin.

Looking at it all in full context, I honestly think sin is that which harms us and/or others and is sin whether or not we realize the harm we do. That is why I honestly believe all of us are sinners and in need of forgiveness and redemption.
The Catholic church is eventually going to face the question on what constitutes a sin. That which was true for the church in the 19th. century can't be wholly true for today.

We can begin with the most egregious sins of the church itself by recalling how witchcraft was dealt with.
A sin is missing the ideal. How is witchcraft dealt with now?
Thank you. We can disagree civilly and politely, without you questioning my ability.
God blinds the natural man who rejects the gift of the Holy Spirit. You can only get the Holy Spirit through Jesus.

This is what he meant.

So you will never be able to understand spiritual matters until you yield to the gift of God's salvation.

And where do the blind go? They end up in "The Pit"
A sin is missing the ideal. How is witchcraft dealt with now?
I don't think witchcraft is dealt with in any way. As far as I know there's no church that still believes there is such a thing as witches.

I'm not sure about that so could you tell me?
I don't think witchcraft is dealt with in any way. As far as I know there's no church that still believes there is such a thing as witches.
Correct. So if the problem was solved centuries ago, why bring it up today?
Correct. So if the problem was solved centuries ago, why bring it up today?
Well, the issue was brought up by me as an example of how sin has been subject to change over the years and .......................
You can go back over the comments in this thread and find the complete answer.

I trust you to be an honest person and I hope that doesn't have to change. I can accept you standing up for your religious beliefs if you do it in a civil and polite way.

In fact, I challenge you to meet the standards for civil debate, that I have adhered to as an atheist. Please don't disappoint. Ding has demonstrated that rudeness can come back to soil his own nest.
I challenge you to meet the standards for civil debate, that I have adhered to as an atheist. Please don't disappoint. Ding has demonstrated that rudeness can come back to soil his own nest.
Civil debate precludes intentionally misstating the beliefs of others for the express purpose of misleading others. You violate that on almost every post you make. It's not so much that you don't know how to debate honestly as much as it is if you do debate honestly you will lose the debate because you believe wrong things. Your lack of character is materially relevant to these discussions. Because it shows just how poor your arguments are.
........................if you do debate honestly you will lose the debate because you believe wrong things.
That's one point worth considering, aside from the cheap attacks that are expected from you, as a Christian. Are you a kinder and more gentler person without your Christian hat on? You're attacking me for what you believe are my wrong beliefs.
That's one point worth considering, aside from the cheap attacks that are expected from you, as a Christian. Are you a kinder and more gentler person without your Christian hat on? You're attacking me for what you believe are my wrong beliefs.
I'm not attacking you for believing something wrong. I'm attacking your poor behavior because your believing something wrong has led you to attack mine. I'm just defending myself from your silliness.
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Most Wednesday mornings at Asbury University are like any other. A few minutes before 10, students begin to gather in Hughes Auditorium for chapel. Students are required to attend a certain number of chapels each semester, so they tend to show up as a matter of routine.

But this past Wednesday was different. After the benediction, the gospel choir began to sing a final chorus—and then something began to happen that defies easy description. Students did not leave. They were struck by what seemed to be a quiet but powerful sense of transcendence, and they did not want to go. They stayed and continued to worship. They are still there.

I teach theology across the street at Asbury Theological Seminary, and when I heard of what was happening, I immediately decided to go to the chapel to see for myself. When I arrived, I saw hundreds of students singing quietly. They were praising and praying earnestly for themselves and their neighbors and our world—expressing repentance and contrition for sin and interceding for healing, wholeness, peace, and justice.

Revival is here.
This gives me hope for our future.
I believe being Christian means to stand for right and oppose wrong. Your attempt to subordinate religion is wrong. I'm not attacking you for wrong beliefs, I'm defending myself from your attacks.
You clearly attacked my beliefs as wrong and I quoted that. You're welcome to characterize your effort as something different. I won't accuse you of lying about it, because it's of the same intent, but your new choice of explanation is an indication to me that you're responding to may criticism of your personal attacks!
You clearly attacked my beliefs as wrong and I quoted that. You're welcome to characterize your effort as something different. I won't accuse you of lying about it, because it's of the same intent, but your new choice of explanation is an indication to me that you're responding to may criticism of your personal attacks!
Your beliefs are wrong. But that's not why you are being attacked. I'm defending my beliefs because your belief lead you to attack mine. This is me defending my beliefs against your attacks. Put down your guns and there won't be a war.
Your beliefs are wrong. But that's not why you are being attacked. I'm defending my beliefs because your belief lead you to attack mine. This is me defending my beliefs against your attacks. Put down your guns and there won't be a war.
The word is 'led'. It's not a metal.

My beliefs and my comments aren't guns, and in case you call it 'weaponized' against Christianity, they're not. You're hearing my opinions being stated in a calm and polite way. The way that is intended for zone 1.

Your religion has armed you with a method to defuse your anger and frustration. I suggest you recall what you've learned and practice it!

With due respect for Meriweather, he/she is setting an example of appropriate behaviour.
The word is 'led'. It's not a metal.

My beliefs and my comments aren't guns, and in case you call it 'weaponized' against Christianity, they're not. You're hearing my opinions being stated in a calm and polite way. The way that is intended for zone 1.

Your religion has armed you with a method to defuse your anger and frustration. I suggest you recall what you've learned and practice it!

With due respect for Meriweather, he/she is setting an example of appropriate behaviour.
Lead as in cause, dummy.

This is pretty simple, if you keep playing the game you are playing, I'll keep playing the game I am playing. I'm going to continue to make you defend your nest. You don't get to play offense without playing defense.

Now go read that link about Jonah by that nice Jewish Rabbi so you can learn something for a change.
Lead as in cause, dummy.

This is pretty simple, if you keep playing the game you are playing, I'll keep playing the game I am playing. I'm going to continue to make you defend your nest. You don't get to play offense without playing defense.

Now go read that link about Jonah by that nice Jewish Rabbi so you can learn something for a change.
My friend, I read until if found that the 'big fish' story was intended to be 'literal', and then they said that the animals fasted too!

It was obvious that the story didn't accept the fact that rhetorical and embellished stories had come to be accepted by modern religion.

To continue would just be backsliding from the progress we've already made.

Later pal, I must take my Lithium before I do something bad to my new kitten.
My friend, I read until if found that the 'big fish' story was intended to be 'literal', and then they said that the animals fasted too!

It was obvious that the story didn't accept the fact that rhetorical and embellished stories had come to be accepted by modern religion.

To continue would just be backsliding from the progress we've already made.

Later pal, I must take my Lithium before I do something bad to my new kitten.
You clearly didn't read the link I provided if that was what you got from that. Can you post that part that said, "the 'big fish' story was intended to be 'literal'?"

So quit your lying. Because clearly your lack of honesty proves you know you lost. You can't admit the truth. Read what the Rabbi wrote.

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